Becker Mélanie

Chercheur, DR

Section de Recherche : section 39 « Espaces, Territoires et Sociétés »
Institut référent : INSHS

Mots clés : niveau de la mer, delta, changement climatique, analyse de données, impact anthropique

Thèmes de Recherche.
  • Evolution du niveau de la mer en réponse au changement climatique (réchauffement des océans, variations des stocks d’eaux continentales)
  • Utilisation des techniques spatiales (altimétrie, gravimétrie spatiale, imagerie) pour l’étude du niveau de la mer, de l’hydrologie continentale et du cycle de l’eau
  • Interface terre/mer : étude d’impact de l’élévation relative du niveau de la mer dans les régions deltaïques.
  • Processus longue mémoire, complexité, théorie de la détection.

Liste des Publications :

47 résultats


Communication dans un congrès

Prospective Surfaces Continentales
Melanie Becker , Agnès Bégué , Sylvain Biancamaria , Xavier Briottet , Céline Calleya , Thibault Catry , Jérôme Chave , Samuel Corgne , Sophie Fabre , Pierre-Louis Frison , Simon Gascoin , Olivier Hagolle , Valentine Lebourgeois , Aude Lemonsu , Delphine Leroux , Fabienne Maignan , Philippe Maisongrande , Albert Olioso , Thierry Pellarin , Charlotte Pelletier , Anne Puissant , Anne C Richer-De-Forges , Jean-Louis Roujean , Aurélien Sacotte , Kamel Soudani , Maguelonne Teisseire
Séminaire de Prospective Scientifique, CNES, Oct 2024, Saint Malo (FR), France


Article dans une revue

A long-term monthly surface water storage dataset for the Congo basin from 1992 to 2015
Benjamin M Kitambo , Fabrice Papa , Adrien Paris , Raphael M Tshimanga , Frédéric Frappart , Stephane Calmant , Omid Elmi , Ayan Santos Fleischmann , Melanie Becker , Mohammad J Tourian , Romulo Augusto Juca Oliveira , Sly Wongchuig
Earth System Science Data, 2023, ⟨10.5194/essd-15-2957-2023⟩
Increased exposure of coastal cities to sea-level rise due to internal climate variability
Melanie Becker , M. Karpytchev , A. Hu
Nature Climate Change, 2023, 13 (367–374), ⟨10.1038/s41558-023-01603-w⟩


Article dans une revue

Bangladesh's vulnerability to cyclonic coastal flooding
Aurélia Bernard , Nathalie Long , Melanie Becker , Jamal Uddin Khan , Sylvie Fanchette
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2022, 22 (3), pp.729 - 751. ⟨10.5194/nhess-22-729-2022⟩
A combined use of in situ and satellite-derived observations to characterize surface hydrology and its variability in the Congo River basin
Benjamin Kitambo , Fabrice Papa , Adrien Paris , Raphael M. Tshimanga , Stephane Calmant , Ayan Santos Fleischmann , Frédéric Frappart , Melanie Becker , Mohammad J. Tourian , Catherine Prigent , Johary Andriambeloson
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2022, 26, pp.1857-1882. ⟨10.5194/hess-26-1857-2022⟩


Article dans une revue

Disentangling vertical land motion and waves from coastal sea level altimetry and tide gauges
Solène Dealbera , Rafael Almar , Fabrice Papa , Melanie Becker , Guy Wöppelmann
Continental Shelf Research, 2021, 231, pp.104596. ⟨10.1016/j.csr.2021.104596⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Subsidence and relative sea level rates in the Bengal delta
Celine Grall , Michael Steckler , Yann Krien , Steve Goodbred , Amelia Winner , Nahin Rezwan , Mikhail Karpytchev , Ken Ferrier , Melanie Becker , Syed Humayun Akther
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France


Article dans une revue

Water level changes, subsidence, and sea level rise in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta
Melanie Becker , Fabrice Papa , Mikhail Karpytchev , Caroline Delebecque , Yann Krien , Jamal Uddin Khan , Valérie Ballu , Fabien Durand , Gonéri Le Cozannet , Akm Saiful Islam , Stéphane Calmant , C. K Shum
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 117 (4), pp.1867-1876. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1912921117⟩


