Production scientifique de l’équipe AMARE

Liste des publications 2025 des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE référencées sous HAL :

13 résultats


Article dans une revue

Energy expenditure of Adélie penguins during the breeding season: females pay the cost in years of low food availability
A.L. Machado-Gaye , M. Chimienti , A. Kato , Y. Ropert-Coudert , A. Barbosa , Paco Bustamante , M. Cosse , J. Menéndez-Blázquez , N. Zaldúa , A. Soutullo
Animal Behaviour, 2025, 222, pp.123144. ⟨10.1016/j.anbehav.2025.123144⟩
Metabolomic and phenotypic effects of ocean acidification on cuttlefish differ across early life stages
Antoine Minet , Steven Melvin , Marc Metian , Angus Taylor , François Oberhänsli , Christel Lefrançois , Peter Swarzenski , Paco Bustamante , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Marine Environmental Research, 2025, 205, pp.107013. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2025.107013⟩
Mercury speciation and stable isotopes in emperor penguins: First evidence for biochemical demethylation of methylmercury to mercury-dithiolate and mercury-tetraselenolate complexes
Alain Manceau , Paco Bustamante , Etienne Richy , Yves Cherel , Sarah Janssen , Pieter Glatzel , Brett Poulin
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 485, pp.136499. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.136499⟩
Fibropapillomatosis Dynamics, Severity and Demographic Effect in Caribbean Green Turtles
Pierre Lelong , Aurélien Besnard , Marc Girondot , Caroline Habold , Fabienne Priam , Mathieu Giraudeau , Guillaume Le Loc’h , Aurélie Le Loc’h , Pascal Fournier , Christine Fournier-Chambrillon , Jérôme Fort , Paco Bustamante , Sophie Dupont , Orsolya Vincze , Annie Page , Justin Perrault , Benoît de Thoisy , Jean-Raphaël Gros-Desormeaux , Jordan Martin , Ouvéa Bourgeois , Muriel Lepori , Sidney Régis , Nicolas Lecerf , Fabien Lefebvre , Nathalie Aubert , Cédric Frouin , Frédéric Flora , Esteban Pimentel , Anne-Sophie Passalboni , Lorène Jeantet , Gaëlle Hielard , Laurent Louis-Jean , Aude Brador , Paul Giannasi , Denis Etienne , Nathaël Lecerf , Pascale Chevallier , Tao Chevallier , Stéphane Meslier , Anthony Landreau , Anaïs Desnos , Myriane Maceno , Eugène Larcher , Yvon Le Maho , Damien Chevallier
EcoHealth, 2025, 22 (1), pp.108-123. ⟨10.1007/s10393-025-01701-5⟩
Bridging the Gap Between Lagrangian and Eulerian Species Distribution Models for Abundance Estimation—A Simulation Experiment
Charlotte Lambert , Anne‐sophie Bonnet-Lebrun , David Grémillet
Journal of Biogeography, 2025, ⟨10.1111/jbi.15078⟩
Assessing perfluoroalkyl substance pollution in Central Mediterranean breeding shearwaters
Lucie Michel , Junjie Zhang , Alexandros Asimakopoulos , Martin Austad , Paco Bustamante , Jacopo Cecere , Marco Cianchetti-Benedetti , Roger Colominas-Ciuró , Giacomo Dell’omo , Federico de Pascalis , Veerle Jaspers , Petra Quillfeldt
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2025, 44 (2), pp.420-431. ⟨10.1093/etojnl/vgae011⟩
Groundbreaking study: Combined effect of marine heatwaves and polyethylene microplastics on Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas
Leila Parizadeh , Camille Saint-Picq , Pierrick Barbier , Arno Bringer , Valérie Huet , Emmanuel Dubillot , Hélène Thomas
Environmental Pollution, 2025, 364, pp.125164. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2024.125164⟩
Investigating the quality of European silver eels by quantifying contaminants and parasite infestation in a French Mediterranean lagoon complex
Amélie Hoste , Raphaël Lagarde , Elsa Amilhat , Colin Bouchard , Paco Bustamante , Adrian Covaci , Elisabeth Faliex , Emmanuelle Migne , Giulia Poma , Claire Tetrel , Klervi Verbrugghe , Hugo Vey Payre , Delphine Nicolas
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, In press, 32, pp.4181-4198. ⟨10.1007/s11356-024-35815-0⟩
The role of seabird foraging strategies on the uptake of mercury: A case study using gulls and shearwaters from the Portuguese coast
Ivo dos Santos , Jaime Ramos , Filipe Ceia , Joana Pais de Faria , Jorge Pereira , José Seco , Lara Cerveira , Maria Laranjeiro , Maud Brault-Favrou , Sara Veríssimo , Paco Bustamante , Vitor Paiva
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 489, pp.137673. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2025.137673⟩
Annual trends in mercury contamination are associated with changing trophic niches of giant petrels
William Mills , Danielle Buss , Paco Bustamante , Francisco Ramírez , Jaume Forcada , Manuela Forero , Richard Phillips
Environmental Research, 2025, 270, pp.121010. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2025.121010⟩
Widespread presence of metallic compounds and organic contaminants across Pacific coral reef fish
Noreen Wejieme , Laurent Vigliola , Valeriano Parravicini , Javier Sellanes , Emmanuel Wafo , German Zapata-Hernandez , Paco Bustamante , Yves Letourneur
Science of the Total Environment, 2025, 958, pp.177914. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177914⟩
Mercury contamination in the European green toad Bufotes viridis in Vienna, Austria.
Jérémy Lemaire , Rosanna Mangione , Magdalena Spießberger , Stephan Burgstaller , Martina Staufer , Edith Gruber , Johann Zaller , Paco Bustamante , Lukas Landler
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2025, 292, pp.117957. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoenv.2025.117957⟩
Energyscapes pinpoint marine megafauna feeding hotspots in the Mediterranean
Charlotte Lambert , Annette Broderick , Damla Beton , Ana Cañadas , Cécile Dars , Andrew Di Matteo , Lola Gilbert , Joan Giménez , Ioannis Keramidas , Joan Navarro , Josie Palmer , Robin Snape , Laura Sparks , Jérôme Spitz , Athanassios Tsikliras , Auriane Virgili , David Grémillet
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2025, 122 (6), pp.e2412845122. ⟨10.1073/pnas.2412845122⟩

Liste des publications 2024 des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE référencées sous HAL :

61 résultats


Article dans une revue

Blood levels of metallic trace elements are influenced by sex, age and habitat in the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis)
Leslie-Anne Merleau , Aurélie Goutte , Anthony Olivier , Marion Vittecoq , Paco Bustamante , Carole Leray , Olivier Lourdais
Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 957, pp.177487. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177487⟩
An ecologically sound and participatory monitoring network for pan‐Arctic seabirds
Manon Clairbaux , Mia Rönkä , Tycho Anker-Nilssen , Yuri Artukhin , Jóhannis Danielsen , Maria Gavrilo , Grant Gilchrist , Erpur Snær Hansen , April Hedd , Robert Kaler , Kathy Kuletz , Bergur Olsen , Mark Mallory , Flemming Ravn Merkel , Hallvard Strøm , Jérôme Fort , David Grémillet
Conservation Biology, 2024, 38 (6), pp.e14287. ⟨10.1111/cobi.14287⟩
Deep‐sea food‐web structure at South Sandwich Islands (Southern Ocean): net primary production as a main driver for interannual changes
José P Queirós , Philip R Hollyman , Paco Bustamante , Diana Vaz , Mark Belchier , José C Xavier
Ecography, 2024, pp.e07263. ⟨10.1111/ecog.07263⟩
Mercury contamination and potential health risk to French seabirds: A multi-species and multi-site study
Prescillia Lemesle , Alice Carravieri , Gauthier Poiriez , Romain Batard , Aurélie Blanck , Armel Deniau , Gilles Faggio , Jérôme Fort , Fabrice Gallien , William Jouanneau , Gilles Le Guillou , Carole Leray , Karen Mccoy , Pascal Provost , Marie-Catherine Santoni , Manrico Sebastiano , Olivier Scher , Alain Ward , Olivier Chastel , Paco Bustamante
Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 952, pp.175857. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175857⟩
Trophic guilds and niche segregation among marine megafauna in the Bay of Biscay
Beñat Iglesias , Joan Giménez , Izaskun Preciado , Paula Méndez-Fernández , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Adrien Lambrechts , Paco Bustamante , Jérôme Fort , Nicolás Goñi , Jérôme Spitz , Amaia Astarloa , Maite Louzao
Marine Environmental Research, 2024, 202, pp.106751. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106751⟩
Mercury compound distribution and stable isotope composition in the different compartments of seabird eggs: The case of three species breeding in East Greenland
Julie Charrier , Jérôme Fort , Emmanuel Tessier , Océane Asensio , Gaël Guillou , David Grémillet , Valère Marsaudon , Sophie Gentès , David Amouroux
Chemosphere, 2024, 363, pp.142857. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.142857⟩
Levels of trace elements in the blood of chick gulls from the English Channel: Spatial and trophic implications
Lukasz Binkowski , Jérôme Fort , Carine Churlaud , Fabrice Gallien , Gilles Le Guillou , Paco Bustamante
Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 953, pp.175891. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175891⟩
Approaches and methods to study wildlife cancer
Mathieu Giraudeau , Samuel Pavard , Orsolya Vincze , Sophie Dupont , Tuul Sepp , Ciara Baines , Jean‐francois Lemaitre , Karin Lemberger , Sophie Gentès , Amy Boddy , Antoine Dujon , Georgina Bramwell , Valerie Harris , Beata Ujvari , Catherine Alix-Panabières , Stephane Lair , David Sayag , Dalia Conde , Fernando Colchero , Tara Harrison , Benjamin Padilla-Morales , Damien Chevallier , Rodrigo Hamede , Benjamin Roche , Tamás Malkócs , Athena Aktipis , Carlo Maley , James Degregori , Guillaume Le Loc’h , Frédéric Thomas
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2024, ⟨10.1111/1365-2656.14144⟩
Mercury Accumulation and Transfer in Hydrothermal Coastal Environment: The Case of the Geothermal Plant of Bouillante
Eliot Ruiz , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Carine Churlaud , Maud Brault-Favrou , Pierre-Yves Pascal
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2024, 87 (3), pp.209-221. ⟨10.1007/s00244-024-01082-w⟩
Preliminary assessment of blood mercury contamination in four African crocodile species
Jérémy Lemaire , Paco Bustamante , Matthew Shirley
Environment International, 2024, 190, pp.108877. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2024.108877⟩
First-Time Isotopic Characterization of Seleno-Compounds in Biota: A Pilot Study of Selenium Isotopic Composition in Top Predator Seabirds
Claudia Marchán-Moreno , Pascale Louvat , Maïté Bueno , Sylvain Bérail , Warren Corns , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , David Amouroux , Zoyne Pedrero
Environmental Science and Technology, 2024, 58 (30), pp.13434-13443. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.4c02319⟩
Trophic plasticity of a tropical seabird revealed through DNA metabarcoding and stable isotope analyses
Vladislav Marcuk , Alberto Piña-Ortiz , José Alfredo Castillo-Guerrero , Juan F Masello , Paco Bustamante , Sven Griep , Petra Quillfeldt
Marine Environmental Research, 2024, 199, pp.106627. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106627⟩
Sunscreen use during recreational activities on a French Atlantic beach: release of UV filters at sea and influence of air temperature
Thomas Milinkovitch , Luc Vacher , Maëlig Le Béguec , Emmanuelle Petit , Emmanuel Dubillot , Margot Grimmelpont , Jérôme Labille , Damien Tran , Sylvain Ravier , Jean-Luc Boudenne , Christel Lefrançois
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2024, 31, pp.41046-41058. ⟨10.1007/s11356-024-33783-z⟩
Assimilation efficiencies and elimination rates of silver, cadmium and zinc accumulated by trophic pathway in Gammarus fossarum
Ophélia Gestin , Christelle Lopes , Nicolas Delorme , Laura Garnero , Olivier Geffard , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Peer Community Journal, 2024, 4, pp.e51. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.426⟩
Correcting detection bias in mapping the abundance of marine megafauna using a Mediterranean seabird as an example
Charlotte Lambert , Jacopo Cecere , Federico de Pascalis , David Grémillet
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2024, ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsae058⟩
Global mercury concentrations in biota: their use as a basis for a global biomonitoring framework
David C Evers , Joshua T Ackerman , Staffan Åkerblom , Dominique Bally , Nil Basu , Kevin Bishop , Nathalie Bodin , Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten , Mark E H Burton , Paco Bustamante , Celia Chen , John Chételat , Linroy Christian , Rune Dietz , Paul Drevnick , Collin Eagles-Smith , Luis E Fernandez , Neil Hammerschlag , Mireille Harmelin-Vivien , Agustin Harte , Eva M Krümmel , José Lailson Brito , Gabriela Medina , Cesar Augusto Barrios Rodriguez , Iain Stenhouse , Elsie Sunderland , Akinori Takeuchi , Tim Tear , Claudia Vega , Simon Wilson , Pianpian Wu
Ecotoxicology, 2024, 33 (4-5), pp.325 - 396. ⟨10.1007/s10646-024-02747-x⟩
First stable isotope and mercury assessment of bonnethead and Caribbean sharpnose sharks from a potential nursery ground in the Archipelago of Bocas del Toro, Panamanian Caribbean
Dalia Barragán-Barrera , Carlos Polo-Silva , Cindy González , Miguel Rodríguez , Laura Baldrich , Christian Bermúdez-Rivas , Ángela Margarita Moncaleano-Niño , Paco Bustamante , Susana Caballero , Andrea Luna-Acosta
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024, 11, ⟨10.3389/fmars.2024.1235876⟩
French coastal network for carbonate system monitoring: the CocoriCO2 dataset
Sébastien Petton , Fabrice Pernet , Valérian Le Roy , Matthias Huber , Sophie Martin , Éric Macé , Yann Bozec , Stéphane Loisel , Peggy Rimmelin-Maury , Émilie Grossteffan , Michel Repecaud , Loïc Quemener , Michael Retho , Soazig Manac'H , Mathias Papin , Philippe Pineau , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Jonathan Deborde , Louis Costes , Pierre Polsenaere , Loïc Rigouin , Jérémy Benhamou , Laure Gouriou , Joséphine Lequeux , Nathalie Labourdette , Nicolas Savoye , Grégory Messiaen , Elodie Foucault , Vincent Ouisse , Marion Richard , Franck Lagarde , Florian Voron , Valentin Kempf , Sébastien Mas , Léa Giannecchini , Francesca Vidussi , Behzad Mostajir , Yann Leredde , Samir Alliouane , Jean-Pierre Gattuso , Frédéric Gazeau
Earth System Science Data, 2024, 16 (4), pp.1667-1688. ⟨10.5194/essd-16-1667-2024⟩
Living in a challenging environment: Monitoring stress ecology by non-destructive methods in an Antarctic seabird
Silvia Olmastroni , Silvia Simonetti , Niccolò Fattorini , Verónica d'Amico , Fanny Cusset , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel , Ilaria Corsi
Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 922 (1), pp.171249. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171249⟩
Shark critical life stage vulnerability to monthly temperature variations under climate change
Noémie Coulon , Stanislas Pilet , Anne Lizé , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Anthony Sturbois , Aurèle Toussaint , Eric Feunteun , Alexandre Carpentier
Marine Environmental Research, 2024, 198, pp.106531. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106531⟩
Demography of endangered juvenile green turtles in face of environmental changes: 10 years of capture-mark-recapture efforts in Martinique
Pierre Lelong , Aurélien Besnard , Marc Girondot , Caroline Habold , Fabienne Priam , Mathieu Giraudeau , Guillaume Le Loc'h , Aurélie Le Loc'H , Pascal Fournier , Christine Fournier-Chambrillon , Paco Bustamante , Sophie M Dupont , Orsolya Vincze , Jean-Raphaël Gros-Désormeaux , Jordan Martin , Ouvéa Bourgeois , Muriel Lepori , Sidney Régis , Nicolas Lecerf , Fabien Lefebvre , Nathalie Aubert , Cédric Frouin , Frédéric Flora , Esteban Pimentel , Manon Pimentel , Flora Siegwalt , Lorène Jeantet , Philippine Chambault , Gaëlle Hielard , Alexandre Arqué , Mosiah Arthus , Laurent Louis-Jean , Aude Brador , Paul Giannasi , Denis Etienne , Nathaël Lecerf , Pascale Chevallier , Tao Chevallier , Stéphane Meslier , Anthony Landreau , Myriane Maceno , Eugène Larcher , Yvon Le Maho , Damien Chevallier
Biological Conservation, 2024, 291, pp.110471. ⟨10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110471⟩
Atmospheric CO2 exchanges measured by eddy covariance over a temperate salt marsh and influence of environmental controlling factors
Jérémy Mayen , Pierre Polsenaere , Eric Lamaud , Marie Arnaud , Pierre Kostyrka , Jean-Marc Bonnefond , Philippe Geairon , Julien Gernigon , Romain Chassagne , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Aurore Regaudie de Gioux , Philippe Souchu
Biogeosciences, 2024, 21 (4), pp.993 - 1016. ⟨10.5194/bg-21-993-2024⟩
Intracolony variability in winter feeding and migration strategies of Atlantic puffins and black-legged kittiwakes
Julie Charrier , Tycho Anker-Nilssen , Jérôme Fort , Mark Jessopp , Hallvard Strøm , Boris Espinasse
Marine Biology, 2024, 171 (4), pp.79. ⟨10.1007/s00227-023-04384-0⟩
Stable Tuna Mercury Concentrations since 1971 Illustrate Marine Inertia and the Need for Strong Emission Reductions under the Minamata Convention
Anaïs Médieu , David Point , Jeroen Sonke , Hélène Angot , Valérie Allain , Nathalie Bodin , Douglas Adams , Anders Bignert , David Streets , Pearse Buchanan , Lars-Eric Heimbürger-Boavida , Heidi Pethybridge , David Gillikin , Frédéric Ménard , C. Anela Choy , Takaaki Itai , Paco Bustamante , Zahirah Dhurmeea , Bridget Ferriss , Bernard Bourlès , Jérémie Habasque , Anouk Verheyden , Jean Marie Munaron , Laure Laffont , Olivier Gauthier , Anne Lorrain
Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 2024, 11 (3), pp.250-258. ⟨10.1021/acs.estlett.3c00949⟩
Assessing mercury contamination in Southern Hemisphere marine ecosystems: The role of penguins as effective bioindicators
Míriam Gimeno , Laia Rossell , Laura Julià , Joan Giménez , Sanpera Carolina , Marta Coll , Paco Bustamante , Francisco Ramírez
Environmental Pollution, 2024, 343, pp.123159. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2023.123159⟩
Spatial distribution of selenium-mercury in Arctic seabirds
Marta Cruz-Flores , Jérémy Lemaire , Maud Brault-Favrou , Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard , Carine Churlaud , Sébastien Descamps , Kyle Elliott , Kjell Einar Erikstad , Alexey Ezhov , Maria Gavrilo , David Grémillet , Gaël Guillou , Scott Hatch , Nicholas Per Huffeldt , Alexander Kitaysky , Yann Kolbeinsson , Yuri Krasnov , Magdalene Langset , Sarah Leclaire , Jannie Linnebjerg , Erlend Lorentzen , Mark Mallory , Flemming Merkel , William Montevecchi , Anders Mosbech , Allison Patterson , Samuel Perret , Jennifer Provencher , Tone Reiertsen , Heather Renner , Hallvard Strøm , Akinori Takahashi , Jean-Baptiste Thiebot , Thorkell Lindberg Thórarinsson , Alexis Will , Paco Bustamante , Jérôme Fort
Environmental Pollution, 2024, 343, pp.123110. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2023.123110⟩
Poison in the nursery: Mercury contamination in the tadpole-rearing sites of an Amazonian frog
Lia Schlippe-Justicia , Jérémy Lemaire , Carolin Dittrich , Martin Mayer , Paco Bustamante , Bibiana Rojas
Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 912, pp.169450. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169450⟩
C and N stable isotopes enlighten the trophic behaviour of the dugong (Dugong dugon)
Martin Thibault , Yves Letourneur , Christophe Cleguer , Claire Bonneville , Marine J Briand , Solène Derville , Paco Bustamante , Claire Garrigue
Scientific Reports, 2024, 14 (1), pp.896. ⟨10.1038/s41598-023-50578-3⟩
Mercury exposure and trophic ecology of urban nesting black-legged kittiwakes from France
Prescillia Lemesle , William Jouanneau , Yves Cherel , Nathan Legroux , Alain Ward , Paco Bustamante , Olivier Chastel
Chemosphere, 2024, 363, pp.142813. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.142813⟩
Deleterious effects of mercury contamination on immunocompetence, liver function and egg volume in an antarctic seabird
Andrés Ibañez , William Mills , Paco Bustamante , Lara Morales , Diego Torres , Beatriz d' Astek , Rocío Mariano-Jelicich , Richard Phillips , Diego Montalti
Chemosphere, 2024, 346, pp.140630. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.140630⟩
Parental duties and foraging strategies of a tropical pelagic seabird (Phaethon aethereus, Aves: Phaethontidae) during the breeding season
Alberto Piña-Ortiz , Diego Adolfo González-Zamora , Jesica Andrea Paz , Salvador Hernández-Vázquez , Eric Mellink , Paco Bustamante , Petra Quillfeldt , José Alfredo Castillo-Guerrero
Marine Biology, 2024, 171 (3), pp.64. ⟨10.1007/s00227-023-04375-1⟩
Annual Plasticity of the Trophic Niche of the Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus in Cuba
Antonio Garcia-Quintas , Christophe Barbraud , Paco Bustamante , Anne Lorrain , Dennis Denis , Sophie Lanco
Ardeola, 2024, 71 (2), pp.277-290. ⟨10.13157/arla.71.2.2024.ra4⟩
Plasticity and overlap of trophic niches in tropical breeding Laridae
Antonio Garcia-Quintas , Paco Bustamante , Christophe Barbraud , Anne Lorrain , Dennis Denis , Sophie Lanco
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2024, 742, pp.131 - 142. ⟨10.3354/meps14653⟩
Diversity of major histocompatibility complex of II B gene and mate choice in a monogamous and long-lived seabird, the Little Auk (Alle alle)
Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas , Brian Hoover , Dariusz Jakubas , Jérôme Fort , David Grémillet , Maria Gavrilo , Sylwia Zielińska , Magdalena Zagalska-Neubauer
PLoS ONE, 2024, 19 (6), pp.e0304275. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0304275⟩
Germline mutation rate predicts cancer mortality across 37 vertebrate species
Stefania Kapsetaki , Zachary Compton , Walker Mellon , Orsolya Vincze , Mathieu Giraudeau , Tara Harrison , Lisa Abegglen , Amy Boddy , Carlo Maley , Joshua Schiffman
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 2024, 12 (1), pp.122-128. ⟨10.1093/emph/eoae016⟩
Unveiling the wasp-waist structure of the Falkland shelf ecosystem: the role of Doryteuthis gahi as a keystone species and its trophic influences
Tobias Büring , Jesse van der Grient , Graham Pierce , Paco Bustamante , Marco Scotti , Jessica Jones , Francisco Rocha , Alexander Arkhipkin
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 2024, 104, pp.e2. ⟨10.1017/S0025315423000887⟩
Fish gut and skin microbiota dysbiosis induced by exposure to commercial sunscreen formulations
Laure Bellec , Thomas Milinkovitch , Emmanuel Dubillot , Eric Pante , Damien Tran , Christel Lefrancois
Aquatic Toxicology, 2024, 266, pp.106799. ⟨10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106799⟩
Environment‐dependent relationships between corticosterone and energy expenditure during reproduction: Insights from seabirds in the context of climate change
Andrea S Grunst , Melissa L Grunst , David Grémillet , Olivier Chastel , Marta Cruz‐flores , Sophie Gentès , Antoine Grissot , Dariusz Jakubas , Akiko Kato , Charline Parenteau , Katarzyna Wojczulanis‐jakubas , Jérôme Fort
Functional Ecology, 2024, 38 (10), pp.2110-2122. ⟨10.1111/1365-2435.14630⟩
What is hidden under our pontoons? Abundance and distribution of filter feeders (bivalves and tunicates) in the port area revealed. Artificial intelligence: an interesting analysis tool?
Vincent Hamani , Isabelle Brenon , Océane Lebon , Guillaume Demarcq , Jean-Christophe Burie , Laurence Murillo
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024, 11, pp.1467371. ⟨10.3389/fmars.2024.1467371⟩
Cold adaptation does not handicap warm tolerance in the most abundant Arctic seabird
Julian Beaman , Craig White , Manon Clairbaux , Samuel Perret , Jérôme Fort , David Grémillet
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2024, 291 (2015), ⟨10.1098/rspb.2023.1887⟩
Assessing the impacts of trace element contamination on the physiology and health of seabirds breeding along the western and southern coasts of Portugal
Ivo Dos Santos , Vítor H Paiva , Ana C. Norte , Carine Churlaud , Filipe R Ceia , Joana Pais de Faria , Jorge M Pereira , Lara R. Cerveira , Maria I Laranjeiro , Sara N. Veríssimo , Jaime A Ramos , Paco Bustamante
Environmental Pollution, 2024, 358, pp.124528. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124528⟩
Bioaccumulation, organotropism and fate of cadmium in Gammarus fossarum exposed through dietary pathway
Ophélia Gestin , Olivier Geffard , Nicolas Delorme , Laura Garnero , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Christelle Lopes
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 480, pp.135965. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.135965⟩
Omega-long chain highly unsaturated fatty acid content in tissue correlates with escape response e ciency in golden gray mullet
Marie Vagner , Salomé Ducos , Nicolas Graziano , Fabienne Le Grand , Antoine Bideau , Emmanuel Dubillot , Christel Lefrançois
Frontiers in Fish Science, 2024, 2, pp.1394423. ⟨10.3389/frish.2024.1394423⟩
Ecological niche segregation between sympatrically breeding blue petrels and thin-billed prions
Karine Delord , Yves Cherel , Akiko Kato , Paco Bustamante , Christophe Barbraud
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2024, 749, pp.159-180. ⟨10.3354/meps14714⟩
Spatial variation of mercury contamination in yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) in the Western Mediterranean
Laura Patier , Paco Bustamante , Karen Mccoy , Gaël Guillou , Abdessalem Hammouda , Carole Leray , Gonzalo Fernando Martínez Salcedo , Ana Payo-Payo , Gauthier Poiriez , Raül Ramos , Ana Sanz-Aguilar , Slaheddine Selmi , Giacomo Tavecchia , Marion Vittecoq , Jérôme Fort
Environmental Pollution, 2024, 362, pp.124992. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124992⟩
Differences on the level of hepatic transcriptome between two flatfish species in response to liver cancer and environmental pollution levels
Tuul Sepp , Ciara Baines , Randel Kreitsberg , Jörn Peter Scharsack , Pedro Nogueira , Thomas Lang , Jérôme Fort , Elin Sild , John Clarke , Arvo Tuvikene , Richard Meitern
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2024, 275, pp.109781. ⟨10.1016/j.cbpc.2023.109781⟩
Mercury biomagnification in the food web of Agami Pond, Kaw-Roura Nature Reserve, French Guiana
Jérémy Lemaire , Rosanna Mangione , Stéphane Caut , Paco Bustamante
Heliyon, 2024, 10 (7), pp.e28859. ⟨10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e28859⟩
Home ranges and hatching success of threatened Eurasian curlew in north-eastern Europe relates to habitat type: Natural vs. agricultural landscapes
Pierrick Bocher , Marie Donnez , Audran Chenu , Tatiana Sviridova , Jérôme Fort , Stefan Garthe , Frédéric Jiguet , Markus Piha , Jaanus Elts , Riho Marja , Françoise Amélineau , Frédéric Robin , Pierre Rousseau , Philipp Schwemmer
Global Ecology and Conservation, 2024, Global Ecology and Conservation, 50, pp.e02851. ⟨10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e02851⟩
Mercury concentrations in feathers of albatrosses and large petrels at South Georgia: contemporary patterns and comparisons with past decades
William Mills , Paco Bustamante , Francisco Ramírez , Manuela Forero , Richard Phillips
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2024, 86 (4), pp.363-374. ⟨10.1007/s00244-024-01067-9⟩
Life history traits and cancer prevalence in birds
Stefania Kapsetaki , Zachary Compton , Jordyn Dolan , Valerie Κ Harris , Walker Mellon , Shawn Rupp , Elizabeth Duke , Tara Harrison , Selin Aksoy , Mathieu Giraudeau , Orsolya Vincze , Kevin Mcgraw , Athena Aktipis , Marc Tollis , Amy Μ Boddy , Carlo Maley
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 2024, 12 (1), pp.105-116. ⟨10.1093/emph/eoae011⟩
Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic
Céline Albert , Børge Moe , Hallvard Strøm , David Grémillet , Maud Brault-Favrou , Arnaud Tarroux , Sébastien Descamps , Vegard Sandøy Bråthen , Benjamin Merkel , Jens Åström , Françoise Amélineau , Frédéric Angelier , Tycho Anker-Nilssen , Olivier Chastel , Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard , Johannis Danielsen , Kyle Elliott , Kjell Einar Erikstad , Alexey Ezhov , Per Fauchald , Geir Gabrielsen , Maria Gavrilo , Sveinn Are Hanssen , Hálfdán Helgason , Malin Kjellstadli Johansen , Yann Kolbeinsson , Yuri Krasnov , Magdalene Langset , Jérémy Lemaire , Svein-Håkon Lorentsen , Bergur Olsen , Allison Patterson , Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau , Tone Reiertsen , Geir Helge Systad , Paul Thompson , Thorkell Lindberg Thórarinsson , Paco Bustamante , Jérôme Fort
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2024, 121 (21), pp.e2315513121. ⟨10.1073/pnas.2315513121⟩
Molecular and behavioural responses of the mussel Mytilus edulis exposed to a marine heatwave
Margot Grimmelpont , Laura Payton , Christel Lefrançois , Damien Tran
Marine Environmental Research, 2024, 196, pp.106418. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106418⟩
Future research avenues for the study of fibropapillomatosis in sea turtles
Sophie M Dupont , Paco Bustamante , David J Duffy , Jérôme Fort , Guillaume Le Loc’h , Pierre Lelong , Damien Chevallier , Mathieu Giraudeau
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2024, 12, pp.1372096. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2024.1372096⟩
Blood kinetics of lipophilic and proteinophilic pollutants during two types of long-term fast in king penguins
Margaux Mollier , Paco Bustamante , Ignacio Martinez-Alvarez , Quentin Schull , Pierre Labadie , Hélène Budzinski , Yves Cherel , Alice Carravieri
Environmental Science and Technology, 2024, 58 (14), pp.6138--6148. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.3c10822⟩
Insights on long-term ecosystem changes from stable isotopes in historical squid beaks
Alexey V Golikov , José C Xavier , Filipe R Ceia , José P Queirós , Paco Bustamante , Bram Couperus , Gaël Guillou , Anna M Larionova , Rushan M Sabirov , Christopher J Somes , Henk-Jan Hoving
BMC Ecology and Evolution, 2024, 24 (1), pp.90. ⟨10.1186/s12862-024-02274-7⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

The Use of Limpets and Mussels to Biomonitor Chronic Pollution in North Corsica Port Areas (Mediterranean Sea): A Multibiomarker Approach
Marion Pillet , Justine Castrec , Claire Gillet , Lise Le Vern , Michel Marengo , Lovina Fullgrabe , Stéphane Le Floch , Valérie Huet , Carine Churlaud , Pierre Lejeune , Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Wiley. Best Practices in Port Environmental Data Management. The Case Study of the WIBE Information System, ISTE Group, 2024, 9781915874153

Communication dans un congrès

Acute energetic responses throughout a heatwave episode in Rhône apron
Chloé Souques , Julia Watson , Julie Le Guyader , Damien Roussel , Rémy Lassus , Ludovic Guillard , Laëtitia Averty , Candice Bastianini , Angeline Clair Boisson , Lilian Redon , Martin Daufresne , Yann Voituron , F.X. Dechaume-Moncharmont , Elisa Thoral , Loïc Teulier
RT METABOLICA, Réseau Thématique Métabolica (METABOLIsm in Animal ECophysiology), Sep 2024, La Rochelle, France
Effects of a heat stress on cardiac mitochondrial respiration of a freshwater fish: the Rhône apron
Julia Watson , Chloé Souques , Julie Le Guyader , Damien Roussel , Rémy Lassus , Ludovic Guillard , Angeline Clair Boisson , Laëtitia Averty , Candice Bastianini , Lilian Redon , Yann Voituron , Martin Daufresne , F.X. Dechaume-Moncharmont , Elisa Thoral , Loïc Teulier
Ecology and Behaviour, Aug 2024, Chizé, France
Plasticity of mitochondrial coupling efficiency: the last chance to survive in adverse environment?
Damien Roussel , Elisa Thoral , Loïc Teulier
63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Zoologists, May 2024, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Effects of a heatwave on cardiac mitochondrial respiration of a freshwater fish: the Rhône apron
Julia Watson , Chloé Souques , Julie Le Guyader , Damien Roussel , Rémy Lassus , Ludovic Guillard , Angeline Clair Boisson , Laëtitia Averty , Candice Bastianini , Lilian Redon , Yann Voituron , Martin Daufresne , F.X. Dechaume-Moncharmont , Elisa Thoral , Loïc Teulier
Canadian Society of Zoology, May 2024, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, France
Facing an increasingly variable world : metabolic responses throughout a heatwave event in Rhone apron
Chloé Souques , Julia Watson , Julie Le Guyader , Ludovic Guillard , Laëtitia Averty , Angeline Clair Boisson , Lilian Redon , Damien Roussel , Yann Voituron , F.X. Dechaume-Moncharmont , Elisa Thoral , Loïc Teulier
Canadian Society of Zoologists Conference, Canadian Society of Zoologists, May 2024, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, Canada

Liste des publications 2023 des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE référencées sous HAL :

