Article dans une revue
Importance of eukaryotes in shaping microbial benthic communities in Charente-maritime marshes, France
Clélia Duran
Andréa Bouchard
Hélène Agogué
Christine Dupuy
Robert Duran
Cristiana Cravo-Laureau
Warming could shift the phenological responses of benthic microalgae in temperate intertidal zones
Raphaël Savelli
Vincent Le Fouest
Mélanie Becker
Garance Perrois
Fabienne Rousset
Christine Dupuy
Marc Simard
Dimitris Menemenlis
Home range sizes and nychthemeral habitat uses by the Northern Shoveler Spatula clypeata on prenuptial stopovers in Vendée marshes, western France
Axelle Moreau
Clément Rousseau
Pierrick Bocher
Christine Dupuy
Sébastien Farau
ZooCAMNet : plankton images captured with the ZooCAM
Jean-Baptiste Romagnan
Thelma Panaïotis
Paul Bourriau
Marie-Madeleine Danielou
Mathieu Doray
Christine Dupuy
Bertrand Forest
Nina Grandremy
Martin Huret
Sophie Le Mestre
Antoine Nowaczyk
Pierre Petitgas
Philippe Pineau
Justin Rouxel
Morgan Tardivel
Jean-Olivier Irisson
Diagnosis of planktonic trophic network dynamics with sharp qualitative changes
Cédric Gaucherel
Stolian Fayolle
Raphael Savelli
Olivier Philippine
Franck Pommereau
Christine Dupuy
Metazoan zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay: a 16-year record of individual sizes and abundances obtained using the ZooScan and ZooCAM imaging systems
Nina Grandremy
Paul Bourriau
Edwin Daché
Marie-Madeleine Danielou
Mathieu Doray
Christine Dupuy
Bertrand Forest
Laetitia Jalabert
Martin Huret
Sophie Le Mestre
Antoine Nowaczyk
Pierre Petitgas
Philippe Pineau
Justin Rouxel
Morgan Tardivel
Jean-Baptiste Romagnan
Understanding sediment and carbon accumulation in macrotidal minerogenic saltmarshes for climate resilience
Benjamin Amann
Eric Chaumillon
Xavier Bertin
Cecilia Pignon-Mussaud
Marie-Claire Perello
Christine Dupuy
Nathalie Long
Sabine Schmidt
Sedimentary geochemistry in P-limited freshwater drained marshes (Charente-Maritime, France): Original drivers for phosphorus mobilization
Raphaël Moncelon
Christine Dupuy
Philippe Pineau
Claire Emery
Eric Bénéteau
Olivier Philippine
François-Xavier Robin
Édouard Metzger
Article dans une revue
The ZooScan and the ZooCAM zooplankton imaging systems are intercomparable: A benchmark on the Bay of Biscay zooplankton
Nina Grandremy
Christine Dupuy
Pierre Petitgas
Sophie Le Mestre
Paul Bourriau
Antoine Nowaczyk
Bertrand Forest
Jean-Baptiste Romagnan
Diversity, community structure, and quantity of eukaryotic phytoplankton revealed using 18S rRNA and plastid 16S rRNA genes and pigment markers: A case study of the Pearl River Estuary
Shumin Xu
Guihao Li
Cui He
Yi Huang
Dan Yu
Huiwen Deng
Zhuyin Tong
Yichong Wang
Christine Dupuy
Bangqin Huang
Zhuo Shen
Jie Xu
Jun Gong
Metazoan zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay: 16 years of individual sizes and abundances from the ZooScan and ZooCAM imaging systems
Nina Grandremy
Paul Bourriau
Edwin Daché
Marie-Madeleine Danielou
Mathieu Doray
Christine Dupuy
Bertrand Forest
Laetitia Jalabert
Martin Huret
Sophie Le Mestre
Antoine Nowaczyk
Pierre Petitgas
Philippe Pineau
Justin Rouxel
Morgan Tardivel
Jean-Baptiste Romagnan
Isotopic niches of the Northern shoveler Spatula clypeata in spring migratory stopover sites in the Marais breton, France
Axelle Moreau
Pierrick Bocher
Pascal Bonnin
Sébastien Farau
Christine Dupuy
Influence of typology and management practices on water pCO 2 and atmospheric CO2 fluxes over two temperate shelf–estuary–marsh water continuums
Jérémy Mayen
Pierre Polsenaere
Aurore Regaudie de Gioux
Christine Dupuy
Marie Vagner
Jean-Christophe Lemesle
Benoit Poitevin
Philippe Souchu
Microbial mats as model to decipher climate change effect on microbial communities through a mesocosm study
Camille Mazière
Robert Duran
Christine Dupuy
Cristiana Cravo-Laureau
Distribution and trophic functioning of planktonic communities in coastal marshes in Atlantic Coast of France
Lauriane Bergeon
Frédéric Azémar
Claire Carré
Bénédicte Dubillot
Claire Emery
Hélène Agogué
Philippe Pineau
Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Marc Bouvy
Michèle Tackx
Christine Dupuy
Hydrology and small pelagic fish drive the spatio–temporal dynamics of springtime zooplankton assemblages over the Bay of Biscay continental shelf
Nina Grandremy
Jean-Baptiste Romagnan
Christine Dupuy
Mathieu Doray
Martin Huret
Pierre Petitgas
Communication dans un congrès
Une grille de lecture innovante pour caractériser le patrimoine des marais littoraux.
