Article dans une revue
Contribution of campaign GNSS toward parsing subsidence rates by time and depth in coastal Bangladesh
Michael Steckler
Md. Hasnat Jaman
Celine Jo Grall
Steven Goodbred
Carol Wilson
Bar Oryan
Communication dans un congrès
Estimating subsidence, sedimentation and elevation change in coastal Bangladesh using InSAR and surface measurements
Michael S Steckler
Lin Shen
Sumya Sultana
Austin Chadwick
Kristy Tiampo
Carol A Wilson
Sharmin Akter
Hasnat Jaman
Celine Jo Grall
Steven L Goodbred
Bar Oryan
Deltas 2024: Coastal River Deltas in a Changing World, Miss Delta : Mississippi River Delta Initiative, Aug 2024, Baton Rouge, LA, United States
SLC0de: an open-access Python Library for modelling subsidence and Relative Sea Level in Deltas
A Henry-Larroze
Celine Jo Grall
Colloque G2, Geodesie marine, sous-marine et cotiere, UMR Littoral, environnement et sociétés (Lienss), Mar 2024, La Rochelle - 17, France
Mesures de l'élévation des eaux et modèle de géoïde local dans la zone tidale du Delta du Ganges au Bangladesh
Celine Jo Grall
Laurent Testut
Yann-Treden Tranchant
Simon Williams
Anita Saraswati
Victor Kerebel
Valérie Ballu
Colloque G2, Geodesie marine, sous-marine et cotiere, UMR Littoral, environnement et sociétés (Lienss), Mar 2024, La Rochelle, France
Article dans une revue
Evolution of the North Anatolian Fault from a diffuse to a localized shear zone in the North Aegean Sea during the Plio-Pleistocene
M Rodriguez
D Sakellariou
Christian Gorini
A Janin
Elia d'Acremont
Laetitia Le Pourhiet
Nicolas Chamot-Rooke
K Tsampouraki-Kraounaki
I Morfis
G Rousakis
P Henry
A Lurin
M Delescluse
P Briole
A Rigo
S Arsenikos
C Bulois
D Fernández-Blanco
A Beniest
Céline Grall
Frank Chanier
F Caroir
Jean-Xavier Dessa
D Oregioni
A Nercessian
Sediment delivery to sustain the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta under climate change and anthropogenic impacts
Jessica Raff
Steven Goodbred
Jennifer Pickering
Ryan Sincavage
John Ayers
Md. Saddam Hossain
Carol Wilson
Chris Paola
Michael Steckler
Dhiman Mondal
Jean-Louis Grimaud
Celine Jo Grall
Kimberly Rogers
Kazi Matin Ahmed
Syed Humayun Akhter
Brandee Carlson
Elizabeth Chamberlain
Meagan Dejter
Jonathan Gilligan
Richard Hale
Mahfuzur Khan
Md. Golam Muktadir
Md. Munsur Rahman
Lauren Williams
Communication dans un congrès
Cape-Fear project at the Eastern North American Margin (ENAM): Mass Transport Processes, gas occurrences and associated coastal hazards
Céline Grall
Louis-Marin Bodiguel-Dupuis
Elie Viel
Hugh Daigle
Anne Bécel
James Gibson
Nathan Miller
Dave Foster
Wayne Baldwin
Wiiliam Danforth
Yael Kiro
Ali Mohamed
Farnsworth Mason
Katherine Stelling
Carlos Figueroa-Diaz
Eden Markovitz
28eme Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Géosciences Rennes; Observatoire de Rennes, Oct 2023, Rennes, France
Effect of sedimentation on Relative Sea Level (RSL) and subsidence in the Ayeyarwady delta Region (Myanmar)
Adrien Henry
Céline Grall
Melanie Becker
Mikhail Karpytchev
Eric Chaumillon
28eme Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Géosciences Rennes; Observatoire de Rennes; Université de Rennes, Oct 2023, Rennes, France
Effect of lithosphere elastic properties on subsidence induced by sediment load in the Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna Delta (Bangladesh)
