Article dans une revue
Groundbreaking study: Combined effect of marine heatwaves and polyethylene microplastics on Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas
Leila Parizadeh
Camille Saint-Picq
Pierrick Barbier
Arno Bringer
Valérie Huet
Emmanuel Dubillot
Hélène Thomas
Chapitre d'ouvrage
The Use of Limpets and Mussels to Biomonitor Chronic Pollution in North Corsica Port Areas (Mediterranean Sea): A Multibiomarker Approach
Marion Pillet
Justine Castrec
Claire Gillet
Lise Le Vern
Michel Marengo
Lovina Fullgrabe
Stéphane Le Floch
Valérie Huet
Carine Churlaud
Pierre Lejeune
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Wiley. Best Practices in Port Environmental Data Management. The Case Study of the WIBE Information System, ISTE Group, 2024, 9781915874153
Article dans une revue
A review of biodiversity research in ports: Let's not overlook everyday nature!
Bénédicte Madon
Romain David
Antonio Torralba
Armelle Jung
Michel Marengo
Hélène Thomas
First characterization of seasonal variations in biomarkers baseline in Patella sp. from Mediterranean ports (North Corsica, France)
Marion Pillet
Frédéric Muttin
Michel Marengo
Lovina Fullgrabe
Valérie Huet
Pierre Lejeune
Hélène Thomas
Active and passive biomonitoring of trace elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and polychlorinated biphenyls in small Mediterranean harbours
Justine Castrec
Marion Pillet
Justine Receveur
Quentin Fontaine
Stéphane Le Floch
Carine Churlaud
Pierre Lejeune
Sylvie Gobert
Hélène Thomas
Michel Marengo
Preliminary inter-port study of the quality of environments using physiological responses of invertebrates exposed to chronic trace element and organic contamination in Corsica (Mediterranean Sea)
Marion Pillet
Mathilde Dabrowski
Michel Marengo
Lovina Fullgrabe
Michèle Leduc
Quentin Fontaine
Stéphane Le Floch
Valérie Huet
Carine Churlaud
Pierre Lejeune
Hélène Thomas
Seasonal variations of low pesticides contamination and biomarker responses in marine bivalves from French estuaries
Adélaïde Lerebours
Thierno Diallo
Annie Lecureuil
Justine Receveur
Valérie Huet
Julien Parinet
Thierry Guérin
Stéphane Le Floch
Hélène Thomas
Wide-scope screening of multi-class contaminants in seafood using a novel sample preparation (QuEChUP) procedure coupled with UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS: application for semi-quantitation of real seafood samples
Thierno Diallo
Yassine Makni
Adélaïde Lerebours
Hélène Thomas
Thierry Guérin
Julien Parinet
First quantitative biomonitoring study of two ports (marina, commerce) in French littoral area : Evaluation of metals released into the marine environment and resulting from galvanic anodes
Marine Barbarin
Coralie Turquois
Emmanuel Dubillot
Valérie Huet
Carine Churlaud
Frédéric Muttin
Hélène Thomas
Approaches to determine pesticides in marine bivalves
Thierno Diallo
Julia Leleu
Julien Parinet
Thierry Guérin
Hélène Thomas
Adélaïde Lerebours
Article dans une revue
First study on the determination of baseline biomarkers in Mimachlamys varia for an intra-port environmental biomonitoring in French Atlantic coastline (La Rochelle)
Marine Barbarin
Frédéric Muttin
Hélène Thomas
Spatio-temporal contamination of microplastics in shellfish farming regions: A case study
Adélaïde Lerebours
Marguerite Bathie
Maria Kazour
Rachid Amara
Valérie Huet
Hélène Thomas
Intergenerational effects of environmentally-aged microplastics on the Crassostrea gigas
Arno Bringer
Jérôme Cachot
Emmanuel Dubillot
Grégoire Prunier
Valérie Huet
Christelle Clérandeau
Louise Evin
Hélène Thomas
First insight into the development of a new transcriptomic tool in French Corsica harbors
Marion Pillet
K. Garrett Evensen
Michel Marengo
Pierre Lejeune
Helen Poynton
Hélène Thomas
Development and validation according to the SANTE guidelines of a QuECh-ERS-UHPLC-QTOF-MS method for the screening of 204 pesticides in bivalves
Thierno Diallo
Yassine Makni
Adélaïde Lerebours
Hélène Thomas
Thierry Guérin
Julien Parinet
Article dans une revue
Subchronic exposure to high-density polyethylene microplastics alone or in combination with chlortoluron significantly affected valve activity and daily growth of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
Arno Bringer
Hélène Thomas
Emmanuel Dubillot
Stéphane Le Floch
Justine Receveur
Jérôme Cachot
Damien Tran
Evidence of deleterious effects of microplastics from aquaculture materials on pediveliger larva settlement and oyster spat growth of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
Arno Bringer
Jérôme Cachot
Emmanuel Dubillot
Bénédicte Lalot
Hélène Thomas
Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)
Marine Environmental Quality Healthy Coastal Waters
Frédéric Muttin
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Marine Environmental Quality
Frédéric Muttin
Hélène Thomas
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Environmental Quality of Coastal Areas in the Mediterranean Sea and Potential Risks to Human Health
Marion Pillet
Michel Marengo
Sylvie Gobert
Pierre Lejeune
Michèle Leduc
Lovina Fullgrabe
Stephane Lefloch
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Frédéric Muttin, Hélène Thomas.
