Graber Marianne

Professeur des Universités
Université de La Rochelle
Section de Recherche : CNU 64
Institut scientifique du CNRS référent : INEE

Mots clés : pollution chimique chronique, métabolomique, enzyme, biofilm

  • Directrice adjointe faculté des Sciences et Technologies, en charge des Relations Internationales
Thèmes de Recherche.
  • Compréhension et analyse de l’impact de la pollution chimique chronique sur le vivant : mesure des niveaux de contamination provenant d’une pollution diffuse chez les organismes marins et évaluation des effets par des études en métabolomique
  • Formation de biofilms microbiens : étude des propriétés de surface des microorganismes et des solides sur lesquels ils adhèrent, en vue de comprendre les mécanismes régissant les étapes initiales de la bioadhésion
Integrative approach undertaken in this study to assess effects of a chronic chemical contamination on natural populations of the marine bivalve Mimachlamys varia. Photo credit : Thierry Guyot

Liste des publications :

61 résultats


Article dans une revue

Metabolomics-Based Investigation on the Metabolic Changes in Crassostrea gigas Experimentally Exposed to Galvanic Anodes
Nathalie Imbert-Auvray , Denis Fichet , Pierre-Edouard Bodet , Pascaline Ory , René Sabot , Philippe Refait , Marianne Graber
Metabolites, 2023, 13 (7), pp.869. ⟨10.3390/metabo13070869⟩


Article dans une revue

Polymicrogyria in a child with KCNMA1-related channelopathy
Denis Graber , Eri Imagawa , Noriko Miyake , Naomichi Matsumoto , Satoko Miyatake , Marianne Graber , Bertrand Isidor
Brain and Development, 2022, 44 (2), pp.173-177. ⟨10.1016/j.braindev.2021.09.009⟩


Article dans une revue

Untargeted Metabolomics Reveals a Complex Impact on Different Metabolic Pathways in Scallop Mimachlamys varia (Linnaeus, 1758) after Short-Term Exposure to Copper at Environmental Dose
Vincent Hamani , Pascaline Ory , Pierre-Edouard Bodet , Laurence Murillo , Marianne Graber
Metabolites, 2021, 11 (12), pp.862. ⟨10.3390/metabo11120862⟩


Article dans une revue

Antibiofilm activity in the culture supernatant of a marine Pseudomonas sp. bacterium
Ibtissem Doghri , Florence Brian-Jaisson , Marianne Graber , Alexis Bazire , Alain Dufour , Marie-Noëlle Bellon-Fontaine , Jean-Marie Herry , Ana Caroline Ferro , Valérie Sopena , Isabelle Lanneluc , Sophie Sablé
Microbiology, 2020, 166 (3), pp.000878. ⟨10.1099/mic.0.000878⟩


Article dans une revue

Metabolomics based on UHPLC-QToF- and APGC-QToF-MS reveals metabolic pathways reprogramming in response to tidal cycles in the sub-littoral species Mimachlamys varia exposed to aerial emergence
Pascaline J Ory , Antoine Bonnet , Florence Mondeguer , Marine Breitwieser , Emmanuel Dubillot , Marianne Graber
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2019, 29, pp.74-85. ⟨10.1016/j.cbd.2018.11.002⟩


Article dans une revue

Population structure and genetic diversity in the variegated scallop, Mimachlamys varia (Linnaeus, 1758), a novel bioindicator of chemical pollution on the French coastline
Marine Breitwieser , Vanessa Becquet , Hélène Thomas-Guyon , Valentin Pillet , Pierre-Guy Sauriau , Marianne Graber , Amélia Viricel
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 2018, 84 (4), pp.417-425. ⟨10.1093/mollus/eyy035⟩
What is the relationship between the bioaccumulation of chemical contaminants in the variegated scallop Mimachlamys varia and its health status? A study carried out on the French Atlantic coast using the Path ComDim model
Marine Breitwieser , Evelyne Vigneau , Amélia Viricel , Vanessa Becquet , Camille Lacroix , Marina Erb , Valérie Huet , Carine Churlaud , Stéphane Le Floch , Benoit Guillot , Marianne Graber , Hélène Thomas
Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 640-641, pp.662 - 670. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.317⟩