Adrien Henry
Céline Grall
Serine Madji
Nicolas Tharaud
Christopher Carchedi
James Gaherty
Steve Goodbred
Michael Steckler
Melanie Becker
Mikhail Karpytchev
Eric Chaumillon
28eme Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Rennes; Géosciences Rennes; Observatoire de Rennes, Oct 2023, Rennes, France
Cape-Fear project at the Eastern North American Margin (ENAM) : new insights from coring observations
Elie Viel
Céline Grall
Yael Kiro
Louis-Marin Bodiguel-Dupuis
Anne Bécel
Hugh Daigle
Katherine Stelling
Ali Mohamed
Mason Farnsworth
Carlos Figueroa-Diaz
Eden Markovitz
28eme Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Géosciences Rennes; Observatoire de Rennes; Université de Rennes, Oct 2023, Rennes, France
Cape-Fear Project: Eastern North American Margin (ENAM), free gas and gas hydrate occurences
Bodiguel-Dupuis Louis-Marin
Céline Grall
Hugh Daigle
Anne Bécel
James Gibson
Nathan Miller
Emma Le Gall
Dave Foster
Wayne Baldwin
Bill Danforth
Ali Mohamed
Mason Farnsworth
28eme Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Géosciences Rennes; Observatoire de Rennes; Université de Rennes, Oct 2023, Rennes, France
Article dans une revue
Synthesis of the distribution of subsidence of the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh
Michael Steckler
Bar Oryan
Carol Wilson
Céline Grall
Scott Nooner
Dhiman Mondal
S. Humayun Akhter
Scott Dewolf
Steve Goodbred
Communication dans un congrès
Subsidence and relative sea level rates in the Bengal delta
Celine Grall
Michael Steckler
Yann Krien
Steve Goodbred
Amelia Winner
Nahin Rezwan
Mikhail Karpytchev
Ken Ferrier
Melanie Becker
Syed Humayun Akther
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
The Indian Plate in the Ganges-Meghna-Brahmaputra delta: exploring the thermal effects of extreme sedimentation on the seismogenesis
Celine Grall
Michael Steckler
Jordan Pierre
Paul Betka
Valérie Ballu
Roger Buck
Syed Humayun Akther
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
Article dans une revue
Flexural deformation controls on Late Quaternary sediment dispersal in the Garo‐Rajmahal Gap, NW Bengal Basin
Jean-Louis Grimaud
C. Grall
S. Goodbred
M.S. Steckler
R. Sincavage
J.L. Pickering
C. Paola
N. Seeber
M.S. Hossain
Article dans une revue
Present‐day subsidence in the Ganges‐Brahmaputra‐Meghna Delta: eastern amplification of the Holocene sediment loading contribution
Y. Krien
M. Karpytchev
V. Ballu
Melanie Becker
C. Grall
S. Goodbred
S. Calmant
C.K. Shum
Z. Khan
Communication dans un congrès
Impact of Land Subsidence on Extreme Sea Levels and Floodings in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
M. Karpytchev
Melanie Becker
Y. Krien
C. Grall
V. Ballu
A. Palenstijn
A. S. Islam
F. Durand
M. J. U. Khan
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec 2019, San Francisco, United States
Article dans une revue
Correction to: Gas occurrence and shallow conduit systems in the Western Sea of Marmara: a review and new acoustic evidence
Hakan Saritaş
Gunay Cifci
Louis Géli
Yannick Thomas
Bruno Marsset
Pierre Henry
Céline Grall
Alexis Rochat
Impact of glacial-lake paleofloods on valley development since glacial termination II: A conundrum of hydrology and scale for the lowstand Brahmaputra-Jamuna paleovalley system
J.L. Pickering
M.S. Diamond
S.L. Goodbred
C. Grall