Marine Environmental Quality: Healthy Coastal Waters, Wiley; ISTE, 2021, 9781786307583.
Governance and public policies of coastal water quality in the « Pertuis Charentais »
Frédéric Muttin
Hélène Thomas
Frédéric Muttin, Hélène Thomas.
Marine Environmental Quality: Healthy Coastal Waters, 1, Wiley, 2021, 9781786307583.
Article dans une revue
Experimental ingestion of fluorescent microplastics by pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, and their effects on the behaviour and development at early stages
Arno Bringer
Jérôme Cachot
Grégoire Prunier
Emmanuel Dubillot
Christelle Clérandeau
Hélène Thomas
Biomonitoring of Mimachlamys varia transplanted to areas impacted by human activities (La Rochelle Marina, France)
Marine Breitwieser
Marine Barbarin
Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau
Emmanuel Dubillot
Thierry Guyot
Valérie Huet
Carine Churlaud
Thibaut Coulombier
Isabelle Brenon
Denis Fichet
Nathalie Imbert
Hélène Thomas
High density polyethylene (HDPE) microplastics impair development and swimming activity of Pacific oyster D-larvae, Crassostrea gigas, depending on particle size
Arno Bringer
Hélène Thomas
Grégoire Prunier
Emmanuel Dubillot
Noémie Bossut
Carine Churlaud
Christelle Clérandeau
Florane Le Bihanic
Jérôme Cachot
Article dans une revue
Population structure and genetic diversity in the variegated scallop, Mimachlamys varia (Linnaeus, 1758), a novel bioindicator of chemical pollution on the French coastline
Marine Breitwieser
Vanessa Becquet
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Valentin Pillet
Pierre-Guy Sauriau
Marianne Graber
Amélia Viricel
What is the relationship between the bioaccumulation of chemical contaminants in the variegated scallop Mimachlamys varia and its health status? A study carried out on the French Atlantic coast using the Path ComDim model
Marine Breitwieser
Evelyne Vigneau
Amélia Viricel
Vanessa Becquet
Camille Lacroix
Marina Erb
Valérie Huet
Carine Churlaud
Stéphane Le Floch
Benoit Guillot
Marianne Graber
Hélène Thomas
Assessment of the biological quality of port areas: A case study on the three harbours of La Rochelle: The marina, the fishing harbour and the seaport
Marine Breitwieser
Emmanuel Dubillot
Marine Barbarin
Carine Churlaud
Valérie Huet
Frédéric Muttin
Hélène Thomas
Immunocompetence analysis of the aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis exposed to urban wastewaters
Paul Boisseaux
Patrice Noury
Nicolas Delorme
Lucile Perrier
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Jeanne Garric
Spatial and temporal impacts of the Skjervøy harbour diesel spill on native population of blue mussels: A sub-Arctic case study
Marine Breitwieser
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Valérie Huet
Kjetil Sagerup
Perrine Geraudie
Influence of temperature on age-related lipid peroxidation in a short-lived vertebrate (Nothobranchius furzeri)
Thomas Milinkovitch
Christel Lefrançois
Marie Durollet
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Article dans une revue
Integrative biomarker assessment of the effects of chemically and mechanically dispersed crude oil in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas
Andrea Luna-Acosta
Paco Bustamante
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Beñat Zaldibar
Urtzi Izagirre
Ionan Marigómez
First data on three bivalve species exposed to an intra-harbour polymetallic contamination (La Rochelle, France)
Marine Breitwieser
Amélia Viricel
Carine Churlaud
Benoît Guillot
Elie Martin
Pierre-Louis Stenger
Valérie Huet
Angélique Fontanaud
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Comparative Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2017, 199, pp.28 - 37.