Article dans une revue

Identification and quantification of domoic acid by UHPLC/QTOF tandem mass spectrometry, with simultaneous identification of non-target photodegradation products
Anne-Laure Gagez , Antoine Bonnet , Philippe Pineau , Marianne Graber
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2017, pp.1 - 14. ⟨10.1080/03067319.2017.1393538⟩
Semi-pilot scale-up of a continuous packed-bed bioreactor system developed for the lipase-catalyzed production of pseudo-ceramides
Florian Le Joubioux , Nicolas Bridiau , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
OCL Oilseeds and fats crops and lipids, 2017, 24 (4), ⟨10.1051/ocl/2017019⟩


Article dans une revue

Improved racemate resolution of pentan-2-ol and trans-(Z)-cyclooct-5-ene-1,2-diol by lipase catalysis
Marianne Graber , Hervé Rouillard , Régis Delatouche , Najla Fniter , Belsem Belkhiria , Antoine Bonnet , Lisiane Domon , Valérie Thiéry
Journal of Biotechnology, 2016, 238, pp.60-68. ⟨10.1016/j.jbiotec.2016.09.010⟩
Short-Term and Long-Term Biological Effects of Chronic Chemical Contamination on Natural Populations of a Marine Bivalve
Marine Breitwieser , Amélia Viricel , Marianne Graber , Laurence Murillo , Vanessa Becquet , Carine Churlaud , Ingrid Fruitier-Arnaudin , Valérie Huet , Camille Lacroix , Eric Pante , Stéphane Le Floch , Hélène Thomas-Guyon
PLoS ONE, 2016, 11, pp.150184 - 150184. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0150184⟩


Article dans une revue

Inverse Gas Chromatography with Film Cell Unit: An Attractive Alternative Method to Characterize Surface Properties of Thin Films
Géraldine L. Klein , Pierre G , Marie-Noëlle Bellon-Fontaine , Marianne Graber
Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2015, 53 (8), pp.1233-1238. ⟨10.1093/chromsci/bmv008⟩
Caractérisations analytiques des extraits colorants des plantes tinctoriales d'Afrique Centrale
A.B. Madiélé , Jean-Michel Zhao , Valérie Thiéry , Huguette Agnaniet , Christine Brunet , Marianne Graber , Jean-Maurille Ouamba
Lebanese Science Journal, 2015, 16, pp.33-44

Communication dans un congrès

La lipase B de Candida antarctica : un outil performant pour la production continue de pseudo-céramides
Florian Le Joubioux , Mehdi Sanekli , Yesmine Ben Henda , Oussama Achour , Nicolas Bridiau , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
Les lipides du futur : les lipases au coeur des développements scientifiques et industriels, Nov 2015, Romainville, France


Article dans une revue

Troubles du comportement et hallucinations après consommation d'infusions de feuilles de boldo
Pierre-Jacques Chaboussant , Anne-Laure Gagez , Marianne Graber , Jean-Michel Zhao , François Chavant , Marie-Christine Perault-Pochat , Denis Graber
Thérapie, 2014, pp.Letters to editor. ⟨10.2515/therapie/2014052⟩
Continuous lipase-catalyzed production of pseudo-ceramides in a packed-bed bioreactor
Florian Le Joubioux , Nicolas Bridiau , Mehdi Sanekli , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2014, 109, pp.143-153. ⟨10.1016/j.molcatb.2014.08.022⟩
Microwave-Assisted Kinetic Resolution of Homochiral (Z)-Cyclooct-5-ene-1,2-diol and (Z)-2-Acetoxycyclooct-4-enyl Acetate Using Lipases
Hervé Rouillard , Emmanuel Deau , Lisiane Domon , Jean-René Chérouvrier , Marianne Graber , Valérie Thiéry
Molecules, 2014, 19, pp.9215-9227. ⟨10.3390/molecules19079215⟩
Marine diatom Navicula jeffreyi: from biochemical composition and physico-chemical surface properties to understanding the first step of benthic biofilm formation
Géraldine Klein , Guillaume Pierre , Marie-Noëlle Bellon-Fontaine , Jean-Michel Zhao , Martine Breret , Thierry Maugard , Marianne Graber
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2014, 28 (17), pp.1739-1753. ⟨10.1080/01694243.2014.920461⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Production continue de pseudo-céramides catalysée par la lipase B de Candida antarctica (Novozym® 435) dans un bioréacteur à lit fixe
Florian Le Joubioux , Nicolas Bridiau , Mehdi Sanekli , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
25ème colloque du Club de Biocatalyse en Synthèse Organique, Jun 2014, Carry-le-Rouet, France