69 résultats


Article dans une revue

Marine mammal strandings recorded in New Caledonia, South West Pacific Ocean, 1877 to 2022
Claire Garrigue , Solène Derville , Claire Bonneville , Maële Brisset , Paco Bustamante , Christophe Cleguer , Eric Clua , Willy Dabin , Sylvie Fiat , Jean-Lou Justine , Pauline Machful , Tepoerau Mai , Patrice Plichon , Annie Portal , Christine Sidobre , Debbie Steel , Jean-Christophe Vivier , Elodie Vourey
Pacific Conservation Biology, 2023, ⟨10.1071/PC23016⟩
Keystone seabird may face thermoregulatory challenges in a warming Arctic
Melissa Grunst , Andrea Grunst , David Grémillet , Akiko Kato , Sophie Gentès , Jérôme Fort
Scientific Reports, 2023, 13 (1), pp.16733. ⟨10.1038/s41598-023-43650-5⟩
The consumption of ice-derived resources is associated with higher mercury contamination in an Arctic seabird
Fanny Cusset , Julie Charrier , Guillaume Massé , Mark Mallory , Birgit Braune , Jennifer Provencher , Gaël Guillou , Philippe Massicotte , Jérôme Fort
Environmental Research, 2023, 238, pp.117066. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2023.117066⟩
Evaluation of cataract formation in fish exposed to environmental radiation at Chernobyl and Fukushima
Adélaïde Lerebours , Justyn Regini , Roy A Quinlan , Toshihiro Wada , Barbara Pierscionek , Martin Devonshire , Alexia A Kalligeraki , Alice Uwineza , Laura Young , John M Girkin , Phil Warwick , Kurt Smith , Masato Hoshino , Kentaro Uesugi , Naoto Yagi , Nick Terrill , Olga Shebanova , Tim Snow , Jim T Smith
Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 902, pp.165957. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165957⟩
Circumpolar assessment of mercury contamination: the Adélie penguin as a bioindicator of Antarctic marine ecosystems
Fanny Cusset , Paco Bustamante , Alice Carravieri , Clément Bertin , Rebecka Brasso , Ilaria Corsi , Michael Dunn , Louise Emmerson , Gaël Guillou , Tom Hart , Mariana Juáres , Akiko Kato , Ana Laura Machado-Gaye , Candice Michelot , Silvia Olmastroni , Michael Polito , Thierry Raclot , Mercedes Santos , Annie Schmidt , Colin Southwell , Alvaro Soutullo , Akinori Takahashi , Jean-Baptiste Thiebot , Phil Trathan , Pierre Vivion , Claire Waluda , Jérôme Fort , Yves Cherel
Ecotoxicology, 2023, 32 (8), pp.1024-1049. ⟨10.1007/s10646-023-02709-9⟩
High urinary oxidative DNA damage in wild chimpanzees ranging in proximity of agricultural fields in Sebitoli area, Uganda
Sabrina Krief , Petra Spirhanzlova , Shelly Masi , Chloé Couturier , Eric Okwir , Edward Asalu , Paco Bustamante , David Costantini
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30 (51), pp.110600-110611. ⟨10.1007/s11356-023-30187-3⟩
Scientific knowledge gaps on the biology of non-fish marine species across European Seas
Luisa Abucay , Patricia Sorongon-Yap , Kathleen Kesner-Reyes , Emily Capuli , Rodolfo Reyes , Eva Daskalaki , Carmen Ferrà , Giuseppe Scarcella , Gianpaolo Coro , Francesc Ordines , Paula Sánchez-Zulueta , Georgi Dakalov , Stefania Klayn , Liesa Celie , Marco Scotti , David Grémillet , Charlotte Lambert , Gideon Gal , Maria Lourdes D. Palomares , Donna Dimarchopoulou , Athanassios Tsikliras
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023, 10, pp.1198137. ⟨10.3389/fmars.2023.1198137⟩
Strong breeding colony fidelity in northern gannets following high pathogenicity avian influenza virus (HPAIV) outbreak
David Grémillet , Aurore Ponchon , Pascal Provost , Amandine Gamble , Mouna Abed-Zahar , Alice Bernard , Nicolas Courbin , Grégoire Delavaud , Armel Deniau , Jérôme Fort , Keith Hamer , Ruth Jeavons , Jude Lane , Liam Langley , Jason Matthiopoulos , Timothée Poupart , Aurélien Prudor , Nia Stephens , Alice Trevail , Sarah Wanless , Stephen Votier , Jana W.E. Jeglinski
Biological Conservation, 2023, 286, pp.110269. ⟨10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110269⟩
UV filter occurrence in beach water of the Mediterranean coast – A field survey over 2 years in Palavas‐les‐Flots, France
Delphine Thallinger , Jerome Labille , Thomas Milinkovitch , Jean‐luc Boudenne , Frédéric Loosli , Danielle L Slomberg , Bernard Angeletti , Christel Lefrançois
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2023, 45 (S1), pp.67-83. ⟨10.1111/ics.12904⟩
Cancer hygiene hypothesis: A test from wild captive mammals
Antoine M Dujon , Jérémy Jeanjean , Orsolya Vincze , Mathieu Giraudeau , Jean‐françois Lemaître , Pascal Pujol , Beata Ujvari , Frédéric Thomas
Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 13 (9), pp.e10547. ⟨10.1002/ece3.10547⟩
Small Space but High Diversity: Spatial and Temporal Habitat Use by Endangered Eurasian Curlew at Wintering Sites Throughout Europe
Marie Donnez , Philipp Schwemmer , Jérôme Fort , Stefan Garthe , Martin Boschert , Heinz Düttmann , Jaanus Elts , Thomas Fartmann , Wolfgang Fiedler , Samantha Franks , Frédéric Jiguet , Steffen Kämpfer , Michał Korniluk , Helmut Kruckenberg , Dominik Krupiński , Riho Marja , Moritz Mercker , Przemysław Obłoza , Henk Jan Ottens , Markus Piha , Frédéric Robin , Pierre Rousseau , Verena Rupprecht , Pierrick Bocher
Wetlands, 2023, 43 (7), pp.80. ⟨10.1007/s13157-023-01728-w⟩
Mercury contamination in the tropical seabird community from Clipperton Island, eastern Pacific Ocean
Paco Bustamante , Thibault Le Verge , Charles-André Bost , Maud Brault-Favrou , Matthieu Le Corre , Henri Weimerskirch , Yves Cherel
Ecotoxicology, 2023, 32 (8), pp.1050-1061. ⟨10.1007/s10646-023-02691-2⟩
Growth in two deep-sea associates: the octocoral Pseudogorgia bellona and the euryalid snake star Asteroschema ajax
Isobel Cook , Masanori Okanishi , Eric Pante
Zootaxa, 2023, 5336 (1), pp.82-94. ⟨10.11646/zootaxa.5336.1.3⟩
LAMP‐based molecular sexing in a gonochoric marine bivalve ( Macoma balthica rubra ) with divergent sex‐specific mitochondrial genomes
Sabrina Le Cam , Julie Brémaud , Tamás Malkócs , Eugénie Kreckelbergh , Vanessa Becquet , Emmanuel Dubillot , Pascale Garcia , Sophie Breton , Eric Pante
Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 13 (8), ⟨10.1002/ece3.10320⟩
Metabolomics-Based Investigation on the Metabolic Changes in Crassostrea gigas Experimentally Exposed to Galvanic Anodes
Nathalie Imbert-Auvray , Denis Fichet , Pierre-Edouard Bodet , Pascaline Ory , René Sabot , Philippe Refait , Marianne Graber
Metabolites, 2023, 13 (7), pp.869. ⟨10.3390/metabo13070869⟩
The effect of environmental pollution on gene expression of seabirds: A review
Randel Kreitsberg , Lisanne Nääb , Richard Meitern , Jeffrey Carbillet , Jérôme Fort , Mathieu Giraudeau , Tuul Sepp
Marine Environmental Research, 2023, 189, pp.106067. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.106067⟩
Avian Energetics in a Warming Arctic
Melissa Grunst , Andrea Grunst , David Grémillet , Jérôme Fort
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 2023, 104 (3), ⟨10.1002/bes2.2073⟩
Assessing potential conflicts between offshore wind farms and migration patterns of a threatened shorebird species
Philipp Schwemmer , R. Pederson , K. Haecker , P. Bocher , Jérôme Fort , M. Mercker , F. Jiguet , J. Elts , R. Marja , M. Piha , P. Rousseau , S. Garthe
Animal Conservation, 2023, ⟨10.1111/acv.12817⟩
Spontaneously occurring tumors in different wild-derived strains of hydra
Justine Boutry , Marie Buysse , Sophie Tissot , Chantal Cazevielle , Rodrigo Hamede , Antoine Dujon , Beata Ujvari , Mathieu Giraudeau , Alexander Klimovich , Frédéric Thomas , Jácint Tökölyi
Scientific Reports, 2023, 13 (1), pp.7449. ⟨10.1038/s41598-023-34656-0⟩
Correlations between oxidative DNA damage and formation of hepatic tumours in two flatfish species from contaminated environments
Ciara Baines , Richard Meitern , Randel Kreitsberg , Jérôme Fort , Jörn Peter Scharsack , Pedro Nogueira , Mathieu Giraudeau , Tuul Sepp
Biology Letters, 2023, 19 (5), ⟨10.1098/rsbl.2022.0583⟩
A keystone avian predator faces elevated energy expenditure in a warming Arctic
Melissa Grunst , Andrea Grunst , David Grémillet , Akiko Kato , Paco Bustamante , Céline Albert , Émile Brisson-Curadeau , Manon Clairbaux , Marta Cruz-Flores , Sophie Gentès , Antoine Grissot , Samuel Perret , Eric Ste-Marie , Dariusz Jakubas , Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas , Jérôme Fort
Ecology, 2023, 104 (5), pp.e4034. ⟨10.1002/ecy.4034⟩
Trophic ecology of the squid Doryteuthis gahi in the Southwest Atlantic inferred from stable isotope analysis
Tobias Büring , Jessica B Jones , Graham J Pierce , Francisco Rocha , Paco Bustamante , Maud Brault-Favrou , Alexander Arkhipkin
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2023, 284, pp.108300. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108300⟩
Data stochasticity and model parametrisation impact the performance of species distribution models: insights from a simulation study
Charlotte Lambert , Auriane Virgili
Peer Community Journal, 2023, 3, pp.e34. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.263⟩
A century of mercury: Ecosystem-wide changes drive increasing contamination of a tropical seabird species in the South Atlantic Ocean
Fanny Cusset , S. James Reynolds , Alice Carravieri , David Amouroux , Océane Asensio , Roger Dickey , Jérôme Fort , B. John Hughes , Vitor Paiva , Jaime Ramos , Laura Shearer , Emmanuel Tessier , Colin Wearn , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante
Environmental Pollution, 2023, 323, pp.121187. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121187⟩
Combined threats of climate change and contaminant exposure through the lens of bioenergetics
Melissa Grunst , Andrea Grunst , David Grémillet , Jérôme Fort
Global Change Biology, 2023, 29 (18), pp.121187. ⟨10.1111/gcb.16822⟩
A review of biodiversity research in ports: Let's not overlook everyday nature!
Bénédicte Madon , Romain David , Antonio Torralba , Armelle Jung , Michel Marengo , Hélène Thomas
Ocean and Coastal Management, 2023, 242, pp.106623. ⟨10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106623⟩
Cuttlefish color change as an emerging proxy for ecotoxicology
Anaïd Gouveneaux , Antoine Minet , Christelle Jozet-Alves , Thomas Knigge , Paco Bustamante , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Cécile Bellanger
Frontiers in Physiology, 2023, 14, ⟨10.3389/fphys.2023.1162709⟩
Mercury Contamination Challenges the Behavioral Response of a Keystone Species to Arctic Climate Change
Andrea Grunst , Melissa Grunst , David Grémillet , Akiko Kato , Paco Bustamante , Céline Albert , Émile Brisson-Curadeau , Manon Clairbaux , Marta Cruz-Flores , Sophie Gentès , Samuel Perret , Eric Ste-Marie , Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas , Jérôme Fort
Environmental Science and Technology, 2023, 57 (5), pp.2054-2063. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.2c08893⟩
First characterization of seasonal variations in biomarkers baseline in Patella sp. from Mediterranean ports (North Corsica, France)
Marion Pillet , Frédéric Muttin , Michel Marengo , Lovina Fullgrabe , Valérie Huet , Pierre Lejeune , Hélène Thomas
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 187, pp.114524. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114524⟩
Carryover effects of winter mercury contamination on summer concentrations and reproductive performance in little auks
Alice Carravieri , Sophie Lorioux , Frédéric Angelier , Olivier Chastel , Céline Albert , Vegard Sandøy Bråthen , Émile Brisson-Curadeau , Manon Clairbaux , Karine Delord , Mathieu Giraudeau , Samuel Perret , Timothée Poupart , Cécile Ribout , Amélia Viricel-Pante , David Grémillet , Paco Bustamante , Jérôme Fort
Environmental Pollution, 2023, 318, pp.120774. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120774⟩
Active and passive biomonitoring of trace elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and polychlorinated biphenyls in small Mediterranean harbours
Justine Castrec , Marion Pillet , Justine Receveur , Quentin Fontaine , Stéphane Le Floch , Carine Churlaud , Pierre Lejeune , Sylvie Gobert , Hélène Thomas , Michel Marengo
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 187, pp.114578. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114578⟩
Using stable isotope chronologies within squid gladii (Doryteuthis gahi) to evaluate dietary differences by fishing region and season
Jessica B. Jones , Paco Bustamante , Gaël Guillou , Alexander I Arkhipkin
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2023, 703, pp.95-108. ⟨10.3354/meps14221⟩
Lithium isotopes in marine food webs: Effect of ecological and environmental parameters
Fanny Thibon , Lucas Weppe , Carine Churlaud , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Stéphane Gasparini , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , Nathalie Vigier
Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry, 2023, 3, ⟨10.3389/fenvc.2022.1060651⟩
Do foraging ecology and contaminants interactively predict parenting hormone levels in common eider?
Reyd A. Smith , Jérôme Fort , Pierre Legagneux , Olivier Chastel , Mark Mallory , Paco Bustamante , Jóhannis Danielsen , Sveinn Hanssen , Jón Einar Jónsson , Ellen Magnúsdóttir , Børge Moe , Charline Parenteau , Kyle J.L. Parkinson , Glen Parsons , Grigori Tertitski , Oliver Love
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2023, 337, pp.114261. ⟨10.1016/j.ygcen.2023.114261⟩
Sex‐specific mercury levels in skin samples of southern elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina ) at Isla 25 de Mayo (King George Island), Antarctic Peninsula
Dalia Barragán-Barrera , Federico Riet-Sapriza , Diego Mojica-Moncada , Javier Negrete , Antonio Curtosi , Paco Bustamante , Susana Caballero , Andrea Luna-Acosta
Marine Mammal Science, 2023, 40 (1), pp.108-122. ⟨10.1111/mms.13058⟩
Trace elements, dioxins and PCBs in different fish species and marine regions: Importance of the taxon and regional features
Aourell Mauffret , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Nathalie Wessel , Pierre Cresson , Daniela Bănaru , Jérôme Baudrier , Paco Bustamante , Rachida Chekri , Petru Jitaru , François Le Loc’h , Benoit Mialet , Vincent Vaccher , Mireille Harmelin-Vivien
Environmental Research, 2023, 216 (3), pp.114624. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2022.114624⟩
Influence of the exposure concentration of dissolved cadmium on its organotropism, toxicokinetic and fate in Gammarus fossarum
Ophélia Gestin , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Nicolas Delorme , Laura Garnero , Olivier Geffard , Christelle Lopes
Environment International, 2023, 171, pp.107673. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2022.107673⟩
Contaminant-by-environment interactive effects on animal behavior in the context of global change: Evidence from avian behavioral ecotoxicology
Andrea S Grunst , Melissa L Grunst , Jérôme Fort
Science of the Total Environment, 2023, pp.163169. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163169⟩
Behavioral responses to offshore windfarms during migration of a declining shorebird species revealed by GPS-telemetry
Philipp Schwemmer , Moritz Mercker , Karena Haecker , Helmut Kruckenberg , Steffen Kämpfer , Pierrick Bocher , Jérôme Fort , Frédéric Jiguet , Samantha Franks , Jaanus Elts , Riho Marja , Markus Piha , Pierre Rousseau , Rebecca Pederson , Heinz Düttmann , Thomas Fartmann , Stefan Garthe
Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 342, pp.118131. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118131⟩
Avoidance behaviour and toxicological impact of sunscreens in the teleost Chelon auratus
Margot Grimmelpont , Christel Lefrançois , Yannis Panisset , Guilhem Jourdon , Justine Receveur , Stéphane Le Floch , Jean-Luc Boudenne , Jérôme Labille , Thomas Milinkovitch
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 194, pp.115245. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115245⟩
Seasonal variations of low pesticides contamination and biomarker responses in marine bivalves from French estuaries
Adélaïde Lerebours , Thierno Diallo , Annie Lecureuil , Justine Receveur , Valérie Huet , Julien Parinet , Thierry Guérin , Stéphane Le Floch , Hélène Thomas
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 192, pp.114988. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114988⟩
Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni as a bioindicator of trace and rare earth elements in the Southern Ocean
José P Queirós , João F Machado , Eduarda Pereira , Paco Bustamante , Lina Carvalho , Eugénio Soares , Darren W Stevens , José C Xavier
Chemosphere, 2023, 321, pp.138134. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138134⟩
Extreme snowstorms lead to large-scale seabird breeding failures in Antarctica
Sébastien Descamps , Stephen Hudson , Joanna Sulich , Ewan Wakefield , David Grémillet , Alice Carravieri , Sebastian Orskaug , Harald Steen
Current Biology, 2023, 33 (5), pp.R176-R177. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2022.12.055⟩
Preliminary inter-port study of the quality of environments using physiological responses of invertebrates exposed to chronic trace element and organic contamination in Corsica (Mediterranean Sea)
Marion Pillet , Mathilde Dabrowski , Michel Marengo , Lovina Fullgrabe , Michèle Leduc , Quentin Fontaine , Stéphane Le Floch , Valérie Huet , Carine Churlaud , Pierre Lejeune , Hélène Thomas
Ecotoxicology, 2023, 32 (2), pp.243-260. ⟨10.1007/s10646-023-02635-w⟩
The forgotten ones of ports : The filter feeders at the heart of siltation processes
Vincent Hamani , Isabelle Brenon , Thibault Coulombier , Jean-Remy Huguet , Laurence Murillo
Marine Environmental Research, 2023, 183, pp.105843. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2022.105843⟩
Consistent seasonal foraging niche segregation between critically endangered Whenua Hou Diving Petrels and abundant Common Diving Petrels
Grace E Tocker , Johannes H Fischer , Paco Bustamante , Gaël Guillou , Igor Debski , Graeme A Taylor , Peter A Ritchie , Heiko U Wittmer
Ibis, 2023, 165 (3), pp.890-904. ⟨10.1111/ibi.13170⟩
Distribution and trophic functioning of planktonic communities in coastal marshes in Atlantic Coast of France
Lauriane Bergeon , Frédéric Azémar , Claire Carré , Bénédicte Dubillot , Claire Emery , Hélène Agogué , Philippe Pineau , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Marc Bouvy , Michèle Tackx , Christine Dupuy
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2023, pp.108430. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108430⟩
Simple and rapid formic acid sample treatment for the isolation of HgSe nanoparticles from animal tissues
Khouloud El Hanafi , B. Gomez-Gomez , Zoyne Pedrero , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel , David Amouroux , Y. Madrid
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023, 1250, pp.340952. ⟨10.1016/j.aca.2023.340952⟩
In Vivo Mercury (De)Methylation Metabolism in Cephalopods under Different p CO 2 Scenarios
Sophie Gentès , Antoine Minet , Christelle Lopes , Emmanuel Tessier , Claire Gassie , Remy Guyoneaud , Peter Swarzenski , Paco Bustamante , Marc Metian , David Amouroux , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Environmental Science and Technology, 2023, 57 (14), pp.5761-5770. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.2c08513⟩
Individual aerobic performance and anaerobic compensation in a temperate fish during a simulated marine heatwave
Margot Grimmelpont , Thomas Milinkovitch , Emmanuel Dubillot , Christel Lefrançois
Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 863, pp.160844. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160844⟩
Development of an integrated indicator to assess chemical contamination in different marine species: The case of mercury on the French Atlantic continental shelf
Tiphaine Mille , Nathalie Wessel , Mélanie Brun , Paco Bustamante , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Paula Méndez-Fernandez , Gauthier Poiriez , Jérôme Spitz , Aourell Mauffret
Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 902, pp.165753. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165753⟩
Variation of 210-polonium in the cephalopod community from the Bay of Biscay, North-East Atlantic
Paco Bustamante , Aniel Guillen-Arruebarruena , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Jérôme Spitz , Michel Warnau , Carlos Alonso Hernandez
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2023, 268-269, pp.107265. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvrad.2023.107265⟩
Wide-scope screening of multi-class contaminants in seafood using a novel sample preparation (QuEChUP) procedure coupled with UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS: application for semi-quantitation of real seafood samples
Thierno Diallo , Yassine Makni , Adélaïde Lerebours , Hélène Thomas , Thierry Guérin , Julien Parinet
Food Chemistry, 2023, 426, pp.136572. ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.136572⟩
Mercury in Ten Storm-Petrel Populations from the Antarctic to the Subtropics
Petra Quillfeldt , Yuliana Bedolla-Guzmán , Marcela M Libertelli , Yves Cherel , Melanie Massaro , Paco Bustamante
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2023, 85, pp.55-72. ⟨10.1007/s00244-023-01011-3⟩
The effect of placentation type, litter size, lactation and gestation length on cancer risk in mammals
Antoine M Dujon , Orsolya Vincze , Jean-François Lemaître Lemaître , Catherine Alix-Panabières , Pascal Pujol , Mathieu Giraudeau , Beata Ujvari , Frédéric Thomas
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2023, 290 (7), pp.1316-1327. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2023.0940⟩
First quantitative biomonitoring study of two ports (marina, commerce) in French littoral area : Evaluation of metals released into the marine environment and resulting from galvanic anodes
Marine Barbarin , Coralie Turquois , Emmanuel Dubillot , Valérie Huet , Carine Churlaud , Frédéric Muttin , Hélène Thomas
Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 857, pp.159244. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159244⟩
Approaches to determine pesticides in marine bivalves
Thierno Diallo , Julia Leleu , Julien Parinet , Thierry Guérin , Hélène Thomas , Adélaïde Lerebours
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2023, 415 (16), pp.3093-3110. ⟨10.1007/s00216-023-04709-4⟩
Cephalopod prey of light-mantled sooty albatross Phoebetria palpebrata, resource partitioning amongst Kerguelen albatrosses, and teuthofauna of the southern Indian Ocean
Yves Cherel , Colette Trouvé , Paco Bustamante
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2023, 198, pp.104082. ⟨10.1016/j.dsr.2023.104082⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Plateforme web pour sensibiliser à l'évolution du patrimoine des marais littoraux face au risque de submersion marine
Cecilia Pignon-Mussaud , Julien Hubert , Fabien Blanchet , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Marie Vagner , Benjamin Amann , Nathalie Long , Nicolas Becu , Jean-François Breilh
Colloque PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux», Projet PAMPAS, Nov 2023, La Rochelle, France
Une grille de lecture innovante pour caractériser le patrimoine des marais littoraux.
Nathalie Long , Hélène Agogué , Cécilia Pignon-Mussaud , Christine Dupuy , Mickael Augeron , Lauriane Bergeon , François Brischoux , Jean-Michel Carozza , Clarisse Cazals , Eric Chaumillon , Olivier De Viron , Clémence Dedinger , Emmanuel Dubillot , Sylvie Ferrari , Jérôme Jourde , Mireia Kolher , Sébastien Lavaud , Léa Lorrain-Solignon , Jean-Christophe Pereau , Audrey Rivaud , Thierry Sauzeau , Ornella Siger , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Marie Vagner , Nicolas Becu
Colloque de restitution PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux », Projet de recherche collaborative PAMPAS : Évolution de l'identité patrimoniale des marais des Pertuis Charentais en réponse à l'aléa de submersion marine, Nov 2023, La Rochelle, France
Restoring an urbanized coastal marsh: consequences on contamination dynamics
Adélaïde Lerebours , Mireia Kohler , Lauriane Bergeron , Jeanne Latreille De Lavarde , Bénédicte Dubillot , J. Jourde , Christine Dupuy , Elodie Réveillac , Marie Vagner , Hélène Agogué , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
COAST CAEN 2023 - Entre Terre et Mer - Conférence Internationale d’Océanographie et 19ème Symposium Franco-Japonais d’Océanographie, Oct 2023, Caen, France
Sensitivity of the European Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) to global change: evidence from home range features and contaminations by trace elements and organic pollutants, a case study in the marshes of Western Europe
Raphaël Musseau , Frédéric Angelier , Coraline Bichet , Maurice Millet , Céline Rousselle , Jérôme Moreau , Paco Bustamante
4th international Kingfisher conferencen, Biology, ecology & conservation, Wdecki Landscape Parc, Sep 2023, Tleń, Poland
Short-term response of fish communities to freshwater marshes hydrological restoration and partial reconnection to coastal marine waters
Mireia Kohler , Marie Vagner , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Bénédicte Dubillot , Nicolas Bécu , Eric Pesme , Elodie Réveillac
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023: "Resilience and Recovery in Aquatic Systems", Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, Jun 2023, Palma De Majorque, Spain
Omega 3 dietary content and physiological performance of fishes in a context of global change.
Marie Vagner , N. Vagner M. Imbert-Auvray , T. Lacoue-Labarthe , C. Lefrançois , F. Le Grand , E. Pante , K. Salin , P. Soudant , A. Viricel , Jose-Luis Zambonino-Infante
Journées Chevreul 80 years of SFEL, SFEL, Jan 2023, Paris, France
Impact des submersions marines sur les marais littoraux des Pertuis Charentais : une approche multidisciplinaire
Benjamin Amann , Eric Chaumillon , Pierre Polsenaere , Julien Pétillon , Jérémy Mayen , Marie Arnaud , Christine Dupuy , Lauriane Bergeon , Léa Lorrain-Soligon , François Brischoux , Clémence Dedinger , Clarisse Cazals , Cécilia Pignon-Mussaud , Xavier Bertin , Mireia Kohler , Elodie Réveillac , Hélène Agogué , Jérôme Jourde , Nathalie Long , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Nicolas Becu , Marie Vagner
Colloque PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux», 2023, La Rochelle, France
Effects of Dietary DHA Deficiency on Metabolic and Swimming Performance of Juvenile European Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) from the wild.
Mickaël Péron , Fabienne Le Grand , Philippe Soudant , David Mazurais , Christel Lefrançois , Victor Simon , Marie Vagner
RESPFEST, 2023, La Rochelle, France
Structure et fonctionnement du plancton des marais des Pertuis Charentais et effet de l’aléa submersion sur les fonctions écologiques (épuration, nourricerie).
Lauriane Bergeon , Christine Dupuy , Frédéric Azémar , Bénédicte Dubillot , Marc Bouvy , Claire Carré , Pierre Polsenaere , Jérémy Mayen , Hélène Agogué , Mathieu Paoletti , Philippe Pineau , Claire Emery , Valérie Huet , Thierry Guyot , Pascaline Ory , Emmanuel Dubillot , Nathalie Long , Nicolas Becu , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Marie Vagner , Michèle Tackx
Colloque PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux», Projet PAMPAS, 2023, La Rochelle, France
L’ichtyofaune des marais côtiers des Pertuis charentais face à l’aléa de submersion marine : caractérisation, fonctionnement écologique et fonction patrimoniale
Mireia Kohler , Marie Vagner , Nicolas Bécu , Bénédicte Dubillot , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Dorian Lemesle , Jeanne Latreille De Lavarde , Emmanuel Dubillot , Eric Pesme , Jean-Christophe Lemesle , Julien Gernigon , Benoit Poitevin , Brice Colonnier , Elodie Réveillac
Colloque PAMPAS « Le patrimoine des marais littoraux face aux changements globaux», Projet PAMPAS, 2023, La Rochelle, France
Long chain omega-3 fatty acid dietary content determines escape response efficiency in golden grey mullet
Marie Vagner , Salomé Ducos , Nicolas Graziano , Fabienne Le Grand , Antoine Bideau , Emmanuel Dubillot , Christel Lefrançois
Colloque d'Ecophysiologie Animale, 2023, Plouzané, France

Liste des publications 2022 des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE référencées sous HAL :

