Workshop : Infra-gravity waves : from driving mechanisms to impacts
This workshop will take place in La Rochelle on March 17-19 2016 and follows a first edition organized in Brest in 2015 by the Université de Bretagne Occidentale.The success of this first edition suggested that such a workshop could be destined to be organized yearly, at a European or even international level.
Infra-gravity waves : from driving mechanisms to impacts
Infra-gravity (IG) waves correspond to Ocean waves with periods of the order of the minute and related to the presence of groups in the incident short waves. While the first descriptions and theories for IG waves date back to the middle of the 20th century, a growing enthusiasm for this scientific question can be observed over the last decade. Thanks to the numerous recent studies dedicated to IG waves, it is nowadays well admitted that IG waves control dune breaching during storms, the development of seiches in harbors or the hydrodynamic circulation in coral reefs. IG waves are also one of the mechanisms responsible for microseisms, also referred to as the “hum of the Earth”. In a context of fast improvement of the knowledge associated with IG waves as well as their representation in numerical models, this workshop aims at getting together European colleagues working on this scientific question. This workshop will take place in La Rochelle on March 17-19 2016 and follows a first edition organized in Brest in 2015 by the Université de Bretagne Occidentale.The success of this first edition suggested that such a workshop could be destined to be organized yearly, at a European or even international level. The different presentations that will take place in this second edition will be organized around 3 themes : (1) the generation and propagation of IG waves ; (2) the impact of IG waves on the sediment dynamics of coastal zones and (3) deep Ocean IG waves and seismic noise. Following this two-day workshop gathering 18 international speakers, two public conferences will be given on March 19.