Article dans une revue

Towards Comprehensive Observing and Modeling Systems for Monitoring and Predicting Regional to Coastal Sea Level
Rui Ponte , Mark L Carson , Mauro Cirano , Catia Domingues , Svetlana Jevrejeva , Marta Marcos , Gary Mitchum , R. van de Wal , Philip Woodworth , Michael Ablain , Fabrice Ardhuin , Valérie Ballu , Melanie Becker , Jérôme Benveniste , Florence Birol , Elizabeth Bradshaw , Anny Cazenave , P. de Mey-Frémaux , Fabien Durand , Tal Ezer , Lee-Lueng Fu , Ichiro Fukumori , Kathy Gordon , Médéric Gravelle , Stephen M Griffies , Weiqing Han , Angela Hibbert , Chris Hughes , Déborah Idier , Villy Kourafalou , Christopher Little , Andrew Matthews , Angélique Mélet , Mark Merrifield , Benoit Meyssignac , Shoshiro Minobe , Thierry Penduff , Nicolas Picot , Christopher Piecuch , Richard Ray , Lesley Rickards , Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez , Detlef Stammer , Joanna Staneva , Laurent Testut , Keith Thompson , Philip Thompson , Stefano Vignudelli , Joanne Williams , Simon Williams , Guy Woppelmann , Laure Zanna , Xuebin Zhang
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2019, 6, ⟨10.3389/fmars.2019.00437⟩
Climate Model Uncertainty and Trend Detection in Regional Sea Level Projections: A Review
Mark L Carson , Kewei Lyu , Kristin Richter , Melanie Becker , Catia Domingues , Weiqing Han , Laure Zanna
Surveys in Geophysics, 2019, ⟨10.1007/s10712-019-09559-3⟩
Impact of Continental Freshwater Runoff on Coastal Sea Level
Fabien Durand , Christopher Piecuch , Melanie Becker , Fabrice Papa , Sherin Raju , Jamal Khan , Rui Ponte
Surveys in Geophysics, 2019, ⟨10.1007/s10712-019-09536-w⟩
Relative sea-level rise and the influence of vertical land motion at Tropical Pacific Islands
Adrian Martínez-Asensio , Guy Woppelmann , Valérie Ballu , Melanie Becker , Laurent Testut , Alexandre K. Magnan , Virginie Duvat
Global and Planetary Change, 2019, 176, pp.132-143. ⟨10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.03.008⟩
Vertical land motion in the Southwest and Central Pacific from available GNSS solutions and implications for relative sea levels
Valérie Ballu , Médéric Gravelle , Guy Woppelmann , Olivier de Viron , Paul Rebischung , Melanie Becker , Pierre Sakic
Geophysical Journal International, 2019, 218, pp.1537 - 1551. ⟨10.1093/gji/ggz247⟩
Present‐day subsidence in the Ganges‐Brahmaputra‐Meghna Delta: eastern amplification of the Holocene sediment loading contribution
Y. Krien , M. Karpytchev , V. Ballu , Melanie Becker , C. Grall , S. Goodbred , S. Calmant , C.K. Shum , Z. Khan
Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, 46 (19), pp.10764-10772. ⟨10.1029/2019GL083601⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Hotspots of relative sea level rise in the Tropics
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Fabrice Papa
Tropical Extremes : Natural Variability and Trends, Elsevier, pp.203-262, 2019, 978-0-12-809248-4. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-12-809248-4.00007-8⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Impact of Land Subsidence on Extreme Sea Levels and Floodings in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
M. Karpytchev , Melanie Becker , Y. Krien , C. Grall , V. Ballu , A. Palenstijn , A. S. Islam , F. Durand , M. J. U. Khan
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec 2019, San Francisco, United States
Irreducible Uncertainties in Future Sea Level Rise: The importance of Internal Climate Variability
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser
14th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology (IMSC), Jun 2019, Toulouse, France
Bangladesh's coastal vulnerability due to relative sea level rise and storm-surge inundation
Melanie Becker , Jamal Uddin Khan , Yann Krien , Fabien Durand , Fabrice Papa , Laurent Testut , Mikhaïl Karpytchev , Akm Saiful Islam , Stéphane Calmant
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, May 2019, Vienne, Austria