Article dans une revue

Seasonal dynamics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in surface sediments of a diatom-dominated intertidal mudflat (Marennes-Oléron, France).
Guillaume Pierre , Jean-Michel Zhao , Francis Orvain , Christine Dupuy , Géraldine Klein , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
Journal of Sea Research (JSR), 2013, 92, pp.26-35. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2013.07.018⟩
The control of Novozym® 435 chemoselectivity and specificity by the solvents in acylation reactions of amino-alcohols
Florian Le Joubioux , Nicolas Bridiau , Yesmine Ben Henda , Oussama Achour , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2013, 95, pp.99-110. ⟨10.1016/j.molcatb.2013.06.002⟩
Proton shuttle mechanism in the transition state of lipase catalyzed N-acylation of amino alcohols
Per-Olof Syren , Florian Le Joubioux , Yesmine Ben Henda , Thierry Maugard , Karl Hult , Marianne Graber
ChemCatChem, 2013, 5, pp.1842-1853. ⟨10.1002/cctc.201200751⟩


Article dans une revue

The effect of substrate structure on the chemoselectivity of Candida antarctica lipase B-catalyzed acylation of amino-alcohols
Florian Le Joubioux , Yesmine Ben Henda , Nicolas Bridiau , Oussama Achour , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2012, 85-86, pp.193-199
Enhancing the enantioselectivity of CALB by substrate imprinting: A combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation model study
Ludovic Chaput , Zsuzsanna Marton , Philippe Pineau , Lisiane Domon , Vinh Tran , Marianne Graber
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2012, 84, pp.55-61
Contribution of both catalytic constant and Michaelis constant to CALB enantioselectivity; use of FEP calculations for prediction studies
L. Chaput , Yves-Henri Sanejouand , Asma Balloumi , Vinh Tran , Marianne Graber
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2012, 76, pp.29-36
Biochemical composition and changes of extracellular polysaccharides (ECPS) produced during microphytobenthic biofilm development (Marennes-Oléron, France).
Guillaume Pierre , Marianne Graber , Beby Rafiliposon , Christine Dupuy , Francis Orvain , Margot de Crignis , Thierry Maugard
Microbial ecology, 2012, 63, pp.157 - 169


Article dans une revue

Antibacterial activity of a sulfated galactan extracted from the marine alga Chaetomorpha aerea against Staphylococcus aureus
Guillaume Pierre , Valérie Sopena , Camille Juin , Amira Mastouri , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2011, 16 (5), pp.937-945. ⟨10.1007/s12257-011-0224-2⟩
Kinetic study of 2-butanol O-acylation and sec-butylamine N-acylation catalyzed by Candida antarctica lipase B
Florian Le Joubioux , A. Oussama , Nicolas Bridiau , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2011, 70, pp.108-113
Potential valorization of polymeric substances excreted by Chaetomorpha aerea, a macro-algae harmful to French oyster industry
Guillaume Pierre , Valérie Sopena , Camille Juin , Amira Mastouri , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2011, 16, pp.937-945
Kinetic study of 2-butanol O-acylation and sec-butylamine N-acylation catalyzed by Candida antarctica lipase B
Florian Le Joubioux , Oussama Achour , Nicolas Bridiau , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2011, 70 (3-4), pp.108-113. ⟨10.1016/j.molcatb.2011.02.012⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Solid/gaz biocatalysis
Isabelle Goubet , Thierry Maugard , Sylvain Lamare , Marianne Graber
Techniques de l'ingénieur, 2011, Techniques de l'ingénieur BIO 2