Nathalie Long
Hélène Agogué
Cécilia Pignon-Mussaud
Christine Dupuy
Mickael Augeron
Lauriane Bergeon
François Brischoux
Jean-Michel Carozza
Clarisse Cazals
Eric Chaumillon
Olivier De Viron
Clémence Dedinger
Emmanuel Dubillot
Sylvie Ferrari
Jérôme Jourde
Mireia Kolher
Sébastien Lavaud
Léa Lorrain-Solignon
Jean-Christophe Pereau
Audrey Rivaud
Thierry Sauzeau
Ornella Siger
Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Marie Vagner
Nicolas Becu
Colloque de restitution PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux », Projet de recherche collaborative PAMPAS : Évolution de l'identité patrimoniale des marais des Pertuis Charentais en réponse à l'aléa de submersion marine, Nov 2023, La Rochelle, France
Restoring an urbanized coastal marsh: consequences on contamination dynamics
Adélaïde Lerebours
Mireia Kohler
Lauriane Bergeron
Jeanne Latreille De Lavarde
Bénédicte Dubillot
J. Jourde
Christine Dupuy
Elodie Réveillac
Marie Vagner
Hélène Agogué
Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
COAST CAEN 2023 - Entre Terre et Mer - Conférence Internationale d’Océanographie et 19ème Symposium Franco-Japonais d’Océanographie, Oct 2023, Caen, France
Impact des submersions marines sur les marais littoraux des Pertuis Charentais : une approche multidisciplinaire
Benjamin Amann
Eric Chaumillon
Pierre Polsenaere
Julien Pétillon
Jérémy Mayen
Marie Arnaud
Christine Dupuy
Lauriane Bergeon
Léa Lorrain-Soligon
François Brischoux
Clémence Dedinger
Clarisse Cazals
Cécilia Pignon-Mussaud
Xavier Bertin
Mireia Kohler
Élodie Réveillac
Hélène Agogué
Jérôme Jourde
Nathalie Long
Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Nicolas Bécu
Marie Vagner
Colloque PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux», 2023, La Rochelle, France
Structure et fonctionnement du plancton des marais des Pertuis Charentais et effet de l’aléa submersion sur les fonctions écologiques (épuration, nourricerie).
Lauriane Bergeon
Christine Dupuy
Frédéric Azémar
Bénédicte Dubillot
Marc Bouvy
Claire Carré
Pierre Polsenaere
Jérémy Mayen
Hélène Agogué
Mathieu Paoletti
Philippe Pineau
Claire Emery
Valérie Huet
Thierry Guyot
Pascaline Ory
Emmanuel Dubillot
Nathalie Long
Nicolas Becu
Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Marie Vagner
Michèle Tackx
Colloque PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux», Projet PAMPAS, 2023, La Rochelle, France
Article dans une revue
Drivers for primary producers’ dynamics: New insights on annual benthos pelagos monitoring in anthropised freshwater marshes (Charente-Maritime, France)
Raphaël Moncelon
Édouard Metzger
Philippe Pineau
Claire Emery
Éric Bénéteau
Charlotte de Lignières
Olivier Philippine
François-Xavier Robin
Christine Dupuy
Distribution and abundance of leptocephali in the western South Pacific region during two large-scale sampling surveys
Michael J Miller
Madoka Shimizu
Jun Aoyama
Shun Watanabe
Mari Kuroki
Eric Feunteun
Takatoshi Higuchi
Aya Takeuchi
Yu-San Han
Pierre Sasal
Christine Dupuy
Donald Jellyman
Robert Schabetsberger
Shingo Kimura
Noritaka Mochioka
Tsuguo Otake
Katsumi Tsukamoto
Do microbial planktonic communities reflect the ecological changes of Glorieuses coral reefs (Iles Eparses, Western Indian Ocean)?
Marc Bouvy
Alice Belieres
Claire Carré
Patrice Got
Marc Pagano
Hélène Agogué
Beatrice Bec
Cécile Roques
Lionel Bigot
Pascale Chabanet
Christine Dupuy
Climate change influences chlorophylls and bacteriochlorophylls metabolism in hypersaline microbial mat
Camille Mazière
M. Bodo
M.A. Perdrau
Cristiana Cravo-Laureau
Robert Duran
C. Dupuy
Cédric Hubas
Article dans une revue
Designing coastal adaptation strategies to tackle sea level rise
Théophile Bongarts Lebbe
Hélène Rey-Valette
Éric Chaumillon
Guigone Camus
Rafael Almar
Anny Cazenave
Joachim Claudet
Nicolas Rocle
Catherine Meur-Ferec
Frédérique Viard
Denis Mercier
Christine Dupuy
Frédéric Ménard
Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Lauren Mullineaux
Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Anna Zivian
Françoise Gaill
Agathe Euzen
New insights in bacterial and eukaryotic diversity of microbial mats inhabiting exploited and abandoned salterns at the Ré Island (France)
Camille Mazière
Hélène Agogué
Cristiana Cravo-Laureau
Christine Cagnon
Isabelle Lanneluc
Sophie Sablé
Ingrid Fruitier-Arnaudin
Christine Dupuy
Robert Duran
Morphological, calorific and nutritive characteristics of 656 freshwater invertebrates taxa
Axelle Moreau
Christine Dupuy
Pierrick Bocher
Sébastien Farau
Potential impact of photoinhibition on microphytobenthic primary production on a large intertidal mudflat
R. Savelli
J. Serôdio
P. Cugier
V. Méléder
P. Polsenaere
C. Dupuy
Vincent Le Fouest
Diuron effects on photosynthesis and vertical migration of microphytobenthos: Potential rapid bioassessment of herbicide toxicity in coastal sediments
Guo-Ying Du
Xue-Feng Zhong
Christine Dupuy
Shuai Che
Johann Lavaud
Site characteristics more than vegetation type influence food web structure of intertidal salt marshes
Denis Lafage
Alexandre Carpentier
Sylvain Duhamel
Christine Dupuy
Eric Feunteun
Sandric Lesourd
Julien Pétillon
Spatio-temporal drivers of microphytoplankton community in the Bay of Biscay: Do species ecological niches matter?
