Philippe Anne

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PhD thesis 2013/2016
Graduate School, University of La Rochelle (Gay Lussac)
Original training :
Master EDYLE (Ecologie et DYnamique des Littoraux et Estuaires), 2012-2013

Keywords : Shorebirds, benthic macrofauna, intertidal mudflats, spatio-temporal variations, feeding behavior

PhD supervisor :
Pierrick BOCHER, Enseignant-chercheur, Université de La Rochelle, LIENSs UMR 7266
Team : DYFEA

Funding : PhD grant of region Poitou-Charentes
PHC van Gogh (2015 & 2016), European label incentive (University of La Rochelle).

Spatio-temporal variations of wintering Shorebirds relating to availability and variability of benthic macrofauna prey based on ten years of monitoring in the Pertuis Charentais intertidal mudflats
Aim : Since 2004, in January-February, 4 areas of mudflats are being monitored for benthic macrofauna (2 in Aiguillon Bay and 2 others in Marennes-Oléron Bay). In parallel, wintering shorebirds counts were made available by managers of Local Nature Reserves. The expanse and richness of this combined data allow us to study the drivers of spatial distribution of species (prey and predators) through its quantitative and qualitative changes in the Pertuis-Charentais since 2004.
(Objective :
The main objective of this research is to test the hypothesis that spatial (across the Pertuis-Charentais area) and temporal (inter-annual) changes in waders can be explained primarily by the spatial and temporal variations of their trophic resources. To meet this goal, knowledge about feeding behavior of predators, and about factors (biotic, abiotic, and anthropogenic) impacting community structures (prey and predator) and their spatial distribution must be thorough.
Additional objectives will be :

 Describe predator species assemblages depending on prey species assemblages.
 Test theoretical models aiming at understanding the distribution and variation of waders across the Pertuis-Charentais (e. g. ideal free distribution, buffer effect).
 Study in detail population dynamics of the main mollusc and annelid species in order to detect possible environmental changes and evaluate their potential as bioindicators for global changes.
The outputs of this study would help Natural Reserves to protect not only shorebird populations in decline, but also their food resources and habitat.

Bécasseau Maubèche - Calidris canutus

Collaborations :
 Local collaboration : RNF-LPO-ONCFS gestionnaires des quatre RNN des Pertuis Charentais
 National collaboration : Observatoire du Patrimoine littoral RNF
 International collaboration : Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NIOZ –University of Groningen