Article dans une revue

Lipase hydration state in the gas phase: Sorption isotherm measurements and inverse gas chromatography
Zsuzsanna Marton , Ludovic Chaput , Guillaume Pierre , Marianne Graber
Biotechnology Journal, 2010, 5 (11), pp.1216. ⟨10.1002/biot.201000272⟩
Biochemical characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances extracted from an intertidal mudflat using a cation exchange resin.
Guillaume Pierre , Marianne Graber , Francis Orvain , Christine Dupuy , Thierry Maugard
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2010, 38, pp.917-923
Lipase hydration state in the gas phase: Sorption isotherm measurements and inverse gas chromatography.
Zsuzsanna Marton , L. Chaput , Guillaume Pierre , Marianne Graber
Biotechnology Journal, 2010, 5, pp.1216-1225
Lipase-catalyzed regioselective monoacetylation of unsymmetrical 1,5-primary diols
Camille Oger , Zsuzsanna Marton , Yasmin Brinkmann , Valérie Bultel-Poncé , Thierry Durand , Marianne Graber , Jean-Marie Galano
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2010, 75, pp.1892-1897. ⟨10.1021/jo902541c⟩
Mutations in the stereospecificity pocket and at the entrance of the active site of Candida antarctica lipase B enhancing enzyme enantioselectivity
Zsuzsanna Marton , Valérie Léonard , Per-Olof Syren , Cédric Bauer , Sylvain Lamare , Karl Hult , Vinh Tran , Marianne Graber
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2010, 65, pp.11-17


Article dans une revue

Molecular mechanism of the hydration of Candida antarctica lipase B in gas phase: water adsorption isotherms and molecular dynamics simulations.
R. J. F. Branco , Marianne Graber , Vinciane Denis , Juergen Pleiss
ChemBioChem, 2009, 10, pp.2913 - 2919. ⟨10.1002/cbic.200900544⟩
Understanding water effect on Candida antarctica lipase B activity and enantioselectivity towards secondary alcohols.
Valérie Léonard , Z. Marton , Sylvain Lamare , Karl Hult , Marianne Graber
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2009, 59, pp.90-95. ⟨10.1016/j.molcatb.2009.01.008⟩


Chapitre d'ouvrage

Solid/gaz biocatalysis
Isabelle Goubet , Marianne Graber , Thierry Maugard , Sylvain Lamare , Marie Dominique Legoy
Carrea G., Riva S. Organic synthesis with enzymes in non-aqueous media, Wiley-VCH, 2008, ISBN-10: 3-527-31846-1; ISBN-13: 978-3-527-31846-9


Article dans une revue

Exploring the possibility of predicting CALB activity in liquid organic medium, with the aid of intrinsic kinetic parameters and intrinsic solvent effect data obtained in solid/gaz reactor.
Marianne Graber , Valérie Léonard , Zsuzsanna Marton , Claire Cusatis , Sylvain Lamare
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2007, 52-53, pp.121-127 June 2008
Solvent as a competitive inhibitor for Candida antarctica lipase B
Marianne Graber , Romain Irague , Eric Rosenfeld , Sylvain Lamare , Linda Franson , Karl Hult
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Proteins and Proteomics, 2007, 1774, pp.1052-1057
A water molecule in the stereospecificity pocket of Candida antarctica lipase B enhances the enantioselectivity towards 2-pentanol
Valérie Léonard , Linda Fransson , Sylvain Lamare , Karl Hult , Marianne Graber
ChemBioChem, 2007, 8, pp.662-667


Article dans une revue

Enantioselective acylation of R-2-pentanol in a solid/gas reactor catalysed by lipase B from Candida antarctica.
Valérie Léonard , Sylvain Lamare , Marie-Dominique Legoy , Marianne Graber
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2004, 32, pp.53-59
Sylvain Lamare , Marie-Dominique Legoy , Marianne Graber
Green Chemistry, 2004, 6, pp.445-458
Solid/gas bioreactors: powerful tools for fundamental research and efficient technology for industrial applications
Sylvain Lamare , Marie-Dominique Legoy , Marianne Graber
Green Chemistry, 2004, 6, pp.445-458