74 résultats


Article dans une revue

Telomeres, the loop tying cancer to organismal life‐histories
Beata Ujvari , Nynke Raven , Thomas Madsen , Marcel Klaassen , Antoine Dujon , Aaron Schultz , Leonard Nunney , Jean‐françois Lemaître , Mathieu Giraudeau , Frédéric Thomas
Molecular Ecology, 2022, 31 (23), pp.6273-6285. ⟨10.1111/mec.16488⟩
Wild animals as an underused treasure trove for studying the genetics of cancer
Tuul Sepp , Mathieu Giraudeau
BioEssays, 2022, 45 (2), ⟨10.1002/bies.202200188⟩
The significance of cephalopod beaks as a research tool: An update
José Xavier , Alexey Golikov , José Queirós , Catalina Perales-Raya , Rigoberto Rosas-Luis , José Abreu , Giambattista Bello , Paco Bustamante , Juan Capaz , Valerie Dimkovikj , Angel González , Hugo Guímaro , Airam Guerra-Marrero , José Gomes-Pereira , Tsunemi Kubodera , Vladimir Laptikhovsky , Evgenia Lefkaditou , Fedor Lishchenko , Amanda Luna , Bilin Liu , Graham Pierce , Vasco Pissarra , Elodie Reveillac , Evgeny Romanov , Rui Rosa , Marjorie Roscian , Lisa Rose-Mann , Isabelle Rouget , Pilar Sánchez , Antoni Sánchez-Márquez , Sónia Seixas , Louise Souquet , Jaquelino Varela , Erica Vidal , Yves Cherel
Frontiers in Physiology, 2022, 13, ⟨10.3389/fphys.2022.1038064⟩
Seabirds under environmental pressures: Food supplementation has a larger impact than selenium on chicks exposed to mercury and a viral disease
Manrico Sebastiano , Marcel Eens , Paco Bustamante , Olivier Chastel , David Costantini
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10, ⟨10.3389/fevo.2022.963512⟩
The Green Edge cruise: Understanding the onset, life and fate of the Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom
Flavienne Bruyant , Rémi Amiraux , Marie-Pier Amyot , Philippe Archambault , Lise Artigue , Lucas Bardedo de Freitas , Guislain Bécu , Simon Bélanger , Pascaline Bourgain , Annick Bricaud , Etienne Brouard , Camille Brunet , Tonya Burgers , Danielle Caleb , Katrine Chalut , Hervé Clautre , Véronique Cornet-Barthaux , Pierre Coupel , Marine Cusa , Fanny Cusset , Laeticia Dadaglio , Marty Davelaar , Gabriele Deslongchamps , Céline Dimier , Julie Dinasquet , Dany Dumont , Brent Else , Igor Eulaers , Joannie Ferland , Gabrielle Filteau , Marie-Hélène Forget , Jérôme Fort , Louis Fortier , Martí Galí-Tapías , Morgane Gallinari , Svend-Erik Garbus , Nicole Garcia , Catherine Gérikas Ribeiro , Colline Gombault , Priscilla Gourvil , Clémence Goyens , Cindy Grant , Pierre-Luc Grondin , Pascal Guillot , Sandrine Hillion , Rachel Hussher , Fabien Joux , Hannah Joy-Warren , Gabriel Joyal , David Kieber , Augustin Lafond , José Lagunas , Patrick Lajeunesse , Catherine Lalande , Jade Larivière , Florence Le Gall , Karine Leblanc , Mathieu Leblanc , Justine Legras , Keith Levesque , Kate-Marie Lewis , Edouard Leymarie , Aude Leynaert , Thomas Linkowski , Martine Lizotte , Adriana Lopes dos Santos , Claudie Marec , Dominique Marie , Guillaume Massé , Philippe Massicotte , Atsushi Matsuoka , Lisa Miller , Sharif Mirshak , Nathalie Morata , Brivaela Moriceau , Philippe-Israël Morin , Simon Morisset , Anders Mosbech , Alfonso Mucci , Gabrielle Nadaï , Christian Nozais , Ingrid Obernosterer , Timothe Paire , Christos Panagiotopoulos , Marie Parenteau , Noémie Pelletier , Marc Picheral , Bernard Quéguiner , Patrick Raimbault , Joséphine Ras , Eric Rehm , Llúcia Ribot Lacosta , Jean-François Rontani , Blanche Saint-Béat , Julie Sansoulet , Noé Sardet , Catherine Schmechtig , Antoine Sciandra , Richard Sempéré , Caroline Sévigny , Jordan Toullec , Margot Tragin , Jean-Eric Tremblay , Annie-Pier Trottier , Daniel Vaulot , Anda Vladoiu , Lei Xue , Gustavo Yunda-Guarin , Marcel Babin
Earth System Science Data, 2022, 14, pp.4607-4642. ⟨10.5194/essd-2022-41⟩
Mercury contamination and potential health risks to Arctic seabirds and shorebirds
Olivier Chastel , Jérôme Fort , Joshua Ackerman , Céline Albert , Frédéric Angelier , Niladri Basu , Pierre Blévin , Maud Brault-Favrou , Jan Ove Bustnes , Paco Bustamante , Jóhannis Danielsen , Sébastien Descamps , Rune Dietz , Kjell Einar Erikstad , Igor Eulaers , Alexey Ezhov , Abram Fleishman , Geir Gabrielsen , Maria Gavrilo , Grant Gilchrist , Olivier Gilg , Sindri Gíslason , Elena Golubova , Aurélie Goutte , David Grémillet , Gunnar Hallgrimsson , Erpur Hansen , Sveinn Are Hanssen , Scott Hatch , Nicholas Huffeldt , Dariusz Jakubas , Jón Einar Jónsson , Alexander Kitaysky , Yann Kolbeinsson , Yuri Krasnov , Robert J. Letcher , Jannie Linnebjerg , Mark Mallory , Flemming Ravn Merkel , Børge Moe , William Montevecchi , Anders Mosbech , Bergur Olsen , Rachael A. Orben , Jennifer F. Provencher , Sunna B. Ragnarsdottir , Tone Reiertsen , Nora Rojek , Marc Romano , Jens Søndergaard , Hallvard Strøm , Akinori Takahashi , Sabrina Tartu , Thorkell Thórarinsson , Jean-Baptiste Thiebot , Alexis Will , Simon Wilson , Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas , Glenn Yannic
Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 844, pp.156944. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156944⟩
Anthropogenic Contaminants Shape the Fitness of the Endangered European Eel: A Machine Learning Approach
Bastien Bourillon , Eric Feunteun , Anthony Acou , Thomas Trancart , Nils Teichert , Claude Belpaire , Sylvie Dufour , Paco Bustamante , Kim Aarestrup , Alan Walker , David Righton
Fishes, 2022, 7 (5), pp.274. ⟨10.3390/fishes7050274⟩
Pesticide impacts on avian species with special reference to farmland birds: a review
Jérôme Moreau , Juliette Rabdeau , Isabelle Badenhausser , Mathieu Giraudeau , Tuul Sepp , Malaury Crépin , Agathe Gaffard , Vincent Bretagnolle , Karine Monceau
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2022, 194 (10), pp.1-48. ⟨10.1007/s10661-022-10394-0⟩
Integument carotenoid-based colouration reflects contamination to perfluoroalkyl substances, but not mercury, in arctic black-legged kittiwakes
David Costantini , Pierre Blévin , Jan Ove Bustnes , Valérie Esteve , Geir Wing Gabrielsen , Dorte Herzke , Ségolène Humann-Guilleminot , Børge Moe , Charline Parenteau , Charlotte Récapet , Paco Bustamante , Olivier Chastel
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10, pp.952765. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2022.952765⟩
Generic Solving of Physiologically-based Kinetic Models in Support of Next Generation Risk Assessment Due to Chemicals
Sandrine Charles , Ophelia Gestin , Jérémie Bruset , Dominique Lamonica , Virgile Baudrot , Arnaud Chaumot , Olivier Geffard , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Christelle Lopes
Journal of Exploratory Research in Pharmacology, 2022, 8 (2), pp.140-154. ⟨10.14218/JERP.2022.00043⟩
First study on the determination of baseline biomarkers in Mimachlamys varia for an intra-port environmental biomonitoring in French Atlantic coastline (La Rochelle)
Marine Barbarin , Frédéric Muttin , Hélène Thomas
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 182, pp.113979. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113979⟩
Bird migration in space and time: chain migration by Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata arquata along the East Atlantic Flyway
Rebecca Pederson , Pierrick Bocher , Stefan Garthe , Jérôme Fort , Moritz Mercker , Verena Auernhammer , Martin Boschert , Philippe Delaporte , Jaanus Elts , Wolfgang Fiedler , Michał Korniluk , Dominik Krupiński , Riho Marja , Pierre Rousseau , Lukas Thiess , Philipp Schwemmer
Journal of Avian Biology, 2022, 91 (9), pp.1813-1825. ⟨10.1111/jav.02924⟩
Food selection and habitat use patterns of immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on Caribbean seagrass beds dominated by the alien species Halophila stipulacea
Flora Siegwalt , Lorène Jeantet , Pierre Lelong , Jordan Martin , Marc Girondot , Paco Bustamante , Abdelwahab Benhalilou , Céline Murgale , Lucas Andreani , François Jacaria , Guilhem Campistron , Anthony Lathière , Charlène Barotin , Gaëlle Buret-Rochas , Philippe Barre , Gaëlle Hielard , Alexandre Arqué , Sidney Régis , Nicolas Lecerf , Cédric Frouin , Fabien Lefebvre , Nathalie Aubert , Mosiah Arthus , Denis Etienne , Jean-Pierre Allenou , César Delnatte , Rachelle Lafolle , Florence Thobor , Pascale Chevallier , Tao Chevallier , Muriel Lepori , Cindy Assio , Clément Grand , Marc Bonola , Yannick Tursi , Pierre-Walter Varkala , Stéphane Meslier , Anthony Landreau , Yvon Le Maho , Caroline Habold , Jean-Patrice Robin , Damien Chevallier
Global Ecology and Conservation, 2022, 37, pp.e02169. ⟨10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02169⟩
Blood mercury concentrations in four sympatric gull species from South Western France: Insights from stable isotopes and biologging
William Jouanneau , Manrico Sebastiano , David Rozen-Rechels , Stephanie Harris , Pierre Blévin , Frédéric Angelier , François Brischoux , Julien Gernigon , Jean-Christophe Lemesle , Frédéric Robin , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , Olivier Chastel
Environmental Pollution, 2022, 308, pp.119619. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119619⟩
Organ-specific accumulation of cadmium and zinc in Gammarus fossarum exposed to environmentally relevant metal concentrations
Ophélia Gestin , Christelle Lopes , Nicolas Delorme , Laura Garnero , Olivier Geffard , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Environmental Pollution, 2022, 308, pp.119625. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119625⟩
Archaea Carotenoids: Natural Pigments with Unexplored Innovative Potential
Antoine Grivard , Isabelle Goubet , Luiz Miranda de Souza Duarte Filho , Valérie Thiéry , Sylvie Chevalier , Raimundo Gonçalves de Oliveira Júnior , Noureddine El Aouad , Jackson Roberto Guedes da Silva Almeida , Przemysław Sitarek , Lucindo José Quintans-Junior , Raphaël Grougnet , Hélène Agogué , Laurent Picot
Marine drugs, 2022, Marine Pigments, 20 (8), pp.524. ⟨10.3390/md20080524⟩
Combination of marine and artificial freshwater habitats provides wintering Black-tailed Godwits with landscape supplementation
Clément Jourdan , Jérôme Fort , Frédéric Robin , David Pinaud , Philippe Delaporte , Didier Desmots , Alain Gentric , Pamela Lagrange , Julien Gernigon , Loïc Jomat , Pierre Rousseau , Pierrick Bocher
Wader Study, 2022, 129 (2), ⟨10.18194/ws.00271⟩
Ecotoxicity of Heteroaggregates of Polystyrene Nanospheres in Chironomidae and Amphibian
Florence Mouchet , Laura Rowenczyk , Antoine Minet , Fanny Clergeaud , Jérôme Silvestre , Eric Pinelli , Jessica Ferriol , Joséphine Leflaive , Loïc Ten-Hage , Julien Gigault , Alexandra ter Halle , Laury Gauthier
Nanomaterials, 2022, 12 (15), pp.2730. ⟨10.3390/nano12152730⟩
Spatio-temporal contamination of microplastics in shellfish farming regions: A case study
Adélaïde Lerebours , Marguerite Bathie , Maria Kazour , Rachid Amara , Valérie Huet , Hélène Thomas
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 181, pp.113842. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113842⟩
Oxidative physiology is weakly associated with pigmentation in birds
Attila Marton , Csongor I Vágási , Orsolya Vincze , Veronika Bókony , Péter L Pap , Janka Pénzes , Lőrinc Bărbos , Attila Fülöp , Gergely Osváth , Simon Ducatez , Mathieu Giraudeau
Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 12 (8), ⟨10.1002/ece3.9177⟩
Will climate change affect the survival of tropical and subtropical species? Predictions based on Bulwer's petrel populations in the NE Atlantic Ocean
Marta Cruz-Flores , Roger Pradel , Joël Bried , Teresa Militão , Verónica C Neves , Jacob González-Solís , Raül Ramos
Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 847, ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157352⟩
Persistent organic pollutants and mercury in a colony of Antarctic seabirds: higher concentrations in 1998, 2001, and 2003 compared to 2014 to 2016
Nadja D Kuepper , Leonard Böhm , Christina Braun , Paco Bustamante , Rolf-Alexander Düring , Marcela Libertelli , Petra Quillfeldt
Polar Biology, 2022, 45 (7), pp.1229-1245. ⟨10.1007/s00300-022-03065-w⟩
Variation Among Species and Populations, and Carry-Over Effects of Winter Exposure on Mercury Accumulation in Small Petrels
Petra Quillfeldt , Yves Cherel , Joan Navarro , Richard A. Phillips , Juan F. Masello , Cristián G. Suazo , Karine Delord , Paco Bustamante
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10, pp.915199. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2022.915199⟩
Diet of the exotic Madeiran wall lizard: first insights into trophic interactions in an Atlantic seabird sanctuary
Verónica Neves , Dorothee Rund , Catarina J Pinho , Raquel Vasconcelos , Paco Bustamante , Petra Quillfeldt
Herpetozoa, 2022, 35, pp.107-113. ⟨10.3897/herpetozoa.35.e82096⟩
Fibropapillomatosis Prevalence and Distribution in Immature Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles)
Thibaut Roost , Jo-Ann Schies , Marc Girondot , Jean-Patrice Robin , Pierre Lelong , Jordan Martin , Flora Siegwalt , Lorène Jeantet , Mathieu Giraudeau , Guillaume Le Loc’h , Manola Bejarano , Marc Bonola , Abdelwahab Benhalilou , Céline Murgale , Lucas Andreani , François Jacaria , Guilhem Campistron , Anthony Lathière , François Martial , Gaëlle Hielard , Alexandre Arqué , Sidney Régis , Nicolas Lecerf , Cédric Frouin , Fabien Lefebvre , Nathalie Aubert , Frédéric Flora , Esteban Pimentel , Rachelle Lafolle , Florence Thobor , Mosiah Arthus , Denis Etienne , Nathaël Lecerf , Jean-Pierre Allenou , Florian Desigaux , Eugène Larcher , Christian Larcher , Alberto Lo Curto , Joanne Befort , Myriane Maceno-Panevel , Muriel Lepori , Pascale Chevallier , Tao Chevallier , Stéphane Meslier , Anthony Landreau , Caroline Habold , Yvon Le Maho , Damien Chevallier
EcoHealth, 2022, 19 (12), pp.190-202. ⟨10.1007/s10393-022-01601-y⟩
Reply to the comment on “New insights into the biomineralization of mercury selenide nanoparticles through stable isotope analysis in giant petrel tissues” by A. Manceau, J. Hazard. Mater. 425 (2021) 127922. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127922
Silvia Queipo-Abad , Zoyne Pedrero , Claudia Marchán-Moreno , Khouloud El Hanafi , Sylvain Bérail , Warren Corns , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , David Amouroux
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 431, pp.128582. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128582⟩
Cancer Susceptibility as a Cost of Reproduction and Contributor to Life History Evolution
Antoine M Dujon , Justine Boutry , Sophie Tissot , Jean-François Lemaître Lemaître , Amy Boddy , Anne‐lise Gérard , Alexandra Alvergne , Audrey Arnal , Orsolya Vincze , Delphine Nicolas , Mathieu Giraudeau , Marina Telonis-Scott , Aaron Schultz , Pascal Pujol , Peter A. Biro , Christa Beckmann , Rodrigo Hamede , Benjamin Roche , Beata Ujvari , Frédéric Thomas
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10, pp.861103. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2022.861103⟩
Year-round at-sea movements of fairy prions from southeastern Australia
Aymeric Fromant , Yonina Eizenberg , Timothée Poupart , Paco Bustamante , John Arnould
Royal Society Open Science, 2022, 9 (5), ⟨10.1098/rsos.220134⟩
Lack of the myotendinous junction marker col22a1 results in posture and locomotion disabilities in zebrafish
Marilyne Malbouyres , Alexandre Guiraud , Christel Lefrançois , Mélanie Salamito , Pauline Nauroy , Laure Bernard , Frédéric Sohm , Bruno Allard , Florence Ruggiero
Matrix Biology, 2022, 109, pp.1-18. ⟨10.1016/j.matbio.2022.03.002⟩
Bioaccumulation of Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Antarctic Breeding South Polar Skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) and Their Prey
Laura Andrea Alfaro Garcia , Sébastien Descamps , Dorte Herzke , Olivier Chastel , Alice Carravieri , Yves Cherel , Pierre Labadie , Hélène Budzinski , Gabriel Munoz , Paco Bustamante , Anuschka Polder , Geir Wing Gabrielsen , Jan Ove Bustnes , Katrine Borgå
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9 (819525), ⟨10.3389/fmars.2022.819525⟩
Variation in Antarctic Petrel Foraging Ecology: Not All Individuals Specialize on Krill
Sébastien Descamps , S. Harris , J. Fluhr , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel , A. Trevail , Maud Brault-Favrou , Samantha Patrick
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9, pp.809852. ⟨10.3389/fmars.2022.809852⟩
Complex mitogenomic rearrangements within the Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
Tamás Malkócs , Amélia Viricel , Vanessa Becquet , Louise Evin , Emmanuel Dubillot , Eric Pante
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2022, 22 (29), ⟨10.1186/s12862-022-01976-0⟩
New insights into the biomineralization of mercury selenide nanoparticles through stable isotope analysis in giant petrel tissues
Silvia Queipo-Abad , Zoyne Pedrero , Claudia Marchán-Moreno , Khouloud El Hanafi , Sylvain Bérail , Warren T Corns , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , David Amouroux
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 425, pp.127922. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127922⟩
Daytime, tidal amplitude and protected areas influence movements and habitat use on mudflats of wintering black-tailed godwits
Clément Jourdan , Jérôme Fort , David Pinaud , Philippe Delaporte , Thomas Hérault , Marko Jankovic , Loïc Jomat , Nicolas Lachaussée , Philippe Pineau , Frédéric Robin , Pierre Rousseau , Pierrick Bocher
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2022, 268, pp.107782. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2022.107782⟩
Intergenerational effects of environmentally-aged microplastics on the Crassostrea gigas
Arno Bringer , Jérôme Cachot , Emmanuel Dubillot , Grégoire Prunier , Valérie Huet , Christelle Clérandeau , Louise Evin , Hélène Thomas
Environmental Pollution, 2022, 294, pp.118600. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118600⟩
Cancer risk across mammals
Orsolya Vincze , Fernando Colchero , Jean-François Lemaître Lemaître , Dalia Conde , Samuel Pavard , Margaux Bieuville , Araxi Urrutia , Beata Ujvari , Amy Boddy , Carlo Maley , Frédéric Thomas , Mathieu Giraudeau
Nature, 2022, 601 (7892), pp.263-267. ⟨10.1038/s41586-021-04224-5⟩
Accelerating animal energetics: high dive costs in a small seabird disrupt the dynamic body acceleration–energy expenditure relationship
Eric Ste-Marie , David Grémillet , Jérôme Fort , Allison Patterson , Émile Brisson-Curadeau , Manon Clairbaux , Samuel Perret , John Speakman , Kyle Elliott
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2022, 225 (12), pp.jeb243252. ⟨10.1242/jeb.243252⟩
The Green Edge cruise: investigating the marginal ice zone processes during late spring and early summer to understand the fate of the Arctic phytoplankton bloom
Flavienne Bruyant , Rémi Amiraux , Marie-Pier Amyot , Philippe Archambault , Lise Artigue , Lucas Barbedo de Freitas , Guislain Bécu , Simon Bélanger , Pascaline Bourgain , Annick Bricaud , Etienne Brouard , Camille Brunet , Tonya Burgers , Danielle Caleb , Katrine Chalut , Hervé Claustre , Marcel Babin , Antoine Sciandra , Véronique Cornet-Barthaux , Pierre Coupel , Marine Cusa , Fanny Cusset , Laeticia Dadaglio , Marty Davelaar , Gabrièle Deslongchamps , Céline Dimier , Julie Dinasquet , Dany Dumont , Brent Else , Igor Eulaers , Joannie Ferland , Gabrielle Filteau , Marie-Hélène Forget , Jérome Fort , Louis Fortier , Martí Galí , Morgane Gallinari , Svend-Erik Garbus , Nicole Garcia , Catherine Gérikas Ribeiro , Colline Gombault , Priscilla Gourvil , Clémence Goyens , Cindy Grant , Pierre-Luc Grondin , Pascal Guillot , Sandrine Hillion , Rachel Hussherr , Fabien Joux , Hannah Joy-Warren , Gabriel Joyal , David Kieber , Augustin Lafond , José Lagunas , Patrick Lajeunesse , Catherine Lalande , Jade Larivière , Florence Le Gall , Karine Leblanc , Mathieu Leblanc , Justine Legras , Keith Lévesque , Kate-M. Lewis , Edouard Leymarie , Aude Leynaert , Thomas Linkowski , Martine Lizotte , Adriana Lopes dos Santos , Claudie Marec , Dominique Marie , Guillaume Massé , Philippe Massicotte , Atsushi Matsuoka , Lisa A. Miller , Sharif Mirshak , Nathalie Morata , Brivaela Moriceau , Philippe-Israël Morin , Simon Morisset , Anders Mosbech , Alfonso Mucci , Gabrielle Nadaï , Christian Nozais , Ingrid Obernosterer , Thimoté Paire , Christos Panagiotopoulos , Marie Parenteau , Noémie Pelletier , Marc Picheral , Bernard Queguiner , Patrick Raimbault , Joséphine Ras , Eric Rehm , Llúcia Ribot Lacosta , Jean-Francois Rontani , Blanche Saint-Béat , Julie Sansoulet , Noé Sardet , Catherine Schmechtig , Richard Sempere , Caroline Sévigny , Jordan Toullec , Margot Tragin , Jean-Éric Tremblay , Annie-Pier Trottier , Daniel Vaulot , Anda Vladoiu , Lei Xue , Gustavo Yunda-Guarin
Earth System Science Data, 2022, 14, pp.4607-4642. ⟨10.5194/essd-14-4607-2022⟩
First insight into the development of a new transcriptomic tool in French Corsica harbors
Marion Pillet , K. Garrett Evensen , Michel Marengo , Pierre Lejeune , Helen Poynton , Hélène Thomas
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 184, pp.114173. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114173⟩
Trophic ecology of northern gannets Morus bassanus highlights the extent of isotopic niche overlap with other apex predators within the Bay of Biscay
Claudia Gaspar , Joan Giménez , Eider Andonegi , Amaia Astarloa , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Javier Franco , Nicolas Goñi , Xavier Corrales , Jérôme Spitz , Paco Bustamante , Maite Louzao
Marine Biology, 2022, 169 (8), pp.105. ⟨10.1007/s00227-022-04079-y⟩
No evidence that seasonal changes in large‐scale environmental conditions drive migration in seabirds
Charlotte Lambert , Jérôme Fort
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2022, 91 (9), pp.1813-1825. ⟨10.1111/1365-2656.13759⟩
Bioaccumulation of inorganic and organic mercury in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis: influence of ocean acidification and food type
Antoine Minet , Marc Metian , Angus Taylor , Sophie Gentès , Sabine Azemard , François Oberhänsli , Peter Swarzenski , Paco Bustamante , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Environmental Research, 2022, 215 (Part 1), pp.114201. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2022.114201⟩
A U-Turn for Mercury Concentrations over 20 Years: How Do Environmental Conditions Affect Exposure in Arctic Seabirds?
Sabrina Tartu , Pierre Blévin , Paco Bustamante , Frédéric Angelier , Claus Bech , Jan Ove Bustnes , Melissa Chierici , Agneta Fransson , Geir Gabrielsen , Aurélie Goutte , Børge Moe , Christophe Sauser , Julien Sire , Christophe Barbraud , Olivier Chastel
Environmental Science and Technology, 2022, 56 (4), pp.2443-2454. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.1c07633⟩
Translocation of mitochondrial DNA into the nuclear genome blurs phylogeographic and conservation genetic studies in seabirds
Lucas Torres , Vincent Bretagnolle , Eric Pante
Royal Society Open Science, 2022, 9 (6), pp.211888. ⟨10.1098/rsos.211888⟩
First Time Identification of Selenoneine in Seabirds and Its Potential Role in Mercury Detoxification
Khouloud El Hanafi , Zoyne Pedrero , Laurent Ouerdane , Claudia Marchán-Moreno , Silvia Queipo-Abad , Maïté Bueno , Florence Pannier , Warren Corns , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , David Amouroux
Environmental Science and Technology, 2022, 56 (5), pp.3288-3298. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.1c04966⟩
The longest mitochondrial protein in metazoans is encoded by the male-transmitted mitogenome of the bivalve Scrobicularia plana
Mélanie Tassé , Thierry Choquette , Annie Angers , Donald Stewart , Eric Pante , Sophie Breton
Biology Letters, 2022, 18 (6), pp.20220122. ⟨10.1098/rsbl.2022.0122⟩
Can stable isotopes assess habitat use in complex coastal wetlands? A case study in an amphibian species
Léa Lorrain-Soligon , Frédéric Robin , Vincent Lelong , Marko Jankovic , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel , François Brischoux
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2022, 274, pp.107953. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2022.107953⟩
Risk and benefit assessment of seafood consumption harvested from the Pertuis Charentais region of France
Élise Noger-Huet , Marie Vagner , Fabienne Le Grand , Nicolas Graziano , Antoine Bideau , Maud Brault-Favrou , Carine Churlaud , Paco Bustamante , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Environmental Pollution, 2022, pp.118388. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118388⟩
The evolution and ecology of benign tumors
Justine Boutry , Sophie Tissot , Beata Ujvari , Jean-Pascal Capp , Mathieu Giraudeau , Aurora M Nedelcu , Frédéric Thomas
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer, 2022, 1877 (1), pp.188643. ⟨10.1016/j.bbcan.2021.188643⟩
Spatial variations in winter Hg contamination affect egg volume in an Arctic seabird, the great skua (Stercorarius skua)
Céline Albert , Hallvard Strøm , Hálfdán Helgi Helgason , Vegard Sandøy Bråthen , Fannar Theyr Gudmundsson , Paco Bustamante , Jérôme Fort
Environmental Pollution, 2022, 314, pp.120322. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120322⟩
Exposure to cumulative stressors affects the laying phenology and incubation behaviour of an Arctic-breeding marine bird
Reyd Smith , Saya Albonaimi , Holly Hennin , H. Grant Gilchrist , Jérôme Fort , Kyle J.L. Parkinson , Jennifer Provencher , Oliver Love
Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 807 (Part 2), pp.150882. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150882⟩
Cuttlefish conservation: a global review of methods to ameliorate unwanted fishing mortality and other anthropogenic threats to sustainability
Christopher Barrett , J Bensbai , M Broadhurst , Paco Bustamante , R Clark , G Cooke , A Di Cosmo , C Drerup , O Escolar , F Fernández-Álvarez , K Ganias , K Hall , Roger Hanlon , J Hernández-Urcera , Q Hua , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , J Lewis , F Lishchenko , V Maselli , H Moustahfid , R Nakajima , C O’brien , L Parkhouse , S Pengelly , Graham Pierce , J. G. Ramírez , J-P Robin , K Sajikumar , G Sasikumar , C Smith , Roger Villanueva , D. T. H. Yến
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2022, 79 (10), pp.2579-2596. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsac200⟩
Variation in blood mercury concentrations in brown skuas (Stercorarius antarcticus) is related to trophic ecology but not breeding success or adult body condition
Andrés E. Ibañez , William F. Mills , Paco Bustamante , R.A.R. Mcgill , L.M. Morales , F.X. Palacio , D.S. Torres , N.S. Haidr , R. Mariano-Jelicich , Richard A. Phillips , D. Montalti
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 181, pp.113919. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113919⟩
Development and validation according to the SANTE guidelines of a QuECh-ERS-UHPLC-QTOF-MS method for the screening of 204 pesticides in bivalves
Thierno Diallo , Yassine Makni , Adélaïde Lerebours , Hélène Thomas , Thierry Guérin , Julien Parinet
Food Chemistry, 2022, 386, pp.132871. ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132871⟩
Quantitative meta‐analysis reveals no association between mercury contamination and body condition in birds
Alice Carravieri , Orsolya Vincze , Paco Bustamante , Joshua T Ackerman , Evan Adams , Frédéric Angelier , Olivier Chastel , Yves Cherel , Olivier Gilg , Elena Golubova , Alexander Kitaysky , Katelyn Luff , Chad Seewagen , Hallvard Strøm , Alexis Will , Glenn Yannic , Mathieu Giraudeau , Jérôme Fort
Biological Reviews, 2022, 97 (4), pp.1253-1271. ⟨10.1111/brv.12840⟩
Foraging trips and isotopic niche of chick-rearing South Georgian diving petrels from the Kerguelen Islands
Charles-André Bost , Karine Delord , Yves Cherel , Colin Miskelly , Alice Carravieri , Paco Bustamante , J. P. Y. Arnould , Aymeric Fromant
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2022, 689, pp.169-177. ⟨10.3354/meps14029⟩
Mercury biomagnification in an Antarctic food web of Antarctic Peninsula
Ricardo Matias , Hugo Guímaro , Paco Bustamante , José Seco , Nesho Chipev , Joana Fragão , Sílvia Tavares , Filipe Ceia , Maria Pereira , Andrés Barbosa , José Xavier
Environmental Pollution, 2022, 304, pp.119199. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119199⟩
The role of tropical small-scale fisheries in trace element delivery for a Small Island Developing State community, the Seychelles
Magali Sabino , Nathalie Bodin , Rodney Govinden , Rona Arrisol , Carine Churlaud , Heidi Pethybridge , Paco Bustamante
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 181, pp.113870. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113870⟩
Trace elements and δ15N values in micronekton of the south-western Indian Ocean
Pavanee Annasawmy , Paco Bustamante , David Point , Carine Churlaud , Evgeny V Romanov , Nathalie Bodin
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 184, pp.114053. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114053⟩
Stage-Dependent Niche Segregation: Insights From a Multi-Dimensional Approach of Two Sympatric Sibling Seabirds
Aymeric Fromant , John P.Y. Arnould , Karine Delord , Grace Sutton , Alice Carravieri , Paco Bustamante , Colin Miskelly , Akiko Kato , Maud Brault-Favrou , Yves Cherel , Charles-André Bost
Oecologia, 2022, 199 (3), pp.537-548. ⟨10.1007/s00442-022-05181-0⟩
Nutritional grouping of marine forage species reveals contrasted exposure of high trophic levels to essential micro‐nutrients
Tiphaine Chouvelon , Lola Gilbert , Florence Caurant , Paula Méndez‐fernandez , Paco Bustamante , Maud Brault‐favrou , Jérôme Spitz
Oikos, 2022, The role of the nutritional quality of resources in ecosystem functioning, 2022 (7), pp.e08844. ⟨10.1111/oik.08844⟩
Temporal trends of mercury in Arctic biota: 10 more years of progress in Arctic monitoring
Adam Morris , Simon Wilson , Rob Fryer , Philippe Thomas , Karista Hudelson , Birgitta Andreasen , Pierre Blévin , Paco Bustamante , Olivier Chastel , Guttorm Christensen , Rune Dietz , Marlene Evans , Anita Evenset , Steven Ferguson , Jérôme Fort , Mary Gamberg , David Grémillet , Magali Houde , Robert Letcher , Lisa Loseto , Derek Muir , Marianna Pinzone , Amanda Poste , Heli Routti , Christian Sonne , Gary Stern , Frank Rigét
Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 839, pp.155803. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155803⟩
Annual movements of a migratory seabird—the NW European red-throated diver (Gavia stellata)—reveals high individual repeatability but low migratory connectivity
Birgit Kleinschmidt , Claudia Burger , Paco Bustamante , Monika Dorsch , Stefan Heinänen , Julius Morkūnas , Ramūnas Žydelis , Georg Nehls , Petra Quillfeldt
Marine Biology, 2022, 169 (9), pp.114. ⟨10.1007/s00227-022-04096-x⟩
Possible interaction between exposure to environmental contaminants and nutritional stress in promoting disease occurrence in seabirds from French Guiana: a review
Manrico Sebastiano , David Costantini , Marcel Eens , Kevin Pineau , Paco Bustamante , Olivier Chastel
Regional Environmental Change, 2022, 22 (2), pp.63. ⟨10.1007/s10113-022-01914-2⟩
At-sea behavioural ecology of the endangered MacGillivray’s prion from Saint Paul Island: combining tracking and stable isotopes
Karine Delord , Yves Cherel , Amédée Roy , Paco Bustamante , Kerrie M Swadling , Henri Weimerskirch , Charles‐andré Bost , Christophe Barbraud
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2022, 697, pp.149-165. ⟨10.3354/meps14136⟩
Relationships between stable isotopes and trace element concentrations in the crocodilian community of French Guiana
Jérémy Lemaire , François Brischoux , Oliver Marquis , Rosanna Mangione , Stéphane Caut , Maud Brault-Favrou , Carine Churlaud , Paco Bustamante
Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 837, pp.155846. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155846⟩
The ecology of modern and fossil vertebrates revisited by lithium isotopes
Fanny Thibon , Jean Goedert , Nicolas Séon , Lucas Weppe , Jeremy E Martin , Romain Amiot , Sylvain Adnet , Olivier Lambert , Paco Bustamante , Christophe Lécuyer , Nathalie Vigier
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2022, 599, pp.117840. ⟨10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117840⟩
Improving the monitoring of multi-class pesticides in baby foods using QuEChERS-UHPLC-Q-TOF with automated identification based on MS/MS similarity algorithms
Yassine Makni , Thierno Diallo , Thierry Guérin , Julien Parinet
Food Chemistry, 2022, pp.133573. ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133573⟩
Spatial and sex differences in mercury contamination of skuas in the Southern Ocean
William F Mills , Andrés E Ibañez , Paco Bustamante , Ana P B Carneiro , Stuart Bearhop , Yves Cherel , Rocío Mariano-Jelicich , Rona a R Mcgill , Diego Montalti , Stephen C Votier , Richard A Phillips
Environmental Pollution, 2022, 297, pp.118841. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2022.118841⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Conservation status and overview of threats to seabirds
Richard Phillips , Jérôme Fort , Maria Dias
Conservation of Marine Birds, Elsevier, pp.33-56, 2022, ⟨10.1016/B978-0-323-88539-3.00015-7⟩

Communication dans un congrès

The heritage identity of marshes: a new approach to analyze their future in response to climate change
Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Nathalie Long , Nicolas Becu , Marie Vagner
ECSA, Sep 2022, San Sebastian, Spain
Des carences en oméga 3 peuvent endommager la fonction cardiaque – Illustration avec un modèle poisson
Marie Vagner , Eric Pante , Amélia Viricel , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Jose Luis Zambonino-Infante , Patrick Quazuguel , Emmanuel Dubillot , Valérie Huet , Hervé Le Delliou , Christel Lefrançois , Nathalie Imbert-Auvray
Congrès de Biologie et Physiologie Intégrative, Jun 2022, Lyon, France
Mercury bioaccumulation in the cuttlefish brain and effect on behavioural performances
Antoine Minet , C. Jozet-Alves , M. Fernandez-Declerck , S. Gentès , A. Andouche , S. Bratte , A. Manceau , M. Métian , A. Taylor , P. Bustamante , T. Lacoue-Labarthe
Cephalopods in the Anthropocene: multiple challenges in a changing ocean., Apr 2022, Sesimbra-Lisbon, Portugal
L’identité patrimoniale des marais : une nouvelle approche pour analyser leurs devenirs en réponse au changement climatique
Nathalie Long , Marie Vagner , Nicolas Becu , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Colloque “La mer monte : des espaces naturels aux territoires littoraux, quelles stratégies d’adaptation ?”, 2022, Nantes, France

Liste des publications 2021 des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE référencées sous HAL :