J.M. Martin
L. Palamenghi
C. Paola
T. Schwenk
R.S. Sincavage
V. Spieß
Multidisciplinary investigation on cold seeps with vigorous gas emissions in the Sea of Marmara (MarsiteCruise): Strategy for site detection and sampling and first scientific outcome
Livio Ruffine
Hélène Ondréas
Marie-Madeleine Blanc-Valleron
Barbara M. A. Teichert
Carla Scalabrin
Emmanuel Rinnert
Dominique Birot
Claire Croguennec
Emmanuel Ponzevera
Catherine Pierre
Jean-Pierre Donval
Anne-Sophie Alix
Yoan Germain
Laurent Bignon
Joël Etoubleau
Jean-Claude Caprais
Joël Knoery
Françoise A Lesongeur
Bastien Thomas
Angélique Roubi
Ludovic Legoix
Pete Burnard
Nicolas Chevalier
Hailong Lu
Stéphanie Dupré
Christophe Fontanier
Delphine Dissard
Nazli Olgun
Hailin Yang
Harald Strauss
Volkan Özaksoy
Jonathan Perchoc
Christian Podeur
Corinne Tarditi
Eyyüp Özbeki
Vivien Guyader
Bernard Marty
David Madre
Mathilde Pitel-Roudaut
Céline Grall
David Embriaco
Alina Polonia
Luca Gasperini
M. Namik Çağatay
Pierre Henry
Louis Geli
Upward migration of gas in an active tectonic basin: An example from the sea of Marmara
Céline Grall
Pierre Henry
Stéphanie Dupré
Louis Geli
Carla Scalabrin
Tiphaine A.C. Zitter
M. Sengor
M. Namik Cagatay
Gunay Cifci
Gas and seismicity within the Istanbul seismic gap
Louis Géli
Pierre Henry
C. Grall
J.-B. Tary
A. Lomax
E. Batsi
V. Riboulot
E. Cros
C. Gürbüz
S. Işik
A. Sengör
X. Le Pichon
L. Ruffine
S. Dupré
Y. Thomas
D. Kalafat
G. Bayrakci
Q. Coutellier
T. Régnier
G. Westbrook
H. Saritas
G. Cifci
N. Görür
M. Tryon
M. Bohnhoff
L. Gasperini
F. Klingelhoefer
C. Scalabrin
J.-M. Augustin
D. Embriaco
G. Marinaro
F. Frugoni
S. Monna
G. Etiope
P. Favali
A. Bécel
A statistical approach to relationships between fluid emissions and faults: The Sea of Marmara case
Pierre Henry
C. Grall
J. Kende
Sophie Viseur
S. Dupré
C. Scalabrin
L. Géli
A base-level stratigraphic approach to determining Holocene subsidence of the Ganges–Meghna–Brahmaputra Delta plain
Céline Grall
M.S. S Steckler
J.L. L Pickering
S. Goodbred
R. Sincavage
C. Paola
S.H. Akhter
V. Spiess
Gas occurrence and shallow conduit systems in the Western Sea of Marmara: a review and new acoustic evidence
Hakan Saritaş
Günay Çifçi
Louis Géli
Yannick Thomas
Bruno Marsset
Pierre Henry
Céline Grall
Alexis Rochat
Communication dans un congrès
Sediment partitioning related to a deep structure in Northwestern Bengal during the Late Quaternary
Jean-Louis Grimaud
Céline Grall
Chris Paola
Steve Goodbred
Sadam Hossain
Ryan Sincavage
Jennifer Pickering
Michael Steckler
Nano Seeber
EGU General Assembly 2018, Mar 2018, Vienna, Austria. pp.2018 - 5002
Article dans une revue
Moho depth and crustal thinning in the Marmara Sea region from gravity data inversion
J. Kende
P Henry
G. Bayrakci
M. Özeren
C. Grall
Article dans une revue
Structure of the Demerara passive-transform margin and associated sedimentary processes. Initial results from the IGUANES cruise
L. Loncke
A. Maillard
C. Basile
R. Roest
G. Bayon
V. Gaullier
F. Pattier
M. Mercier de Lépinay
C. Grall
L. Droz
T. Marsset
P. Giresse
C. Caprais
C. Cathalot
D. Graindorge
A. Heuret
F. Lebrun
S. Bermell
B. Marcaillou
C. Sotin
B. Hebert
M. Patriat
M. Bassetti
C. Tallobre
R. Buscail
X. Durrieu de Madron
F. Bourrin
The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2016, 431 (1), pp.179 - 197.