Article dans une revue

Solid/gas biocatalysis: an appropriate tool to study the influence of organic components on kinetics of lipase catalyzed alcoholysis
Fabien Létisse , Sylvain Lamare , Marie-Dominique Legoy , Marianne Graber
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Proteins and Proteomics, 2003, 1652, pp.27-34
Alcoholysis catalyzed by Candida antarctica lipase B in a gas/solid system : effects of water on kinetic parameters
Marianne Graber , Marie-Pierre Bousquet-Dubouch , Sylvain Lamare , Marie-Dominique Legoy
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Proteins and Proteomics, 2003, 1648, pp.24-32


Article dans une revue

Water plays a different role on activation thermodynamic parameters of alcoholysis reaction catalyzed by Lipase in gaseous and organic media
Marianne Graber , Marie-Pierre Bousquet-Dubouch , Nadine Sousa , Sylvain Lamare , Marie-Dominique Legoy
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Proteins and Proteomics, 2002, 1645, pp.56-62


Article dans une revue

Alcoholysis catalysed by Candida antarctica lipase B in a gas/solid system obeys a Ping Pong Bi Bi mechanism with competitive inhibition by the alcohol substrate and water
Marie-Pierre Bousquet-Dubouch , Marianne Graber , Nadine Sousa , Sylvain Lamare , Marie-Dominique Legoy
BBA - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2001, 1550, pp.90-99
Isolation, purification and partial amino acid sequence of a highly hydrophobic new microcin named microcun L produced by Escherichia coli.
Sandrine Gaillard-Gendron , David Vignon , Gilles Cottenceau , Marianne Graber , N Zorn , Alain van Dorsselaer , Anne-Marie Pons
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2001, 193, pp.95-98


Article dans une revue

Experimental and theoretical analysis of the chromatographic behavior of protein purification fusions carrying charged tails
Sylvie Le Borgne , Marianne Graber , Jean-Stéphane Condoret
Bioseparation, 1995, 5, pp.53-64


Article dans une revue

Amidase activity and thermal stability of human thrombin
Sylvie Le Borgne , Marianne Graber
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1994, 48, pp.125-135


Article dans une revue

Preparative anion-exchange chromatography: the alternative of column-overload methods
Marianne Graber , Jean-Stéphane Condoret
Journal of Chromatography B Biomedical Sciences and Applications, 1992, 584, pp.115-120


Article dans une revue

Action pattern of alpha‐amylase from Aspergillus oryzae in concentrated media
Marianne Graber , Didier Combes
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1990, 36, pp.12-18


Article dans une revue

Effect of diffusional resistances on the action pattern of immobilized alpha‐amylase
María Isabel González Siso , Marianne Graber , Jean-Stéphane Condoret , Didier Combes
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 1989, 48, pp.185-200
Effect of polyols on fungal alpha-amylase thermostability
Marianne Graber , Didier Combes
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 1989, 11 (10), pp.673-677. ⟨10.1016/0141-0229(89)90007-0⟩


Culture of a microorganism of the genus Klebsiella sp., having a high content of rhamnose
Marianne Graber , André Morin , Pierre Monsan , Francis Duchiron
United States, Patent n° : 4950604. 1989
Culture d'un microorganisme du genre Klebsiella sp. et procédé de production d'un mélange d'oses à teneur élevée en rhamnose mettant en oeuvre cette culture
Marianne Graber , André Morin , Pierre Monsan , Francis Duchiron
France, N° de brevet: Brevet européen n°88 403131.1. 1989


Article dans une revue

Microbial polysaccharides containing 6-deoxysugars
Marianne Graber , André Morin , Francis Duchiron , Pierre Monsan
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 1988, 10, pp.198-206
Isolation of microorganisms producing 6-dexyhexose-containing polysaccharides
Marianne Graber , André Morin , Francis Duchiron , Pierre Monsan
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 1988, 10, pp.200-205
Isolation of Microorganisms Producing 6-Deoxyhexose-Containing Polysaccharides
Marianne Graber , André Morin , Pierre Monsan
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 1988, 10 (2), pp.200-205. ⟨10.1016/S0723-2020(88)80038-9⟩