Emilie Houliez
Sébastien Lefebvre
Aurélie Dessier
Martin Huret
Elise Marquis
Martine Bréret
Christine Dupuy
Coupling between sediment biogeochemistry and phytoplankton development in a temperate freshwater marsh (Charente-Maritime, France): Evidence of temporal pattern
Raphaël Moncelon
Marie Gouazé
Philippe Pineau
Éric Bénéteau
Martine Bréret
Olivier Philippine
François-Xavier Robin
Christine Dupuy
Édouard Metzger
Rapid responses of pristine marine planktonic communities in experimental approach to diuron and naphthalene (Juan de Nova Island, Western Indian Ocean)
Marc Bouvy
Christine Dupuy
Patrice Got
Isabelle Domaizon
Claire Carré
Marc Pagano
Didier Debroas
Cécile Roques
Christophe Leboulanger
Communication dans un congrès
Underwater Fluxes of biogenic constituents and their Ecological Implications
Jérémy Mayen
Pierre Polsenaere
Philippe Geairon
Jean-Michel Chabirand
Jonathan Deborde
James Grizon
Jean-Christophe Lemesle
Benoit Poitevin
Christine Dupuy
Marie Vagner
ASLO, Jun 2021, Online, France
Effet de la reconnexion d'un marais d'eau douce à la mer sur les communautés planctoniques et l'ichtyofaune: Cas du marais côtier urbain de Tasdon en Charente-Maritime
Lauriane Bergeon
Mireia Kohler
Frédéric Azémar
Bénédicte Dubillot
Micky Tackx
Marie Vagner
Thomas Lacoue- Labarthe
Nicolas Bécu
Christine Dupuy
Elodie Réveillac
Marais 2021 :Restauration et reconnexion des marais littoraux. Regards croisées sur une solution d'adaptation aux changements globaux., 2021, Brest, France
Article dans une revue
Mapping the Intertidal Microphytobenthos Gross Primary Production, Part II: Merging Remote Sensing and Physical-Biological Coupled Modeling
Raphaël Savelli
Vona Méléder
Philippe Cugier
Pierre Polsenaere
Christine Dupuy
Johann Lavaud
Alexandre Barnett
Vincent Le Fouest
Environmental Factors and Pollution Stresses Select Bacterial Populations in Association With Protists
Songbao Zou
Qianqian Zhang
Xiaoli Zhang
Christine Dupuy
Jun Gong
Mapping the Intertidal Microphytobenthos Gross Primary Production Part I: Coupling Multispectral Remote Sensing and Physical Modeling
Vona Méléder
Raphaël Savelli
Alexandre Barnett
Pierre Polsenaere
Pierre Gernez
Philippe Cugier
Astrid Lerouxel
Anthony Le Bris
Christine Dupuy
Vincent Le Fouest
Johann Lavaud
The Vertical Migratory Rhythm of Intertidal Microphytobenthos in Sediment Depends on the Light Photoperiod, Intensity, and Spectrum: Evidence for a Positive Effect of Blue Wavelengths
Alexandre Barnett
Vona Méléder
Christine Dupuy
Johann Lavaud
Impact of human activities on the spatio-seasonal dynamics of plankton diversity in drained marshes and consequences on eutrophication
Valérie David
Sébastien Tortajada
Nicolas Savoye
Martine Bréret
Nicolas Lachaussée
Olivier Philippine
François-Xavier Robin
Christine Dupuy
Microbial functional structure and stable isotopic variation of leptocephali across three current zones in the western South Pacific
Leopold Ghinter
Christine Dupuy
Michael J Miller
Alexandre Carpentier
Christel Lefrançois
Anthony Acou
Jun Aoyama
Mari Kuroki
Camilla Liénart
Shun Watanabe
Katsumi Tsukamoto
Tsuguo Otake
Eric Feunteun
Diet variably affects the trophic transfer of trace elements in the oyster Crassostrea gigas
Simon Pouil
Marc Metian
Christine Dupuy
Jean-Louis Teyssié
Michel Warnau
Paco Bustamante
Influence of food (ciliate and phytoplankton) on the trophic transfer of inorganic and methyl-mercury in the Pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas
Marc Metian
Simon Pouil
Christine Dupuy
Jean-Louis Teyssié
Michel Warnau
Paco Bustamante
Ecological succession and resilience of plankton recovering from an acute disturbance in freshwater marshes
Valérie V. David
Sébastien Tortajada
Olivier Philippine
Martine Bréret
Alexandre Barnett Barnett
Hélène Agogué
François-Xavier Robin
Christine Dupuy
Maturation of the European sardine Sardina pilchardus under experimental conditions strengthens bioenergetic estimate
Marie Vagner
Aurélie Dessier
Christine Dupuy
Paco Bustamante
Emmanuel Dubillot
Christel Lefrançois
Elodie Réveillac
Pierre Morinière
Sébastien Lefebvre
Article dans une revue
Impact of Chronic and Massive Resuspension Mechanisms on the Microphytobenthos Dynamics in a Temperate Intertidal Mudflat
R. Savelli
Xavier Bertin
F. Orvain
Pierre Gernez
A. Dale
T. Coulombier
P. Pineau
N. Lachaussée
P. Polsenaere
C. Dupuy
Vincent Le Fouest
Meiofauna versus macrofauna as a food resource in a tropical intertidal mudflat
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Pierrick Bocher
Christel Lefrançois
Hien Duy Nguyen
Johan Chevalier
Christine Dupuy