Propagation of a strike-slip plate boundary within an extensional environment: the westward propagation of the North Anatolian Fault
Xavier Le Pichon
A. M. Celal Sengor
Julia Kende
Caner Imren
Pierre Henry
Celine Grall
Hayrullah Karabulut
Benchmarking analogue models of brittle thrust wedges
Guido Schreurs
Susanne J.H. Buiter
Jennifer Boutelier
Caroline Burburry
Jean-Paul Callot
Cristian Cavozzi
Mariano Cerca
Jian-Hong Chen
Ernesto Cristallini
Alexander Cruden
Leonardo Cruz
Jean-Marc Daniel
Gabriela da Poian
Victor H. Garcia
Caroline J. S. Gomes
Céline Grall
Yannick Guillot
Cecilia Guzman
Triyani Nur Hidaya
George Hilley
Klinkmüller Matthias
Hemin A. Koyi
Chia-Yu Lu
Bertrand Maillot
Meriaux Catherine
Faramarz Nilfouroushan
Pan Chang-Chih Pan
Daniel Pillot
Portillo Rodrigo
Rosenau Matthias
Wouter P. Schellart Schellart
Roy W. Schlische
Andy Take
Bruno Vendeville
Marine Vergnaud
Matteo Vettori
Shih-Hsien Wang
Martha O. Withjack
Daniel Yagupsky
Yasuhiro Yamada
Article dans une revue
Tectonic and sedimentary controls on widespread gas emissions in the Sea of Marmara: Results from systematic, shipborne multibeam echo sounder water column imaging
Stéphanie Dupré
Carla Scalabrin
Céline Grall
Jean-Marie Augustin
Pierre Henry
A. M. Celal Şengör
Naci Görür
M. Namik Çağatay
Louis Géli
Pore water geochemistry at two seismogenic areas in the Sea of Marmara
Livio Ruffine
Yoan Germain
Alina Polonia
Alexis de Prunelé
Claire Croguennec
Jean-Pierre Donval
Mathilde Pitel-Roudaut
Emmanuel Ponzevera
Jean-Claude Caprais
Christophe Brandily
Céline Grall
Claire Bollinger
Louis Géli
Luca Gasperini
Article dans une revue
The geometry of the North Anatolian transform fault in the Sea of Marmara and its temporal evolution: implications for the development of intracontinental transform faults
A. M. Celâl Şengör
Céline Grall
Caner Imren
Xavier Le Pichon
Naci Görür
Pierre Henry
Hayrullah Karabulut
Muzaffer Siyako
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Mass Transport Deposits Periodicity Related to Glacial Cycles and Marine-Lacustrine Transitions on a Ponded Basin of the Sea of Marmara (Turkey) Over the Last 500 ka
Céline Grall
Pierre Henry
Graham K. Westbrook
M Namik Çağatay
Yannick Thomas
Bruno Marsset
Daniel Borschneck
Hakan Saritaş
Günay Çifçi
Louis Géli
Sebastian Krastel; Jan-Hinrich Behrmann; David Völker; Michael Stipp; Christian Berndt; Roger Urgeles; Jason Chaytor; Katrin Huhn; Michael Strasser; Carl Bonnevie Harbitz.
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. 6th International Symposium, 37, Springer International Publishing, pp.595-603, 2014, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 978-3-319-00971-1.
