Zecchin Cipro, Caio Vinicius

Post-doctorat 2015-17 : Projet conjoint Université de São Paulo/Brésil et Université de La Rochelle/France
Post-doctorat 2014 : Université de La Rochelle/France via programme Sciences sans Frontières (CAPES/Brésil)
Chercheur Invité ANS Polartop 2012-2013

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Mots clés : Réseau trophique, isotopes stables, mercure, Antarctique, bioamplification.

Thèse de doctorat 2007-2011
Thèse intitulé (traduction libre) "Organic pollutants and stable isotopes in the ecosystem from Admiralty Bay, Antarctica", Universidade de São Paulo (Brésil).

Formation d’origine :
Master en Sciences intitulé (traduction libre) « Occurrence of organochlorine compounds in Euphausia superba and Pygoscelis genus penguins », Universidade de São Paulo, 2005-2007.
Directeur de thèse :
Rosalinda Carmela Montone. CNPq niveau 1C
Responsables scientifiques du post-doctorat :
-  Paco Bustamante, Enseignant-chercheur, Professeur classe exceptionnelle
Financement du post-doctorat : Fondation Fapesp (Fondation de soutien à la recherche de l’État de São Paulo/Brésil

"Vegetation and soil as indicators of secondary pollutants sources in Antarctic ecosystems" .
Given the minimal direct human influence on Antarctica, the issue of how compounds as the POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants), which are necessarily synthetic, arrive to this isolated and remote area, arises. Such compounds evaporate in warmer regions, then undergo atmospheric transport to cold remote regions (such as the Poles), with consequent condensation and possible input in the local food web, through a process known as "global distillation", classically pointed as the biggest responsible by contaminants input in these ecosystems. The same occurs, in a lesser scale, for inorganic contaminants, such as Hg and Cd, since they present natural sources as well. Nevertheless, the concentration of such contaminants along the life of organisms, and also along the trophic web, combined with the fact that individuals gather in large numbers and excrete on land are particular noticeable for the avifauna during the reproduction season. Only a few studies proposed such colonies as an important secondary contaminants source. A previous work of the proponents, adopting a pioneer approach as far as we concern, could confirm, even with a modest sampling set, this role of non-negligible sources, using vegetation samples as indicators and correlating the volatility of the contaminants with the volatility of the animal derived organic matter absorbed by the vegetation, through the isotopic fractioning of this organic matter during its degradation. The present project, therefore, aims to evaluate the influence of bird colonies as secondary sources of both organic and inorganic contaminants using soil and vegetation as indicators in Antarctic ecosystems, geographically expanding and refining the previous base work by including several variables that could not be formerly considered (inorganic contaminants, geographical variation, inclusion of a new matrix : soils and different bird species with different feeding ecology strategies).

Principales collaborations :
-  Paco Bustamante, Université de La Rochelle
-  Rosalinda Carmela Montone, Universidade de São Paulo
-  Satie Taniguchi, Universidade de São Paulo
-  ANR Polartop

Publications :

  • Cipro, C.V.Z., Taniguchi, S., Montone, R.C., 2010. Chemosphere Occurrence of organochlorine compounds in Euphausia superba and unhatched eggs of Pygoscelis genus penguins from Admiralty Bay ( King George Island , Antarctica ) and estimation of biomagnification factors. Chemosphere 78, 767–771.
  • Cipro, C.V.Z., Yogui, G.T., Bustamante, P., Taniguchi, S., Sericano, J.L., Montone, R.C., 2011. Organic pollutants and their correlation with stable isotopes in vegetation from King George Island, Antarctica. Chemosphere 85, 393–8.
  • Cipro, C.V.Z., Bustamante, P., Taniguchi, S., Montone, R.C., 2012. Persistent organic pollutants and stable isotopes in pinnipeds from King George Island, Antarctica. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 64, 2650–5.
  • Cipro, C.V.Z., Colabuono, F.I., Taniguchi, S., Montone, R.C., 2013. Persistent organic pollutants in bird, fish and invertebrate samples from King George Island, Antarctica. Antarct. Sci. 8, 1–8.
  • Dias, P.S., Cipro, C.V.Z., Taniguchi, S., Montone, R.C., 2013. Persistent organic pollutants in marine biota of São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago, Brazil. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 6–11.
  • Cipro, C.V.Z., Colabuono, F.I., Taniguchi, S., Montone, R.C., 2013. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in fat samples from White-chinned Petrels ( Procellaria aequinoctialis ) and Spectacled Petrels ( P . conspicillata ) off southern Brazil. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 77, 396–399.
  • Cipro, C.V.Z., Cherel, Y., Caurant, F., Miramand, P., Méndez-Fernandez, P., Bustamante, P., 2014. Trace elements in tissues of white-chinned-petrels (Procellaria aequinoctialis) from Kerguelen waters, Southern Indian Ocean. Polar Biology 37, 763-771.
  • Colabuono, F.I., Taniguchi, S., Cipro, C. V.Z., da Silva, J., Bícego, M.C., Montone, R.C., 2015. Persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mosses after fire at the Brazilian Antarctic Station. Marine Pollution Bulletin 93, 266-269.

Activités d’enseignement :
- Vacations pour l’Université de Poitiers et Hanoï sur l’ecotoxicologie, niveau M2.
- Activités équivalentes à l’ATER pour l’Université de São Paulo sur les disciplines Chimie (générale et organique), Physique (mécanique classique et thermodynamique) et Système Océan (Océanographie Chimique), niveau Licence.