Modelling the functioning of a coupled microphytobenthic-EPS-bacterial system in intertidal mudflats
C. Rakotomalala
Katell Guizien
K. Grangeré
S. Lefebvre
C. Dupuy
F. Orvain
Communication dans un congrès
Meiofauna versus macrofauna as food resource in a tropical intertidal mudflat
Pierre Yves Pascal
Pierrick Bocher
Christel Lefrançois
Hien T. Nguyen
Johan Chevalier
Christine Dupuy
Caribbean Science and Innovation Meeting 2019, Oct 2019, Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe), France
Article dans une revue
On biotic and abiotic drivers of the microphytobenthos seasonal cycle in a temperate intertidal mudflat: a modelling study
Raphaël Savelli
Christine Dupuy
Laurent Barillé
Astrid Lerouxel
Katell Guizien
Anne Philippe
Pierrick Bocher
Pierre Polsenaere
Vincent Le Fouest
There's no harm in having too much: A comprehensive toolbox of methods in trophic ecology
Nabil Majdi
Nicolas Hette-Tronquart
Etienne Auclair
Alexandre Bec
Tiphaine Chouvelon
Bruno Cognie
Michaël Danger
Priscilla Decottignies
Aurélie Dessier
Christian Desvilettes
Stanislas Dubois
Christine Dupuy
Clémentine Fritsch
Cédric Gaucherel
Mickael Hedde
Franck Jabot
Sébastien Lefebvre
Martin P Marzloff
Benjamin Pey
Nathalie Dubois Peyrard Peyrard
Thibaut Powolny
Régis Sabbadin
Elisa Thébault
Marie-Elodie Perga
Variability of energy density among mesozooplankton community: new insights in functional diversity to forage fish
Aurélie Dessier
Christine Dupuy
Anaïs Kerric
Françoise Mornet
Matthieu Authier
Paco Bustamante
Jérôme Spitz
The PELGAS survey: Ship-based integrated monitoring of the Bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem
Mathieu Doray
Pierre Petitgas
Jean-Baptiste Romagnan
Martin Huret
Erwan Duhamel
Christine Dupuy
Jérôme Spitz
Matthieu Authier
Florence Sanchez
Laurent Berger
Ghislain Dorémus
Paul Bourriau
Patrick Grellier
Jacques Masse
The spring mesozooplankton variability and its relationship with hydrobiological structure over year-to-year changes (2003–2013) in the southern Bay of Biscay (Northeast Atlantic)
Aurélie Dessier
Paco Bustamante
Tiphaine Chouvelon
Martin Huret
Marc Pagano
Elise Marquis
Frederic Rousseaux
Cécilia Pignon-Mussaud
Françoise Mornet
Christine Dupuy
Monitoring small pelagic fish in the Bay of Biscay ecosystem, using indicators from an integrated survey
Mathieu Doray
Pierre Petitgas
Martin Huret
Erwan Duhamel
Jean Baptiste Romagnan
Matthieu Authier
Christine Dupuy
Jérôme Spitz
Coccolith-derived turbidity and hydrological conditions in May in the Bay of Biscay
Laurie Perrot
Francis Gohin
Diana Ruiz-Pino
Luis Lampert
Martin Huret
Aurélie Dessier
Pascale Malestroit
Christine Dupuy
Paul Bourriau
Diel rhythm does not shape the vertical distribution of bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA transcript diversity in intertidal sediments: a mesocosm study Running title: Diel activities of benthic Bacteria and Archaea
Céline Lavergne
Mylène Hugoni
Cédric Hubas
Didier Debroas
Christine Dupuy
Hélène Agogué
First evidence of the presence and activity of archaeal C3 group members in an Atlantic intertidal mudflat
Céline Lavergne
Mylène Hugoni
Christine Dupuy
Hélène Agogué
Subtidal Microphytobenthos: A Secret Garden Stimulated by the Engineer Species Crepidula fornicata
Thibault Androuin
Lubos Polerecky
Priscilla Decottignies
Stanislas Dubois
Christine Dupuy
Cédric Hubas
Bruno Jesus
Erwan Le Gall
Martin P Marzloff
Antoine Carlier
Ecosystem spatial structure revealed by integrated survey data
Pierre Petitgas
Martin Huret
Christine Dupuy
Jérôme Spitz
Matthieu Authier
Jean Baptiste Romagnan
Mathieu Doray
Stable isotopes as tracers can reveal resource allocation in juvenile golden gray mullets (Liza aurata, Risso, 1810)
S. Como
Alexandra Carpentier
F. Rossi
C. Dupuy
P. Richard
E. Feunteun
C. Lefrançois
The effects of grazing by the golden grey mullet Liza aurata on microphytobenthos in intertidal mudflats: evidences from mesocosm experiments
Serena Como
E Maggi
C Lefrancois
C. Fontaine
F Antognarelli
P Richard
C Dupuy
Marine Biology, 2018
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Zones Humides : des écosystèmes riches mais menacés
L. Anras
Laure Carassou
C. Dupuy
S. Ferrari
O. Philippine
F.X. Robin
N. Lhéritier
B. Sautour
Dupuy, C.; Ferrari, S. Anticiper les changements climatiques en Nouvelle Aquitaine pour agir dans les territoires, Nouvelle Aquitaine, pp.331-361, 2018, Prévoir pour agir n°2, ISBN 978-2-9564516-0-0
Article dans une revue
Microphytobenthos and an indicator of environmental quality status in intertidal flats: Case study of coastal ecosystem in Pertuis Charentais, France