Recent findings on phenoloxidases in bivalves
A. Luna-Acosta
Marine Breitwieser
T. Renault
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Immune responses in the aquatic gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis under short-term exposure to pharmaceuticals of concern for immune systems: Diclofenac, cyclophosphamide and cyclosporine A
Paul Boisseaux
Noury Pascal
Thomas Helene
Garric Jeanne
Alterations of tissue metallothionein and vitellogenin concentrations in tropical cup oysters (Saccostrea sp.) following short-term (96 h) exposure to cadmium
Angela M. Moncaleano-Niño
Sergio A. Barrios-Latorre
Javier F. Poloche-Hernández
Vanessa Becquet
Valérie Huet
Luisa Villamil
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Michael J. Ahrens
Andrea Luna-Acosta
Article dans une revue
Analysis of hemocytes in Lymnaea stagnalis: Characterization and effects of repeated hemolymph collections
Paul Boisseaux
Marie Laure Delignette-Muller
Khédidja Abbaci
Hélène Thomas
Jeanne Garric
First evidence of marine diesel effects on biomarker responses in the Icelandic scallops, Chlamys islandica
Perrine Geraudie
Renée Bakkemo
Thomas Milinkovitch
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Short-Term and Long-Term Biological Effects of Chronic Chemical Contamination on Natural Populations of a Marine Bivalve
Marine Breitwieser
Amélia Viricel
Marianne Graber
Laurence Murillo
Vanessa Becquet
Carine Churlaud
Ingrid Fruitier-Arnaudin
Valérie Huet
Camille Lacroix
Eric Pante
Stéphane Le Floch
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Article dans une revue
Biomarker modulation associated with marine diesel contamination in the iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica)
Thomas Milinkovitch
Perrine Geraudie
Lionel Camus
Valérie Huet
Hélène Thomas- Guyon
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015
Effect of crude oil exposure and dispersant application on meiofauna: an intertidal mesocosm experiment Environ.
Soumaya Elarbaoui,
Marion Richard
Boufahja, Fehmi
Mahmoudia Ezzeddine
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
In situ evaluation of oxidative stress and immunological parameters as ecotoxicological biomarkers in a novel sentinel species (Mimachlamys varia)
Thomas Milinkovitch
Paco Bustamante
Valérie Huet
Anaïs Reigner
Carine Churlaud
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Article dans une revue
Persistent Organic Pollutants in a marine bivalve on the Marennes-Oléron Bay and the Gironde Estuary (French Atlantic coast) -Part 1: Bioaccumulation
Andrea Luna Acosta
Hélène Budzinski
Karine Le Menach
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Paco Bustamante
Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 514, pp.500-510
Persistent Organic Pollutants in a marine bivalve on the Marennes-Oléron Bay and the Gironde Estuary (French Atlantic coast) -Part 2: Potential biological effects
Andrea Luna Acosta
Paco Bustamante
Hélène Budzinski
Valérie Huet
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 514, pp.511-522
Article dans une revue
Toxicological effects of crude oil and oil-dispersant: biomarkers in the heart of the juvenile golden grey mullet (Liza aurata).
Thomas Milinkovitch
Nathalie Imbert
Wilfried Sanchez
Stéphane Le Floch
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Dispersant use as a response to oil spills: toxicological effects on fish cardiac performance
Thomas Milinkovitch
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Christel Lefrançois
Nathalie Imbert
Article dans une revue
Detection of early effects of a single herbicide (diuron) and a mix of herbicides and pharmaceuticals (diuron, isoproturon, ibuprofen) on immunological parameters of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) spat
Andrea Luna-Acosta
Tristan Renault
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Nicole Faury
Denis Saulnier
Hélène Budzinski
Karine Le Ménach
P. Pardon
Ingrid Fruitier-Arnaudin
Paco Bustamante
Responses of juvenile sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, exposed to acute concentrations of crude oil, as assessed by molecular and physiological biomarkers.
Elodie Kerambrun
Stéphane Le Floch
Wilfried Sanchez
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Tarik Meziane
Françoise Henry
Rachid Amara
Bioaccumulation and metabolisation of 14C-pyrene by the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas exposed via seawater
Paco Bustamante
Andrea Luna-Acosta
Sarah Clamens
Roberto Cassi
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Michel Warnau
Effect of dispersed crude oil exposure upon the aerobic metabolic scope in juvenile golden grey mullet (Liza aurata)
Thomas Milinkovitch
Julie Lucas
Stéphane Le Floch
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Christel Lefrançois
Communication dans un congrès
Biology Toxicology and Coastal Sensitivity Analysis
Frédéric Muttin
Laurent Aprin
Thomas Milinkovitch
Christel Lefrancois
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Stephane Lefloch
Celine Duffa
Herve Thebault
4th Workshop on Marine Pollution Response, Apr 2012, La Rochelle, France. pp.47-66
Article dans une revue
Toxicity of dispersant application: biomarkers responses in gills of juvenile golden grey mullet (Liza aurata)
Thomas Milinkovitch
Joachim Godefroy
Michaël Théron
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Effect of an experimental oil spill on vertebral bone tissue quality in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.).
