Nguyen-Thanh Hien

Thèse de doctorat (2015-2018)
Ecole doctorale de l’Université de La Rochelle : Gay Lussac (Science for the environment)
Formation d’origine : : Master of Science in Ecological Marine Management, Vrije Univesiteit Brussel, 2007-2009

(2015-2018) Structure and functioning of the benthic food web in intertidal mudflats of Guiana coasts : conservation issues for birds and fish

Mots clés : Food web, community structure, intertidal mudflats, benthic assemblages, French Guiana
Responsables scientifiques :
  Prof. Christine Dupuy - Université de La Rochelle, LIENSs UMR 7266
  Dr. Pierrick Bocher - Université de La Rochelle, LIENSs UMR 7266
  Dr. Christel Lefrancois - Université de La Rochelle, LIENSs UMR 7266
Financement : Project 911 of Vietnamese Government

Structure and functioning of the benthic food web in intertidal mudflats of Guiana coasts : Conservation issues for birds and fish.
In every ecosystem, all living things are linked by the food they eat. The energy derived from food is transferred through several food chains based on predator-prey relationships, which ultimately built up a food web. By reviewing the interactions of organisms that feed on one another, my thesis explores the diversity of the benthic food web and its role in supporting coastal fish and shore birds along the extreme dynamic Guiana mudflats

Publications :

  • Dupuy C, Nguyen TH, Mizrahi D, Jourde J, Brenet M, Agogue H, Laureen B & Bocher P, (2015). Structure and functional characteristics of the meiofauna community in highly unstable intertidal mudbanks in Suriname and French Guiana (North Atlantic coast of South America). Continental Shelf Research, 110, 39 – 47