Guoying Du
Hongmei Yan
Christine Dupuy
Persistent benthic communities in the extreme dynamic intertidal mudflats of the Amazonian coast: an overview of the Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Peracarida)
H. Thanh Nguyen
C. Dupuy
J. Jourde
C. Lefrançois
P. Pascal
Alexandra Carpentier
Jérome Chevalier
P. Bocher
Factors influencing prokaryotes in an intertidal mudflat and the resulting depth gradients
Céline Lavergne
Hélène Agogué
Aude Leynaert
Mélanie Raimonet
Rutger de Wit
Philippe Pineau
Martine Bréret
Nicolas Lachaussée
Christine Dupuy
Low Benthic Macrofauna Diversity in Dynamic, Tropical Tidal Mudflats: Migrating Banks on Guiana's Coast, South America
Jérôme Jourde
Christine Dupuy
Hien T Nguyen
David Mizrahi
Nyls de Pracontal
Pierrick Bocher
Article dans une revue
Low diversity of helminth parasites in Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus (Clupeidae) from the Bay of Biscay
Aurélie Dessier
Christine Dupuy
Thomas Trancart
Alexandre Audras
Paco Bustamante
Claudia Gérard
Impact of biofilm resuspension on mesozooplankton in a shallow coastal ecosystem characterized by a bare intertidal mudflat
Valérie V. David
Hans J. Hartmann
Alexandre Barnett Barnett
Martine Bréret
Hélène Montanié
Francis Orvain
Christine Dupuy
Geographic variation in stable isotopic and fatty acid composition of three families of anguilliform leptocephali and particulate organic matter (POM) in the western South Pacific
Camilla Liénart
Eric Feunteun
Michael J. Miller
Jun Aoyama
Jean-Michel Mortillaro
Cédric Hubas
Mari Kuroki
Shun Watanabe
Christine Dupuy
Alexandre Carpentier
Tsuguo Otake
Katsumi Tsukamoto
Tarik Meziane
Disturbance Increases Microbial Community Diversity and Production in Marine Sediments
Pierre E. Galand
Sabrina Lucas
Sonja K. Fagervold
Erwan Peru
A.M. Pruski
Gilles Vétion
Christine Dupuy
Katell Guizien
Plankton communities of the five "Iles Eparses" (Western Indian Ocean) considered to be pristine ecosystems
M Bouvy
Patrice Got
Isabelle Domaizon
M. Pagano
Christophe Leboulanger
Corinne Bouvier
Claire Carré
Cécile Roques
Christine Dupuy
Trophic relationships between metazooplankton communities and their plankton food sources in the Iles Eparses (Western Indian Ocean)
Christine Dupuy
Marc Pagano
Patrice Got
Isabelle Domaizon
Alexis Chappuis
Guillaume Marchessaux
Marc Bouvy
Article dans une revue
Structure and functional characteristics of the meiofauna community in highly unstable intertidal mudbanks in Suriname and French Guiana (North Atlantic coast of South America)
Christine Dupuy
Hien Thanh Nguyen
David Mizrahi
Jérôme Jourde
Martine Bréret
Hélène Agogué
Laureen Beaugeard
Pierrick Bocher
Stable isotopic composition of anguilliform leptocephali and other food web components from west of the Mascarene Plateau
Eric Feunteun
Michael J. Miller
Alexandre Carpentier
Jun Aoyama
Christine Dupuy
Mari Kuroki
M. Pagano
Elodie Réveillac
Daniel Y. Sellos
Shun Watanabe
Katsumi Tsukamoto
Tsuguo Otake
Combined effect of high light and high salinity on the regulation of photosynthesis in three diatom species belonging to the main growth forms of intertidal flat inhabiting microphytobenthos
Philippe Juneau
Alexandre Barnett
Vona Méléder
Christine Dupuy
Johann Lavaud
Planktonic food web structure and dynamic in freshwater marshes after a lock closing in early spring
Hélène Masclaux
Sébastien Tortajada
Olivier Philippine
François-Xavier Robin
Christine Dupuy
Contrasting spatiotemporal patterns and environmental drivers of diversity and community structure of ammonia oxidizers, denitrifiers, and anammox bacteria in sediments of estuarine tidal flats
Anjing Yang
Xiaoli Zhang
Hélène Agogué
Christine Dupuy
Jun Gong
Growth form defines physiological photoprotective capacity in intertidal benthic diatoms
Alexandre Barnett
Vona Méléder
Lander Blommaert
Bernard Lepetit
Wim Vyverman
Koen Sabbe
Christine Dupuy
Johann Lavaud
Small pelagic fish feeding patterns in relation to food resource variability: an isotopic investigation for Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus from the Bay of Biscay (north-east Atlantic)
Tiphaine Chouvelon
Laurie Violamer
Aurélie Dessier
Paco Bustamante
Françoise Mornet
Cécilia Pignon-Mussaud
Christine Dupuy
Article dans une revue
An efficient and rapid method for the enumeration of heterotrophic prokaryotes in coastal sediments by flow cytometry
Céline Lavergne
Laureen Beaugeard
Christine Dupuy
Courties Claude
Agogué Hélène
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2014, 105, http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-microbiological-methods/.
