STORISK — Small islands addressing climate change : towards storylines of risk and adaptation
STORISK gathers partners with various scientific backgrounds informing the key components of the storylines of risk, from the physical direct consequences of climate change (IPSL-LSCE and GEOPHEN on the ocean/atmosphere interactions, LIENSs-DPL on sea level rise, BRGM and GEOPHEN on marine inundation) to its impacts on ecosystems and natural resources (e.g., EPHE-CRIOBE, MNHN-BOrEA and LOV-UPMC-CNRS on coral reefs and associated resources ; and LIENSs-AGILE, PRODIG-EPHE and GEOPHEN on coastal morphology), and on human-related activities and management practices (LIENSs-AGILE, IDDRI, PRODIG-EPHE, LGP and CEJEP).
Pr. Virginie Duvat, LIENSs
LIENSs (Littoral, ENvironnement, Sociétés) is a join research unit under the CNRS and La Rochelle University authorities, which integrates expertise in biology, ecology, earth sciences, geophysics, geography, history, etc. with a special focus on coastal zones. It is one of the 2 first units to be jointly supported by 3 CNRS Institutes (INEE, INSU, INSHS) as recognition of its large interdisciplinarity.
AGILE (Approches Géographiques Ile Littoral Environnement) – Team leader : Pr. Virginie Duvat – AGILE team gathers 12 members working on coastal environmental issues, including coastal geomorphology, human-nature interactions, urban growth and modelling, human activities at the coast and in ocean areas.
DPL (Dynamique Physique du Littoral) – Team leader : Pr. Guy Wöppelmann – DPL team gathers 16 members working on past and current shoreline dynamics as well as on absolute and relative sea level variations at the geological and contemporary timescales.
IDDRI (Institute for sustainable development and international relations, Sciences Po Paris) – Team leader : Dr. Alexandre K. Magnan – IDDRI is an independent and non-profit policy-research institute with the legal status of a Foundation of public interest. Based upon its 12-year experience in international governance of key environmental issues (especially climate change) and upon its worldwide network, IDDRI has a long experience in facilitating Science/Policy dialogues from international to local levels and with public, private, non-governmental stakeholders. IDDRI also develops research at a high level in the fields of climate change (especially on vulnerability, risk and adaptation in coastal areas), oceans governance (high seas, offshore exploitation, etc.), and ocean warming and acidification (solutions, implementation bodies). It also organized numerous international experts workshops.
IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace) – Team leader : Pr. Pascale Braconnot – IPSL gathers 9 laboratories including the LSCE (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement) and the LOCEAN (Laboratoire d’Océanographie et du Climat : Expérimentation et Approches Numériques). IPSL labs especially study the dynamical, chemical and biological processes at work in the oceans and in the atmosphere, atmosphere/oceans/biosphere interactions (e.g., water and carbon cycles), and natural climate variability at regional and global scales. Several IPSL researchers contributed to IPCC Assessment Reports, including P. Braconnot (Working Group 1) and Hervé Le Treut (IPCC board).
BRGM – Team leader : Gonéri Le Cozannet – BRGM (about 1,000 pers.) provides R&D and expertise in Earth Sciences for public policies, decision-making and citizen information in different fields. The researchers involved in STORISK belong to BRGM’s Risk and Prevention Division / Coastal Risks and Climate Change Unit that gathers about 15 persons specialized in. Colleagues from regional offices, including in Reunion Island, will support them.
CEJEP (Centre d’Études Juridiques et Politiques, EA 3170) – Team leader : Dr. Agnès MIchelot – CEJEP focuses a public and private law, regulation bodies and political sciences, and belongs to the University of la Rochelle, France. CEJEP gathers experts in environmental and sustainable development issues, which remain under-studied topics among the French community of lawers. Its main research axes deal with environmental and climate justice, environment and territories, and insurances systems. CEJEP members actively contribute to make these issues considered in national decision-making bodies such as the CESE (Conseil économique, social et environnemental).
EPHE (École pratique des hautes etudes, Grand Établissement in Paris, France) – As a member of the elite Paris Science et Lettres (with ENS Ulm, Collège de France, EHESS...), EPHE is counted among France’s most prestigious research and higher education institutions. Highly regarded for its top level in both natural and human sciences, EPHE has relations and exchange programs with world renowned institutions like Cambridge University, Princeton University, Al Azhar, etc. EPHE brings together 240 faculty members and about 3,000 students/attenders into three core departments : Earth and Life Sciences, Historical and Philological Sciences, and Religious Sciences. The Earth and Life Sciences Section gathers 32 faculty and laboratories in Paris and throughout France. EPHE-CRIOBE (Centre de recherches insulaires et observatoire de l’environnement, USR 3278 – Team leader : Pr. Bernard Salvat) and EPHE-GEL (Géomorphologie et environnement littoral – Team leader : Pr. Samuel Etienne) are two of its laboratories, respectively based in French Polynesia and in Dinard, France.
GEOPHEN (Géographie Physique et environnement) – Team leader : Pr. Stéphane Costa – GEOPHEN is based in Caen and part of UMR 6554 LETG and of Basse-Normandie University. GEOPHEN studies the evolution of present landscapes (sediment transfers, shifting geology of the soils, coastline retreats, flooding and inundation, soil erosion) and past landscapes (dynamics during the Holocene and historical periods, hydraulic structures and rivers evolution, etc.)
LGP (Laboratoire de Géographie Physique) – Team leader : Pr. Lydie Goeldner-Gianella – LGP is under CNRS (UMR 8591) and Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne and Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne Universities , Université et CNRS. Its central topic deals with past and present environmental responses to climate-related and anthropogenic changes, researches being structured around 2 main teams : quaternary paleo-environments and geoarcheology, and current environments (coastal zones, mountains, continental hydrological systems). Gathering various disciplines, LGP allows transdisciplinary approaches to be developed, e.g. on social acceptability and landscape preferences issues, especially linked with climate change or natural restoration in coastal and fluvial environments.
LOV-UPMC-CNRS (Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche) – Team leader : Pr. Jean-Pierre Gattuso – LOV is part of the “Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-mer” (OOV), which is a centre of excellence in oceanography dedicated to marine science research. LOV consists of 3 research groups including the “Biodiversity and Biogeochemistry” group hosting the STORISK project. LOV is under CNRS (UMR 7093) and UPMC (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris), the largest scientific university in France and one of the most prestigious Universities in Europe with three major research stations covering all fields of marine science.
MNHN-BOrEA (Biology of Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems, CNRS 7208 and MNHN – Museum national d’histoire naturelle) – Team leader : Dr. Mireille Guillaume – MNHN-BOrEA aims at investigating evolutionary biology and ecology of aquatic organisms. The objective is to understand the origin, the role and the evolutionary mechanisms of aquatic biodiversity (from molecules to ecosystems) and to contribute predicting the responses to global, anthropogenic and climatic, changes. A large array of biological models are studied, including micro-organisms (bacteria and diatoms) and metazoa (such as cnidaria, annelids, molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms, chondrychthyans, teleosts, etc.).