63 résultats


Article dans une revue

Molecular genetic diversity of seaweeds morphologically related to Ulva rigida at three sites along the French Atlantic coast
Manon Dartois , Eric Pante , Amelia Viricel , Vanessa Becquet , Pierre-Guy Sauriau
PeerJ, 2021, 9 (e11966), pp.1-27. ⟨10.7717/peerj.11966⟩
Mercury concentrations and trophic relations in sharks of the Colombia Pacific
Natalia Vélez , Sandra Bessudo , Dalia Barragán-Barrera , Felipe Ladino , Paco Bustamante , Andrea Luna-Acosta
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 173, pp.113109. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113109⟩
Untargeted Metabolomics Reveals a Complex Impact on Different Metabolic Pathways in Scallop Mimachlamys varia (Linnaeus, 1758) after Short-Term Exposure to Copper at Environmental Dose
Vincent Hamani , Pascaline Ory , Pierre-Edouard Bodet , Laurence Murillo , Marianne Graber
Metabolites, 2021, 11 (12), pp.862. ⟨10.3390/metabo11120862⟩
A multifaceted assessment of the effects of polyethylene microplastics on juvenile gilthead seabreams (Sparus aurata)
Hugo Jacob , Marc Besson , François Oberhaensli , Angus Taylor , Benjamin Gillet , Sandrine Hughes , Steven Melvin , Paco Bustamante , Peter Swarzenski , David Lecchini , Marc Metian
Aquatic Toxicology, 2021, 241, pp.106004. ⟨10.1016/j.aquatox.2021.106004⟩
Environmental and life-history factors influence inter-colony multidimensional niche metrics of a breeding Arctic marine bird
Reyd Smith , David Yurkowski , Kyle J.L. Parkinson , Jérôme Fort , Holly Hennin , H. Grant Gilchrist , Keith Hobson , Mark Mallory , Jóhannis Danielsen , Svend Garbus , Sveinn Hanssen , Jón Einar Jónsson , Christopher Latty , Ellen Magnúsdóttir , Børge Moe , Glen Parsons , Christian Sonne , Grigori Tertitski , Oliver Love
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 796, pp.148935. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148935⟩
One and multi-compartments toxico-kinetic modeling to understand metals’ organotropism and fate in Gammarus fossarum
Ophélia Gestin , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Marina Coquery , Nicolas Delorme , Laura Garnero , Lysiane Dherret , Théo Ciccia , Olivier Geffard , Christelle Lopes
Environment International, 2021, 156, pp.106625. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2021.106625⟩
Mercury Isotope Fractionation by Internal Demethylation and Biomineralization Reactions in Seabirds: Implications for Environmental Mercury Science
Alain Manceau , Romain Brossier , Sarah E Janssen , Tylor J Rosera , David P Krabbenhoft , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , Brett A Poulin
Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, 55 (20), pp.13942-13952. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.1c04388⟩
Habitat when foraging does not explain temporal segregation by sex in a breeding seabird
Nicholas Huffeldt , Jannie Linnebjerg , Jérôme Fort , Flemming Merkel , Morten Frederiksen
Marine Biology, 2021, 168 (10), ⟨10.1007/s00227-021-03958-0⟩
Stable isotopes of a terrestrial amphibian illustrate fertilizer-related nitrogen enrichment of food webs in agricultural habitats
Matthias Renoirt , Frédéric Angelier , Marion Cheron , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel , Francois Brischoux
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2021, 319, pp.107553. ⟨10.1016/j.agee.2021.107553⟩
North Atlantic winter cyclones starve seabirds
Manon Clairbaux , Paul Mathewson , Warren Porter , Jérôme Fort , Hallvard Strøm , Børge Moe , Per Fauchald , Sébastien Descamps , Hálfdán Helgason , Vegard Bråthen , Benjamin Merkel , Tycho Anker-Nilssen , Ingar Bringsvor , Olivier Chastel , Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard , Jóhannis Danielsen , Francis Daunt , Nina Dehnhard , Kjell Einar Erikstad , Alexey Ezhov , Maria Gavrilo , Yuri Krasnov , Magdalene Langset , Svein-H. Lorentsen , Mark Newell , Bergur Olsen , Tone Reiertsen , Geir Helge Systad , Thorkell Thórarinsson , Mark Baran , Tony Diamond , Annette Fayet , Michelle Fitzsimmons , Morten Frederiksen , Hugh Gilchrist , Tim Guilford , Nicholas Huffeldt , Mark Jessopp , Kasper Johansen , Amy-Lee Kouwenberg , Jannie Linnebjerg , Heather Major , Laura Mcfarlane Tranquilla , Mark Mallory , Flemming Merkel , William Montevecchi , Anders Mosbech , Aevar Petersen , David Grémillet
Current Biology, 2021, 31 (17), pp.3964-3971.e1-e3. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.059⟩
Timing of spring departure of long distance migrants correlates with previous year's conditions at their breeding site
Françoise Amélineau , Nicolas Delbart , Philipp Schwemmer , Riho Marja , Jérôme Fort , Stefan Garthe , Jaanus Elts , Philippe Delaporte , Pierre Rousseau , Françoise Duraffour , Pierrick Bocher
Biology Letters, 2021, 17 (9), pp.20210331. ⟨10.1098/rsbl.2021.0331⟩
Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic
Tammy Davies , Ana P.B. Carneiro , Marguerite Tarzia , Ewan Wakefield , Janos Hennicke , Morten Frederiksen , Erpur Snær Hansen , Bruna Campos , Carolina Hazin , Ben Lascelles , Tycho Anker‐nilssen , Hólmfríður Arnardóttir , Robert Barrett , Manuel Biscoito , Loïc Bollache , Thierry Boulinier , Paulo Catry , Filipe Ceia , Olivier Chastel , Signe Christensen‐dalsgaard , Marta Cruz‐flores , Jóhannis Danielsen , Francis Daunt , Euan Dunn , Carsten Egevang , Ana Isabel Fagundes , Annette Fayet , Jérôme Fort , Robert Furness , Olivier Gilg , Jacob González‐solís , José Pedro Granadeiro , David Grémillet , Tim Guilford , Sveinn Are Hanssen , Michael Harris , April Hedd , Nicholas Per Huffeldt , Mark Jessopp , Yann Kolbeinsson , Johannes Krietsch , Johannes Lang , Jannie Fries Linnebjerg , Svein‐håkon Lorentsen , Jeremy Madeiros , Ellen Magnusdottir , Mark Mallory , Laura Mcfarlane Tranquilla , Flemming Merkel , Teresa Militão , Børge Moe , William Montevecchi , Virginia Morera‐pujol , Anders Mosbech , Verónica Neves , Mark Newell , Bergur Olsen , Vitor Paiva , Hans‐ulrich Peter , Aevar Petersen , Richard Phillips , Iván Ramírez , Jaime Ramos , Raül Ramos , Robert Ronconi , Peter Ryan , Niels Martin Schmidt , Ingvar Sigurðsson , Benoît Sittler , Harald Steen , Iain Stenhouse , Hallvard Strøm , Geir Systad , Paul Thompson , Thorkell Thórarinsson , Rob S.A. Bemmelen , Sarah Wanless , Francis Zino , Maria Dias
Conservation Letters, 2021, 14, pp.e12824. ⟨10.1111/conl.12824⟩
Subchronic exposure to high-density polyethylene microplastics alone or in combination with chlortoluron significantly affected valve activity and daily growth of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
Arno Bringer , Hélène Thomas , Emmanuel Dubillot , Stéphane Le Floch , Justine Receveur , Jérôme Cachot , Damien Tran
Aquatic Toxicology, 2021, 237, pp.105880. ⟨10.1016/j.aquatox.2021.105880⟩
Habitat degradation increases interspecific trophic competition between three spiny lobster species in Seychelles
Magali Sabino , Rodney Govinden , Heidi Pethybridge , Laura Blamey , Fabienne Le Grand , Fany Sardenne , Maria Rose , Paco Bustamante , Nathalie Bodin
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2021, 256, pp.107368. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107368⟩
Susceptibility of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) to a model carcinogen
Adélaïde Lerebours , Svetlana Murzina , You Song , Knut Erik Tollefsen , Maura Benedetti , Francesco Regoli , Jeanette M Rotchell , Jasmine Nahrgang
Marine Environmental Research, 2021, 170, pp.105434. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105434⟩
Complex population structure of the Atlantic puffin revealed by whole genome analyses
Oliver Kersten , Bastiaan Star , Deborah Leigh , Tycho Anker-Nilssen , Hallvard Strøm , Jóhannis Danielsen , Sébastien Descamps , Kjell Erikstad , Michelle Fitzsimmons , Jérôme Fort , Erpur Hansen , Mike Harris , Martin Irestedt , Oddmund Kleven , Mark Mallory , Kjetill Jakobsen , Sanne Boessenkool
Communications Biology, 2021, 4 (1), ⟨10.1038/s42003-021-02415-4⟩
Nycthemeral Movements of Wintering Shorebirds Reveal Important Differences in Habitat Uses of Feeding Areas and Roosts
C. Jourdan , Jérôme Fort , D. Pinaud , P. Delaporte , J. Gernigon , N. Lachaussée , J.-C. Lemesle , C. Pignon-Mussaud , P. Pineau , F. Robin , P. Rousseau , P. Bocher
Estuaries and Coasts, 2021, 44 (5), pp.1454-1468. ⟨10.1007/s12237-020-00871-5⟩
Evidence of deleterious effects of microplastics from aquaculture materials on pediveliger larva settlement and oyster spat growth of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
Arno Bringer , Jérôme Cachot , Emmanuel Dubillot , Bénédicte Lalot , Hélène Thomas
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 794, pp.148708. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148708⟩
Using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to estimate carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition in animal tissues
Francisco Javier Ancin-Murguzur , Arnaud Tarroux , Kari Anne Bråthen , Paco Bustamante , Sébastien Descamps
Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 11 (15), pp.10483-10488. ⟨10.1002/ece3.7851⟩
Habitat filtering differentially modulates phylogenetic and functional diversity relationships between predatory arthropods
Aurélien Ridel , Denis Lafage , Pierre Devogel , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Julien Petillon
Royal Society Open Science, 2021, 8 (6), ⟨10.1098/rsos.202093⟩
How animals distribute themselves in space: energy landscapes of Antarctic avian predators
Juan Masello , Andres Barbosa , Akiko Kato , Thomas Mattern , Renata Medeiros , Jennifer Stockdale , Marc Kümmel , Paco Bustamante , Josabel Belliure , Jesús Benzal , Roger Colominas-Ciuró , Javier Menéndez-Blázquez , Sven Griep , Alexander Goesmann , William Symondson , Petra Quillfeldt
Movement Ecology, 2021, 9 (1), ⟨10.1186/s40462-021-00255-9⟩
Trophic ecology drives trace element concentrations in the Antarctic octopod community
Alexandra Lischka , Paco Bustamante , H. Braid , Uwe Piatkowski , T. Lacoue-Labarthe
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 768, pp.144373. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144373⟩
Mercury biomagnification in a Southern Ocean food web
José Seco , Sara Aparício , Andrew Brierley , Paco Bustamante , Filipe Ceia , João Coelho , Richard Philips , Ryan Saunders , Sophie Fielding , Susan Gregory , Ricardo Matias , Miguel Pardal , Eduarda Pereira , Gabriele Stowasser , Geraint Tarling , José Xavier
Environmental Pollution, 2021, 275, pp.116620. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116620⟩
Linking pollution and cancer in aquatic environments: A review
Ciara Baines , Adélaïde Lerebours , Frédéric Thomas , Jérôme Fort , Randel Kreitsberg , Sophie Gentès , Richard Meitern , Lauri Saks , Beata Ujvari , Mathieu Giraudeau , Tuul Sepp
Environment International, 2021, 149, pp.106391. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2021.106391⟩
Meeting Paris agreement objectives will temper seabird winter distribution shifts in the North Atlantic Ocean
Manon Clairbaux , William Cheung , Paul Mathewson , Warren Porter , Nicolas Courbin , Jérôme Fort , Hallvard Strøm , Børge Moe , Per Fauchald , Sébastien Descamps , Hálfdán Helgason , Vegard Bråthen , Benjamin Merkel , Tycho Anker-Nilssen , Ingar S. Bringsvor , Olivier Chastel , Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard , Jóhannis Danielsen , Francis Daunt , Nina Dehnhard , Kjell Einar Erikstad , Alexeï Ezhov , Maria Gavrilo , Yuri Krasnov , Magdalene Langset , Svein‐håkon Lorentsen , Mark Newell , Bergur Olsen , Tone Kirstin Reiertsen , Geir Systad , Thorkell Lindberg Thórarinsson , Mark Baran , Tony Diamond , Annette L Fayet , Michelle G Fitzsimmons , Morten Frederiksen , Grant Gilchrist , Tim Guilford , Nicholas Per Huffeldt , Mark Jessopp , Kasper L. Johansen , Amy-Lee Kouwenberg , Jannie Fries Linnebjerg , Laura Mcfarlane-Tranquilla , Mark Mallory , Flemming Merkel , William Montevecchi , Anders Mosbech , Aevar Petersen , David Grémillet
Global Change Biology, 2021, 27 (7), pp.1457-1469. ⟨10.1111/gcb.15497⟩
Highly diversified habitats and resources influence habitat selection in wintering shorebirds
Clément Jourdan , Jérôme Fort , David Pinaud , Philippe Delaporte , Julien Gernigon , Stéphane Guenneteau , Loïc Jomat , Vincent Lelong , Jean-Christophe Lemesle , Frédéric Robin , Pierre Rousseau , Pierrick Bocher
Wilson journal of ornithology, 2021, 162 (3), pp.823-838. ⟨10.1007/s10336-021-01873-1⟩
Multiple genetic marker analysis challenges the introduction history of Ulva australis (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) on French coasts
Pierre-Guy Sauriau , Manon Dartois , Vanessa Becquet , Fabien Aubert , Valérie Huet , Martine Bréret , Amélia Viricel , Eric Pante
European Journal of Phycology, 2021, 56 (4), pp.455-467. ⟨10.1080/09670262.2021.1876249⟩
Demethylation of Methylmercury in Bird, Fish, and Earthworm
Alain Manceau , Jean-Paul Bourdineaud , Ricardo Oliveira , Sandra L.F. Sarrazin , David Krabbenhoft , Collin Eagles-Smith , Joshua Ackerman , A. Robin Stewart , Christian Ward-Deitrich , M. Estela del Castillo Busto , Heidi Goenaga-Infante , Aude Wack , Marius Retegan , Blanka Detlefs , Pieter Glatzel , Paco Bustamante , Kathryn Nagy , Brett Poulin
Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, 55 (3), pp.1527-1534. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.0c04948⟩
In Vivo Formation of HgSe Nanoparticles and Hg–Tetraselenolate Complex from Methylmercury in Seabirds—Implications for the Hg–Se Antagonism
Alain Manceau , Anne-Claire Gaillot , Pieter Glatzel , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante
Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, 55 (3), pp.1515-1526. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.0c06269⟩
Trophic and fitness correlates of mercury and organochlorine compound residues in egg-laying Antarctic petrels
Alice Carravieri , Nicholas A Warner , Dorte Herzke , Maud Brault-Favrou , Arnaud Tarroux , Jérôme Fort , Paco Bustamante , Sébastien Descamps
Environmental Research, 2021, 193, pp.110518. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2020.110518⟩
Diet of spiny lobsters from Mahé Island reefs, Seychelles inferred by trophic tracers
Fany Sardenne , Nathalie Bodin , Leo Barret , Laura Blamey , Rodney Govinden , Kettyna Gabriel , Rosabella Mangroo , Jean-Marie Munaron , François Le Loc’h , Antoine Bideau , Fabienne Le Grand , Magali Sabino , Paco Bustamante , David Rowat
Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2021, 42, pp.101640. ⟨10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101640⟩
Phylogenetic Relationships Within Chrysogorgia (Alcyonacea: Octocorallia), a Morphologically Diverse Genus of Octocoral, Revealed Using a Target Enrichment Approach
Candice Bobby Untiedt , Andrea M Quattrini , Catherine S Mcfadden , Phil A Alderslade , Eric Pante , Christopher P Burridge
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021, 7, pp.1175. ⟨10.3389/fmars.2020.599984⟩
Sharing wintering grounds does not synchronize annual survival in a high Arctic seabird, the little auk
S Descamps , B Merkel , H Strøm , Rémi Choquet , H Steen , Jérôme Fort , M Gavrilo , David Grémillet , D Jakubas , K Jerstad , Nj Karnovsky , Yv Krasnov , B Moe , J Welcker , K Wojczulanis-Jakubas
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2021, SEA, ⟨10.3354/meps13400⟩
Sexual segregation in a highly pagophilic and sexually dimorphic marine predator
Christophe Barbraud , Karine Delord , Akiko Kato , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel
Peer Community In Ecology, 2021, Section Ecology, 1 (e71), ⟨10.1101/472431⟩
Influence of species‐specific feeding ecology on mercury concentrations in seabirds breeding on the Chatham Islands, New Zealand
Justine Thébault , Paco Bustamante , Melanie Massaro , Graeme Taylor , Petra Quillfeldt
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2021, 40 (2), pp.454-472. ⟨10.1002/etc.4933⟩
Seasonal variation of mercury contamination in Arctic seabirds: a pan- arctic assessment
Céline Albert , Hálfdán Helgi Helgason , Maud Brault-Favrou , Gregory J Robertson , Sébastien Descamps , Françoise Amélineau , Jóhannis Danielsen , Rune Dietz , Kyle Elliott , Kjell Einar Erikstad , Igor Eulaers , Alexey Ezhov , Michelle G Fitzsimmons , Maria Gavrilo , Elena Golubova , David Grémillet , Scott Hatch , Nicholas P Huffeldt , Dariusz Jakubas , Alexander Kitaysky , Geir Helge Systad , Thorkell Lindberg Thórarinsson , Hálfdán Helgi Helgason , Kjell Einar Erikstad , Yann Kolbeinsson , Yuri Krasnov , Svein-Håkon Lorentsen , Erlend Lorentzen , Mark L Mallory , Benjamin Merkel , Flemming Ravn Merkel , William Montevecchi , Anders Mosbech , Bergur Olsen , Rachael A Orben , Allison Patterson , Jennifer Provencher , Flemming Ravn Merkel , Tone Kristin Reiertsen , Christine Plumejeaud , Isabeau Pratte , Kristin Reiertsen , Heather Renner , Nora Rojek , Marc Romano , Hallvard Strøm , Helge Systad , Akinori Takahashi , Jean-Baptiste Thiebot , Thorkell Lindberg Thórarinsson , Alexis P Will , Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas , Paco Bustamante , Jérôme Fort
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 750, pp.142201. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142201⟩
Quantifying capital versus income breeding: New promise with stable isotope measurements of individual amino acids
John Whiteman , Seth Newsome , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel , Keith Hobson
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021, 90, pp.1408-1418. ⟨10.1111/1365-2656.13402⟩
Impact of extreme environmental conditions: Foraging behaviour and trophic ecology responses of a diving seabird, the common diving petrel
Aymeric Fromant , Karine Delord , Charles-André Bost , Yonina Eizenberg , Jonathan Botha , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , Brett Gardner , Maud Brault-Favrou , Arnaud Lec'Hvien , John P.Y. Arnould
Progress in Oceanography, 2021, 198, pp.102676. ⟨10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102676⟩
I got it from my mother: Inter-nest variation of mercury concentration in neonate Smooth-fronted Caiman (Paleosuchus trigonatus) suggests maternal transfer and possible phenotypical effects
Lemaire Jérémy , Marquis Olivier , Paco Bustamante , Mangione Rosanna , Brischoux François
Environmental Research, 2021, 194, pp.110494. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2020.110494⟩
Large-scale survey of lithium concentrations in marine organisms
Fanny Thibon , Lucas Weppe , N. Vigier , Carine Churlaud , T. Lacoue-Labarthe , Marc Metian , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 751, pp.141453. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141453⟩
Influence of sex, size and trophic level on blood Hg concentrations in Black caiman, Melanosuchus niger (Spix, 1825) in French Guiana
Jérémy Lemaire , Paco Bustamante , Olivier Marquis , Stephane Caut , Francois Brischoux
Chemosphere, 2021, 262, pp.127819. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127819⟩
Mercury isotopes of key tissues document mercury metabolic processes in seabirds
Marina Renedo , Zoyne Pedrero , David Amouroux , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante
Chemosphere, 2021, 263, pp.127777. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127777⟩
Inter-annual variation in winter distribution affects individual seabird contamination with mercury
Céline Albert , V. S. Bråthen , S Descamps , T Anker-Nilssen , A Cherenkov , S Christensen- Dalsgaard , J Danielsen , K. E. Erikstad , M Gavrilo , S. A. Hanssen , H. H. Helgason , J. E. Jónsson , Y Kolbeinsson , Y Krasnov , M Langset , E Lorentzen , B Olsen , T. K. Reiertsen , H Strøm , G. H. Systad , G Tertitski , P. M. Thompson , T. L. Thórarinsson , Paco Bustamante , B Moe , Jérôme Fort
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2021, 676, pp.243-254. ⟨10.3354/meps13793⟩
Mercury in the tissues of five cephalopods species: first data on the nervous system
Antoine Minet , Alain Manceau , Anaïs Valada-Mennuni , Maud Brault-Favrou , Churlaud Carine , Jérôme Fort , Nguyen Thành , Spitz Jérôme , Paco Bustamante , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 759, pp.143907. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143907⟩
From Settlers to Subspecies: Genetic Differentiation in Commerson’s Dolphins Between South America and the Kerguelen Islands
Sebastián Kraft , Mjosé Pérez-Alvarez , Carlos Olavarría , Rodrigo Moraga , C. Scott Baker , Debbie Steel , Paul Tixier , Christophe Guinet , Amelia Viricel , Paul Brickle , Marina Costa , Enrique Crespo , Cristian Durante , Rocio Loizaga , Elie Poulin
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021, 8, pp.782512. ⟨10.3389/fmars.2021.782512⟩
The relationship between membrane fatty acid content and mitochondrial efficiency differs within- and between- omega-3 dietary treatments
Karine Salin , Margaux Mathieu-Resuge , Nicolas Graziano , Emmanuel Dubillot , Fabienne Le Grand , Philippe Soudant , Marie Vagner
Marine Environmental Research, 2021, pp.105205. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105205⟩
Regional patterns of δ13C and δ15N for European common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) throughout the Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
R. J. David Wells , Jay R. Rooker , Piero Addis , Haritz Arrizabalaga , Miguel Baptista , Giovanni Bearzi , Igaratza Fraile , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Emily N. Meese , Persefoni Megalofonou , Rui Rosa , Ignacio Sobrino , Antonio V. Sykes , Roger Villanueva
Royal Society Open Science, 2021, 8, ⟨10.1098/rsos.210345⟩
Oxidative stress, metabolic activity and mercury concentrations in Antarctic krill Euphausia superba and myctophid fish of the Southern Ocean
José Seco , Rosa Freitas , José Xavier , Paco Bustamante , João Coelho , Francesca Coppola , Ryan Saunders , Ângela Almeida , Sophie Fielding , Miguel Pardal , Gabriele Stowasser , Giulia Pompeo , Geraint Tarling , Andrew Brierley , Eduarda Pereira
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 166, pp.112178. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112178⟩
Variation of total mercury concentration in different tissues of three neotropical caimans: implications for minimally invasive biomonitoring
Jérémy Lemaire , Francois Brischoux , Olivier Marquis , Mangione Rosana , Paco Bustamante
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2021, 81, pp.15-24. ⟨10.1007/s00244-021-00846-y⟩
Lead, mercury, and selenium alter physiological functions in wild caimans (Caiman crocodilus)
Jérémy Lemaire , Paco Bustamante , R. Mangione , O. Marquis , C. Churlaud , Maud Brault-Favrou , Charline Parenteau , Francois Brischoux
Environmental Pollution. Series A, Ecological and Biological, 2021, 286, pp.117549. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117549⟩
A risk assessment of the effects of mercury on Baltic Sea, Greater North Sea and North Atlantic wildlife, fish and bivalves
Rune Dietz , Jérôme Fort , Christian Sonne , Céline Albert , Jan Ove Bustnes , Thomas Kjaer Christensen , Maciej Tomasz , Jóhannis Danielsen , Sam Dastnai , Marcel Eens , Kjell Einar Erikstad , Anders Galatius , Svend-Erik Garbus , Olivier Gilg , Sveinn Are Hanssen , Björn Helander , Morten Helberg , Veerle L B Jaspers , Bjørn Munro Jenssen , Jón Einar Jónsson , Kaarina Kauhala , Yann Kolbeinsson , Line Anker Kyhn , Aili Lage Labansen , Martin Mørk Larsen , Ulf Lindstøm , Tone K Reiertsen , Frank F Rigét , Anna Roos , Jakob Strand , Hallvard Strøm , Signe Sveegaard , Jens Søndergaard , Jiachen Sun , Jonas Teilmann , Ole Roland Therkildsen , Thorkell Lindberg Thórarinsson , Rune Skjold Tjørnløv , Simon Wilson , Igor Eulaers
Environment International, 2021, 146, pp.106178. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2020.106178⟩
Foraging ecology drives mercury contamination in chick gulls from the English Channel
Lukasz J Binkowski , Jérôme Fort , Maud Brault-Favrou , Fabrice Gallien , Gilles Leguillou , Olivier Chastel , Paco Bustamante
Chemosphere, 2021, 267, pp.128622. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128622⟩
The variegated scallop, Mimachlamys varia, undergoes alterations in several of its metabolic pathways under short-term zinc exposure
P. Ory , V. Hamani , P.-E. Bodet , Laurence Murillo , M. Graber
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2021, 37, pp.100779. ⟨10.1016/j.cbd.2020.100779⟩
Chemical Forms of Mercury in Blue Marlin Billfish: Implications for Human Exposure
Alain Manceau , Sabine Azemard , Laetitia Hédouin , Emilia Vassileva , David Lecchini , Cécile Fauvelot , Peter W Swarzenski , Pieter Glatzel , Paco Bustamante , Marc Metian
Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 2021, 8 (5), pp.405-411. ⟨10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00217⟩
Sea surface temperature, rather than land mass or geographic distance, may drive genetic differentiation in a species complex of highly-dispersive seabirds
Lucas Torres , Eric Pante , Jacob González-Solís , Amélia Viricel , Cecile Ribout , Frank Zino , Will Mackin , Carine Precheur , Julie Tourmetz , Licia Calabrese , Teresa Militão , Laura Zango , Hadoram Shirihai , Vincent Bretagnolle
Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 11 (21), pp.14960-14976. ⟨10.1002/ece3.8180⟩

Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)

Marine Environmental Quality Healthy Coastal Waters
Frédéric Muttin , Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Wiley, 2021, 9781786307583. ⟨10.1002/9781119866220⟩
Marine Environmental Quality
Frédéric Muttin , Hélène Thomas

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Environmental Quality of Coastal Areas in the Mediterranean Sea and Potential Risks to Human Health
Marion Pillet , Michel Marengo , Sylvie Gobert , Pierre Lejeune , Michèle Leduc , Lovina Fullgrabe , Stephane Lefloch , Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Frédéric Muttin, Hélène Thomas. Marine Environmental Quality: Healthy Coastal Waters, Wiley; ISTE, 2021, 9781786307583. ⟨10.1002/9781119866220.ch6⟩
Governance and public policies of coastal water quality in the « Pertuis Charentais »
Frédéric Muttin , Hélène Thomas
Frédéric Muttin, Hélène Thomas. Marine Environmental Quality: Healthy Coastal Waters, 1, Wiley, 2021, 9781786307583. ⟨10.1002/9781119866220.ch2⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Genetic connectivity inferred from male- and female-type mitochondrial DNA from Limecola balthica, a bivalve species characterised by DUI
Sabrina Le Cam , Julie Brémaud , Vanessa Becquet , Pascale Garcia , Amélia Viricel , Eric Pante
6th International Marine Connectivity Conference (iMarCo), Dec 2021, Paris, France
Lithium isotopes in marine food webs
Fanny Thibon , Lucas Weppe , Paco Bustamante , François Oberhänsli , Marc Metian , Carine Churlaud , Maryline Montanes , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Philippe Telouk , Yves Cherel , Nathalie Vigier
Goldschmidt2021, Jul 2021, Virtual, France. ⟨10.7185/gold2021.5106⟩
Underwater Fluxes of biogenic constituents and their Ecological Implications
Jérémy Mayen , Pierre Polsenaere , Philippe Geairon , Jean-Michel Chabirand , Jonathan Deborde , James Grizon , Jean-Christophe Lemesle , Benoit Poitevin , Christine Dupuy , Marie Vagner
ASLO, Jun 2021, Online, France
Effet de la reconnexion d'un marais d'eau douce à la mer sur les communautés planctoniques et l'ichtyofaune: Cas du marais côtier urbain de Tasdon en Charente-Maritime
Lauriane Bergeon , Mireia Kohler , Frédéric Azémar , Bénédicte Dubillot , Micky Tackx , Marie Vagner , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Nicolas Becu , Christine Dupuy , Elodie Réveillac
Marais 2021 :Restauration et reconnexion des marais littoraux. Regards croisées sur une solution d'adaptation aux changements globaux., 2021, Brest, France

Liste des publications 2020 des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE référencées sous HAL :

39 résultats


Article dans une revue

No way home: collapse in northern gannet survival rates point to critical marine ecosystem perturbation
David Grémillet , Clara Péron , Amélie Lescroel , Jérôme Fort , Samantha C. Patrick , Aurélien Besnard , Pascal Provost
Marine Biology, 2020, 167 (12), pp.189. ⟨10.1007/s00227-020-03801-y⟩
Editorial: Evolution of Mitochondrial Genomes
Sophie Breton , Eric Pante , Xiao-Feng Xue , Jing-Tao Sun
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2020, Evolution of Mitochondrial Genomes, ⟨10.3389/fevo.2020.615233⟩
Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic
Sarah Davidson , Gil Bohrer , Eliezer Gurarie , Scott Lapoint , Peter Mahoney , Natalie Boelman , Jan Eitel , Laura Prugh , Lee Vierling , Jyoti Jennewein , Emma Grier , Ophélie Couriot , Allicia Kelly , Arjan Meddens , Ruth Oliver , Roland Kays , Martin Wikelski , Tomas Aarvak , Joshua Ackerman , José Alves , Erin Bayne , Bryan Bedrosian , Jerrold Belant , Andrew Berdahl , Alicia Berlin , Dominique Berteaux , Joël Bêty , Dmitrijs Boiko , Travis Booms , Bridget Borg , Stan Boutin , W. Sean Boyd , Kane Brides , Stephen Brown , Victor Bulyuk , Kurt Burnham , David Cabot , Michael Casazza , Katherine Christie , Erica Craig , Shanti Davis , Tracy Davison , Dominic Demma , Christopher Desorbo , Andrew Dixon , Robert Domenech , Götz Eichhorn , Kyle Elliott , Joseph Evenson , Klaus-Michael Exo , Steven Ferguson , Wolfgang Fiedler , Aaron Fisk , Jérôme Fort , Alastair Franke , Mark Fuller , Stefan Garthe , Gilles Gauthier , Grant Gilchrist , Petr Glazov , Carrie Gray , David Grémillet , Larry Griffin , Michael Hallworth , Autumn-Lynn Harrison , Holly Hennin , J. Mark Hipfner , James Hodson , James Johnson , Kyle Joly , Kimberly Jones , Todd Katzner , Jeff Kidd , Elly Knight , Michael Kochert , Andrea Kölzsch , Helmut Kruckenberg , Benjamin Lagassé , Sandra Lai , Jean-François Lamarre , Richard Lanctot , Nicholas Larter , A. David M. Latham , Christopher Latty , James Lawler , Don-Jean Léandri-Breton , Hansoo Lee , Stephen Lewis , Oliver Love , Jesper Madsen , Mark Maftei , Mark Mallory , Buck Mangipane , Mikhail Markovets , Peter Marra , Rebecca Mcguire , Carol Mcintyre , Emily Mckinnon , Tricia Miller , Sander Moonen , Tong Mu , Gerhard Müskens , Janet Ng , Kerry Nicholson , Ingar Jostein Øien , Cory Overton , Patricia Owen , Allison Patterson , Aevar Petersen , Ivan Pokrovsky , Luke Powell , Rui Prieto , Petra Quillfeldt , Jennie Rausch , Kelsey Russell , Sarah Saalfeld , Hans Schekkerman , Joel Schmutz , Philipp Schwemmer , Dale Seip , Adam Shreading , Mónica Silva , Brian Smith , Fletcher Smith , Jeff Smith , Katherine Snell , Aleksandr Sokolov , Vasiliy Sokolov , Diana Solovyeva , Mathew Sorum , Grigori Tertitski , J. Therrien , Kasper Thorup , T. Lee Tibbitts , Ingrid Tulp , Brian Uher-Koch , Rob van Bemmelen , Steven van Wilgenburg , Andrew von Duyke , Jesse Watson , Bryan Watts , Judy Williams , Matthew Wilson , James Wright , Michael Yates , David Yurkowski , Ramūnas Žydelis , Mark Hebblewhite
Science, 2020, 370 (6517), pp.712-715. ⟨10.1126/science.abb7080⟩
Contrasting spatial and seasonal trends of methylmercury exposure pathways of Arctic seabirds: combination of large-scale tracking and stable isotopic approaches
Marina Renedo , David Amouroux , Céline Albert , Sylvain Bérail , Vegard S Bråthen , Maria Gavrilo , David Grémillet , Hálfdán H Helgason , Dariusz Jakubas , Anders Mosbech , Hallvard Strøm , Emmanuel Tessier , Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas , Paco Bustamante , Jérôme Fort
Environmental Science and Technology, 2020, 54 (21), pp.13619-13629. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.0c03285⟩
Temporal and spatial differences in the post-breeding behaviour of a ubiquitous Southern Hemisphere seabird, the common diving petrel
Aymeric Fromant , Charles-André Bost , Paco Bustamante , Alice Carravieri , Yves Cherel , Karine Delord , Yonina Eizenberg , Colin Miskelly , John Arnould
Royal Society Open Science, 2020, 7 (11), pp.200670. ⟨10.1098/rsos.200670⟩
Assessment of the quality of European silver eels and tentative approach to trace the origin of contaminants - An European overview
Bastien Bourillon , Anthony Acou , Thomas Trancart , Claude Belpaire , Adrian Covaci , Paco Bustamante , Elisabeth Faliex , Elsa Amilhat , Govindan Malarvannan , Laure Virag , Kim Aarestrup , Lieven Bervoets , Catherine Boisneau , Clarisse Boulenger , Paddy Gargan , Gustavo Becerra-Jurado , Javier Lobón-Cerviá , Gregory E Maes , Michael Ingemann Pedersen , Russell Poole , Niklas Sjöberg , Håkan Wickström , Alan Walker , David Righton , Éric Feunteun
Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 743, pp.140675. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140675⟩
Behavioral and trophic segregations help the Tahiti petrel to cope with the abundance of wedge-tailed shearwater when foraging in oligotrophic tropical waters
Andreas Ravache , Karen Bourgeois , Henri Weimerskirch , Angélique Pagenaud , Sophie de Grissac , Mark Miller , Sylvain Dromzée , Anne Lorrain , Valérie Allain , Paco Bustamante , Jonas Bylemans , Dianne Gleeson , Yves Letourneur , Eric Vidal
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1), pp.15129. ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-72206-0⟩
Main drivers of mercury levels in Southern Ocean Lantern fish Myctophidae
José Seco , José Xavier , Paco Bustamante , Joao Coelho , Ryan A Saunders , Nicole Ferreira , Sophie Fielding , Miguel Pardal , Gabriele Stowasser , Thainara Viana , Geraint Tarling , Eduarda Pereira , Andrew S Brierley
Environmental Pollution, 2020, 264C (114711), ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114711⟩
The effects of hypoxia on aerobic metabolism in oil-contaminated sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Thomas Milinkovitch , Stefano Marras , Fabio Antognarelli , Christel Lefrançois , Stéphane Le Floch , Paolo Domenici
Chemosphere, 2020, 253, pp.126678. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126678⟩
Age‐dependent expression of cancer‐related genes in a long‐lived seabird
Richard Meitern , Jérôme Fort , Mathieu Giraudeau , Kalev Rattiste , Elin Sild , Tuul Sepp
Evolutionary Applications, 2020, 13 (7), pp.1708-1718. ⟨10.1111/eva.13024⟩
Natural geochemical markers reveal environmental history and population connectivity of common cuttlefish in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
Jay R. Rooker , R.J. David Wells , Piero Addis , Haritz Arrizabalaga , Miguel Baptista , Giovanni Bearzi , Michael A. Dance , Igaratza Fraile , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Jessica M. Lee , Persefoni Megalofonou , Rui Rosa , Ignacio Sobrino , Antonio V. Sykes , Roger Villanueva
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2020, 17 (168), pp.20200309. ⟨10.1098/rsif.2020.0309⟩
Mercury exposure in relation to foraging ecology and its impact on the oxidative status of an endangered seabird
Cecilia Soldatini , Manrico Sebastiano , Yuri V Albores-Barajas , Hamada Abdelgawad , Paco Bustamante , David Costantini
Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 724, pp.138131. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138131⟩
A "seabird-eye" on mercury stable isotopes and cycling in the Southern Ocean
Marina Renedo , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel , Zoyne Pedrero , Emmanuel Tessier , David Amouroux
Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 742, pp.140499. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140499⟩
Patterns of mercury exposure and relationships with isotopes and markers of oxidative status in chicks of a Mediterranean seabird
David Costantini , Paco Bustamante , Maud Brault-Favrou , Giacomo Dell'Omo
Environmental Pollution, 2020, 260, pp.114095. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114095⟩
Developing a passive acoustic monitoring technique for Australia's most numerous seabird, the Short-tailed Shearwater (Ardenna tenuirostris)
Katherine C Brownlie , Ross Monash , Johanna J Geeson , Jérôme Fort , Paco Bustamante , John P.Y. Arnould
Emu, 2020, 120 (2), pp.123-134. ⟨10.1080/01584197.2020.1732828⟩
Flying to the moon: Lunar cycle influences trip duration and nocturnal foraging behavior of the wedge-tailed shearwater Ardenna pacifica
Andreas Ravache , Karen Bourgeois , Sylvain Dromzée , Henri Weimerskirch , Sophie de Grissac , Aurélien Prudor , Anne Lorrain , Martin Thibault , Christophe Menkès , Valérie Allain , Paco Bustamante , Yves Letourneur , Eric Vidal
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2020, 525, pp.151322. ⟨10.1016/j.jembe.2020.151322⟩
Experimental ingestion of fluorescent microplastics by pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, and their effects on the behaviour and development at early stages
Arno Bringer , Jérôme Cachot , Grégoire Prunier , Emmanuel Dubillot , Christelle Clérandeau , Hélène Thomas
Chemosphere, 2020, pp.126793. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126793⟩
Biomonitoring of Mimachlamys varia transplanted to areas impacted by human activities (La Rochelle Marina, France)
Marine Breitwieser , Marine Barbarin , Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau , Emmanuel Dubillot , Thierry Guyot , Valérie Huet , Carine Churlaud , Thibaut Coulombier , Isabelle Brenon , Denis Fichet , Nathalie Imbert , Hélène Thomas
Chemosphere, 2020, 243, pp.125199. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.125199⟩
Microbial functional structure and stable isotopic variation of leptocephali across three current zones in the western South Pacific
Leopold Ghinter , Christine Dupuy , Michael J Miller , Alexandre Carpentier , Christel Lefrançois , Anthony Acou , Jun Aoyama , Mari Kuroki , Camilla Liénart , Shun Watanabe , Katsumi Tsukamoto , Tsuguo Otake , Eric Feunteun
Progress in Oceanography, 2020, 182, pp.102264. ⟨10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102264⟩
Unorthodox features in two venerid bivalves with doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondria
Charlotte Capt , Karim Bouvet , Davide Guerra , Brent Robicheau , Donald Stewart , Eric Pante , Sophie Breton
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-57975-y⟩
Influence of sexual dimorphism on stable isotopes and trace element concentrations in the greater hooked squid Moroteuthopsis ingens from New Zealand waters
Alexandra Lischka , H. Braid , Yves Cherel , Kathrin Bolstad , T. Lacoue-Labarthe , Paco Bustamante
Marine Environmental Research, 2020, 159, pp.104976. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104976⟩
Mercury exposure in an endangered seabird: long-term changes and relationships with trophic ecology and breeding success
William Mills , Paco Bustamante , Rona Mcgill , Orea Anderson , Stuart Bearhop , Yves Cherel , Stephen Votier , Richard Phillips
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020, 287 (1941), pp.20202683. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2020.2683⟩
Influence of food (ciliate and phytoplankton) on the trophic transfer of inorganic and methyl-mercury in the Pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas
Marc Metian , Simon Pouil , Christine Dupuy , Jean-Louis Teyssié , Michel Warnau , Paco Bustamante
Environmental Pollution, 2020, 257, pp.113503. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113503⟩
Diet variably affects the trophic transfer of trace elements in the oyster Crassostrea gigas
Simon Pouil , Marc Metian , Christine Dupuy , Jean-Louis Teyssié , Michel Warnau , Paco Bustamante
Marine Environmental Research, 2020, 161, pp.105124. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105124⟩
Primary production and depth drive different trophic structure and functioning of fish assemblages in French marine ecosystems
Pierre Cresson , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Paco Bustamante , Daniela Bănaru , Jérome Baudrier , François Le Loc’h , Aourell Mauffret , Benoit Mialet , Jérôme Spitz , Nathalie Wessel , Marine Briand , Margaux Denamiel , Matthieu Doray , Gaël Guillou , Angelique Jadaud , Coline Lazard , Solène Prieur , Manuel Rouquette , Claire Saraux , Sandrine Serre , Charles-André Timmerman , Yves Verin , Mireille Harmelin-Vivien
Progress in Oceanography, 2020, 186C, pp.102343. ⟨10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102343⟩
High density polyethylene (HDPE) microplastics impair development and swimming activity of Pacific oyster D-larvae, Crassostrea gigas, depending on particle size
Arno Bringer , Hélène Thomas , Grégoire Prunier , Emmanuel Dubillot , Noémie Bossut , Carine Churlaud , Christelle Clérandeau , Florane Le Bihanic , Jérôme Cachot
Environmental Pollution, 2020, pp.113978. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2020.113978⟩
The relationship between membrane fatty acid content and mitochondrial efficiency differs within- and between- omega-3 dietary treatments
Karine Salin , Margaux Mathieu-Resuge , Nicolas Graziano , Emmanuel Dubillot , Fabienne Le Grand , Philippe Soudant , Marie Vagner
Marine Environmental Research, 2020, 163, pp.105205. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105205⟩
Cephalopod beak sections used to trace mercury levels throughout the life of cephalopods: the Giant Warty squid Moroteuthopsis longimana as a case study
José Queirós , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel , Joao Coelho , José Seco , Jim Roberts , Eduarda Pereira , José Xavier
Marine Environmental Research, 2020, 161, pp.105049. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105049⟩
Sea-ice edge is more important than closer open water access for foraging Adélie penguins: evidence from two colonies
Candice Michelot , Akiko Kato , Thierry Raclot , K. Shiomi , Pauline Goulet , Paco Bustamante , Yan Ropert‐coudert
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2020, 640, pp.215-230. ⟨10.3354/meps13289⟩
Data, time and money: evaluating the best compromise for inferring molecular phylogenies of non-model animal taxa
Paul Zaharias , Eric Pante , Delphine Gey , Alexander E Fedosov , Nicolas Puillandre
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2020, 142, pp.106660. ⟨10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106660⟩
Maturation of the European sardine Sardina pilchardus under experimental conditions strengthens bioenergetic estimate
Marie Vagner , Aurélie Dessier , Christine Dupuy , Paco Bustamante , Emmanuel Dubillot , Christel Lefrançois , Elodie Réveillac , Pierre Morinière , Sébastien Lefebvre
Marine Environmental Research, 2020, 160, pp.104985. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104985⟩
Mercury levels in Southern Ocean squid: Variability over the last decade
José Seco , José Xavier , Andrew S Brierley , Paco Bustamante , Joao Coelho , Susan Gregory , Sophie Fielding , Miguel Pardal , Bárbara Pereira , Gabriele Stowasser , Geraint Tarling , Eduarda Pereira
Chemosphere, 2020, 239, pp.124785. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124785⟩
Antarctic octopod beaks as proxy for mercury concentrations in soft tissues
Ricardo S Matias , José Seco , Susan Gregory , Mark Belchier , Maria E Pereira , Paco Bustamante , José Xavier
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 158, pp.111447. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111447⟩
Metal(loid)s in superficial sediments from coral reefs of French Polynesia
Marc Besson , Marc Metian , Paco Bustamante , Laetitia Hédouin
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 155, pp.111175. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111175⟩
Trace elements and persistent organic pollutants in chicks of 13 seabird species from Antarctica to the subtropics
Alice Carravieri , Paco Bustamante , Pierre Labadie , Hélène Budzinski , Olivier Chastel , Yves Cherel
Environment International, 2020, 134, pp.105225. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2019.105225⟩
Trophic transfer of trace elements in a euryhaline fish, the turbot Scophthalmus maximus: Contrasting effects of salinity on two essential elements
Simon Pouil , François Oberhänsli , Paco Bustamante , Marc Metian
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 154, pp.111065. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111065⟩
Contaminants, prolactin and parental care in an Arctic seabird: Contrasted associations of perfluoroalkyl substances and organochlorine compounds with egg-turning behavior
Pierre Blévin , Scott A. Shaffer , Paco Bustamante , Frédéric Angelier , Baptiste Picard , Dorte I Herzke , Borge Moe , Geir Wing Gabrielsen , Jan Ove Bustnes , Olivier Chastel
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2020, 291C, pp.113420. ⟨10.1016/j.ygcen.2020.113420⟩
Trace element analysis reveals bioaccumulation in the squid Gonatus fabricii from polar regions of the Atlantic Ocean
Alexandra Lischka , T. Lacoue-Labarthe , Paco Bustamante , Uwe Piatkowski , Hen-Jan T. Hoving
Environmental Pollution, 2020, 256, pp.113389. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113389⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

