Récapet Charlotte
- Équipe de rattachement : AMARE
- charlotte.recapet@univ-lr.fr
- Tél. : 05 46 50 76 28
Université de La Rochelle
Section de Recherche : CNU 67-68
Mots clés : variabilité individuelle, normes de réaction, traits d’histoire de vie, compromis évolutifs, métabolisme
Thèmes de Recherche.
- A longitudinal, within-individual view of life-history trade-offs
Publications représentatives de l’activité de Recherche :
Récapet C., Bize P., Doligez B., 2017. Food availability modulates differences in parental effort between dispersing and philopatric birds. Behavioral Ecology in press.
Récapet C., Sibeaux A., Cauchard L., Doligez B., Bize P., 2016. Selective disappearance of individuals with high levels of glycated hemoglobin in the free living collared flycatcher. Biology Letters 12:20160243.
Récapet C., Zahariev A., Blanc S., Arrivé M., Criscuolo F., Bize P., Doligez B., 2016. Differences in the oxidative balance of dispersing and non-dispersing individuals : an experimental approach in a passerine bird. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:125.
Récapet C., Daniel G., Taroni J., Bize P., Doligez B., 2016. Food supplementation mitigates dispersal-dependent differences in nest-defence in a passerine bird. Biology Letters 12:20160097.
Jacquin L., Récapet C., Bouche P., Leboucher G., Gasparini J., 2012. Melanin-based coloration reflects alternative strategies to cope with food limitation in pigeons. Behavioral Ecology 23(4):907-915.