Morgane Danion
Marie-Hélène Deschamps
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Anne Bado-Nilles
Stéphane Le Floch
Claire Quentel
Jean-Yves Sire
Enhanced immunological and detoxification responses in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, exposed to chemically dispersed oil
Andrea Luna-Acosta
R. Kanan
Stéphane Le Floch
Valérie Huet
Philippe Pineau
Paco Bustamante
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Differential tissue distribution and specificity of phenoloxidases from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
Andrea Luna-Acosta
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Myriam Amari
Eric Rosenfeld
Paco Bustamante
Ingrid Fruitier-Arnaudin
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2011, 159 (4), pp.220-226.
Effects of dispersed oil exposure on the bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the mortality of juvenile Liza ramada
Thomas Milinkovitch
Thomas Milinkovitch
Rami Kanan
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Stéphane Le Floch
Liver antioxidant and plasmatic immune responses in juvenile golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) exposed to dispersed crude oil
Thomas Milinkovitch
Awa Ndiaye
Wilfried Sanchez
Stéphane Le Floch
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
In vivo effects of the soluble fraction of light cycle oil on immune functions in the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linne)
Anne Bado-Nilles
Claire Quentel
David Mazurais
Jose-Luis Zambonino-Infante
Michel Auffret
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Stéphane Le Floch
Article dans une revue
First evidence of laccase activity in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
Andrea Luna Acosta
Eric Rosenfeld
Myriam Amari
Ingrid Fruitier-Arnaudin
Paco Bustamante
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Seasonal variation of pollution biomarkers to assess the impact on health status of juvenile Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas exposed in situ
Andrea Luna Acosta
Paco Bustamante
Joachim Godefroy
Ingrid Fruitier-Arnaudin
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
In vivo effects of LCO soluble fraction on immune-related functions and gene transcription in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg)
Anne Bado-Nilles
Tristan Renault
Nicole Faury
Stéphane Le Floch
Claire Quentel
Michel Auffret
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Article dans une revue
Phenoloxidase activation in the embryo of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and responses to the Ag and Cu exposure
Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Paco Bustamante
Edouard Hörlin
Andrea Luna Acosta
Anne Bado-Nilles
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Effects of two oils and 16 pure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on plasmatic immune parameters in the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linné).
Anne Bado-Nilles
Claire Quentel
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Stéphane Le Floch
Immune effects of HFO on European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, and Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
Anne Bado-Nilles
Claire Quentel
Michel Auffret
Stéphane Le Floch
Béatrice Gagnaire
Tristan Renault
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Communication dans un congrès
Localisation and characterization of phenoloxidase-like activity in Crassostrea gigas
Andrea Luna Acosta
Myriam Aimiri
Ingrid Fruitier-Aranaudin
Paco Bustamante
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
European Society of Marine Biotechnology (ESBM), Sep 2009, Concarneau, France
Toxicological effects of dispersed crude oil on Golden Mullet Liza aurata innate immune function
Thomas Milinkovitch
Claire Quentel
Wilfried Sanchez
Stéphane Le Floch
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Annual Main Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, Jun 2009, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Biomarkers of interest to assess in situ the impact of pollutants on immune defences in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
Andrea Luna Acosta
Paco Bustamante
Joachim Godefroy
Eric Rosenfeld
Ingrid Fruitier-Aranaudin
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
15th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO), May 2009, Bordeaux, France
Towards a better understanding of a pertinent biomarker of contaminant effect on Crassostrea gigas: the prophenoloxidase system
Andrea Luna Acosta
Eric Rosenfeld
Cyrille Barthélémy
Ingrid Fruitier-Aranaudin
Paco Bustamante
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009, Jan 2009, Nice, France
Article dans une revue
Effects of 16 pure hydrocarbons and two oils on haemocyte and haemolymphatic parameters in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg).
Anne Bado-Nilles
Béatrice Gagnaire
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Stéphane Le Floch
Tristan Renault
Communication dans un congrès
Identification of molecular immune related biomarker in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
Andrea Luna Acosta
Cyrille Barthélémy
Ingrid Fruitier-Arnaudin
Paco Bustamante
Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Society of Experimental Biology Annual Main Meeting, Jul 2008, Marseille, France