An unusual evolutionary strategy: the origins, genetic repertoire, and implications of doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in bivalves
Donald Stewart , Sophie Breton , Emily E Chase , Brent M Robicheau , Stefano Bettinazzi , Eric Pante , Noor Youssef , Manuel A Garrido-Ramos
Pontarotti P. Proceedings of the 24th Evolutionary Biology Meeting at Marseilles, Springer, Cham, pp.301-323, 2020, Evolutionary Biology—A Transdisciplinary Approach, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-57246-4_12⟩

Liste des publications 2019 des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE référencées sous HAL :

31 résultats


Article dans une revue

Climate change could overturn bird migration: Transarctic flights and high-latitude residency in a sea ice free Arctic
Manon Clairbaux , Jérôme Fort , Paul Mathewson , Warren Porter , Hallvard Strøm , David Grémillet
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-54228-5⟩
Arctic seabirds and shrinking sea ice: egg analyses reveal the importance of ice-derived resources
Fanny Cusset , Jérôme Fort , Mark Mallory , Birgit Braune , Philippe Massicotte , Guillaume Massé
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), pp.15405. ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-51788-4⟩
Meiofauna versus macrofauna as a food resource in a tropical intertidal mudflat
Pierre-Yves Pascal , Pierrick Bocher , Christel Lefrançois , Hien Duy Nguyen , Johan Chevalier , Christine Dupuy
Marine Biology, 2019, 166 (11), pp.144. ⟨10.1007/s00227-019-3588-z⟩
Using blood and feathers to investigate large-scale Hg contamination in Arctic seabirds: A review
Céline Albert , Marina Renedo , Paco Bustamante , Jérôme Fort
Environmental Research, 2019, 177, pp.108588. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2019.108588⟩
Incidence of plastic ingestion in seabirds from the Bay of Biscay (southwestern Europe)
Javier Franco , Jérôme Fort , Isabel García-Barón , Pauline Loubat , Maite Louzao , Oihane del Puerto , Izaskun Zorita
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 146, pp.387-392. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.06.077⟩
Amino acid δ13C and δ15N from sclerotized beaks: a new tool to investigate the foraging ecology of cephalopods, including giant and colossal squids
Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , Pierre Richard
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2019, 624, pp.89-102. ⟨10.3354/meps13002⟩
Foraging habits and levels of mercury in a resident population of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Caribbean Sea, Panama
Dalia Barragán-Barrera , Andrea Luna-Acosta , Laura May-Collado , Carlos Polo-Silva , Federico Riet-Sapriza , Paco Bustamante , María Paula Hernández-Ávila , Natalia Vélez , Nohelia Farías-Curtidor , Susana Caballero
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 145, pp.343-356. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.04.076⟩
Fishery discards do not compensate natural prey shortage in Northern gannets from the English Channel
Tangi Le Bot , Amélie Lescroel , Jérôme Fort , Clara Péron , Olivier Gimenez , Pascal Provost , David Grémillet
Biological Conservation, 2019, 236, pp.375-384. ⟨10.1016/j.biocon.2019.05.040⟩
Nanoencapsulated deltamethrin as synergistic agent potentiates insecticide effect of indoxacarb through an unusual neuronal calcium-dependent mechanism
Javier Pitti-Caballero , Laurence Murillo , Olivier List , Guillaume Bastiat , Annie Flochlay-Sigognault , Frank Guerino , Corinne Lefrançois , Nolwenn Lautram , Bruno Lapied , Véronique Apaire-Marchais
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2019, 157, pp.1-12. ⟨10.1016/j.pestbp.2019.03.014⟩
Impacts of land use on an insectivorous tropical bat: The importance of mercury, physio-immunology and trophic position
David Costantini , Gábor Á. Czirják , Paco Bustamante , Sara Bumrungsri , Christian Voigt
Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 671, pp.1077-1085. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.398⟩
Does trophic level drive organic and metallic contamination in coral reef organisms?
Pauline Fey , Paco Bustamante , P. Bosserelle , B. Espiau , A. Malau , M. Mercader , Emmanuel Wafo , Yves Letourneur
Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 667, pp.208-221. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.311⟩
Spatial segregation between immatures and adults in a pelagic seabird suggests age‐related competition
Emeline Pettex , Charlotte Lambert , Jérôme Fort , Ghislain Dorémus , Vincent Ridoux
Journal of Avian Biology, 2019, 50 (5), ⟨10.1111/jav.01935⟩
Fish facing global change: are early stages the lifeline?
Marie Vagner , Jose-Luis Zambonino-Infante , David Mazurais
Marine Environmental Research, 2019, 147, pp.159-178. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.04.005⟩
Spatial variability in total and organic mercury levels in Antarctic krill Euphausia superba across the Scotia Sea
José Seco , José Xavier , Joao Coelho , Bárbara Pereira , Geraint Tarling , Miguel Pardal , Paco Bustamante , Gabriele Stowasser , Andrew S Brierley , Maria E Pereira
Environmental Pollution, 2019, 247, pp.332-339. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2019.01.031⟩
Metabolomics based on UHPLC-QToF- and APGC-QToF-MS reveals metabolic pathways reprogramming in response to tidal cycles in the sub-littoral species Mimachlamys varia exposed to aerial emergence
Pascaline J Ory , Antoine Bonnet , Florence Mondeguer , Marine Breitwieser , Emmanuel Dubillot , Marianne Graber
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2019, 29, pp.74-85. ⟨10.1016/j.cbd.2018.11.002⟩
Investigation of the molecular signatures of selection on ATP synthase genes in the marine bivalve Limecola balthica
Eric Pante , Vanessa Becquet , Amélia Viricel , Pascale Garcia
Aquatic Living Resources, 2019, 32, pp.3. ⟨10.1051/alr/2019001⟩
Effect of body length, trophic position and habitat use on mercury concentrations of sharks from contrasted ecosystems in the southwestern Indian Ocean
Baptiste Le Bourg , Jérémy Kiszka , Paco Bustamante , Michael R Heithaus , Sébastien Jaquemet , Frances Humber
Environmental Research, 2019, 169, pp.387-395. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2018.11.024⟩
Mercury(II) Binding to Metallothionein in Mytilus edulis revealed by High Energy-Resolution XANES Spectroscopy
Alain Manceau , Paco Bustamante , Ahmed Haouz , Jean Paul Bourdineaud , Maria Gonzalez-Rey , Cyprien Lemouchi , Isabelle Gautier-Luneau , Valérie Geertsen , Elodie Barruet , Mauro Rovezzi , Pieter Glatzel , Serge Pin
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, 25 (4), pp.997-1009. ⟨10.1002/chem.201804209⟩
Ocean warming combined with lower omega-3 nutritional availability impairs the cardio-respiratory function of a marine fish
Marie Vagner , Eric Pante , Amélia Viricel , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Jose-Luis Zambonino-Infante , Patrick Quazuguel , Emmanuel Dubillot , Valérie Huet , Hervé Le Delliou , Christel Lefrançois , Nathalie Imbert-Auvray
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2019, 222 (8), pp.jeb187179. ⟨10.1242/jeb.187179⟩
Arctic climate change and pollution impact little auk foraging and fitness across a decade
Françoise Amélineau , David Grémillet , Ann Harding , Wojciech Walkusz , Rémi Choquet , Jérôme Fort
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-38042-z⟩
Seabird colonies as relevant sources of pollutants in Antarctic ecosystems: Part 2 - Persistent Organic Pollutants
C.V.Z. V Z Cipro , P. Bustamante , S. Taniguchi , J. Silva , M.V. V Petry , R.C. C Montone
Chemosphere, 2019, 214, pp.866-876. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.09.030⟩
Do population parameters influence the role of seabird colonies as secondary pollutants source? A case study for Antarctic ecosystems
Caio Vz Cipro , Paco Bustamante , Rosalinda C Montone , Lucas C Oliveira , Maria V Petry
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 149, pp.110534. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110534⟩
Advances on the phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic octocoral Dendrobrachia Brook 1889
Didier Aurelle , Eric Pante , Jean-Baptiste Ledoux , Stéphane Sartoretto
Zootaxa, 2019, 4674 (1), pp.117-126. ⟨10.11646/zootaxa.4674.1.6⟩
The effect of climate change on the escape kinematics and performance of fishes: implications for future predator–prey interactions
Paolo Domenici , Bridie Allan , Christel Lefrancois , Mark Mccormick
Conservation Physiology, 2019, 7 (1), ⟨10.1093/conphys/coz078⟩
Evidence for a duplicated mitochondrial region in Audubon’s shearwater based on MinION sequencing
Lucas Torres , Andreanna Welch , Catherine Zanchetta , R. Terry Chesser , Maxime Manno , Cecile Donnadieu , Vincent Bretagnolle , Eric Pante
Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 2019, 30 (2), pp.256-263. ⟨10.1080/24701394.2018.1484116⟩
Abundance and species diversity hotspots of tracked marine predators across the North American Arctic
David J Yurkowski , Marie Auger-Méthé , Mark Mallory , Sarah N P Wong , Grant Gilchrist , Andrew E Derocher , Evan Richardson , Nicholas J Lunn , Nigel E Hussey , Marianne Marcoux , Ron R Togunov , Aaron T Fisk , Lois A Harwood , Rune Dietz , Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid , Erik W Born , Anders Mosbech , Jérôme Fort , David Grémillet , Lisa Loseto , Pierre Richard , John Iacozza , Frankie Jean-Gagnon , Tanya M Brown , Kristin H Westdal , Jack Orr , Bernard Bernard Leblanc , Kevin J Hedges , Margaret A Treble , Steven T Kessel , Paul J Blanchfield , Shanti Davis , Mark Maftei , Nora Spencer , Laura Mcfarlane-Tranquilla , William Montevecchi , Blake Bartzen , Lynne Lynne Dickson , Christine Anderson , Steven H Ferguson
Diversity and Distributions, In press, ⟨10.1111/ddi.12860⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Effet combiné de la température et de la disponibilité en oméga 3 dans la nourriture sur la fonction cardio-respiratoire du mulet doré
Marie Vagner , Eric Pante , Amelia Viricel , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Jose-Luis Zambonino-Infante , Patrick Quazuguel , Emmanuel Dubillot , Valérie Huet , Hervé Le Delliou , Christel Lefrançois , Nathalie Imbert-Auvray
Colloque d'Ecophysiologie Animale, Oct 2019, Rennes, France
Meiofauna versus macrofauna as food resource in a tropical intertidal mudflat
Pierre Yves Pascal , Pierrick Bocher , Christel Lefrançois , Hien T. Nguyen , Johan Chevalier , Christine Dupuy
Caribbean Science and Innovation Meeting 2019, Oct 2019, Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe), France
Biomagnification of contaminants in a marine food web (NW Mediterranean Sea): speciation of arsenic and mercury toxic forms
Daniela Bănaru , Marie Desgranges , Aurélie Dufour , Paco Bustamante , Carine Churlaud , Benoit Lebreton , Gael Guillou , Florence Pannier , Mireille Harmelin-Vivien
ICMGP 2019 Conference, Poland, Sep 2019, Krakow, Poland
An ecophysiological approach to understand potential impacts of hypoxia on fisheries in the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Céline Audet , Yvan Lambert , Denis Chabot , Réjean Tremblay , Marion Pillet , Léopold Ghinter , Aurélie Dupont-Prinet , Marie Vagner
International congress of comparative physiology and biochemistry, Aug 2019, Ottawa, Canada
Fish contamination and trophodynamics in three French subregions
Aourell Mauffret , Nathalie Wessel , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Pierre Cresson , Daniela Bănaru , Paco Bustamante , Jerome Baudrier , Benoit Mialet , L. Saibi-Yedjer , Jérôme Spitz , Marc Bouchoucha , Tiphaine Mille , François Le Loc’h , Mireille Harmelin-Vivien
IMBER Open Science Conference, Jun 2019, Brest, France

Liste des publications 2018 des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE référencées sous HAL :

51 résultats


Article dans une revue

The absence of the pCO2 effect on dissolved 134Cs uptake in select marine organisms
Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , François Oberhänsli , Jean-Louis Teyssié , Marc Metian
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2018, 192, pp.10-13. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.05.013⟩
Delineation of metals and radionuclides bioconcentration in eggs of seabream Sparus aurata and effect of environmental pCO2
Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , François Oberhänsli , Jean-Louis Teyssié , Sophie Martin
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2018, 192, pp.426-433. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.07.010⟩
Population structure and genetic diversity in the variegated scallop, Mimachlamys varia (Linnaeus, 1758), a novel bioindicator of chemical pollution on the French coastline
Marine Breitwieser , Vanessa Becquet , Hélène Thomas-Guyon , Valentin Pillet , Pierre-Guy Sauriau , Marianne Graber , Amélia Viricel
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 2018, 84 (4), pp.417-425. ⟨10.1093/mollus/eyy035⟩
What is the relationship between the bioaccumulation of chemical contaminants in the variegated scallop Mimachlamys varia and its health status? A study carried out on the French Atlantic coast using the Path ComDim model
Marine Breitwieser , Evelyne Vigneau , Amélia Viricel , Vanessa Becquet , Camille Lacroix , Marina Erb , Valérie Huet , Carine Churlaud , Stéphane Le Floch , Benoit Guillot , Marianne Graber , Hélène Thomas
Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 640-641, pp.662 - 670. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.317⟩
Organochlorines, perfluoroalkyl substances, mercury, and egg incubation temperature in an Arctic seabird: Insights from data loggers
Pierre Blévin , Scott Shaffer , Paco Bustamante , Frédéric Angelier , Baptiste Picard , Dorte Herzke , Borge Moe , Geir Wing Gabrielsen , Jan Ove Bustnes , Olivier Chastel
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018, 37 (11), pp.2881-2894. ⟨10.1002/etc.4250⟩
De novo assembly and functional annotation of the transcriptome of Mimachlamys varia , a bioindicator marine bivalve
Amélia Viricel , Vanessa Buren Becquet , Emmanuel Dubillot , Eric Pante
Marine Genomics, 2018, 41, pp.42-45. ⟨10.1016/j.margen.2018.04.002⟩
The spring mesozooplankton variability and its relationship with hydrobiological structure over year-to-year changes (2003–2013) in the southern Bay of Biscay (Northeast Atlantic)
Aurélie Dessier , Paco Bustamante , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Martin Huret , Marc Pagano , Elise Marquis , Frederic Rousseaux , Cécilia Pignon-Mussaud , Françoise Mornet , Christine Dupuy
Progress in Oceanography, 2018, 166, pp.76-87. ⟨10.1016/j.pocean.2018.04.011⟩
Determinants of mercury contamination in viperine snakes, Natrix maura , in Western Europe
Jérémy Lemaire , Paco Bustamante , Anthony Olivier , Olivier Lourdais , Bruno Michaud , Alexandre Boissinot , Pedro Galán , Francois Brischoux
Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 635, pp.20 - 25. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.029⟩
Trace element concentrations in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) from Brenne Natural Park, France
Héloïse Guillot , Xavier Bonnet , Paco Bustamante , Carine Churlaud , Jacques Trotignon , Francois Brischoux
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2018, 101 (3), pp.300-304. ⟨10.1007/s00128-018-2376-7⟩
Variability of energy density among mesozooplankton community: new insights in functional diversity to forage fish
Aurélie Dessier , Christine Dupuy , Anaïs Kerric , Françoise Mornet , Matthieu Authier , Paco Bustamante , Jérôme Spitz
Progress in Oceanography, 2018, 166, pp.121-128. ⟨10.1016/j.pocean.2017.10.009⟩
Seabird colonies as relevant sources of pollutants in Antarctic ecosystems: Part 1 - Trace elements
C.V.Z. V Z Cipro , P. Bustamante , M.V. V Petry , R.C. C Montone
Chemosphere, 2018, 204, pp.535-547. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.02.048⟩
Almost like a whale – first evidence of suction feeding in a seabird
Manfred Enstipp , Sébastien Descamps , Jérôme Fort , David Grémillet
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2018, 221 (13), ⟨10.1242/jeb.182170⟩
Assessment of the biological quality of port areas: A case study on the three harbours of La Rochelle: The marina, the fishing harbour and the seaport
Marine Breitwieser , Emmanuel Dubillot , Marine Barbarin , Carine Churlaud , Valérie Huet , Frédéric Muttin , Hélène Thomas
PLoS ONE, 2018, 13 (6), ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0198255⟩
Identification of sources and bioaccumulation pathways of MeHg in subantarctic penguins: a stable isotopic investigation
Marina Renedo , David Amouroux , Zoyne Pedrero , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), pp.8865. ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-27079-9⟩
Immunocompetence analysis of the aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis exposed to urban wastewaters
Paul Boisseaux , Patrice Noury , Nicolas Delorme , Lucile Perrier , Hélène Thomas-Guyon , Jeanne Garric
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25 (17), pp.16720 - 16728. ⟨10.1007/s11356-018-1790-z⟩
Spatial and temporal impacts of the Skjervøy harbour diesel spill on native population of blue mussels: A sub-Arctic case study
Marine Breitwieser , Hélène Thomas-Guyon , Valérie Huet , Kjetil Sagerup , Perrine Geraudie
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 153, pp.168 - 174. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.01.033⟩
Evaluating the influence of ecology, sex and kinship on the social structure of resident coastal bottlenose dolphins
Marie Louis , Benoit Simon-Bouhet , Amélia Viricel , Tamara Lucas , François Gally , Yves Cherel , Christophe Guinet
Marine Biology, 2018, 165 (5), pp.80. ⟨10.1007/s00227-018-3341-z⟩
Short-term prey field lability constrains individual specialisation in resource selection and foraging site fidelity in a marine predator
Nicolas Courbin , Aurélien Besnard , Clara Péron , Claire Saraux , Jérôme Fort , Samuel Perret , Jérémy Tornos , David Grémillet
Ecology Letters, 2018, ⟨10.1111/ele.12970⟩
The potential role of spherocrystals in the detoxification of essential trace metals following exposure to Cu and Zn in the fighting conch Strombus (Lobatus) pugilis
Jean-Marie Volland , Paco Bustamante , Dalila Aldana Aranda , Olivier Gros
BioMetals, 2018, 31 (4), pp.627-637. ⟨10.1007/s10534-018-0114-6⟩
Acidified seawater increases accumulation of cobalt but not cesium in manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum
Narin Sezer , Hasan Oğuz Kocaoğlan , Önder Kiliç , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Murat Belivermiş
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2018, 184-185, pp.114-121. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.01.018⟩
Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds.
Katharine Keogan , Francis Daunt , Sarah Wanless , Richard A. Phillips , Craig A. Walling , Philippa Agnew , David G. Ainley , Tycho Anker-Nilssen , Grant Ballard , Robert T. Barrett , Kerry J. Barton , Claus Bech , Peter Becker , Per-Arvid Berglund , Loïc Bollache , Alexander L. Bond , Sandra Bouwhuis , Russell W. Bradley , Zofia M. Burr , Kees Camphuysen , Paulo Catry , André Chiaradia , Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard , Richard Cuthbert , Nina Dehnhard , Sébastien Descamps , Tony Diamond , George Divoky , Hugh Drummond , Katie M. Dugger , Michael J. Dunn , Louise Emmerson , Kjell Einar Erikstad , Jérôme Fort , William Fraser , Meritxell Genovart , Olivier Gilg , Jacob González-Solís , José Pedro Granadeiro , David Grémillet , Jannik Hansen , Sveinn A. Hanssen , Mike Harris , April Hedd , Jefferson Hinke , José Manuel Igual , Jaime Jahncke , Ian Jones , Peter J. Kappes , Johannes Lang , Magdalene Langset , Amélie Lescroël , Svein-Håkon Lorentsen , Phil O’b. Lyver , Mark Mallory , Børge Moe , William A. Montevecchi , David Monticelli , Carolyn Mostello , Mark Newell , Lisa Nicholson , Ian Nisbet , Olof Olsson , Daniel Oro , Vivian Pattison , Maud Poisbleau , Tanya Pyk , Flavio Quintana , Jaime A. Ramos , Raül Ramos , Tone Kirstin Reiertsen , Cristina Rodríguez , Peter Ryan , Ana Sanz-Aguilar , Niels M. Schmidt , Paula Shannon , Benoit Sittler , Colin Southwell , Christopher Surman , Walter S. Svagelj , Wayne Trivelpiece , Pete Warzybok , Yutaka Watanuki , Henri Weimerskirch , Peter R. Wilson , Andrew G. Wood , Albert B. Phillimore , Sue Lewis
Nature Climate Change, 2018, 8 (4), pp.313-318. ⟨10.1038/s41558-018-0115-z⟩
Colony analysis and deep learning uncover 5-hydroxyindole as an inhibitor of gliding motility and iridescence in Cellulophaga lytica
Maylis Chapelais-Baron , Isabelle Goubet , Renaud Peteri , Maria de Fatima Pereira , Tam Mignot , Apolline Jabveneau , Eric Rosenfeld
Microbiology, 2018, 164 (3), pp.308-321. ⟨10.1099/mic.0.000617⟩
Modulators of mercury risk to wildlife and humans in the context of rapid global change
Collin Eagles-Smith , Ellen Silbergeld , Niladri Basu , Paco Bustamante , Fernando Diaz-Barriga , William Hopkins , Karen Kidd , Jennifer Nyland
AMBIO: A Journal of Environment and Society, 2018, 47 (2), pp.170-197. ⟨10.1007/s13280-017-1011-x⟩
Overview of trace elements trophic transfer in fish through the concept of assimilation efficiency
Simon Pouil , Paco Bustamante , Michel Warnau , Marc Metian
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2018, 588, pp.243-254. ⟨10.3354/meps12452⟩
Influence of temperature on age-related lipid peroxidation in a short-lived vertebrate (Nothobranchius furzeri)
Thomas Milinkovitch , Christel Lefrançois , Marie Durollet , Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 44 (1), pp.343 - 347. ⟨10.1007/s10695-017-0439-z⟩
Oligotrophy as a major driver of mercury bioaccumulation in marine medium-to high-trophic level consumers: A marine ecosystem-comparative study
Tiphaine Chouvelon , Pierre Cresson , Marc Bouchoucha , Christophe Brach-Papa , Paco Bustamante , Sylvette Crochet , Marie-Claire Fabri , Francoise Marco-Miralles , Bastien Thomas , Joel Knoery
Environmental Pollution, 2018, 233, pp.844-854. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2017.11.015⟩
A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks
Christopher Bird , Ana Veríssimo , Sarah Magozzi , Kátya Abrantes , Alex Aguilar , Hassan Al-Reasi , Adam Barnett , Dana Bethea , Gérard Biais , Asunción Borrell , Marc Bouchoucha , Maria Boyle , Edward Brooks , Juerg Brunnschweiler , Paco Bustamante , Aaron Carlisle , Diana Catarino , Stephane Caut , Yves Cherel , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Diana Churchill , Javier Ciancio , Julien Claes , Ana Colaço , Dean Courtney , Pierre Cresson , Ryan Daly , Leigh de Necker , Tetsuya Endo , Ivone Figueiredo , Ashley Frisch , Joan Holst Hansen , Michael R Heithaus , Nigel E Hussey , Johannes Iitembu , Francis Juanes , Michael Kinney , Jeremy Kiszka , Sebastian Klarian , Dorothée Kopp , Robert Leaf , Yunkai Li , Anne Lorrain , Daniel Madigan , Aleksandra Maljković , Luis Malpica-Cruz , Philip Matich , Mark Meekan , Frédéric Ménard , Gui M Menezes , Samantha E.M. Munroe , Michael C Newman , Yannis P. Papastamatiou , Heidi Pethybridge , Jeffrey D Plumlee , Carlos Polo-Silva , Katie Quaeck-Davies , Vincent Raoult , Jonathan Reum , Yassir Eden Torres-Rojas , David S Shiffman , Oliver N Shipley , Conrad W Speed , Michelle D Staudinger , Amy K Teffer , Alexander Tilley , Maria Valls , Jeremy J. Vaudo , Tak-Cheung Wai , R.J. David Wells , Alex S.J. Wyatt , Andrew Yool , Clive N. Trueman
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2018, 2 (2), pp.299-305. ⟨10.1038/s41559-017-0432-z⟩
Energyscapes and prey fields shape a North Atlantic seabird wintering hotspot under climate change
Françoise Amélineau , Jérôme Fort , D. Mathewson , D. Speirs , Nicolas Courbin , Samuel Perret , W. Porter , R. Wilson , David Grémillet
Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5 (1), ⟨10.1098/rsos.171883⟩
Accumulate or eliminate? Seasonal mercury dynamics in albatrosses, the most contaminated family of birds
Yves Cherel , Christophe Barbraud , Maxime Lahournat , Audrey Jaeger , Sébastien Jaquemet , Ross Wanless , Richard T. Phillips , David Thompson , Paco Bustamante
Environmental Pollution, 2018, 241, pp.124 - 135. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2018.05.048⟩
Investigations of temperature and pH variations on metal trophic transfer in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
Simon Pouil , François Oberhänsli , Paco Bustamante , Marc Metian
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25 (12), pp.11219-11225. ⟨10.1007/s11356-017-8691-4⟩
A study of the influence of brevetoxin exposure on trace element bioaccumulation in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis
Simon Pouil , Rachel Clausing , Marc Metian , Paco Bustamante , Marie Yasmine Dechraoui-Bottein
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2018, 192, pp.250-256. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.06.008⟩
High cadmium and mercury concentrations in the tissues of the orange-back flying squid, Sthenoteuthis pteropus, from the tropical Eastern Atlantic
A. Lischka , T. Lacoue-Labarthe , H.J.T. Hoving , J. Javidpour , J. L. Pannell , V. Merten , C. Churlaud , P. Bustamante
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 163, pp.323-330. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.07.087⟩
Trace elements in a Mediterranean scorpaenid fish: Bioaccumulation processes and spatial variations
Melanie Ourgaud , Sandrine Ruitton , Hugo Bourgogne , Paco Bustamante , Carine Churlaud , Gaël Guillou , Benoit Lebreton , Mireille Harmelin-Vivien
Progress in Oceanography, 2018, 163, pp.184-195. ⟨10.1016/j.pocean.2017.11.008⟩
Mercury exposure and short-term consequences on physiology and reproduction in Antarctic petrels
Alice Carravieri , Jérôme Fort , Arnaud Tarroux , Yves Cherel , Oliver P. Love , Solène Prieur , Maud Brault-Favrou , Paco Bustamante , Sébastien Descamps
Environmental Pollution, 2018, 237, pp.824-831. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2017.11.004⟩
Trace elements in invertebrates and fish from Kerguelen waters, southern Indian Ocean
Caio C Cipro , Y. Cherel , P. Bocher , F. Caurant , Pierre Miramand , P. Bustamante
Polar Biology, 2018, 41 (1), pp.175-191. ⟨10.1007/s00300-017-2180-6⟩
The role of salinity in the trophic transfer of 137 Cs in euryhaline fish
Simon Pouil , François Oberhänsli , Peter Swarzenski , Paco Bustamante , Marc Metian
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2018, 189, pp.255-260. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.03.017⟩
Stable isotopes as tracers can reveal resource allocation in juvenile golden gray mullets (Liza aurata, Risso, 1810)
S. Como , Alexandra Carpentier , F. Rossi , C. Dupuy , P. Richard , E. Feunteun , C. Lefrançois
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2018, 503, pp.72-79. ⟨10.1016/j.jembe.2018.01.009⟩
Stable isotopes document the winter foraging ecology of king penguins and highlight connectivity between subantarctic and Antarctic ecosystems
Yves Cherel , Charline Parenteau , Paco Bustamante , Charles-André Bost
Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 8 (5), pp.2752-2765. ⟨10.1002/ece3.3883⟩
Tracking trace elements into complex coral reef trophic networks
Marine Briand , Paco Bustamante , Xavier Bonnet , Carine Churlaud , Yves Letourneur
Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 612, pp.1091-1104. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.257⟩
Large-scale geographic patterns of mercury contamination in Morocco revealed by freshwater turtles
Tahar Slimani , Mohamed Said El Hassani , El Hassan El Mouden , Marine Bonnet , Paco Bustamante , Francois Brischoux , Maud Brault-Favrou , Xavier Bonnet
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25 (3), pp.2350-2360. ⟨10.1007/s11356-017-0643-5⟩
Ocean acidification modulates the incorporation of radio-labeled heavy metals in the larvae of the Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus
Narimane Dorey , Sophie Martin , François Oberhänsli , Jean-Louis Teyssié , Ross Jeffree , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2018, 190-191, pp.20-30. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.04.017⟩
The effects of grazing by the golden grey mullet Liza aurata on microphytobenthos in intertidal mudflats: evidences from mesocosm experiments
Serena Como , E Maggi , C Lefrancois , C. Fontaine , F Antognarelli , P Richard , C Dupuy
Marine Biology, 2018
The Smurf transition: new insights on ageing from end-of-life studies in animal models
Michael Rera , Céline Vallot , Christel Lefrançois
Current Opinion in Oncology, 2018, 30 (1), pp.38-44. ⟨10.1097/cco.0000000000000419⟩
The role of marine biotoxins on the trophic transfer of Mn and Zn in fish
Simon Pouil , Rachel J Clausing , Marc Metian , Paco Bustamante , Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui Bottein
Aquatic Toxicology, 2018, 198, pp.198-205. ⟨10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.03.004⟩
Trace metal concentrations in the muscle of seven marine species: Comparison between the Gulf of Lions (North-West Mediterranean Sea) and the Bay of Biscay (North-East Atlantic Ocean)
Tiphaine Mille , Pierre Cresson , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Paco Bustamante , Christophe Brach-Papa , Sandrine Bruzac , Emmanuelle Rozuel , Marc Bouchoucha
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, 135, pp.9-16. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.05.051⟩
Environmental causes and reproductive correlates of mercury contamination in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis)
Frédéric Beau , Paco Bustamante , Bruno Michaud , Francois Brischoux
Environmental Research, 2018, 172, pp.338-344. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2019.01.043⟩
Biogeographic vulnerability to ocean acidification and warming in a marine bivalve
Carl van Colen , Anna Jansson , Alice Saunier , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Magda Vincx
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, 126, pp.308-311. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.10.092⟩
Seabird Tissues As Efficient Biomonitoring Tools for Hg Isotopic Investigations: Implications of Using Blood and Feathers from Chicks and Adults
Marina Renedo , David Amouroux , Julien P. G. Barre , Bastien Duval , Alice Carravieri , Emmanuel Tessier , Sylvain Bérail , Zoyne Pedrero , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante
Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, 52 (7), pp.4227-4234. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.8b00422⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Qualité des Milieux Naturels
Legube Bernard , Frédéric Montigny , Paco Bustamante , Gilles Bareille , Magalie Baudrimont , Jérôme Cachot , Gilles Guibaud , Yann Hechard , Jérôme Labanowski , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Leslie Mondamert , Alain Gazeau , Agnès Hulin , Rafaël Bunales , Abad Chabbi , Olivier Atteia , Didier Bouchon , Laurence Denaix , Les Dans
Anticiper les changements climatiques en Nouvelle-Aquitaine.Pour agir dans les territoires, Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, 96 p., 2018, 978-2-9564516-1-7
Étude de la qualité des milieux aquatiques : caractérisation des impacts écotoxiques
Thierry Burgeot , P. Bustamante , J. Fort , Marie-Agnès Coutellec , Didier Azam , Olivier Geffard , Arnaud Chaumot , J. Armengaud , L. Maltby , C. Minier , W. Sanchez , J.M. Porcher , A. Bado Nilles
Détection des impacts toxiques dans l'environnement - du terrain à la règlementation, Burgeot, T., Minier, C., Cuny, D., Cuny, M.A., Bispo, A., Grand, C. (eds), ISTE éditions, pp.70, 2018, 9781784054687