Article dans une revue

Satellite-based estimates of surface water dynamics in the Congo River Basin
Melanie Becker , F. Papa , Frédéric Frappart , D. Alsdorf , S. Calmant , J. Santos da Silva , C. Prigent , F. Seyler
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2018, 66, pp.196 - 209. ⟨10.1016/j.jag.2017.11.015⟩
Contributions of a Strengthened Early Holocene Monsoon and Sediment Loading to Present-Day Subsidence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
Mikhail Karpytchev , V. Ballu , Y. Krien , Melanie Becker , S. Goodbred , G. Spada , S. Calmant , C. K Shum , Z. Khan
Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, 45 (3), pp.1433-1442. ⟨10.1002/2017GL076388⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Irreducible Uncertainties and Persistence in Sea Level Variations
Mikhail Karpytchev , Melanie Becker , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec 2018, Washington, United States
Regional Sea Level Changes in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta Since 1970s
Melanie Becker , F. Papa , M. Karpytchev , A. S. Islam , S. Calmant
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec 2018, Washington, United States
Understanding of the Hydrological Variability in the Congo Basin and its Cuvette Centrale Gained by the Large Variety of Remote Sensors
Stephane Calmant , Melanie Becker , Fabrice Papa , Doug Alsdorf , Adrien Paris , F. Seyler
AGU Chapman Conference, Sep 2018, Washington, United States
Effect of internal climate variability on coastal sea level projections
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser , S Lennartz-Sassinek
ISSI Workshop Coastal Sea Level, Mar 2018, Bern, Switzerland


Communication dans un congrès

Uncertainties in Future Regional Sea Level Trends: How to Deal with the Internal Climate Variability?
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser , S Lennartz-Sassinek
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 2017, New Orleans, United States
Monitoring the evolution of coastal zones under various forcing factors using space-based observing systems
Anny Cazenave , Jérôme Benveniste , Nicolas Champollion , Gonéri Le Cozannet , Philip Woodworth , Michael Ablain , Melanie Becker , Silvia Ciccarelli , Svetlana Jevrejeva , Nicoletta Leornardi , Hubert Loisel , Nathalie Long , Philippe Maisongrande , Cyril Mallet , Marta Marcos , Melisa Menéndez , Benoît Meyssignac , Andrew Plater , Daniel Raucoules , Andrea Taramelli , Stefano Vignudelli , Emiliana Valentini , Guy Wöppelmann
WCRP-IOC Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts Conference, World Climate Research Programme (WCRP); Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, Jul 2017, New York, United States


Article dans une revue

Improved bathymetric dataset and tidal model for the head Bay of Bengal
Yann Krien , Clément Mayet , Laurent Testut , Fabien Durand , A.R. Tazkia , A.K.M.S. Islam , V.V. Gopalakrishna , Melanie Becker , Stéphane Calmant , C.K. Shum , Z.K. Khan , Fabrice Papa , Valérie Ballu
Marine Geodesy, 2016, 39, pp.422-438. ⟨10.1080/01490419.2016.1227405⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Impact of internal climate memory on future sea level rise
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser , S Lennartz-Sassinek
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 2016, San Francisco, United States
Hotspot of land-sea interaction: the world’s delta
Melanie Becker , Fabrice Papa , Mikhail Karpytchev , Akm Saiful Islam , Stephane Calmant
ISSI Forum on Monitoring Coastal Zones Evolution, Oct 2016, Bern, Switzerland


Article dans une revue

Temporal and Spatial Assessment of Four Satellite Rainfall Estimates over French Guiana and North Brazil
Justine Ringard , Melanie Becker , F. Seyler , Laurent Linguet
Remote Sensing, 2015, Satellite Climate Data Records and Applications, 7 (12), pp.16441-16459. ⟨10.3390/rs71215831⟩
Patterns comportementaux sur la page d’accueil et performances de navigation sur les sites web
Melanie Becker , Christian Joseph Maurice Bastien , Gautier Drusch
Psychologie Française, 2015, 60 (2), pp.159-171. ⟨10.1016/j.psfr.2015.03.004⟩
Global surveys of reservoirs and lakes from satellites and regional application to the Syrdarya river basin
Jean-Francois Cretaux , Sylvain Biancamaria , Adalbert Arsen , Muriel Berge-Nguyen , Melanie Becker
Environmental Research Letters, 2015, 10 (1), pp.015002. ⟨10.1088/1748-9326/10/1/015002⟩


Article dans une revue

Water Level Fluctuations in the Congo Basin Derived from ENVISAT Satellite Altimetry
Melanie Becker , Joecila da Silva , Stéphane Calmant , Vivien Robinet , Laurent Linguet , F. Seyler
Remote Sensing, 2014, 6 (10), pp.9340-9358. ⟨10.3390/rs6109340⟩