Trophic resource partitioning within a shorebird community feeding on intertidal mudflat habitats
Pierrick Bocher
Frédéric Robin
Jessica Kojadinovic
Philippe Delaporte
Pierre Rousseau
Christine Dupuy
Paco Bustamante
Sequential resuspension of biofilm components (viruses, prokaryotes and protists) as measured by erodimetry experiments in the Brouage mudflat (French Atlantic coast)
Christine Dupuy
Clarisse Mallet
Katell Guizien
Hélène Montanié
Martine Bréret
Françoise Mornet
Camille Fontaine
Caroline Nérot
Francis Orvain
How does the resuspension of the biofilm alter the functioning of the benthos–pelagos coupled food web of a bare mudflat in Marennes-Oléron Bay (NE Atlantic)?
Blanche Saint-Béat
Christine Dupuy
Hélène Agogué
Alexandre Carpentier
Julien Chalumeau
Serena Como
Valérie David
Margot de Crignis
Jean-Claude Duchêne
Camille Fontaine
Eric Feunteun
Katell Guizien
Hans Hartmann
Johann Lavaud
Sébastien Lefebvre
Christel Lefrançois
Clarisse Mallet
Hélène Montanié
Jean-Luc Mouget
Francis Orvain
Pascaline Ory
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Gilles Radenac
Pierre Richard
Nathalie Niquil
Feeding ecology of Liza spp. in a tidal flat: Evidence of the importance of primary production (biofilm) and associated meiofauna
Alexandre Carpentier
Serena Como
Christine Dupuy
Christel Lefrançois
Eric Feunteun
Bacterial dynamics in a microphytobenthic biofilm: A tidal mesocosm approach
Hélène Agogué
Clarisse Mallet
Francis Orvain
Margot de Crignis
Françoise Mornet
Christine Dupuy
Relative Abundance of Ammonia Oxidizers, Denitrifiers, and Anammox Bacteria in Sediments of Hypernutrified Estuarine Tidal Flats and in Relation to Environmental Conditions
Xiaoli Zhang
Hélène Agogué
Christine Dupuy
Jun Gong
Trophic ecology of European sardine Sardina pilchardus and European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Bay of Biscay (north-east Atlantic) inferred from δ13C and δ15N values of fish and identified mesozooplanktonic organisms
Tiphaine Chouvelon
Alexis Chappuis
Paco Bustamante
Sébastien Lefebvre
Françoise Mornet
Gaël Guillou
Laurie Violamer
Christine Dupuy
Journal of Sea Research (JSR), 2014, 85, pp.277-291
Relevance of macrozoobenthic grazers to understand the dynamic behavior of sediment erodibility and microphytobenthos resuspension in sunny summer conditions
Francis Orvain
Katell Guizien
Sébastien Lefebvre
Martine Bréret
Christine Dupuy
Structures of benthic prokaryotic communities and their hydrolytic enzyme activities resuspended from samples of intertidal mudflats: An experimental approach
Clarisse Mallet
Hélène Agogué
Frédérique Bonnemoy
Katell Guizien
Francis Orvain
Christine Dupuy
Microbial interactions in marine water amended by eroded benthic biofilm: A case study from an intertidal mudflat
Hélène Montanié
Pascaline Ory
Francis Orvain
Daniel Delmas
Christine Dupuy
Tidal and seasonal effects on the short-term temporal patterns of bacteria, microphytobenthos and exopolymers in natural intertidal biofilms (Brouage, France)
Francis Orvain
Margot de Crignis
Katell Guizien
Sébastien Lefebvre
Clarisse Mallet
Eri Takahachi
Christine Dupuy
Article dans une revue
Key Features of Intertidal Food Webs That Support Migratory Shorebirds
Blanche Saint-Béat
Christine Dupuy
Pierrick Bocher
Julien Chalumeau
Margot de Crignis
Camille Fontaine
Katell Guizien
Johann Lavaud
Sébastien Lefebvre
Hélène Montanié
Jean-Luc Mouget
Francis Orvain
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Gwenaël Quaintenne
Gilles Radenac
Pierre Richard
Frédéric Robin
Nathalie Niquil
Seasonal dynamics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in surface sediments of a diatom-dominated intertidal mudflat (Marennes-Oléron, France).