Communication dans un congrès

Food web transfer of biotoxins as part of a suite of multiple contaminants: a case study of brevetoxins and metals
Simon Pouil , Rachel Clausing , Marc Metian , Paco Bustamante , Yasmine Dechraoui Bottein
18th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Oct 2018, Nantes, France

Liste des publications 2017 des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE référencées sous HAL :

35 résultats


Article dans une revue

Integrative biomarker assessment of the effects of chemically and mechanically dispersed crude oil in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas
Andrea Luna-Acosta , Paco Bustamante , Hélène Thomas-Guyon , Beñat Zaldibar , Urtzi Izagirre , Ionan Marigómez
Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 598, pp.713-721. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.04.001⟩
Progressive ontogenetic niche shift over the prolonged immaturity period of wandering albatrosses
Alice Carravieri , Henri Weimerskirch , Paco Bustamante , Yves Cherel
Royal Society Open Science, 2017, 4 (10), pp.171039. ⟨10.1098/rsos.171039⟩
First data on three bivalve species exposed to an intra-harbour polymetallic contamination (La Rochelle, France)
Marine Breitwieser , Amélia Viricel , Carine Churlaud , Benoît Guillot , Elie Martin , Pierre-Louis Stenger , Valérie Huet , Angélique Fontanaud , Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Comparative Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2017, 199, pp.28 - 37. ⟨10.1016/j.cbpc.2017.02.006⟩
Recent findings on phenoloxidases in bivalves
A. Luna-Acosta , Marine Breitwieser , T. Renault , Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 122 (1-2), pp.5 - 16. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.06.031⟩
Mate similarity in foraging Kerguelen shags: a combined bio-logging and stable isotope investigation
Elodie C M Camprasse , Yves Cherel , John P y Arnould , Andrew J Hoskins , Paco Bustamante , Charles-André Bost
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2017, 578, pp.183 - 196. ⟨10.3354/meps12259⟩
Intra- and inter-individual variation in the foraging ecology of a generalist subantarctic seabird, the gentoo penguin
Elodie C M Camprasse , Yves Cherel , Paco Bustamante , John P y Arnould , Charles-André Bost
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2017, 578, pp.227 - 242. ⟨10.3354/meps12151⟩
Industrial Melanism in a Seasnake (Emydocephalus annulatus)
Claire Goiran , Paco Bustamante , Richard Shine
Current Biology, 2017, 27, pp.2510-2513. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2017.06.073⟩
Looking into a whale’s heart: investigating a genetic basis for cardiomyopathy in a non-model species
Amélia Viricel , Patricia E. Rosel
Genome, 2017, 60 (8), pp.695 - 705. ⟨10.1139/gen-2016-0203⟩
Analytical approaches to subspecies delimitation with genetic data
Karen K. Martien , Matthew S. Leslie , Barbara L. Taylor , Phillip A. Morin , Frederick I. Archer , Brittany L. Hancock-Hanser , Patricia E. Rosel , Amélia Viricel , Nicole L. Vollmer , Frank Cipriano
Marine Mammal Science, 2017, 33 (S1), pp.27 - 55. ⟨10.1111/mms.12409⟩
Guidelines and quantitative standards to improve consistency in cetacean subspecies and species delimitation relying on molecular genetic data
Barbara L. Taylor , Frederick I. Archer , Karen K. Martien , Patricia E. Rosel , Brittany L. Hancock-Hanser , Aimee R. Lang , Matthew S. Leslie , Sarah L. Mesnick , Phillip A. Morin , Victoria L. Pease , William F. Perrin , Kelly M. Robertson , Kim M. Parsons , Amélia Viricel , Nicole L. Vollmer , Frank Cipriano , Randall R. Reeves , Michael Krützen , C. Scott Baker
Marine Mammal Science, 2017, 33 (S1), pp.132 - 155. ⟨10.1111/mms.12411⟩
Examining metrics and magnitudes of molecular genetic differentiation used to delimit cetacean subspecies based on mitochondrial DNA control region sequences
Patricia E. Rosel , Brittany L. Hancock-Hanser , Frederick I. Archer , Kelly M. Robertson , Karen K. Martien , Matthew S. Leslie , Annalisa Berta , Frank Cipriano , Amélia Viricel , Karine A. Viaud-Martinez , Barbara L. Taylor
Marine Mammal Science, 2017, 33 (S1), pp.76 - 100. ⟨10.1111/mms.12410⟩
A review of molecular genetic markers and analytical approaches that have been used for delimiting marine mammal subspecies and species
Patricia E. Rosel , Barbara L. Taylor , Brittany L. Hancock-Hanser , Phillip A. Morin , Frederick I. Archer , Aimee R. Lang , Sarah L. Mesnick , Victoria L. Pease , William F. Perrin , Kelly M. Robertson , Matthew S. Leslie , Annalisa Berta , Frank Cipriano , Kim M. Parsons , Amélia Viricel , Nicole L. Vollmer , Karen K. Martien
Marine Mammal Science, 2017, 33 (S1), pp.56 - 75. ⟨10.1111/mms.12412⟩
Putative sex-linked heteroplasmy in the tellinid bivalve Limecola balthica (Linnaeus, 1758)
Eric Pante , Camille Poitrimol , Alice Saunier , Vanessa Becquet , Pascale Garcia
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 2017, 83 (2), pp. 226-228. ⟨10.1093/mollus/eyw038⟩
Metal bioaccumulation and detoxification processes in cephalopods: A review
Virginie Penicaud , Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe , Paco Bustamante
Environmental Research, 2017, 155, pp.123 - 133. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2017.02.003⟩
Contamination of ivory gulls (Pagophila eburnea) at four colonies in Svalbard in relation to their trophic behaviour
Magali Lucia , Hallvard Strom , Paco Bustamante , Dorte Herzke , Geir W. Gabrielsen
Polar Biology, 2017, 40 (4), pp.917 - 929. ⟨10.1007/s00300-016-2018-7⟩
Persistent benthic communities in the extreme dynamic intertidal mudflats of the Amazonian coast: an overview of the Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Peracarida)
H. Thanh Nguyen , C. Dupuy , J. Jourde , C. Lefrançois , P. Pascal , Alexandra Carpentier , Jérome Chevalier , P. Bocher
Marine Biodiversity Records, 2017, ⟨10.1007/s12526-017-0679-2⟩
Immune responses in the aquatic gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis under short-term exposure to pharmaceuticals of concern for immune systems: Diclofenac, cyclophosphamide and cyclosporine A
Paul Boisseaux , Noury Pascal , Thomas Helene , Garric Jeanne
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 139, pp.358-366. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.02.003⟩
Alterations of tissue metallothionein and vitellogenin concentrations in tropical cup oysters (Saccostrea sp.) following short-term (96 h) exposure to cadmium
Angela M. Moncaleano-Niño , Sergio A. Barrios-Latorre , Javier F. Poloche-Hernández , Vanessa Becquet , Valérie Huet , Luisa Villamil , Hélène Thomas-Guyon , Michael J. Ahrens , Andrea Luna-Acosta
Aquatic Toxicology, 2017, ⟨10.1016/j.aquatox.2017.02.011⟩
Influence of Green Tides in Coastal Nursery Grounds on the Habitat Selection and Individual Performance of Juvenile Fish
Emilie Le Luherne , Olivier Le Pape , Laurence Murillo , Marine Randon , Clément Lebot , Elodie Réveillac , Heather M. Patterson
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (1), ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0170110⟩
Trace elements in oceanic pelagic communities in the western Indian Ocean
Nathalie Bodin , Dora Lesperance , Rona Albert , Stephanie Hollanda , Philippe Michaud , Maxime Degroote , Carine Churlaud , Paco Bustamante
Chemosphere, 2017, 174C, pp.354-362. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.01.099⟩
Dietary Zn and the subsequent organotropism in fish: no influence of food quality, frequency of feeding and environmental conditions (pH and temperature)
Simon Pouil , François Oberhänsli , Paco Bustamante , Marc Metian
Chemosphere, 2017, 183, pp.503-509. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.05.126⟩
Trophic ecology of commercial-size meagre, Argyrosomus regius, in the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic)★
Barbara Hubans , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Marie-Laure Begout , Gerard Biais , Paco Bustamante , Lillian Ducci , Françoise Mornet , Anne Boiron , Yann Coupeau , Jerome Spitz
Aquatic Living Resources, 2017, 30, pp.9. ⟨10.1051/alr/2017004⟩
Mercury in the ecosystem of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica: Occurrence and trophic distribution
Caio C Cipro , Rosalinda C Montone , Paco Bustamante
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 114, pp.564 - 570. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.09.024⟩
Draft Genome Sequence of the Iridescent Marine Bacterium Cellulophaga lytica CECT 8139
Maylis Chapelais-Baron , Isabelle Goubet , Éric Duchaud , Eric Rosenfeld
Genome Announcements, 2017, 5 (36), pp.e00811-17. ⟨10.1128/genomeA.00811-17⟩
Contaminants and energy expenditure in an Arctic seabird: Organochlorine pesticides and perfluoroalkyl substances are associated with metabolic rate in a contrasted manner
Pierre Blévin , Sabrina Tartu , Hugh I Ellis , Olivier Chastel , Paco Bustamante , Charline Parenteau , Dorte Herzke , Frédéric Angelier , Geir W Gabrielsen
Environmental Research, 2017, 157, pp.118-126. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2017.05.022⟩
Trophic ecology drives contaminant concentrations within a tropical seabird community
Manrico Sebastiano , Paco Bustamante , Igor Eulaers , Govindan Malarvannan , Paula Mendez-Fernandez , Carine Churlaud , Pierre Blévin , Antoine Hauselmann , Adrian Covaci , Marcel Eens , David Costantini , Olivier Chastel
Environmental Pollution, 2017, 227, pp.183 - 193. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2017.04.040⟩
From Antarctica to the subtropics: contrasted geographical concentrations of selenium, mercury, and persistent organic pollutants in skua chicks (Catharacta spp.)
Alice Carravieri , Yves Cherel , Maud Brault-Favrou , Carine Churlaud , Laurent Peluhet , Pierre Labadie , Hélène Budzinski , Olivier Chastel , Paco Bustamante
Environmental Pollution, 2017, 228, pp.464-473. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2017.05.053⟩
Perfluorinated substances and telomeres in an Arctic seabird: Cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches
Pierre Blévin , Frédéric Angelier , Sabrina Tartu , Paco Bustamante , Dorte Herzke , Børge Moe , Claus Bech , Geir Wing Gabrielsen , Jan Ove Bustnes , Olivier Chastel
Environmental Pollution, 2017, 230, pp.360-367. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2017.06.060⟩
Comparing single-feeding and multi-feeding approach for experimentally assessing trophic transfer of metals in fish
Simon Pouil , Michel Warnau , François Oberhänsli , Jean-Louis Teyssié , Paco Bustamante , Marc Metian
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2017, 36 (5), pp.1227-1234. ⟨10.1002/etc.3646⟩
Inter-species differences in polychlorinated biphenyls patterns from five sympatric species of odontocetes: Can PCBs be used as tracers of feeding ecology?
Paula Méndez-Fernandez , Benoit Simon-Bouhet , Paco Bustamante , Tiphaine Chouvelon , Marisa Ferreira , Alfredo L López , Collin F Moffat , Graham J Pierce , Marie L Russell , Maria B Santos , Jérôme Spitz , José V Vingada , Lynda L Webster , Fiona L Read , Angel F González , Florence Caurant
Ecological Indicators, 2017, 74, pp.98-108. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.11.013⟩
Comparative study of trophic transfer of the essential metals Co and Zn in two tropical fish: a radiotracer approach
Simon Pouil , Jean-Louis Teyssié , Claude Rouleau , Scott W. Fowler , Marc Metian , Paco Bustamante , Michel W Warnau
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2017, 486, pp.42-51. ⟨10.1016/j.jembe.2016.09.005⟩
Influence of delipidation on Hg analyses in biological tissues: a case study for an Antarctic ecosystem
Caio C Cipro , Paco Bustamante , Rosalinda C Montone
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2017, 228 (188), ⟨10.1007/s11270-017-3367-8⟩
Assessment of mercury speciation in feathers using species-specific isotope dilution analysis
Marina Renedo , Paco Bustamante , Emmanuel Tessier , Zoyne Pedrero , Yves Cherel , David Amouroux
Talanta, 2017, 174, pp.100 - 110. ⟨10.1016/j.talanta.2017.05.081⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

L'exploration naturaliste de l'océan profond
Sarah Samadi , Eric Pante
Agathe Euzen; Françoise Gall; Denis Lacroix; Philippe Cury. L’océan à découvert, un ouvrage collectif d’AllEnvi, , 2017, 978-2271116529

Communication dans un congrès

Contribution of nuclear applications to better understand bioaccumulation of contaminants in aquaculture species
Marc Metian , Simon Pouil , François Oberhänsli , Paco Bustamante , Peter Swarzenski
28th Annual Meeting SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe), May 2017, Rome, Italy
6 résultats


Article dans une revue

First data on three bivalve species exposed to an intra-harbour polymetallic contamination (La Rochelle, France)
Marine Breitwieser , Amélia Viricel , Carine Churlaud , Benoît Guillot , Elie Martin , Pierre-Louis Stenger , Valérie Huet , Angélique Fontanaud , Hélène Thomas-Guyon
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Comparative Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2017, 199, pp.28 - 37. ⟨10.1016/j.cbpc.2017.02.006⟩
Looking into a whale’s heart: investigating a genetic basis for cardiomyopathy in a non-model species
Amélia Viricel , Patricia E. Rosel
Genome, 2017, 60 (8), pp.695 - 705. ⟨10.1139/gen-2016-0203⟩
Guidelines and quantitative standards to improve consistency in cetacean subspecies and species delimitation relying on molecular genetic data
Barbara L. Taylor , Frederick I. Archer , Karen K. Martien , Patricia E. Rosel , Brittany L. Hancock-Hanser , Aimee R. Lang , Matthew S. Leslie , Sarah L. Mesnick , Phillip A. Morin , Victoria L. Pease , William F. Perrin , Kelly M. Robertson , Kim M. Parsons , Amélia Viricel , Nicole L. Vollmer , Frank Cipriano , Randall R. Reeves , Michael Krützen , C. Scott Baker
Marine Mammal Science, 2017, 33 (S1), pp.132 - 155. ⟨10.1111/mms.12411⟩
Examining metrics and magnitudes of molecular genetic differentiation used to delimit cetacean subspecies based on mitochondrial DNA control region sequences
Patricia E. Rosel , Brittany L. Hancock-Hanser , Frederick I. Archer , Kelly M. Robertson , Karen K. Martien , Matthew S. Leslie , Annalisa Berta , Frank Cipriano , Amélia Viricel , Karine A. Viaud-Martinez , Barbara L. Taylor
Marine Mammal Science, 2017, 33 (S1), pp.76 - 100. ⟨10.1111/mms.12410⟩
A review of molecular genetic markers and analytical approaches that have been used for delimiting marine mammal subspecies and species
Patricia E. Rosel , Barbara L. Taylor , Brittany L. Hancock-Hanser , Phillip A. Morin , Frederick I. Archer , Aimee R. Lang , Sarah L. Mesnick , Victoria L. Pease , William F. Perrin , Kelly M. Robertson , Matthew S. Leslie , Annalisa Berta , Frank Cipriano , Kim M. Parsons , Amélia Viricel , Nicole L. Vollmer , Karen K. Martien
Marine Mammal Science, 2017, 33 (S1), pp.56 - 75. ⟨10.1111/mms.12412⟩
Analytical approaches to subspecies delimitation with genetic data
Karen K. Martien , Matthew S. Leslie , Barbara L. Taylor , Phillip A. Morin , Frederick I. Archer , Brittany L. Hancock-Hanser , Patricia E. Rosel , Amélia Viricel , Nicole L. Vollmer , Frank Cipriano
Marine Mammal Science, 2017, 33 (S1), pp.27 - 55. ⟨10.1111/mms.12409⟩

Liste des publications des chercheurs de l’équipe AMARE par année de 2004 à 2016


Amélineau F, Bonnet D, Heitz O, Mortreux V, Harding A.M.A., Karnovsky N, Walkusz W, Fort J, Grémillet D (2016) Microplastic pollution in the Greenland Sea : background levels and selective contamination of planktivorous diving seabirds. Environmental Pollution 219 : 1131–1139

Amélineau F, Grémillet D, Bonnet D, Le Bot T, Fort J (2016) Where to forage in the absence of sea ice ? Bathymetry as a key factor for an arctic seabird. PlosOne 11 (7) : e0157764

Belivermiş M, Warnau M, Metian M, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié J-L, Lacoue-Labarthe T (2016) Limited effects of increased CO2 and temperature on metal and radionuclide bioaccumulation in a sessile invertebrate, the oyster Crassostrea gigas. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 73(3) : 529-536

Blévin P, Angelier F, Tartu S, Ruault S, Bustamante P, Herzke D, Moe B, Bech C, Gabrielsen GW, Bustnes JO, Chastel O (2016) Exposure to oxychlordane is associated with shorter telomeres in arctic breeding kittiwakes. Science of the Total Environment 563-564C : 125-130

Boisseaux P, Delignette-Muller ML, Abbaci K, Thomas H, Garric J (2016) Analysis of hemocytes in Lymnaea stagnalis : Characterization and effects of repeated hemolymph collections. Fish and Shellfish of Immunology 57 : 116-126

Breitwieser M*, Viricel A*, Graber M, Murillo L, Becquet V, Churlaud C, Fruitier-Arnaudin I, Huet V, Lacroix C, Pante E, Le Floch S, Thomas-Guyon H (2016) Short-term and long-term biological effects of chronic chemical contamination on natural populations of a marine bivalve. PLoS ONE 11(3):e0150184 (* equal contribution)

Bustamante P, Carravieri A, Goutte A, Barbraud C, Delord K, Chastel O, Weimerskirsch H, Cherel Y (2016) High feather mercury concentrations in the wandering albatross are related to sex, breeding status and trophic ecology with no demographic consequences. Environmental Research 140 : 1-10

Carravieri A, Cherel Y, Jaeger A, Churlaud C, Bustamante P (2016) Penguins as bioindicators of mercury contamination in the southern Indian Ocean : geographical and temporal trends. Environmental Pollution 213C : 195-205

Castelin M, Van Steenkiste N, Gilmore S, Pante E, Harbo R, Lowe G, Merilees B, Frey M, Therriault T, Abbott C (2016) Use of integrative taxonomy and DNA barcoding for characterization of ecological processes structuring marine benthic community assemblages in British Columbia. Molecular Ecology Resources 16(6) : 1322-1339

Dessier A, Dupuy C, Trancart T, Audras A, Bustamante P, Gérard C (2016) Low diversity of helminth parasites in Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus (Clupeidae) from the Bay of Biscay. Marine and Freshwater Research 67 (10) : 1583-1588

Duarte AWF, Passarini MRZ, Delforno TP, Pellizzari FM, Cipro CVZ, Montone RC, Petry MV, Putzke J, Rosa LH, Sette LD (2016) Yeasts from macroalgae and lichens that inhabit the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Environmental Microbiology Reports 8 : 874–885

Dussauze M, Milinkovitch T, Thomas-Guyon H, Danion M, Lemaire P, Pichavant-Rafin K, Theron M, Le Floch S (2016) An Experimental System to Assess Potential Biological Impact of Operational Response During an Oil Spill. Journal of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology 7 : 282

Fort J, Grémillet D, Traisnel G, Amélineau F, Bustamante P (2016) Does long-term variations of Hg levels in Arctic seabirds reflect changes of the global environmental contamination or a modification of Arctic marine food web functioning ? Environmental Pollution 211C : 382-388

Fromant A, Carravieri A, Bustamante P, Labadie P, Budzinski H, Peluhet L, Churlaud C, Chastel O, Cherel Y (2016) Wide range of metallic and organic contaminants in various tissues of the Antarctic prion, a planktonophagous seabird from the Southern Ocean. Science of the Total Environment 544C : 754-764

Garrigue C, Oremus M, Dodémont R, Bustamante P, Kwiatek O, Libeau G, Lockyer C, Vivier JC, Dalebout ML (2016) A mass stranding of seven Longman’s beaked whales (Indopacetus pacificus) in New Caledonia, South Pacific. Marine Mammal Science 32(3) : 884–910

Géraudie P, Bakkemo R, Milinkovitch T, Thomas-Guyon H (2016) First evidence of marine diesel effects on biomarker responses in the Icelandic scallops, Chlamys islandica. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23(16) : 16504-16512

Gustin MS, Evers DC, Bank MS, Hammerschmidt CR, Pierce A, Basu N, Blum J, Bustamante P, Chen C, Driscoll CT, Horvat M, Jaffe D, Pacyna J, Pirrone N, Selin N (2016) Importance of integration and implementation of emerging and future mercury research into the Minamata Convention. Environmental Science and Technology 50(6) : 2767–2770

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Nunes PALD, Ziveri P, Cinar M, Gazeau F, Hall-Spencer J, Hilmi N, Moschella P, Safa A, Sauzade D, Turley C (2016) Impacts of ocean acidication in a warming Mediterranean Sea : an overview. Regional Studies in Marine Science 5 : 1-11

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Warnau M, Beaugeard L, Pascal PY (2016) Trophic transfer of radioisotopes in Mediterranean sponges through bacteria consumption. Chemosphere 144 : 1885-1892

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Le Pabic C, Bustamante P (2016) Ecotoxicology of early-life stages in the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis : review and perspectives. Vie et Milieu 66 (1) : 65-79

Lasota R, Pierscieniaka K, Garcia P, Simon-Bouhet B, Wolowicz M (2016) Large-scale mitochondrial COI gene sequence variability reflects the complex colonization history of the invasive soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria (L.) (Bivalvia). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 181 : 256-265

Linnebjerg JF, Hobson KA, Fort J, Nielsen TG, Møller P, Wieland K, Born EW, Rigét FF, Mosbech A (2016) Deciphering the structure of the West Greenland marine food web using stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N). Marine Biology 163(11) : 230

Lucas J, Bonnieux A, Lyphout L, Cousin X, Miramand P, Lefrançois C (2016) Trophic contamination by pyrolytic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons does not affect aerobic metabolic scope in zebrafish Danio rerio. Journal of Fish Biology 88(1) : 433-442

Lucia M, Strøm H, Bustamante P, Gabrielsen GW (2016) Trace element concentrations in relation to the trophic behaviour of endangered ivory gulls (Pagophila eburnea) during their stay at a breeding site in Svalbard. Archives of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 71(4) : 518–529

Meillère A, Brischoux F, Bustamante P, Michaud B, Parenteau C, Marciau C, Angelier F (2016) Corticosterone levels in relation to trace metal element contamination along an urbanization gradient in the Common blackbird (Turdus merula). Science of the Total Environment 566-567C : 93-101

Metian M, Pouil S, Hédouin L, Teyssié JL, Bustamante P, Warnau M (2016) Differential bioaccumulation of 134Cs in tropical marine organisms and role of exposure pathways. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 152C : 127-135

Moya A, Howes E, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Forêt S, Hanna B, Medina M, Munday PL, Ong JS, Teyssié JL, Torda G, Watson SA, Miller DJ, Bijma J, Gattuso JP (2016) Near-future pH conditions severely impact calcification, metabolism and the nervous system in the pteropod Heliconoides inflatus. Global Change Biology 22 : 3888–3900

Pante E (2016) Nomenclatural note on the homonymy between the octocoral genus Dendrobrachia Brook 1889 and the entoproct phylum Dendrobrachia Xian-Guan, Bergstrom, Xio-Ya and Jie 2006. Zootaxa 4107(4) : 598

Perrichon P, Le Menach K, Akcha F, Cachot J, Budzinski H, Bustamante P (2016) Toxicity assessment of water-accommodated fractions from two different oils using a zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo-larval bioassay with a multilevel approach. Science of the Total Environment 568C : 952-966

Pouil S, Warnau M, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié JL, Bustamante P, Metian M (2016) Influence of food on the assimilation of essential elements (Co, Mn & Zn) in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Marine Ecology Progress Series 550 : 207-218

Sebastiano M, Bustamante P, Costantini D, Eulaers I, Malarvannan G, Mendez-Fernandez P, Churlaud C, Blévin P, Hauselmann A, Dell’Omo G, Covaci A, Eens M, Chastel O (2016) High levels of mercury and low levels of persistent organic pollutants in a tropical seabird in French Guiana, the Magnificent frigatebird, Fregata magnificens. Environmental Pollution 214C : 384-393

Tartu S, Bustamante P, Angelier F, Lendvai AZ, Moe B, Blévin P, Bech C, Gabrielsen GW, Bustnes JO, Chastel O (2016) Mercury exposure, stress and prolactin secretion in an Arctic seabird : an experimental study. Functional Ecology 30(4) : 596-604

Viricel A, Simon-Bouhet B, Ceyrac L, Dulau-Drouot V, Berggren P, Amir OA, Jiddawi NS, Mongin P, Kiszka JJ (2016) Habitat availability and geographic isolation as potential drivers of population structure in an oceanic dolphin in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Marine Biology 163(10):219


Bourdin CM, Guérineau NC, Murillo L, Quinchard S, Dong K, Legros C (2015) Molecular and functional characterization of a novel sodium channel TipE-like auxiliary subunit from the American cockroach Periplaneta americana. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 66 : 136-44

Chouvelon T, Violamer L, Dessier A , Bustamante P, Mornet F, Dupuy C (2015) Small pelagic fish feeding patterns in relation to food resource variability : an isotopic investigation for Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus from the Bay of Biscay (north-east Atlantic). Marine Biology 162(1) : 15-37

Colabuono FI, Taniguchi S, Cipro CVZ, da Silva J, Bícego MC, Montone RC (2015) Persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mosses after fire at the Brazilian Antarctic Station. Marine Pollution Bulletin 93(1–2) : 266–269

Deborde J, Refait P, Bustamante P, Caplat C, Basuyaux O, Grolleau AM, Mahaut ML, Brach-Papa C, Gonzalez JL, Pineau S (2015) Impact of galvanic anode dissolution on metal trace element concentrations in marine waters. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 226(12) : art. 423

Elarbaoui S, Richard M, Boufahja F, Mahmoudi E, Thomas-Guyon H (2015) Effect of crude oil exposure and dispersant application on meiofauna : An intertidal mesocosm experiment. Environmental Sciences : Processes and Impacts 17 : 997-1004

Fontaine M, Carravieri A, Simon-Bouhet B, Bustamante P, Gasco N, Bailleul F, Guinet C, Cherel Y (2015) Ecological tracers and at-sea observations document the foraging ecology of southern long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas edwardii) in Kerguelen waters. Marine Biology 162(1) : 207–219

Fort J, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Nguyen Hanh L, Boué A, Spitz J, Bustamante P (2015) Mercury in wintering seabirds, an aggravating factor to winter wrecks ? Science of the Total Environment 527-528C : 448-454

Goutte A, Cherel Y, Churlaud C, Ponthus JP, Massé G, Bustamante P (2015) Trace elements in Antarctic fish species and the influence of foraging habitats and dietary habits on mercury levels. Science of the Total Environment 538C : 743-749

Goutte A, Barbraud C, Herzke D, Bustamante P, Angelier F, Tartu S, Clément-Chastel C, Moe B, Bech C, Gabrielsen GW, Bustnes JO, Chastel O (2015) Survival rate and breeding outputs in a high Arctic seabird exposed to legacy persistent organic pollutants and mercury. Environmental Pollution 200 : 1-9

Grémillet D, Fort J, Amélineau F, Zakharova E, Le Bot T, Sala E, Gavrilo M (2015) Arctic warming : non-linear impacts of sea-ice and glacier melt on seabird foraging. Global Change Biology 21(3) : 1116-1123

Kiszka J, Aubail A, Hussey NE, Heithaus MR, Caurant F, Bustamante P (2015) Plasticity of trophic interactions among sharks from the oceanic south-western Indian Ocean revealed by stable isotopes and mercury analyses. Deep-Sea Research part I 96 : 49–58

Le Pabic C, Caplat C, Lehodey JP, Milinkovitch T, Koueta N, Cosson RP, Bustamante P (2015) Trace metal concentrations in post-hatching cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and consequences of dissolved zinc exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 159 : 23–35

Luna-Acosta A, Budzinski H, Le Menach K, Thomas-Guyon H, Bustamante P (2015) Persistent Organic Pollutants in a marine bivalve on the Marennes Oleron Bay and the Gironde Estuary (French Atlantic coast) - Part 1 : Bioaccumulation. Science of the Total Environment 514C : 500-510

Luna-Acosta A, Bustamante P, Budzinski H, Huet V, Thomas-Guyon H (2015) Persistent Organic Pollutants in a marine bivalve on the Marennes-Oleron Bay and the Gironde Estuary (French Atlantic coast) - Part 2 : Potential biological effects. Science of the Total Environment 514C : 511-522

Milinkovitch T, Geraudie P, Camus L, Huet V, Thomas-Guyon H. (2015) Biomarker modulation associated with marine diesel contamination in the Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(23) : 19292-19296

Milinkovitch T, Bustamante P, Huet V, Reigner A, Churlaud C, Thomas-Guyon H (2015) In situ evaluation of oxidative stress and immunological parameters as ecotoxicological biomarkers in a novel sentinel species (Mimachlamys varia). Aquatic Toxicology 161C : 170-175

Pante E, Puillandre N, Viricel A, Arnaud-Haond A, Aurelle D, Castelin M, Chenuil A, Destombe C, Forcioli D, Valero M, Viard F, Samai S (2015) Species are hypotheses : avoid connectivity assessments based on pillars of sand. Molecular Ecology 24(3) : 525–544

Pante E, Pascal PY, Becquet V, Viricel A, Simon-Bouhet B, Garcia P (2015) Evaluating the genetic effects of the invasive Ocenebra inornata on the native oyster drill Ocenebra erinacea. Marine Ecology 36(4) : 1118-1128

Pante E, Abdelkrim J, Viricel A, Gey D, France S, Boisselier MC, Samadi S (2015) Use of RAD sequencing for delimiting species. Heredity 114(5) : 450-459

Pante E, Schoelinck C, Puillandre N (2015) From integrative taxonomy to species description : one step beyond. Systematic Biology 64(1) : 152-160

Pante E, France SC, Gey D, Cruaud C, Samadi S (2015) An inter-ocean comparison of coral endemism on seamounts : The case of Chrysogorgia. Journal of Biogeography 42 (10) : 1907-1918

Perrichon P, Akcha F, Le Menach K, Goubeau M, Budzinski H, Cousin X, Bustamante P (2015) Parental trophic exposure to three aromatic fractions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the zebrafish : consequences for the offspring. Science of the Total Environment 524-525C : 52-62

Porsmoguer SB, Bănaru D, Boudouresque CF, Dekeyser I, Viricel A, Merchán M (2015) DNA evidence of the consumption of short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis by the shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus. Marine Ecoloy Progress Series 532 : 177-183. doi : 10.3354/meps11327

Pouil S, Bustamante P, Warnau M, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié JL, Metian M (2015) Delineation of 134Cs uptake pathways (seawater and food) in the variegated scallop Mimachlamys varia. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 148C : 74-79

Pouil S, Warnau M, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié JL, Metian M (2015) Trophic transfer of 110mAg in the turbot Scophthalmus maximus through natural prey and compounded feed. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 150 : 189-194

Réveillac E, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié JL, Jeffree R, Gattuso JP, Martin S (2015) Ocean acidification reshapes the otolith-body allometry of growth in juvenile sea bream. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 463 : 87-94

Rjeibi M, Metian M, Hajji T, Guyot T, Ben Chaouacha-Chekir R, Bustamante P (2015) Seasonal survey of contaminants (Cd and Hg) and micronutrients (Cu and Zn) in edible tissues of cephalopods from Tunisia : assessment of risk and nutritional benefits. Journal of Food Science 80(1) : 199-206

Sabatier E, Pante E, Dussud C, Van Canneyt O, Simon-Bouhet B, Viricel A (2015) Genetic monitoring of pilot whales, Globicephala spp. (Cetacea : Delphinidae), stranded on French coasts. Mammalia 79(1) : 111-114

Samadi S, Puillandre N, Boisselier MC, Corbari L, Maestrati P, Mana R, Pante E, Thubaut J, Zuccon D, Hourdez S (2015) Patchiness of deep-sea communities in Papua New Guinea and potential susceptibility to anthropogenic disturbances illustrated by seep organisms. Marine Ecology 36 (S1) : 109-132

Saunier A, Garcia P, Becquet V, Marsaud N, Escudié F, Pante E (2014) Mitochondrial genomes of the Baltic clam Macoma balthica (Bivalvia : Tellinidae) : setting the stage for studying mito-nuclear incompatibilities. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14:259

Spitz J, Becquet V, Rosen DAS, Trites AW (2015) A nutrigenomic approach to detect nutritional stress from gene expression in blood samples drawn from Steller sea lions. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A : Molecular & Integrative Physiology 187 : 214-223

Spitz J, Dupuis L, Becquet V, Dubief B, Trites AW (2015) Diet of the harbour seal Phoca vitulina : Implication for the flatfish nursery in the Bay of Somme (English Channel, France). Aquatic Living Resources 28 : 11-19

Tartu S, Lendvai AZ, Blévin P, Herzke D, Bustamante P, Moe B, Gabrielsen GW, Bustnes JO, Chastel O (2015) Increased adrenal responsiveness and delayed hatching date in relation to polychlorinated biphenyl exposure in Arctic-breeding black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). General and Comparative Endocrinology 219C : 165-172

Tartu S, Angelier F, Wingfield JC, Bustamante P, Labadie P, Budzinski H, Weimerskirch H, Bustnes JO, Chastel O (2015) Corticosterone, prolactin and egg neglect behaviour in relation to mercury and legacy POPs in a long-lived Antarctic bird. Science of the Total Environment 505C : 180-188

Vagner M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Zambonino Infante JL, Mazurais D, Dubillot E, Le Delliou H, Quazuguel P, Lefrançois C (2015) Depletion of Essential Fatty Acids in the Food Source Affects Aerobic Capacities of the Golden Grey Mullet Liza aurata in a Warming Seawater Context. PLoS ONE 10(6) : e0126489

Wojczulanis-Jakubas K, Kilikowska A, Fort J, Gavrilo M, Jakubas D, Friesen V (2015) No evidence of divergence at neutral genetic markers between the two morphologically different subspecies of the most numerous Arctic seabird. Ibis 157(4) : 787–797


Bocher P, Robin F, Kojadinovic J, Delaporte P, Dupuy C, Bustamante P (2014) Trophic resource partitioning within a shorebird community feeding on intertidal mudflat habitats. Journal of Sea Research 92C : 115-124

Bonnet X, Briand MJ, Brischoux F, Letourneur Y, Fauvel T, Bustamante P (2014) Anguilliform fish reveal large scale contamination by trace elements in the coral reefs of New Caledonia. Science of the Total Environment 470-471C : 876-882

Briand MJ, Letourneur Y, Bonnet X, Wafo E, Fauvel T, Brischoux F, Guillou G, Bustamante P (2014) Spatial variability of metallic and organic contamination in anguilliform fish from New Caledonia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(6) : 4576-4591

Buffet PE, Zalouk-Vergnoux A, Châtel A, Berthet B, Métais I, Perrein-Ettajani H, Poirier L, Luna-Acosta A, Thomas-Guyon H, Risso-de Faverney C, Guibbolini M, Gilliland D, Valsami-Jones E, Mouneyrac C (2014) A marine mesocosm study on the environmental fate of silver nanoparticles and toxicity effects on two endobenthic species : The ragworm Hediste diversicolor and the bivalve mollusc Scrobicularia plana. Science of the Total Environment 470-471 : 1151-1159

Carpentier A, Como S, Dupuy C, Lefrançois C, Feunteun E (2014) Feeding ecology of Liza spp. in a tidal flat : Evidence of the importance of primary production (biofilm) and associated meiofauna. Journal of Sea Research 92C : 86-91

Carravieri A, Bustamante P, Churlaud C, Fromant A, Cherel Y (2014) Moulting patterns drive within-individual variations of stable isotopes and mercury in seabird body feathers : implications for monitoring of the marine environment. Marine Biology 161(4) : 963-968

Carravieri A, Cherel Y, Blévin P, Brault-Favrou M, Chastel O, Bustamante P (2014) Mercury exposure in a large subantarctic avian community. Environmental Pollution 190C : 51-57

Carravieri A, Bustamante P, Tartu S, Meillère A, Labadie P, Budzinski H, Peluhet L, Barbraud C, Weimerskirch H, Chastel O, Cherel Y (2014) Wandering Albatrosses Document Latitudinal Variations in the Transfer of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Mercury to Southern Ocean Predators. Environmental Science and Technology 48 : 14746–14755

Chouvelon T, Chappuis A, Bustamante P, Lefebvre S, Mornet F, Guillou G, Dupuy C (2014) Trophic ecology of European sardine Sardina pilchardus and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Bay of Biscay (North-East Atlantic) inferred from δ13C and δ15N values of fish and identified mesozooplanktonic organisms. Journal of Sea Research 85C : 277-291

Chouvelon T, Caurant F, Cherel Y, Simon-Bouhet B , Spitz J, Bustamante P (2014) Species- and size-related patterns in stable isotopes and mercury concentrations in fish help refine marine ecosystem indicators and provide evidence for distinct management units for hake in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 71(5) : 1073-1087

Cipro CVZ, Cherel Y, Miramand P, Caurant F, Méndez-Fernandez P, Bustamante P (2014) Trace elements in the white-chinned-petrel (Procellaria aequinoctialis) from the Kerguelen Islands, Southern Indian Ocean. Polar Biology 37(6) : 763-771

Como S, Lefrancois C, Maggi E, Antognarelli F, Dupuy C (2014) Behavioral responses of juvenile golden gray mullet Liza aurata to changes in coastal temperatures and consequences for benthic food resources. Journal of Sea Research 92C : 66-73

Costantini D, Meillère A, Lecomte V, Sorci G, Faivre B, Weimerskirch H, Bustamante P, Labadie P, Budzinski H, Chastel O (2014) Oxidative stress in relation to reproduction, contaminants, gender and age in a long-lived seabird. Oecologia 175:1107–1116

Fort J, Robertson GJ, Grémillet D, Traisnel G, Phillips RA, Bustamante P (2014) Spatial ecotoxicology : migratory Arctic seabirds are contaminated by mercury while overwintering in the Northwest Atlantic. Environmental Science and Technology 48(19) : 11560–115676

Goutte A, Bustamante P, Barbraud C, Delord K, Weimeskirch H, Chastel O (2014) Demographic responses to mercury exposure in two closely-related Antarctic top predators. Ecology 95(4) : 1075-1086

Goutte A, Barbraud C, Meillère A, Carravieri A, Bustamante P, Labadie P, Budzinski H, Delord K, Cherel Y, Weimeskirch H, Chastel O (2014) Demographic consequences of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants in a vulnerable long-lived bird, the wandering albatross. Proceedings of the Royal Society 281 : 20133313

Grémillet D, Péron C, Pons JB, Ouni R, Authier M, Thévenet M, Fort J (2014) Irreplaceable area extends marine conservation hotspot off Tunisia : insights from GPS-tracking Scopoli’s shearwaters from the largest seabird colony in the Mediterranean. Marine Biology 161(11) : 2669-2680

Kiszka J, Méndez‑Fernandez P, Heithaus MR, Ridoux V (2014) The foraging ecology of coastal bottlenose dolphins based on stable isotope mixing models and behavioural sampling. Marine Biology 161(4) : 953-961

Kizska J, Lesage V, Ridoux V (2014) Effect of ethanol preservation on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values in cetacean epidermis : Implication for using archived biopsy samples. Marine Mammal Science 30(2) : 788–795

Kiszka J, Charlot K, Hussey NE, Heithaus MR, Simon-Bouhet B, Humber F, Caurant F, Bustamante P (2014) Trophic ecology of common elasmobranchs exploited by artisanal shark fisheries off south-western Madagascar. Aquatic Biology 23 : 29–38

Larcher T, Perrichon P, Vignet, C, Ledevin M, Le Menach K, Lyphout L, Landi L, Clerandeau C, Lebihanic F, Ménard D, Burgeot T, Budzinski H, Akcha F, Cachot J, Cousin X (2014) Chronic dietary exposure of zebrafish to PAH mixtures results in carcinogenic but not genotoxic effects. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(24) : 13833-13849

Lassalle G, Chouvelon T, Bustamante P, Niquil N (2014) An assessment of the trophic structure of the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food web : comparing estimates derived from an ecosystem model and isotopic data. Progress in Oceanography 120C : 205-215

Le Bourg B, Kiszka J, Bustamante P (2014) Mother-embryo isotope (δ15N, δ13C) fractionation and mercury (Hg) transfer in aplacental deep-water sharks. Journal of Fish Biology 84(5) : 1574-1581

Louis M, Viricel A, Lucas T, Peltier H, Alfonsi E, Berrow S, Brownlow A, Covelo P, Dabin W, Deaville R, Gally F, Gauffier P, Penrose R, Silva MA, Guinet C, Simon-Bouhet B (2014) Habitat-driven population structure of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the North-East Atlantic. Molecular Ecology 23(4) : 857-874

Lucas J, Schouman A, Lyphout L, Cousin X, Lefrancois C (2014) Allometric relationship between body mass and aerobic metabolism in zebrafish Danio rerio. Journal of Fish Biology 84(4) : 1171–1178

Lucas J, Perrichon P, Nouhaud M, Audras A, Leguen I, Lefrancois C (2014) Aerobic metabolism and cardiac activity in the descendants of zebrafish exposed to pyrolytic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(24) : 13888-13897

Lucia M, Bocher P, Chambosse M, Delaporte P, Bustamante P (2014) Trace element accumulation in relation with trophic niches of shorebirds using intertidal mudflats. Journal of Sea Research 92C:134-143

Mannocci L, Catalogna M, Dorémus G, Laran S, Lehodey P, Massart W, Monestiez P, Van Canneyt O, Watremez P, Ridoux V (2014) Predicting cetacean and seabird habitats across a productivity gradient in the South Pacific gyre. Progress in Oceanography 120C : 383-398

Mannocci L, Laran S, Monestiez P, Dorémus G, Van Canneyt O, Watremez P, Ridoux V (2014) Predicting top predator habitats in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Ecography 37(3) : 261-278

Méndez-Fernandez P, Webster L, Chouvelon T, Bustamante P, Ferreira M, González AF, López A, Moffat CF, Pierce GJ, Read FL, Russell M, Santos MB, Spitz J, Vingada JV, Caurant F (2014) An assessment of contaminant concentrations in toothed whale species of the NW Iberian Peninsula : Part I. Persistent organic pollutants. Science of the Total Environment 484C : 196-205

Méndez-Fernandez P, Webster L, Chouvelon T, Bustamante P, Ferreira M, González AF, López A, Moffat CF, Pierce GJ, Read FL, Russell M, Santos MB, Spitz J, Vingada JV, Caurant F (2014) An assessment of contaminant concentrations in toothed whale species of the NW Iberian Peninsula : Part II. Trace element concentrations. Science of the Total Environment 484C : 206-217

Mersni-Achour R, Imbert-Auvray I, Huet V, Ben Cheikh Y, Faury N, Doghri I, Rouatbi S, Bordenave S, Travers MA, Saulnier D, Fruitier-Arnaudin I (2014) First description of French V. tubiashii strains pathogenic to mollusk:II. Characterization of properties of the proteolytic fraction of extracellular products. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 123 : 49-59

Mouneyrac C , Buffet P-E, Poirier L, Zalouk-Vergnoux A, Guibbolini M, Faverney CR, Gilliland D, Berhanu D, Dybowska A, Châtel A, Perrein-Ettajni H, Pan J-F, Thomas-Guyon H, Reip P, Valsami-Jones E (2014) Fate and effects of metal-based nanoparticles in two marine invertebrates, the bivalve mollusc Scrobicularia plana and the annelid polychaete Hediste diversicolor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(13) : 7899-7912

Muttin F, Aprin L, Milinkovitch T, Lefrançois C, Thomas-Guyon H, Le Floch S, Duffa C, Thébault H (2014) Response technique for oil spills and environmental risk : Toxicity of dispersant application in nearshore areas on Liza aurata (golden grey mullet) 54-58 pp Marine Coastal and Water Pollutions Oil Spill Studies Edited by F Muttin, EIGSI, La Rochelle, France. ISTE WILEY ISBN : 9781848216921

Peltier H, Jepson PD, Dabin W, Deaville R, Daniel P, Van Canneyt O, Ridoux V (2014) The contribution of stranding data to monitoring and conservation strategies for cetaceans : Developing spatially explicit mortality indicators for common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the eastern North-Atlantic. Ecological Indicators 39 : 203-214

Perrichon P, Le Bihanic F, Bustamante P, Le Menach K, Budzinski H, Cachot J, Cousin X (2014) Influence of sediment composition on PAH toxicity using zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryo-larval assays. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(24) : 13703-13719

Pusineri C, Barbraud C, Kiszka J, Caceres S, Mougnot J, Daudin G, Ridoux V (2014) Capture-mark-recapture modelling suggests an endangered status for the Mayotte Island (eastern Africa) population of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins. Endangered Species Research 23 : 23–33

Rjeibi M, Metian M, Hajji T, Guyot T, Ben Chaouacha-Chekir R, Bustamante P (2014) Interspecific and geographical variations of trace metal concentrations in cephalopods from Tunisian waters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186(6) : 3767-3783

Saint-Béat B, Dupuy C, Agogué H, Carpentier A, Chalumeau J, Como S, David V, De Crignis M, Duchêne JC, Fontane C, Feunteun E, Guizien K, Hartmann H, Lavaud J, Lefebvre S, Lefrançois C, Mallet C, Montanié H, Mouget JL, Orvain F, Ory P, Pascal PY, Radenac G, Richard P, Vézina AF, Niquil N (2014) How does the resuspension of the biofilm alter the functioning of the benthos-pelagos coupled food web of a bare mudflat in Marennes-Oléron Bay (NE Atlantic) ? Journal of Sea Research 92C : 144–157

Spitz J, Ridoux V, Brind’Amour A (2014) Let’s go beyond taxonomy in diet description : testing a trait-based approach to prey–predator relationships. Journal of Animal Ecology 83(5) : 1137-1148

Tartu S, Bustamante P, Goutte A, Cherel Y, Weimeskirch H, Bustness JO, Chastel O (2014) Age-related mercury contamination and relationship with luteinizing hormone in a long-lived Antarctic bird. Plos One 9(7) : e103642

Vagner M, de Montgolfier B, Sévigny J-M, Tremblay R, Audet C (2014) Effects of algae-enriched rotifers on winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) gene expression during metamorphosis. Marine Biology 161(5) : 985-999

Vagner M, Zambonino-Infante JL, Mazurais D, Imbert-Auvray N, Ouillon N, Dubillot E, Le Delliou H, Akbar D, Lefrançois C (2014) Reduced n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids dietary content expected with global change reduces the metabolic capacity of the golden grey mullet. Marine Biology 161(11) : 2547–2562

Vignet V, Le Menach K, Mazurais D, Lucas J, Perrichon P, Le Bihanic F, Devier M-H, Lyphout L, Frère L, Bégout M-L, Zambonino-Infante J-L, Budzinski H, Cousin X (2014) Chronic dietary exposure to pyrolytic and petrogenic mixtures of PAHs causes physiological disruption in zebrafish - part I : Survival and growth. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(24) : 13804-13817

Viricel A, Pante E, Dabin W, Simon-Bouhet B (2014) Applicability of RAD-tag genotyping for inter-familial comparisons : empirical data from two cetaceans. Molecular Ecology Resources 14(3) : 597-605

Viricel A, Rosel PE (2014) Hierarchical population structure and habitat differences in a highly mobile marine species : the Atlantic spotted dolphin. Molecular Ecology 23(20) : 5018-5035


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Aubail A, Méndez-Fernandez P, Bustamante P, Churlaud C, Ferreira M, Vingada JV, Caurant F (2013) Use of skin and blubber tissues of small cetaceans to assess the trace element content of internal organs. Marine Pollution Bulletin 76 (1-2) : 157-168

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Buffet P-E, Richard M, Caupos F, Vergnoux A, Perrein-Ettajani H, Luna-Acosta A, Akcha F, Amiard J-C, Amiard-Triquet C, Guibbolini M, Risso-De Faverney C, Thomas-Guyon H, Reip P, Dybowska A, Berhanu D, Valsami-Jones E, Mouneyrac C (2013) A Mesocosm Study of Fate and Effects of CuO Nanoparticles on Endobenthic Species (Scrobicularia plana, Hediste diversicolor). Environmental Science and Technology 47(3) : 1620-1628

Buffet P-E, Zalouk-Vergnoux A, Châtel A, Berthet B, Métais I, Perrein-Ettajani H, Poirier L, Luna-Acosta A, Thomas-Guyon H, Risso-de Faverney C, Guibbolini M, Gilliland D, Valsami-Jones E, Mouneyrac C (2013) A marine mesocosm study on the environmental fate of silver nanoparticles and toxicity effects on two endobenthic species : The ragworm Hediste diversicolor and the bivalve mollusc Scrobicularia plana. Science of the Total Environment 470-471C:1151-1159

Cannas M, Atzori F, Rupsard F, Bustamante P, Loizeau V, Lefrancois C (2013) PCB contamination does not alter aerobic metabolism and tolerance to hypoxia of juvenile sole (Solea solea L. 1758). Aquatic Toxicology 127C : 54-60

Carravieri A, Bustamante P, Churlaud C, Cherel Y (2013) Penguins as bioindicators of mercury contamination in the Southern Ocean : Birds from the Kerguelen Islands as a case study. Science of the Total Environment 454-455 : 141-148

Châtel A, Murillo L, Bourdin CM, Quinchard S, Picard D, Legros C (2013) Characterization of tyramine β-hydroxylase, an enzyme upregulated by stress in Periplaneta americana. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 50(1):91-102

Cipro CVZ, Colabuono FI, Taniguchi S, Montone RC (2013) Persistent organic pollutants in bird, fish and invertebrate samples from King George Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 25(4) : 545-552

Cipro CVZ, FI Colabuono, S Taniguchi, RC Montone (2014) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in fat samples from White-chinned Petrels (Procellaria aequinoctialis) and Spectacled Petrels (P. conspicillata) off southern Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin 77(1–2) : 396–399

Dias PS, Cipro CVZ, Taniguchi S, Montone RC (2013) Persistent organic pollutants in marine biota of São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago, Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin 74(1) : 435–440

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Dorey N, Melzner F, Martin S, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié J-L, Bustamante P, Gattuso J-P, Lacoue-Labarthe T (2013) Ocean acidification and temperature rise : effects on calcification during early development of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. Marine Biology 160(8) : 2007-2022

Dupont-Prinet A , Vagner M, Chabot D, Audet C (2013) Impact of hypoxia on the metabolism of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70(3) : 461-469

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Imbert-Auvray N, Mercier C, Huet V, Bois P (2013) Sarcoplasmic reticulum : A key factor in cardiac contractility of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax and common sole Solea solea during thermal acclimations. Journal of Comparative Physiology B : Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 183(4) : 477-489

Mannocci L, Monestiez P, Bolaños-Jiménez J, Dorémus G, Jeremie S, Larand S, Rinaldi R, Van Canneyt O, Ridoux V (2013) Megavertebrate communities from two contrasting ecosystems in the western tropical Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems 111-112 : 208-222

Mèndez-Fernandez P, Pierce GJ, Bustamante P, Chouvelon T, Ferreira M, González AF, López A, Read FL, Santos MB, Spitz J, Vingada JV, Caurant F (2013) Ecological niche segregation among five toothed whale species off the NW Iberian Peninsula using ecological tracers as multi-approach. Marine Biology 160(11) : 2825-2840

Metian M, Warnau M, Chouvelon T, Pedraza F, Rodriguez y Baena A, Bustamante P (2013) Trace element bioaccumulation in reef fish from New Caledonia : influence of trophic groups and risk assessment for consumers. Marine Environmental Research 87-88C : 26-36

Milinkovitch T, Imbert N, Sanchez W, Le Floch S, Thomas-Guyon H (2013) Toxicological effects of crude oil and oil dispersant : Biomarkers in the heart of the juvenile golden grey mullet (Liza aurata). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 88 : 1-8

Milinkovitch T, Thomas-Guyon H, Lefrançois C, Imbert N (2013) Dispersant use as a response to oil spills : toxicological effects on fish cardiac performance. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39(2) : 257-262

Pante E, Simon-Bouhet B (2013) marmap : A Package for Importing, Plotting and Analyzing Bathymetric and Topographic Data in R. PLoS ONE 8(9) : e73051

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Pusineri C, Kiszka J, Quillard M, Caceres S (2013) The endangered status of dugongs Dugong dugon around Mayotte (East Africa, Mozambique Channel) assessed through interview surveys. African Journal of Marine Science 35(1) : 111–116

Spitz J, Chouvelon T, Cardinaud M, Kostecki C, Lorance P (2013) Prey preferences of adult sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax in the north-eastern Atlantic : implications for by-catch of common dolphin Delphinus delphis. ICES Journal of Marine Science 70(2) : 452-461

Spitz J, Jouma’a J (2013) Variability in energy density of forage fish from the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic) : reliability of functional grouping. Journal of Fish Biology 82(6) : 2147-2152

Tartu S, Goutte A, Bustamante P, Angelier F, Moe B, Clément-Chastel C, Bech C, Gabrielsen GW, JO Bustness, Chastel O (2013) To breed or not to breed : endocrine response to mercury contamination by an arctic seabird. Biology Letters 9(4) : 20130317

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Aubail A, Dietz R, Rigét F, Sonne C, Wiig Ø, Caurant F (2012) Temporal trend of mercury in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from Svalbard using teeth as a biomonitoring tissue. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14(1) : 56-63

Becquet V, Simon-Bouhet B, Pante E, Hummel H, Garcia P (2012) Glacial refugium versus range limit : conservation genetics of Macoma balthica, a key species in the Bay of Biscay (France). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 432-433 : 73-82

Bustamante P, Luna-Acosta A, Clemens S, Cassi R, Thomas-Guyon H, Warnau M (2012) Bioaccumulation and metabolisation of 14C-pyrene by the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas exposed via seawater. Chemosphere 87(8) : 944-950

Cannas M, Domenici P, Lefrançois C (2012) The effect of hypoxia on ventilation frequency in startled common sole Solea solea. Journal of Fish Biology 80 : 2636-2642

Cipro CVZ, Bustamante P, Taniguchi S, Montone RC (2012) Persistent organic pollutants and stable isotopes in pinnipeds from King George Island, Antarctica, Marine Pollution Bulletin 64 : 2650-2655

Chouvelon T, Spitz J, Caurant F, Mèndez-Fernandez P, Autier J, Lassus-Débat A, Chappuis A, Bustamante P (2012) Enhanced bioaccumulation of mercury in deep-sea fauna from the Bay of Biscay (North-East Atlantic) revealed by stable isotope analysis. Deep-Sea Research Part I 65:113-124

Chouvelon T, Spitz J, Caurant F, Mèndez-Fernandez P, Chappuis A, Laugier F, Le Goff E, Bustamante P (2012) Revisiting the use of δ15N in meso-scale studies of marine food webs by considering spatio-temporal variations in stable isotopic signatures : The case of an open ecosystem : the Bay of Biscay (north-east Atlantic). Progress in Oceanography 101(1) : 95-102

Cucco A, Sinerchia M, Lefrançois C, Magni P, Ghezzo M, Umgiesser G, Perilli A, Domenici P (2012) Coupled empirical and numerical model of fish response to environmental changes. Ecological Modelling 237-238 : 132-141

Kerambrun E, Le Floch S, Sanchez W, Thomas Guyon H, Meziane T, Henry F, Amara R (2012) Responses of juvenile sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, exposed to acute concentrations of crude oil, as assessed by molecular and physiological biomarkers. Chemosphere 87(8) : 944-950

Kiszka J, Simon-Bouhet B, Gastebois C, Pusineri C, Ridoux V (2012) Habitat partitioning and fine scale population structure among insular bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) from a tropical lagoon. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 416-417 : 176-184

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Martin S, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié J-L, Jeffree R, Gattuso JP, Bustamante P (2012) Temperature and pCO2 affect the bioaccumulation of radionuclides and trace elements in the eggs of the common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 413(4) : 45-49

Lassalle G, Gascuel D, Le Loc’h F, Lobry J, Pierce GJ, Ridoux V, Santos MB, Spitz J, Niquil N (2012) An ecosystem approach for the assessment of fisheries impacts on marine top-predators : the Bay of Biscay case study. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(6) : 925-938

Lucia M, Bocher P, Cosson RP, Churlaud C, Bustamante P (2012) Evidence of species-specific detoxification processes of trace elements in shorebirds. Ecotoxicology 21(8) : 2349–2362

Lucia M, Bocher P, Cosson RP, Churlaud C, Robin F, Bustamante P (2012) Insight on trace element detoxification in the black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa) through genetic, enzymatic and metallothionein analyses. Science of the Total Environment 423 : 73-83

Luna-Acosta A, Renault T,Thomas-Guyon H, Faury N, Saulnier D, Budzinski H, Le Menach K, Fruitier-Arnaudin I, Bustamante P (2012) Detection of early effects of a single herbicide (diuron) and a mix of herbicides and pharmaceuticals (diuron, isoproturon, ibuprofen) on immunological parameters of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, spat. Chemosphere 87(11) : 1335-1340

Malki J, Wannous R, Bouju A, Vincent C (2012) Temporal Reasoning in Trajectories Using an Ontological Modelling Approach. Control and Cybernetics 41(4) : 1-16

Mannocci L, Dabin W, Augeraud-Véron E, Dupuy JF, Barbraud C, Ridoux V (2012) Assessing the Impact of Bycatch on Dolphin Populations : The Case of the Common Dolphin in the Eastern North Atlantic. PloS ONE 7(2) : e32615

Meissner AM, MacLeod CD, Richard P, Ridoux V, Pierce G (2012) Feeding ecology of striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, in the north-western Mediterranean Sea based on stable isotope analyses. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 92(8):1677-1687

Mèndez-Fernandez P, Bustamante P, Bode A, Chouvelon T, Ferreira M, López A, Pierce GJ, Santos MB, Spitz J, Vingada JV, Caurant F (2012) Trophic ecology of five toothed whale species inhabiting the waters of the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula using δ13C and δ15N isotopic signatures. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 413 : 150-158

Milinkovitch T, Lucas J, Le Floch S, Thomas-Guyon H, Lefrançois C (2012) Effect of dispersed crude oil exposure upon the aerobic metabolic scope in juvenile golden grey mullet (Liza aurata). Marine Pollution Bulletin 64(4) : 865-871

Milinkovitch T, Thomas-Guyon H, Lefrançois C, Imbert N (2012) Dispersant use as a response to oil spills : toxicological effects on fish cardiac performance. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry DOI:10.1007/s10695-012-9696-z

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Peltier H, Dabin W, Daniel P, Van Canneyt O, Dorémus G, Huon M, Ridoux V (2012) The significance of stranding data as indicators of cetacean populations at sea : Modelling the drift of cetacean carcasses. Ecological Indicators 18 : 278-290

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Spitz J, Trites AW, Becquet V, Brind’Amour A, Cherel Y, Galois R, Ridoux V (2012) Cost of Living Dictates what Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises Eat : The Importance of Prey Quality on Predator Foraging Strategies. PLoS ONE 7(11) : e50096


Aubail A, Teilmann J, Dietz R, Rigét F, Harkonen T, Karlsson O, Rosing-Asvid A, Caurant F (2011) Investigation of mercury concentrations in fur of phocid seals using stable isotopes as tracers of trophic levels and geographical regions. Polar Biology 34:1411-1420

Bado-Nilles A, Quentel C, Mazurais D, Zambonino-Infante JL, Auffret M, Thomas-Guyon H, Le Floch S (2011) In vivo effects of the soluble fraction of light cycle oil on immune functions in the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linné). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74(7) : 1896-1904

Cabezon O, Hall AJ, Vincent C, Pabon M, Garcia-Bocanegra I, Dubey JP, Almeria S (2011) Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in North-eastern Atlantic harbor seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina) and grey seal (Halichoerus grypus). Veterinary Parasitology 179:253-256

Certain G, Masse J, Van Canneyt O, Petitgas P, Doremus G, Santos MB, Ridoux V (2011) Investigating the coupling between small pelagic fish and marine top predators using data collected from ecosystem-based surveys. Marine Ecology Progress Series 422 : 23-39

Chouvelon T, Spitz J, Cherel Y, Caurant F, Sirmel R, Mèndez-Fernandez P, Bustamante P (2011) Species and ontogenic differences in δ13C and δ15N values and Hg and Cd concentrations of cephalopods. Marine Ecology Progress Series 433 : 107-120

Cipro CVZ, Yogui GT, Bustamante P, Taniguchi S, Sericano JL, Montone RC (2011) Organic pollutants and their correlation with stable isotopes in vegetation from King George Island, Antarctica. Chemosphere 85 : 393-398

Danion M, Deschamps M-H, Thomas-Guyon H, Bado-Nilles A, Le Floch S, Quentel C, Sire J-Y (2011) Effect of an experimental oil spill on vertebral bone tissue quality in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74(7) : 1888-1895

Dietz R, Born EW, Rigét F, Aubail A, Sonne C, Drimmie R, Basu N (2011) Temporal trends and future predictions of mercury concentrations in Northwest Greenland polar bear (Ursus maritimus) hair. Environmental Science and Technology 45(4) : 1458-1465

Elwen SH, Findlay KP, Kiszka J, Weir CR (2011) Cetacean research in the southern African subregion : a review of previous studies and current knowledge. African Journal of Marine Science 33(3) : 469-493

Ersts PJ, Pomilla C, Kiszka J, Cerchio S, Rosenbaum HC, Vely M, Razafindrakoto Y, Loo JA, Leslie MS, Avolio M (2011) Observations of individual humpback whales utilising multiple migratory destinations in the south-western Indian Ocean. African Journal of Marine Science 33(2) : 333-338

Ersts PJ, Kiszka J, Vely M, Rosenbaum HC (2011) Density, group composition, and encounter rates of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the eastern Comoros Archipelago (C2). Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (special issue) 3 : 175-182

Hédouin L, Pringault O, Bustamante P, Fichez R, Warnau M (2011) Transplantation experiments for the validation of two tropical marine bivalves as bioindicators of mining contamination in the New Caledonian lagoon. Water Research 45(2) : 483-496

Jauniaux T, Farnir F, Fontaine M, Kiszka J, Sarlet M, Coignoul F (2011) Cytochrome P450 1A1 expression in cetacean skin biopsies from the Indian Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62 : 1317–1319

Kiszka J, Perrin WF, Pusineri C, Ridoux V (2011) What drives island-associated tropical dolphins to form mixed-species associations in the southwest Indian Ocean. Journal of Mammalogy 92(5) : 1105-1111

Kiszka J, Martinez L, Simon-Bouhet B, Pusineri C, Richard P, Ridoux V (2011) Ecological niche segregation within a community of sympatric dolphins around a tropical island. Marine Ecology Progress Series 433 : 273-288

Kojadinovic J, Jackson CH, Cherel Y, Jackson GD, Bustamante P (2011) Multi-elemental concentrations in the tissues of the oceanic squid Todarodes filippovae from Tasmania and the Southern Indian Ocean. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74(5) : 1238-1249

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Réveillac E, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié JL, Jeffree R, Gattuso JP (2011) Effects of ocean acidification on trace element accumulation in the early-life stages of squid Loligo vulgaris. Aquatic Toxicology 105 : 166-176

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Villanueva R, Rouleau C, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié J.L, Jeffree R, Bustamante P (2011) Radioisotopes demonstrate the contrasting bioaccumulation capacities of heavy metals in embryonic stages of cephalopod species. PLoS ONE 6, e27653

Lassalle G, Lobry J, Le Loc’h F, Bustamante P, Certain G, Delmas D, Dupuy C, Hily C, Labry C, Le Pape O, Marquis E, Petitgas P, Pusineri C, Ridoux V, Spitz J, Niquil N (2011) Lower trophic levels and detrital biomass controlled the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food web : implications for ecosystem management. Progress in Oceanography 91(4) : 561-575.

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Luna-Acosta A, Thomas-Guyon H, Amari M, Rosenfeld E, Bustamante P, Fruitier-Arnaudin I (2011) Differential tissue distribution and specificity of phenoloxidases from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry - Part B Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 159(4) : 220-226

Luna-Acosta A, Kanan R, Le Floch S, Huet V, Pineau P, Bustamante P, Thomas-Guyon H (2011) Enhanced immunological and detoxification responses in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, exposed to chemically dispersed oil. Water Research 45(14) : 4103-4118

Luna-Acosta A, Saulnier D, Pommier M, Haffner P, De Decker S, Renault T, Thomas-Guyon H (2011) First evidence of a potential antibacterial activity involving a laccase-type enzyme of the phenoloxidase system in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas haemocytes. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 31(6) : 795-800

Metian M, Warnau M, Teyssié J-L, Bustamante P (2011) Characterization of the 241Am and 134Cs bioaccumulation in the king scallop, Pecten maximus : investigation via three exposure pathways. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 102(6) : 543-550

Milinkovitch T, Ndiaye A, Sanchez W, Le Floch S, Thomas-Guyon H (2011) Liver antioxidant and plasma immune responses in juvenile golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) exposed to dispersed crude oil. Aquatic Toxicology 101(1) : 155-164

Milinkovitch T, Kanan R, Thomas-Guyon H, Le Floch S (2011) Effects of dispersed oil exposure on the bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the mortality of juvenile Liza ramada. Science of The Total Environment 409(9) : 1643-1650

Milinkovitch T, Godefroy J, Théron M, Thomas-Guyon H (2011) Toxicity of dispersant application : Biomarkers responses in gills of juvenile golden grey mullet (Liza aurata). Environmental Pollution 159(10) : 2921-2928

Quéro JC, Spitz J, Vayne JJ (2011) The volcanic eruption hunts out Neocentropogon profundus (Tetrarogidae, Scorpaenoidei) from Reunion island. Cybium 35(2) : 99-103

Renaud F, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié J-L, Miramand P, Temara A, Warnau M (2011) Sorption-desorption kinetics and toxic cell concentration in marine phytoplankton microalgae exposed to Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62(5) : 942-947

Spitz J, Cherel Y, Bertin S, Kiszka J, Dewez A, Ridoux V (2011) Prey preferences among the community of deep-diving odontocetes from the Bay of Biscay, Northeast Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research Part I : Oceanographic Research Papers 58(3) : 273-282

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Vasileva E, Azemard S, Oh J, Bustamante P, Betti M (2011) Certification for Trace Elements and Methyl Mercury Mass Fractions in IAEA-452 Scallop (Pecten maximus) Sample. Accreditation and Quality Assurance 16 : 439-447


Aubail A, Dietz R, Riget F, Simon-Bouhet B, Caurant F (2010) An evaluation of teeth of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) from Greenland as a matrix to monitor spatial and temporal trends of mercury and stable isotopes. Science of the Total Environment 408(21) : 5137-5146

Bado-Nilles A, Renault T, Faury N, Le Floch S, Quentel C, Auffret M, Thomas-Guyon H (2010) In vivo effects of LCO soluble fraction on immune-related functions and gene transcription in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). Aquatic Toxicology 97(3) : 196-203

Hédouin L, Metian M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Fichez R, Teyssié JL, Bustamante P, Warnau M (2010) Influence of food on the assimilation of selected metals in tropical bivalves from the New Caledonia lagoon : qualitative and quantitative aspects. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61 : 568-575

Kiszka J, Vely M, Breysse O (2010) Preliminary account of cetacean diversity and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) group characteristics around the Union of the Comoros (Mozambique Channel). Mammalia 74(1) : 51-56

Kiszka J, Simon-Bouhet B, Charlier F, Ridoux V (2010) Individual and group behavioural reactions of small delphinids to remote biopsy sampling. Animal Welfare 19 : 411-417

Kiszka J, Oremus M, Richard P, Poole M, Ridoux V The use of stable isotope analyses from skin biopsy samples to assess trophic relationships of sympatric delphinids off Moorea (French Polynesia). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 395 : 48-54

Kiszka J, Ersts PJ, Ridoux V (2010) Structure of a toothed cetacean community around a tropical island (Mayotte Island, Mozambique Channel). African Journal of Marine Science 32(3) : 543-551

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Warnau M, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié JL, Bustamante P (2010) Contrasting accumulation biokinetics and distribution of 241Am, Co, Cs, Mn and Zn during the whole development time of the eggs of the common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 382 : 131-138

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Le Bihan E, Borg D, Koueta N, Bustamante P (2010) Variation of acid phosphatases and cathepsins activities in the eggs of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis : specific activity and effects of heavy metal (Ag, Cu, Zn) exposures. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 67(7) : 1517-1523

Luna-Acosta A, Rosenfeld E, Amari M, Fruitier-Arnaudin I, Bustamante P, Thomas-Guyon H (2010) First evidence of laccase activity in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 28(4) : 719-726

Luna Acosta A, Bustamante P, Godefroy J, Fruitier-Arnaudin I, Thomas-Guyon H (2010) Seasonal variation of pollution biomarkers to assess the impact on health status of juvenile Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas exposed in situ. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17 : 999-1008

Metian M, Hédouin L, Eltayeb MM, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Teyssié JL, Mugnier C, Bustamante P, Warnau M (2010) Metal and metalloid bioaccumulation in the Pacific blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris (Stimpson) from New Caledonia : laboratory and field studies. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61 : 576-584

Modéran J, Bouvais P, David V, Le Noc S, Simon-Bouhet B, Niquil N, Miramand P, Fichet D (2010) Zooplankton community structure in a highly turbid environment, the Charente estuary, France : spatio-temporal patterns and environmental control. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 88(2) : 219-232

Moore JE, Cox TM, Lewison RL, Read AJ, Bjorkland R, McDonald SL, Crowder LB, Aruna E, Ayissi I, Espeut P, Joynson-Hicks C, Pilcher N, Poonian CNS, Solarin B , Kiszka J (2010) An interview-based approach to assess marine mammal and sea turtle captures in artisanal fisheries. Biological Conservation 143(3) : 795-805

Oral R, Bustamante P, Warnau M, D’Ambra A, Guida, M, Pagano G (2010) Cytogenetic and developmental toxicity of cerium and lanthanum to sea urchin embryos. Chemosphere 81 : 194-198

Spitz J, Mourocq E, Schoen V, Ridoux V (2010) Proximate composition and energy content of forage species from the Bay of Biscay : high- or low-quality food ? ICES Journal of Marine Science 67 : 909-915

Spitz J, Mourocq E, Leauté J-P, Quéro J-C, Ridoux V (2010) Prey selection by the common dolphin : fulfilling high energy requirements with high quality food. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 390(2) : 73-77


Bado-Nilles A, Quentel C, Thomas-Guyon H, Le Floch S (2009) Effects of two oils and 16 pure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on plasmatic immune parameters in the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linné). Toxicology in Vitro 23(2) : 235-241