Article dans une revue

Exploring the relation between sea level rise and shoreline erosion using sea level reconstructions: an example in French Polynesia
Gonéri Le Cozannet , Manuel Garcin , Lise Petitjean , Anny Cazenave , Melanie Becker , Benoit Meyssignac , Patrice Walker , Caroline Devilliers , Olivier Le Brun , Sophie Lecacheux , Audrey Baills , Thomas Bulteau , Marissa L. Yates , Guy Wöppelmann
Journal of Coastal Research, 2013, 65 (Special Issue), pp. 2137-2142. ⟨10.2112/SI65-361.1⟩


Article dans une revue

Estimating ENSO Influence on the Global Mean Sea Level, 1993-2010
Anny Cazenave , Olivier Henry , Simon Munier , Thierry Delcroix , A. L. Gordon , Benoit Meyssignac , W. Llovel , Hindumathi Palanisamy , Melanie Becker
Marine Geodesy, 2012, 35, pp.82-97. ⟨10.1080/01490419.2012.718209⟩
An Assessment of Two-Dimensional Past Sea Level Reconstructions Over 1950-2009 Based on Tide-Gauge Data and Different Input Sea Level Grids
Benoit Meyssignac , Melanie Becker , W. Llovel , Anny Cazenave
Surveys in Geophysics, 2012, 33 (5), pp.945-972. ⟨10.1007/s10712-011-9171-x⟩
Regional sea level change and variability in the Caribbean sea since 1950
Hindumathi Palanisamy , Melanie Becker , Benoit Meyssignac , Olivier Henry , Anny Cazenave
Journal of Geodetic Science, 2012, 2 (2), pp.125-133. ⟨10.2478/v10156-011-0029-4⟩
Simon Munier , Melanie Becker , Philippe Maisongrande , Anny Cazenave
International Water Technology Journal, 2012, 2, pp.2-13
Tropical Pacific spatial trend patterns in observed sea level: internal variability and/or anthropogenic signature?
Benoit Meyssignac , David Salas y Melia , Melanie Becker , W. Llovel , Anny Cazenave
Climate of the Past, 2012, 8, pp.787-802. ⟨10.5194/cp-8-787-2012⟩
Sea level variations at tropical Pacific islands since 1950
Melanie Becker , Benoit Meyssignac , Camille Letetrel , W. Llovel , Anny Cazenave , Thierry Delcroix
Global and Planetary Change, 2012, 80-81, pp.85-98. ⟨10.1016/j.gloplacha.2011.09.004⟩


Article dans une revue

L'élévation récente du niveau marin et l'érosion côtière : le cas d'îles océaniques du Pacifique
Gonéri Le Cozannet , Anny Cazenave , Manuel Garcin , Melanie Becker , Vincent Donato , Philippe Rogel , David Salas y Melia , Patrice Walker , Guy Wöppelmann , Marissa L. Yates
Géosciences, 2011, 14, pp.92-99
Past terrestrial water storage (1980-2008) in the Amazon Basin reconstructed from GRACE and in situ river gauging data
Melanie Becker , Benoit Meyssignac , Luciano Xavier , Anny Cazenave , Ramdane Alkama , Bertrand Decharme
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2011, 15, pp.533-546. ⟨10.5194/hess-15-533-2011⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Tangibilité et interaction homme-machine : une autre approche de l'affordance
Jean Caelen , Melanie Becker , Anne Pellegrin-Mille
EPIQUE, Sep 2011, Metz, France
Evaluation of groundwater storage variations in various large aquifers using GRACE data
Simon Munier , Melanie Becker , Philippe Maisongrande , Anny Cazenave
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, 2011, Vienne, Austria. 1p


Article dans une revue

Recent hydrological behavior of the East African great lakes region inferred from GRACE, satellite altimetry and rainfall observations
Melanie Becker , W. Llovel , Anny Cazenave , Andreas Guentner , Jean-Francois Cretaux
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2010, 342 (3), pp.223-233. ⟨10.1016/j.crte.2009.12.010⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Apports de la tangibilité à l'interaction, exemple sur table interactive en situation de travail collectif
Jean Caelen , Melanie Becker , Hervé Schultz , Sébastien Kubicki , Christophe Kolski , Sophie Lepreux
Conference Internationale Francophone sur I'Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM '10, Sep 2010, Luxembourg, Luxembourg


Article dans une revue

Impact of a shift in mean on the sea level rise: Application to the tide gauges in the Southern Netherlands
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Manuel Davy , Koos Doekes
Continental Shelf Research, 2009, 29 (4), pp.741-749. ⟨10.1016/j.csr.2008.12.005⟩