Guillaume Pierre
Jean-Michel Zhao
Francis Orvain
Christine Dupuy
Géraldine Klein
Marianne Graber
Thierry Maugard
To What Extent Do Food Preferences Explain the Trophic Position of Heterotrophic and Mixotrophic Microbial Consumers in a Sphagnum Peatland?
Vincent P Jassey
Caroline Meyer
Christine Dupuy
Nadine Bernard
Edward Ad Mitchell
Marie-Laure Toussaint
Marc Metian
Auriel P Chatelain
Daniel Gilbert
Behavioral responses of juvenile golden grey mullet Liza aurata to changes in coastal temperatures and consequences for benthic food resources
Serena Como
Christel Lefrancois
Enrico Maggi
F Antognarelli
Christine Dupuy
Microorganism dynamics in a mudflat during rising tide Microorganism dynamics during a rising tide: Disentangling effects of resuspension and mixing with offshore waters above an intertidal mudflat
Katell Guizien
Christine Dupuy
Pascaline Ory
Hélène Montanié
Hans Hartmann
Mathieu Chatelain
Mikhaïl Karpytchev
Article dans une revue
Characterizing the Feeding Habits of the Testate Amoebae Hyalosphenia papilio and Nebela tincta along a Narrow "Fen-Bog" Gradient Using Digestive Vacuole Content and (13)C and (15)N Isotopic Analyses.
Vincent E. J. Jassey
Shimano Satoshi
Christine Dupuy
Marie-Laure Toussaint
Daniel Gilbert
Protist, 2012, 163, pp.451-464
Biochemical composition and changes of extracellular polysaccharides (ECPS) produced during microphytobenthic biofilm development (Marennes-Oléron, France).
Guillaume Pierre
Marianne Graber
Beby Rafiliposon
Christine Dupuy
Francis Orvain
Margot de Crignis
Thierry Maugard
Microbial ecology, 2012, 63, pp.157 - 169
Metazooplankton communities in the Ahe atoll lagoon (Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia): spatiotemporal variations and trophic relationships
Marc Pagano
Pascual-Boi Sagarra
Gisèle Champalbert
M Bouvy
Christine Dupuy
Yoann Thomas
Loic Charpy
Uncoupled viral and bacterial distributions in coral reef waters of Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia)
Marc Bouvy
Marine Combe
Yvan Bettarel
Christine Dupuy
Emma Rochelle-Newall
Loic Charpy
Do human activities affect the picoplankton structure of the Ahe atoll lagoon (Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia)?
Marc Bouvy
Christine Dupuy
Marc Pagano
Aude Barani
Loic Charpy
Pearl oysters Pinctada margaritifera grazing on natural plankton in Ahe atoll lagoon (Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia)
Jonathan Fournier
Christine Dupuy
Marc Bouvy
Marine Couraudon-Réale
Loïc Charpy
Stéphane Pouvreau
Gilles Le Moullac
Marcel Le Pennec
Jean-Claude Cochard
Communication dans un congrès
Benthic foraminifer responses to environmental forcing: focus on depleted oxygen conditions
E. Geslin
Dewi Langlet
Christine Barras
Christine Dupuy
Frans Jorissen
Workshop “living foraminifera”, 2012, Jamstec, Japan
Article dans une revue
Distribution of Dinophysis species in the Bay of Biscay and possible transport pathways to Arcachon Bay
F. Batifoulier
Pascal Lazure
Lourdes Velo-Suarez
D. Maurer
Philippe Bonneton
Guillaume Charria
Christine Dupuy
P. Gentien
Community structure and grazing of the nano-microzooplankton on the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay
Christine Dupuy
Agathe Talarmin
Hans J. Hartmann
Daniel Delmas
C Courties
Elise Marquis
Influence of planktonic foodweb structure on a system's capacity to support pelagic production: an inverse analysis approach
Elise Marquis
Nathalie Niquil
Alain Vezina
Pierre Petitgas
Christine Dupuy
Lower trophic levels and detrital biomass control the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food web: Implications for ecosystem management
Géraldine Lassalle
Jérémy Lobry
François Le Loc’h
Paco Bustamante
Grégoire Certain
Daniel Delmas
Christine Dupuy
Christian Hily
Claire Labry
Olivier Le Pape
Elise Marquis
Pierre Petitgas
Claire Pusineri
Vincent Ridoux
Jérôme Spitz
Nathalie Niquil
Variability of fresh- and salt-water marshes characteristics on the west coast of France: A spatio-temporal assessment
Sébastien Tortajada
Valérie David
Amel Brahmia
Christine Dupuy
Thomas Laniesse
Bernard Parinet
Frederic Pouget
Frederic Rousseau
Benoit Simon-Bouhet
François-Xavier Robin
Does the study of microzooplankton community size structure effectively define their dynamics? Investigation in the Bay of Biscay (France)
E. Marquis
N. Niquil
C. Dupuy
Does the study of nano-microzooplankton community size structure effectively define their dynamics ? Investigation in the Bay of Biscay (France).
E Marquis
Nathalie Niquil
Christine Dupuy
Journal of Plankton Research, 2011
Article dans une revue
Biochemical characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances extracted from an intertidal mudflat using a cation exchange resin.
Guillaume Pierre
Marianne Graber
Francis Orvain
Christine Dupuy
Thierry Maugard
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2010, 38, pp.917-923
Christine Dupuy
Linda Rossignol
Emmanuelle Geslin
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2010
Pelagic food web patterns: do they modulate virus and nanoflagellate effects on picoplankton during the phytoplankton spring bloom?
Pascaline J Ory
Hans J Hartmann
Florence J Jude
Christine Dupuy
Yolanda del Amo
Philippe Catala
Françoise Mornet
Valérie Huet
Jan J Benoit
Dorothée Vincent
Benoit Sautour
Hélène Montanié
Article dans une revue
Seasonal variation in consumption of benthic bacteria by meio- and macrofauna in an intertidal mudflat
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Christine Dupuy
Pierre Richard
Clarisse Mallet
Armynot Du Chatelet E.
Nathalie Niquil
Limnology and Oceanography, 2009, pp.1048-1059
Article dans une revue
Bacterivory of a mudflat nematode community under different environmental conditions
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Christine Dupuy
Pierre Richard
Jadwiga Rzeznik-Orignac
Nathalie Niquil
Biochemical characteristics and bacterial community structure of the sea surface microlayer in the South Pacific Ocean
I. Obernosterer
P. Catala
R. Lami
J. Caparros
J. Ras
A. Bricaud
Christine Dupuy
France van Wambeke
P. Lebaron
Bacterivory by benthic organisms in sediment: quantification using 15N enriched bacteria
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Christine Dupuy
Clarisse Mallet
Pierre Richard
Nathalie Niquil
Bacterivory in the common foraminifer Ammonia tepida: isotope tracer experiment and the controlling factors
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Christine Dupuy
Pierre Richard
Nathalie Niquil
Influence of environment factors on bacterial ingestion rate of the deposit-feeder Hydrobia ulvae and comparison with meiofauna
Pierre-Yves Pascal
Christine Dupuy
Pierre Richard
Anne-Gaelle Haubois
Nathalie Niquil
Article dans une revue
Seasonal Variations in Planktonic Community Structure and Production in an Atlantic Coastal Pond: The Importance of Nanoflagellates
C. Dupuy
M. Ryckaert
S. Le Gall
H. J. Hartmann
Inverse analysis of the planktonic food web dynamics related to phytoplankton bloom development on the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay, French coast
E Marquis
N Niquil
D Delmas
Hj. Hartmann
D. Bonnet
F Carlotti
A. Herbland
C. Labry
B. Sautour
P. Laborde
C. Dupuy
L Rossignol
C Dupuy
Py Pascal
P Debenay
Article dans une revue
Microbial community structure in the sea surface microlayer at two contrasting coastal sites in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Fabien Joux
Hélène Agogué
Ingrid Obernosterer
Christine Dupuy
Thomas Reinthaler
Gerhard J Herndl
Philippe Lebaron
Carbon steady-state model of the planktonic food web of Lake Biwa, Japan
Nathalie Niquil
Gretta Bartoli
Jotaro Urabe
George A. Jackson
Louis Legendre
Christine Dupuy
D. M. Kumagai
Article dans une revue
Red coloration of oysters along the French Atlantic coast during the 1998 winter season: implication of nanoplanktonic cryptophytes
A Pastoureaud
Christine Dupuy
M.J. Chretiennot-Dinet
François Lantoine
Pascale Loret
Article dans une revue
Heterotrophic protists as a trophic link between picocyanobacteria and the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in the Takapoto lagoon (Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia)
P. Loret
S. Le Gall
C. Dupuy
J. Blanchot
A. Pastoureaud
B. Delesalle
X. Caisey
G. Jonquières
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 2000
Feeding rate of the oyster Crassostrea gigas in a natural planktonic community of the Mediterranean Thau Lagoon
Christine Dupuy
André Vaquer
Thong Lam-Höai
Claude Rougier
Nabila Gaertner-Mazouni
Jacques Lautier
Yves Collos
Solange Le Gall
Impact of the oyster Crassostrea gigas on a microbial community in Atlantic coastal ponds near La Rochelle
Christine Dupuy
Annie Pastoureaud
Mireille Ryckaert
Pierre-Guy Sauriau
Hélène Montanié
Article dans une revue
Retention of ciliates and flagellates by the oyster Crassostrea gigas in French Atlantic coastal ponds: protists as a trophic link between bacterioplankton and benthic suspension-feeders
Christine Dupuy
Solange Le Gall
Hans J. Hartmann
Martine Breret
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1999
Article dans une revue
Variation of carbon content among bacterial species under starvation condition
Marc Trousselier
Marc Bouvy
Claude Courties
Christine Dupuy
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 1997