Bado-Nilles A, Quentel C, Auffret M, Le Floch S, Gagnaire B, Renault T, Thomas-Guyon H (2009) Immune effects of HFO on European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, and Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(5) : 1446-1454

Bartoli M, Longhi D, Nizzoli D, Como S, Magni P, Viaroli P (2009) Short term effects of hypoxia and bioturbation on solute fluxes, denitrification and buffering capacity in a shallow dystrophic pond. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 381(2) : 105-113

Becquet V, Lanneluc I, Simon-Bouhet B, Garcia P (2009) Microsatellite markers for the Baltic clam, Macoma balthica (Linné, 1758), a key species concerned by changing southern limit, in exploited littoral ecosystems. Conservation Genetics Resources 1(1) : 265-267

Cherel Y, Ridoux V, Spitz J, Richard P (2009) Stable isotopes document the trophic structure of a deep-sea cephalopod assemblage including giant octopod and giant squid. Biology Letters 5 : 364-367

Chouvelon T, Warnau M, Churlaud C, Bustamante P (2009) Hg concentrations and related risk assessment in coral reef crustaceans, molluscs and fish from New Caledonia. Environmental Pollution 157 : 331-340

Como S, Magni P (2009) Temporal changes of a macrobenthic assemblage in harsh lagoon sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 83(4) : 638-646

Gagnaire PA, Minegishi Y, Aoyama J, Réveillac E, Robinet T, Bosc P, Tsukamoto K, Feunteun E, Berrebi P (2009). Ocean currents drive secondary contact between Anguilla marmorata populations in the Indian Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 379 : 267-278

Gross A, Kiszka J, Van Canneyt O, Richard P, Ridoux V (2009) A preliminary study of habitat and resource partitioning among co-occurring tropical dolphins around Mayotte, southwest Indian Ocean. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 84(3) : 367-374

Hédouin L, Bustamante P, Churlaud C, Pringault O, Fichez R, Warnau M (2009) Trends in concentrations of selected metalloid and metals in two bivalves from the SW lagoon of New Caledonia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(2) : 372-381

Kiszka J, Van Bressem MF, Pusineri C (2009) Lobomycosis-like disease and other skin conditions in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins Tursiops aduncus from the Indian Ocean. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 84 : 151-157

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Bustamante P, Hörlin E, Bado-Nilles A, Thomas-Guyon H (2009) Phenoloxidase activation in the embryo of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and responses to the Ag and Cu exposure. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 27(3) : 516-521

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Warnau M, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié J-L, Bustamante P (2009) Bioaccumulation of inorganic Hg by the juvenile cuttlefish Sepia officinalis exposed to 203Hg radiolabelled seawater and food. Aquatic Biology 6 : 91-98

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Warnau M, Oberhänsli F, Rouleau C, Teyssié J-L, Metian M, Bustamante P (2009) Biokinetics of Hg and Pb accumulation in the encapsulated egg of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis : radiotracer experiments. Science of the Total Environment 407 : 6188-6195

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Martin S, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié JL, Markich S, Ross J, Bustamante P (2009) Effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on trace element (Ag, Cd and Zn) bioaccumulation in the eggs of the common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Biogeosciences 6 : 2561-2573

Lefrançois C, Ferrari RS, Moreira Da Silva J, Domenici P (2009) The effect of progressive hypoxia on spontaneous activity in single and shoaling golden grey mullet Liza aurata. Journal of Fish Biology 75(7) : 1615-1625

Metian M, Bustamante P, Hédouin L, Oberhänsli F, Warnau M (2009) Delineation of heavy metal uptake pathways (seawater and food) in the variegated scallop Chlamys varia using radiotracer techniques. Marine Ecology Progress Series 375 : 161-171

Metian M, Warnau M, Teyssié J-L, Oberhänsli FR, Bustamante P (2009) Delineation of Pb contamination pathways in two species of Pectinidae : the variegated scallop (Chlamys varia) and the king scallop (Pecten maximus). Science of the Total Environment 407 : 3503-3509

Metian M, Charbonnier L, Oberhänsli F, Bustamante P, Jeffree R, Amiard JC, Warnau M (2009) Assessment of metal, metalloid and radionuclide bioaccessibility from mussels to human consumers, using centrifugation and simulated digestion methods coupled with radiotracer techniques. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72 : 173-176

Metian M, Warnau M, Hédouin L, Bustamante P (2009) Bioaccumulation of essential metals (Co, Mn and Zn) in the king scallop Pecten maximus : seawater, food and sediment exposures. Marine Biology 156 : 2063-2075

Murphy S, Winship A, Dabin W, Jepson PD, Deaville R, Reid RJ, Spurrier C, Rogan E, López A, González AF, Read FL, Addink M, Silva M, Ridoux V, Learmonth JA, Pierce GJ, Northridge SP (2009) Importance of biological parameters in assessing the status of Delphinus delphis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 388 : 273-291

Pernice M, Boucher J, Boucher-Rodoni R, Joannot P, Bustamante P (2009) Comparative bioaccumulation of trace elements between Nautilus pompilius and N. macromphalus (Cephalopoda : Nautiloidea) from Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(2) : 365-371

Quéro JC, Spitz J, Vayne JJ (2009) Argyripnus hulleyi a new species of Sternoptychidae (Stomiiformes) from Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). Cybium 33(1) : 39-43

Quéro JC, Spitz J, Vayne JJ (2009) Symphysanoson pitondelafournaisei a new species of Symphysanodontidae (Perciformes) from Reunion Island. Cybium 33(1) : 73-77

Quéro JC, Spitz J, Vayne JJ (2009) Chromis durvillei a new species of Pomacentridae (Actinopterygii : Perciformes) from Reunion Island and first record of Chromis axillaris (Benett, 1831). Cybium 33(4) : 321-326

Réveillac E, Robinet T, Rabenevanana MW, Valade P, Feunteun E (2009) Clues to the location of the spawning area and larval migration characteristics of Anguilla mossambica as inferred from otolith microstructural analyses. Journal of Fish Biology 74(9) : 1866-1877

Réveillac E, Gagnaire PA, Lecomte-Finiger R, Berrebi P, Robinet T, Valade P, Feunteun E (2009). Development of a key using morphological characters to distinguish south-western Indian Ocean anguillid glass eels. Journal of Fish Biology 74(9) : 2171-2177

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Thomas-Guyon H, Gagnaire B, Bado-Nilles A, Bouilly K, Lapègue S, Renault T (2009) Detection of phenoloxidase activity in early stages of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). Developmental and Comparative Immunology 33(5) : 653-659


Acou A, Robinet T, Lance E, Gerard C, Mounaix B, Brient L, Le Rouzic B, Feunteun E (2008) Evidence of silver eels contamination by microcystin-LR at the onset of their seaward migration : What consequences for breeding potential ? Journal of Fish Biology 72 : 753-762

Bado-Nilles A, Gagnaire B, Thomas-Guyon H, Le Floch S, Renault T (2008) Effects of 16 pure hydrocarbons and two oils on haemocyte and haemolymphatic parameters in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). Toxicology in Vitro 22 (6) : 1610-1617

Barbraud C, Marteau C, Ridoux V, Delord K, Weimerskirch H (2008) Demographic response of a population of white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis to climate and longline fishery bycatch. Journal of Applied Ecology 45(5) : 1460-1467

Barnes C, Bethea DM, Brodeur RD, Spitz J, Ridoux V, Pusineri C, Chase BC, Hunsicker ME, Juanes F, Conover DO, Kellermann A, Lancaster J, Ménard F, Bard F-X, Munk P, Pinnegar JK, Scharf FS, Rountree RA, Stergiou KI, Sassa C, Sabates A, Jennings S (2008) Predator and prey body sizes in marine food webs. Ecology 89 : 881

Bustamante P, González AF, Rocha F, Miramand P, Guerra A (2008) Metal and metalloid concentrations in the giant squid Architeuthis dux from Iberian waters. Marine Environmental Research 66(2) : 278-287

Catry T, Ramos JA, Le Corre M, Kojadinovic J, Bustamante P (2008) The role of stable isotopes and mercury concentrations to describe seabird foraging ecology in tropical environments. Marine Biology 155 : 637-647

Certain G, Bellier E, Planque B, Bretagnolle V (2008) Characterizing the temporal variability of animal distribution : an application to seabirds at sea. Ecography 30 : 695-708

Certain G, Bretagnolle V (2008) Monitoring seabirds population in marine ecosystem : The use of strip-transect aerial surveys. Remote Sensing of Environment 112 : 3314–3322

Certain G, Ridoux V, Van Canneyt O, Bretagnolle V (2008) Delphinid spatial distribution and abundance estimates over the shelf of the Bay of Biscay. ICES Journal of Marine Science 65(4) : 656-666

Costa JL, Domingos I, Assis CA, Almeida PR, Moreira F, Feunteun E, Costa MJ (2008) Comparative ecology of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L., 1758), in a large Iberian river. Environmental Biology of Fishes 81 : 421-434

Dabin W, Cossais F, Pierce GJ, Ridoux V (2008) Do ovarian scars persist with age in all Cetaceans : new insight from the short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758). Marine Biology 156(2) : 127-139

Faucher K, Fichet D, Miramand P, Lagardère JP (2008) Impact of chronic cadmium exposure at environmental dose on escape behaviour in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L. ; Teleostei, Moronidae). Environmental Pollution 151 : 148-157

Gagnaire B, Duchemin M, Auffret M, Thomas-Guyon H, Renault T (2008) Comparison of hemocyte parameters in the pericardial cavity and the adductor muscle sinus in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas using two types of flow cytometers. Aquatic Living Resources 21(1) : 39-43

Hédouin L, Bustamante P, Fichez R, Warnau M (2008) The tropical brown alga Lobophora variegata as a bioindicator of mining contamination in the New Caledonian lagoon : a field transplantation study. Marine Environmental Research 66 : 438-444

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Jaquemet S, Potier M, Cherel Y, Kojadinovic J, Bustamante P, Richard P, Catry T, Ramos JA, Le Corre M (2008) Comparative foraging ecology and ecological niche of a superabundant tropical seabird : the sooty tern Sterna fuscata in the southwest Indian Ocean. Marine Biology 155(5) : 505-520

Kiszka J, Muir C, Poonian C, Cox TM, Amir OA, Bourjea J, Razafindrakoto Y, Wambiji N, Bristol N (2008) Marine Mammal Bycatch in the Southwest Indian Ocean : Review and Need for a Comprehensive Status Assessment. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 7(2) : 119-136

Kiszka J, Pelourdeau D, Ridoux V (2008) Body Scars and Dorsal Fin Disfigurements as Indicators of Interaction Between Small Cetaceans and Fisheries Around the Mozambique Channel Island of Mayotte. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 7(2) : 185-193

Kojadinovic J, Ménard F, Bustamante P, Cosson RP, Le Corre M (2008) Trophic ecology of marine birds and pelagic fishes from Reunion Island as determined through stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 361 : 239-251

Kojadinovic J, Richard P, Le Corre M, Cosson RP, Bustamante P (2008) Effects of lipid extraction on δ13C and δ15N values in seabird muscle, liver and feathers. Waterbirds 31(2) : 169-178

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Warnau M, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié J-L, Koueta N, Bustamante P (2008) Differential bioaccumulation behaviour of Ag and Cd during the early development of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. Aquatic Toxicology 86 : 437-446

Lacoue-Labarthe T, Warnau M, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié J-L, Jeffree R, Bustamante P (2008) First experiments on the maternal transfer of heavy metals in the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Marine Pollution Bulletin 57 : 826-831

Martinho F, Leita o R, Neto JM, Cabral H, Lagardère F, Pardal MA (2008) Estuarine colonization, population structure and nursery functioning for 0-group sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), flounder (Platichthys flesus) and sole (Solea solea) in a mesotidal temperate estuary. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 24 : 229-237

Metian M, Bustamante P, Hédouin L, Warnau M (2008) Accumulation of nine metals and one metalloid in the tropical scallop Comptopallium radula from coral reefs in New Caledonia. Environmental Pollution 152 : 543-552

Metian M, Giron E, Borne V, Hédouin L, Teyssié JL, Warnau M (2008) The brown alga Lobophora variegata, a bioindicator species for surveying metal contamination in tropical marine environments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 362 : 49-54

Metian M, Warnau M (2008) The tropical brown alga Lobophora variegata : a prospective bioindicator for Ag contamination in tropical coastal waters. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81 : 455–458

Metian M, Warnau M, Cosson RP, Oberhänsli P, Bustamante P (2008) Bioaccumulation and detoxification processes of Hg in the king scallop Pecten maximus : field and laboratory investigations. Aquatic Toxicology 90 : 204-213

Metian M, Warnau M, Cosson RP, Hédouin L, Teyssié J-L, Oberhänsli FR, Bustamante P (2008) Investigation of Ag in the king scallop Pecten maximus using field and laboratory approaches. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 367 : 53-60

Meynier L, Pusineri C, Spitz J, Santos MB, Pierce GJ, Ridoux V (2008) Diet and feeding ecology of the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, in the Bay of Biscay and its intra-specific variations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 354 : 277-287

Pierce GJ, Santos MB, Murphy S, Learmonth JA, Zuur AF, Rogan E, Bustamante P, Caurant F, Lahaye V, Ridoux V, Zegers BN, Mets A, Addink M, Smeenk C, Jauniaux T, Law RJ, Dabin W, López A, Alonso Farré JM, González AF, Guerra A, García-Hartmann M, Reid R, Moffat CF, Lockyer C, Boon JP (2008) Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in female common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from western European seas : geographical trends, causal factors and effects on reproduction and mortality. Environmental Pollution 153 : 401-415

Pierce GJ, Stowasser G, Hastie LC, Bustamante P (2008) Geographic, seasonal and ontogenetic variation in cadmium and mercury concentrations in squid (Cephalopoda : Teuthoidea) from UK waters. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 70 : 422-432

Pusineri C, Chancollon O, Ringelstein J, Ridoux V (2008) Feeding niche segregation among the northeast Atlantic community of oceanic top predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series 361 : 21-34

Réveillac E, Feunteun E, Berrebi P, Gagnaire PA, Lecomte-Finiger R, Bosc P, Robinet T (2008) Anguilla marmorata larval migration plasticity as revealed by otolith microstructural analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 : 2127-2137

Robinet T, Réveillac E, Kuroki M, Aoyama J, Tsukamoto K, Rabenevanana MW, Valade P, Gagnaire P-A, Berrebi P, Feunteun E (2008) New clues for freshwater eels (Anguilla spp.) migration routes to eastern Madagascar and surrounding islands. Marine Biology 154 : 453-463

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Domenici P, Lefrançois C, Shingles A (2007) The effect of hypoxia on the antipredator behaviours of fishes. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B 362 : 2105-2121

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Durieux EDH, Galois R, Bégout ML, Sasal P, Lagardère F (2007) Temporal changes in lipid condition and parasitic infection by digenean metacercariae of young-of-year common sole Solea solea (L.) in an Atlantic nursery ground (Bay of Biscay, France). Journal of Sea Research 57 : 162-170

Fontaine MC, Baird SJE, Piry S, Ray N, Tolley KA, Duke S, Alexei Birkun, Jr, Birkun Jr A, Ferreira M, Jauniaux T, Llavona A, Öztürk B, Öztürk AA, Ridoux V, Rogan E, Sequeira M, Siebert U, Vikingsson GA, Bouquegneau JM, Michaux JR (2007) Rise of oceanographic barriers in continuous populations of a cetacean : the harbour porpoise in old world waters. BMC Biology 5 : 30

Gerondeau M, Barbraud C, Ridoux V, Vincent C (2007) Abundance estimate and seasonal patterns of grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) occurrence in Brittany, France, as assessed by photo-identification and capture-mark-recapture. Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 87 : 365-372

Hédouin L, Pringault O, Metian M, Bustamante P, Warnau M (2007) Nickel bioaccumulation in bivalves from the New Caledonia lagoon : seawater and food exposure. Chemosphere 66 : 1449-1457

Hellio C, Bado-Nilles A, Gagnaire B, Renault T, Thomas-Guyon H (2007) Demonstration of a true phenoloxidase activity and activation of a ProPO cascade in Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) in vitro. Fish and Shellfish of Immunology 22 : 433-440

Jackson GD, Bustamante P, Cherel Y, Fulton A, Grist EPM, Jackson CH, Nichols PD, Pethybridge H, Phillips K, Ward RD, Xavier JC (2007) Applying new tools to cephalopod trophic dynamics and ecology : perspectives from the Southern Ocean Cephalopod Workshop, February 2-3, 2006. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 17 : 79-99

Kiszka J, Van Canneyt O, Macleod K, Walker D, Ridoux V (2007) Distribution, encounter rates and habitat characteristics of toothed cetaceans in the Bay of Biscay and adjacent waters from platform of opportunity data. ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 : 1033-1043

Kiszka J (2007) Atypical associations between dugongs (Dugong dugon) and dolphins in a tropical lagoon. Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 87 : 101-104

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Kojadinovic J, Le Corre M, Cosson RP, Bustamante P (2007) Trace elements in three marine birds breeding on Reunion Island (Western Indian Ocean). Part 1 : Factors influencing their bioaccumulation. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 52 : 418-430

Kojadinovic J, Cosson RP, Le Corre M, Bustamante P (2007) Trace elements in three marine birds breeding on Reunion Island (Western Indian Ocean). Part 2 : Factors influencing their detoxification. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 52 : 431-440

Kojadinovic J, Le Corre M, Cosson RP, Salomalard M, Bustamante P (2007) Preliminary results on metal levels in three species of seabirds from Reunion Island (Western Indian Ocean). Ostrich - Journal of African Ornithology 78, 2 (2007) 435-441

Kojadinovic J, Potier M, Le Corre M, Cosson RP, Bustamante P (2007) Bioaccumulation of trace elements in pelagic fish in the Western Indian Ocean. Environmental Pollution 146 : 548-566

Kojadinovic J, Bustamante P, Churlaud C, Cosson RP, Le Corre M (2007) Mercury in seabird feathers : insight on dietary habits and evidence for exposure levels in the Western Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment 384 : 194-204

Laffargue P, Lagardère F, Rijnsdorp AD, Fillon A, Amara R (2007) Growth performances of juvenile sole Solea solea under environmental constraints of embayed nursery areas. Aquatic Living Resources 20 : 213-221

Lahaye V, Bustamante P, Law R, Learmonth JA, Santos MB, Boon JP, Rogan E, Dabin W, Addink MJ, Lopez A, Zuur AF, Pierce GJ, Caurant F (2007) Biological and ecological factors related to trace element levels in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from European waters. Marine Environmental Research 64 : 247-268

Lahaye V, Bustamante P, Dabin W, Churlaud C, Caurant F (2007) Trace element levels in foetus-mother pairs of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) stranded along the French coasts. Environment International 33 : 1021-1028

Metian M, Warnau M, Teyssié J-L, Oberhänsli FR, Bustamante P (2007) Interspecific comparison of Cd bioaccumulation in European Pectinidae (Chlamys varia Pecten maximus). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 353 : 58-67

Pusineri C, Magnin V, Meynier L, Spitz J, Hassani S, Ridoux V (2007) Food and feeding ecology of the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the northeast Atlantic and comparison with its diet in neritic areas. Marine Mammal Science 23 : 30-47

Ridoux V, Spitz J, Vincent C, Walton M (2007) Grey seal diet at the southern limit of its European distribution : combining dietary analysis and fatty acid profiles. Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 86 : 255-264

Robinet T, Feunteun E, Keith P, Marquet G, Olivier JM, Réveillac E, Valade P (2007) Eel community structure, fluvial recruitment of Anguilla marmorata and indication for a weak local production of spawners from rivers of Réunion and Mauritius islands. Environmental Biology of Fishes 78 : 93-105

Spitz J, Quéro JC, Vayne JJ (2007) Contributions à l’étude du genre Pseudoscopelus (Pisces : Chiasmodontidae) avec une espèce nouvelle, P. pierbartus n. sp., deux synonymies junior et une clé d’identification des espèces valides. Cybium 31(2) : 333-339

Viaud-Martinez KA, Martinez Verarga M, Gol’din PE, Ridoux V, Öztürk AA, Öztürk B, Rosel PE, Frantzis A, Kommenou A, Bohonak AJ (2007) Morphological and genetic differenciation of the Black Sea harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena relicta). Marine Ecology Progress Series 338 : 289-280

Warnau M, Bustamante P (2007) Radiotracer techniques : a unique tool in marine ecotoxicological studies. Environmental Bioindicators 2 : 217-218


Acolas ML, Véron V, Jourdan H, Bégout ML, Sabatié MR, Baglinière JL (2006) Upstream migration and reproductive patterns of a population of Allis shad in a small river (l’Aulne, Brittany, France). ICES Journal of Marine Science 63 : 476-484

Aton E, Renault T, Gagnaire B, Thomas-Guyon H, Cognard C, Imbert N (2006) A flow cytometric approach to study intracellular-free Ca2+ in Crassostrea gigas haemocytes. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 20 : 493-502

Bouilly K, Gagnaire B, Bonnard M, Thomas-Guyon H, Renault T, Miramand P, Lapegue S (2006) Effects of cadmium on aneploidy and hemocyte parameters in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Aquatic Toxicology 78 : 149-156

Bustamante P, Bertrand M, Boucaud-Camou E, Miramand P (2006) Subcellular distribution of Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in the digestive gland of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. Journal of Shellfish Research 3 : 987-994

Bustamante P, Lahaye V, Durnez C, Churlaud C, Caurant F (2006) Total and organic Hg concentrations in cephalopods from the North East Atlantic waters : influence of geographical origin and feeding ecology. Science of the Total Environment 368 : 585-596

Bustamante P, Teyssié J-L, Fowler SW, Warnau M (2006) Assessment of the exposure pathway in the uptake and distribution of americium and cesium in cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) at different stages of its life cycle. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 331 : 198-207

Bustamante P, Teyssié J-L, Fowler SW, Warnau M (2006) Contrasting bioaccumulation and transport behaviour of two artificial radionuclides (241Am and 134Cs) in cuttlefish eggshell. Vie et Milieu 56 : 153-156

Caurant F, Aubail A, Lahaye V, van Canneyt O, Rogan E, Lopez A, Addink M, Bustamante P (2006) Lead contamination of small cetaceans of the European coasts : the use of stable isotopes for identifying the sources of lead exposure. Marine Environmental Research 62 : 131-148

Chancollon O, Pusineri C, Ridoux V (2006) Food and feeding ecology of the northeast Atlantic swordfish, Xiphias gladius, off the Bay of Biscay. ICES Journal of Marine Science 63 : 1075-1085

Chatelier A, Imbert N, Zambonino Infante JL, McKenzie DJ, Bois P (2006) Effects of oleic acid on the high threshold barium current in seabass Dicentrarchus labrax ventricular myocytes. Journal of Experimental Biology 209 : 4033-4039

Chatelier A, McKenzie DJ, Prinet A, Galois R, Robin J, Zambonino J, Claireaux G (2006) Association between tissue fatty acid composition and physiological traits of performance and metabolism in the seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Journal of Experimental Biology 209 : 3429-3439

Claireaux G, Couturier C, Groison AL (2006) Effect of temperature on maximum swimming speed and cost of transport in juvenile European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Journal of Experimental Biology 209 : 3420-3428

Colaço A, Bustamante P, Fouquet Y, Sarradin PM, Serrão-Santos R (2006) Bioaccumulation of Hg, Cu, and Zn in the Azores Triple Junction hydrothermal vent field food chains. Chemosphere 65 : 2260-2267

Covès D, Beauchaud M, Attia J, Dutto G, Bouchut C, Bégout ML (2006) Long-term monitoring of individual fish triggering activity on a self-feeding system : An example using European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Aquaculture 253 : 385-392

Faucher K, Dutto G, Covès D, Aubert A, Lagardère JP (2006) No efficiency of the lateral system on nocturnal feeding in the sea bass (Dicentrachus labrax L.). Aquaculture 252 : 462-475

Faucher K, Fichet D, Miramand P, Lagardère JP (2006) Impact of acute cadmium exposure on the trunk lateral line neuromasts and consequences on the "C-start" response behaviour of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L. ; Teleostei, Moronidae). Aquatic Toxicology 76 : 278-294

Feunteun E, Miramand P (2006) Préface : Actes du colloque : Fonctionnement Ecologique des Vasières Littorales et Sociétés Humaines. Bulletin français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture 45 : 1-5

Gagnaire B, Frouin H, Moreau K, Thomas-Guyon H, Renault T (2006) Effects of temperature and salinity on haemocyte activities of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 20 : 536-547

Gagnaire B, Thomas-Guyon H, Burgeot T, Renault T (2006) Pollutant effects on Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg), haemocytes screening of 23 molecules using flow cytometry. Cell, Biology and Toxicology 22 : 1-14

Gagneux-Moreau S, Moreau C, Bustamante P, Cosson RP (2006) Growth, nutritional value and metal uptake of microalgae produced using salt groundwaters from the Bay of Bourgneuf. Aquatic Living Resources 9 : 247-255

Hardivillier Y, Denis F, Demattei MV, Bustamante P, Laulier M, Cosson RP (2006) Metal influence on metallothionein synthesis in the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus thermophilus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 143 : 321-332

Jadot C, Donnay A, Acolas ML, Cornet Y, Bégout Anras ML (2006) Activity patterns, home-range size, and habitat utilization of Sarpa salpa (Teleostei : Sparidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 63 : 128-139

Kojadinovic J, Potier M, Le Corre M, Cosson RP, Bustamante P (2006) Mercury content in commercial pelagic fish and its risk assessment in the Western Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment 366 : 688-700

Laffargue P, Bégout ML, Lagardère F (2006) Testing the potential effects of shellfish farming on swimming activity and spatial distribution of sole (Solea solea) in a mesocosm. ICES Journal of Marine Science 63 : 1014-1028

Lagardère JP, Mariani A (2006) Spawning sounds in meagre, Argyrosomus regius, recorded in the Gironde estuary. Journal of Fish Biology 69 : 1697-1708

Lahaye V, Bustamante P, Dabin W, Van Canneyt O, Dhermain F, Cesarini C, Pierce GJ, Caurant F (2006) New insights from age determination on toxic element accumulation in striped and bottlenose dolphins from the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 : 1219-1230

Langlet D, Alunno-Bruscia M, Rafélis M, Renard M, Roux M, Schein E, Buestel D (2006) Experimental and natural manganese-induced cathodoluminescence in the shell of the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) from Thau Lagoon (Hérault, France) : ecological and environmental implications. Marine Ecology Progress Series 317 : 143-156

Lefrançois C, Domenici P (2006) Locomotor kinematics and responsiveness in the escape behaviour of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) exposed to hypoxia. Marine Biology 149 : 969-977

Miramand P, Bustamante P, Bentley D, Kouéta N (2006) Variation of heavy metal concentrations (Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, V, and Zn) during the life cycle of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. Science of the Total Environment 361 : 132-143

Parlier EP, Albert F, Cuzange P-A, Don J, Feunteun E (2006) Impact of vegetation structure dynamics and usage on the nursery function of West European tidal salt-marshes. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 47 : 63-71

Parmentier E, Fine M, Vandewalle P, Ducamp J-J, Lagardère JP (2006) Sound production in two carapids (Carapus acus and C. mourlani) and through the sea cucumber tegument. Acta Zoologica 87 : 113-119

Parmentier E, Lagardère JP, Braquegnier JB, Vandewalle P, Fine M (2006) Sound production mechanism in carapids fish : first example with a slow sonic muscle. Journal of Experimental Biology 209 : 2952-2960

Pouvreau S, Bourles Y, Lefevbre S, Gangnery A, Alunno-Bruscia M (2006) Application of a dynamic energy budget model to the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas reared under various environmental conditions. Journal of Sea Research 56 : 151-167

Ringelstein J, Pusineri C, Hassani S, Meynier L, Nicolas R, Ridoux V (2006) The food and feeding ecology of the striped dolphin, Stenella coerulaeoalba, in the oceanic Northeast Atlantic. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 86 : 909-918

Santos MB, Pierce GJ, Lopez A, Reid RJ, Ridoux V, Mente E (2006) Pygmy sperm whales Kogia breviceps in the Northeast Atlantic : New information on stomach contents and strandings. Marine Mammal Science 22 : 600-616

Simon-Bouhet B, Garcia-Meunier P, Viard F - 2006. - Multiple introductions promote range expansion of the mollusc Cyclope neritea (Nassariidae) in France : evidence from mitochondrial sequence data. Molecular Ecology 15 : 1699-1711

Spitz J, Richard E, Meynier L, Pusineri C, Ridoux V (2006) Dietary plasticity of the oceanic striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, in the neritic Bay of Biscay. Journal of Sea Research 55 : 309-320

Spitz J , Rousseau Y, Ridoux V (2006) Diet overlap between harbour porpoise and bottlenose dolphin : An argument in favour of interference competition for food ? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 70 : 259-270

Van der Veer HW, Alunno-Bruscia M (2006) The DEBIB project : dynamic energy budgets in Bivalves. Elaboring a generic growth and reproduction model for bivalves by means of dynamic energy budgets. Journal of Sea Research 56 : 81-84

Villanueva R, Bustamante P (2006) Composition in essential and non-essential elements of early stages of cephalopods and dietary effects on the elemental profiles of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae. Aquaculture 261 : 225-240

Watanabe S, Iida M, Kimura Y, Feunteun E, Tsukamoto K (2006) Genetic diversity of Sicyopterus japonicus as revealed by mitochondrial DNA sequencing. Coastal Marine Science 30 : 473-479


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Bretagnolle V, Certain G, Houte S, Métais M (2005) Distribution maps and minimum abundance estimates for wintering auks in the Bay of Biscay, based on aerial surveys. Aquatic living resources 17 : 353-360

Briand C, Fatin D, Feunteun E, Fontenelle G (2005) Estimating the stock of glass eels in an estuary by mark-recapture experiments using a dye. Bulletin français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture 376/379 : 23-46

Briand C, Fatin D, Fontenelle G, Feunteun E (2005) Effects of reopening of a migratory pathway for eel (Anguilla anguilla) at the scale of a watershed. Bulletin français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture 376/379 : 67-89

Bustamante P, Miramand P (2005) Evaluation of the variegated scallop Chlamys varia as a biomonitor of temporal trends of Cd, Cu, and Zn in the field. Environmental Pollution 138 : 109-120

Bustamante P, Miramand P (2005) Subcellular and body distributions of 17 trace elements in the variegated scallop Chlamys varia from the French coast of the Bay of Biscay. Science of the Total Environment 337 : 59-73

Bustamante P, Teyssié J-L, Danis B, Fowler S, Miramand P, Cotret O, Warnau M (2005) Uptake, transfer and distribution of silver and cobalt in tissues of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis at different stages of its life cycle. Marine Ecology Progress Series 269 185-195

Chatelier A, McKenzie DJ, Claireaux G (2005) Effects of changes in water salinity upon exercise and cardiac performance in the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Marine Biology 147 : 855-862

Claireaux G, McKenzie DJ, Genge G, Chatelier A, Aubin J, Farrell AP (2005) Linking swimming performance, cardiac pumping ability and cardiac anatomy in rainbow trout. Journal of Experimental Biology 208 : 1775-1784

Culioli G, Ortalo-Magné A, Daoudi M, Thomas-Guyon H, Valls R, Piovetti L (2005) Trihydroxylated linear diterpenes from the brown alga Bifurcaria bifurcata. Phytochemistry 65 : 2063-2069

Danis B, Bustamante P, Cotret O, Teyssié JL, Fowler SW, Warnau M (2005) Bioaccumulation of PCBs in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis from seawater, sediment and food pathways. Environmental Pollution 134 : 113-122

Danis B, Cotret O, Teyssié JL, Bustamante P, Fowler SW, Warnau M (2005) Bioaccumulation of PCBs in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus : seawater and food exposures to a 14C-radiolabelled congener (PCB 153). Environmental Pollution 135 : 11-16

Faucher K, Lagardère JP, Aubert A (2005) Quantitative aspects on the spatial distribution and morphological characteristics of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L. ; Teleostei, Serranidae) trunk lateral line neuromasts. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 65 : 231-243

Fréchette M, Alunno-Bruscia M, Dumais J-F, Sirois R, Daigle G (2005) Incompleteness and statistical uncertainty in competition/stocking experiments. Aquaculture 246 : 209-225

Lagardère JP, Millot S, Parmentier E (2005) Aspects of sound communication in the pearl fish, Carapus boraborensis and Carapus homei (Carapidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology 303A : 1066-1074

Laffaille P, Petillon J, Parlier E, Valery L, Ysnel F, Radureau A, Feunteun E, Lefeuvre JC (2005) Does the invasive plant Elymus athericus modify fish diet in tidal salt marshes ? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 65 : 739-746

Lahaye V, Bustamante P, Spitz J, Dabin W, Das K, Pierce GJ, Caurant F (2005) Long-term dietary segregation of common dolphins Delphinus delphis in the Bay of Biscay, determined using cadmium as an ecological tracer. Marine Ecology Progress Series 305 : 275-285

Lefrançois C, Shingles A, Domenici P (2005) The effect of hypoxia and locomotor performance and behaviour during escape in Liza aurata. Journal of Fish Biology 67 : 1711-1729

Maffucci F, Caurant F, Bustamante P, Bentivegna F (2005) Trace element (Cd, Cu, Hg, Se, Zn) accumulation and tissue distribution in loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Western Mediterranean Sea (southern Italy). Chemosphere 58 : 535-542

Metian M, Hédouin L, Barbot Q, Teyssié JL, Fowler SW, Goudard F, Bustamante P, Durand J-P, Piéri J, Warnau M (2005) Use of radiotracer techniques to study subcellular distribution of metals and radionuclides in bivalves from the Noumea Lagoon, New Caledonia. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 75 : 89-93

Nelson JA, Claireaux G (2005) Sprint swimming performance of juvenile European sea bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134 : 1274-1284

Parmentier E, Lagardère JP, Vandewalle P, Fine ML (2005) Geographical variation in sound production in the anemonefish Amphiprion akallopisos. Proceedings of the Royal Society Ser B 272 : 1697-1703

Pusineri C, Vasseur Y, Hassani S, Meynier L, Spitz J, Ridoux V (2005) Food and feeding ecology of juvenile albacore, Thunnus alalunga, of the Bay of Biscay : a case study. ICES Journal of Marine Science 62 : 116-122

Sandblom E, Farrell AP, Altimiras J, Axelsson M, Claireaux G (2005) Cardiac preload and venous return in swimming sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Journal of Experimental Biology 208 : 1927-1935

Seixas S, Bustamante P, Pierce GJ (2005) Accumulation of mercury in the tissues of the common octopus Octopus vulgaris (L.) in two localities on the Portuguese coast. Science of the Total Environment 340 : 113-122

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Bachelet G, Simon-Bouhet B, Desclaux C, Garcia-Meunier P, Mairesse G, de Montaudoin X, Raigné H, Randriambao K, Sauriau P-G, Viard F (2004) Invasion of the eastern Bay of Biscay by the nassariid gastropod Cyclope neritea : origin and effects on resident fauna. Marine Ecology Progress Series 276 : 147-159

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Ridoux V, Lafontaine L, Bustamante P, Caurant F, Dabin W, Delcroix C, Hassani S, Meynier L, Pereira da Silva V, Simonin S, Robert M, Spitz J, Van Canneyt O (2004) The impact of the Erika oil spill on pelagic and coastal marine mammals : combining demographic, ecological, trace metals and biomarker evidences. