Cannas Marcella

Thèse de doctorat 2008/2011
Ecole doctorale de l’Université de La Rochelle

Formation d’origine :
Master en Sciences Biologiques (Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Italie)

Effet de l’hypoxie et des polluants organiques sur le comportement anti-prédateur et le potentiel énergétique des juvéniles de soles communes, (Solea solea).

Mots clés : Hypoxie, PCBs, métabolisme énergétique, comportement anti-prédateur, Solea solea
Directeur de thèse :
Paco Bustamante, Professeur, Université de La Rochelle, LIENSs

Responsables scientifiques :

  • Christel LEFRANCOIS, Maître de Conférences, Université de La Rochelle, LIENSs
  • Paolo DOMENICI, IAMC-CNR (Institut sur l’environnement marin côtier, Conseil National de la Recherche, Italie)
    Financement : Région Sardaigne (Italie)

Effet de l’hypoxie et des polluants organiques sur le comportement anti-prédateur et le potentiel énergétique des juvéniles de soles communes, Solea solea.

“Aerobic Metabolism Scope” measurement

Coastal zones are used as nursery by some teleosts during their first stage of development (juvenile), where they can find food necessary for growing. Anthropogenic impacts upon costal ecosystems lead to an increase, in frequency and intensity, of hypoxia (low levels of oxygen concentration in the water) and of organic pollutants (i.e. polychlorinated biphenyl, PCBs). To survive, juvenile of sole (Solea solea) have to cope to these constraints. Within this context, the present research project is focused on the influence of PCBs and hypoxia on two important functions that affect both survival and growth of fish : (i) reaction to a predator and (ii) aerobic metabolic scope.

“Escape response” in Solea solea

Principales collaborations : IAMC-CNR (Institut sur l’environnement marin côtier, Conseil National de la Recherche, Italie)


  • M. Cannas, J. Schaefer, JF Steffensen, Domenici (2006). Gait transition and oxygen consumption in swimming striped surf perch (Embiotoca lateralis). Journal of Fish Biology 69 pg 1612-1625
  • C. Lefrançois, M. Cannas, P. Morniere, P.Domenici (2007). Kinematics of fast-start swimming in a pelagic fish, the mackerel Scomber scombrus. SEB- Society Experimental Biology International Annual Meeting 2007, Glasgow. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology- Part A : Molecular & Integratve Physiology. Volume 146, Issue 4 Supplement 1, April 2007, page S125. (Résumés des présentations)
  • M. Cannas, A. Bayle, O. Lan Chow Wing , P. Domenici, C. Lefrançois (2007).Behaviour and physiology of the startle response in common sole (Solea solea) exposed to hypoxia. SEB- Society Experimental Biology International Annual Meeting 2007, Glasgow. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Volume 146, Issue 4 Supplement 1, April 2007, page S85 ( Résumés des présentations)
  • M. Cannas, A. Satta, R.S. Ferrari, A. de Lucia e P. Domenici .The effect of hypoxia on the escape response of sole (Solea solea). SEB- Society Experimental Biology International Annual Meeting 2005, Barcelone. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 141,page S171 (2005) ( Résumés des presentations)
  • M. Cannas, G. Claireaux and P. Domenici. Post-prandial oxygen consumption in the Dover sole ( Solea solea). SEB- Society Experimental Biology International Annual Meeting 2004, Edimbourg. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 137 (2004) (Résumés des presentations)
  • Rivas Diaz R., M. Cannas, Z. Dalla Valle, R. Levine, M. Macnutt, G. Martinez, A. Paglianti, M. Peterson, J. Schaefer, E. Standen, N. Zorich, P. Domenici, G. Claireaux, J.F. Steffensen (2003). Influence of temperature on swimming performance of the european sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). SEB- Society Experimental Biology International Annual Meeting 2003, Southampton. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 134, Page S9( Résumés des présentations)
  • M. Cannas, J. Schaeffer, JF. Steffensen, P. Domenici (2003). Gait transition and oxygen consumption in swimming striped surf perch (Embiotoca lateralis Agazzis).SEB- Society Experimental Biology International Annual Meeting 2003, Southampton. Integrative Comparative Biochemistry 42:1307 (2003) (Résumés des présentations)