Article dans une revue
Slip rate estimation along the western segment of the Main Marmara Fault over the last 405-490 ka by correlating mass transport deposits
C. Grall
Pierre Henry
Y. Thomas
G. Westbrook
M. Çağatay
B. Marsset
H. Saritas
G. Cifci
L. Geli
Article dans une revue
Distribution, morphology and triggers of submarine mass wasting in the Sea of Marmara,
T.A.C. Zitter
C. Grall
P Henry
M. S. Ozeren
M. N. Cagatay
A. M. C. Sengor
L. Gasperini
B. Mercier de Lépinay
L. Géli
Contribution of high-resolution 3D seismic near-seafloor imaging to reservoir-scale studies: application to the active North Anatolian Fault, Sea of Marmara
Y. Thomas
B. Marsset
G.K. K Westbrook
Céline Grall
L. Géli
P Henry
G. Çifçi
A. Rochat
H. Saritas
Heat flow in the Sea of Marmara Central Basin: Possible implications for the tectonic evolution of the North Anatolian fault
Celine Grall
Pierre Henry
Devrim Tezcan
Bernard Mercier de Lepinay
Anne Becel
Louis Geli
Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz
Tiphaine Zitter
Francois Harmegnies
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Geochemical Dynamics of the Natural-Gas Hydrate System in the Sea of Marmara, Offshore Turkey
Livio Ruffine
Olivia Fandino Torres
Joel Etoubleau
Sandrine Cheron
Jean-Pierre Donval
Yoan Germain
Emmanuel Ponzevera
Vivien Guyader
Bernard Dennielou
Giuseppe Etiope
Luca Gasperini
Giovanni Bortoluzzi
Pierre Henry
Celine Grall
M. Namik Cagatay
Jean-Luc Charlou
Louis Geli
Geochemical Dynamics of the Natural-Gas Hydrate System in the Sea of Marmara, Offshore Turkey, Advances in Natural Gas Technology, Dr. Hamid Al-Megren (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0507-7. pp.29-56, 2012
Article dans une revue
Heat flow in the Sea of Marmara Central Basin: Possible implications for the tectonic evolution of the North Anatolian fault,
C. Grall
P Henry
D. Tezcan
B. Mercier de Lépinay
A. Bécel
L. Géli
J.L. Rudkiewicz
T. Zitter
B. Harmegnies
Geology, 2011, 40 (1), pp.3-6
Article dans une revue
Fractures, hydrothermal alterations and permeability in the Soultz Enhanced Geothermal System.
B. Ledesert
R. Hébert
Albert Genter
D. Bartier
N. Clauer
C. Grall
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2010, 342, pp.607-615
Pore fluid chemistry of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Sea of Marmara: A diversity of sources and processes
M. D. Tryon
P. Henry
M. N. Ćaǧatay
T. A. C. Zitter
L. Géli
L. Gasperini
P. Burnard
S. Bourlange
C. Grall
The Enhanced Geothermal System of Soult-sous-Forêts: a study of the relationships between fracture zones and calcite content.
Ronan L. Hébert
Béatrice Ledésert
Daniele Bartier
Chrystel Dezayes
Albert Genter
C. Grall
Article dans une revue
Calcimetry as a useful tool for a better knowledge of flow pathways in the Soultz-sous-Forêts Enhanced Geothermal System
Béatrice Ledésert
Ronan L. Hébert
Céline Grall
Albert Genter
Chrystel Dezayes
Daniele Bartier
Andre Gérard
Article dans une revue
Loi n° 2005-882 du 2 août 2005 comportant diverses dispositions en faveur des petites et moyennes entreprises, JO du 3 août 2005, p. 12639 ; Circulaire du 8 déc. 2005 relative aux relations commerciales, accessible sur le site du ministère de l'économie
Emmanuelle Claudel
RTDCom. Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial et de droit économique, 2006, 01, pp.51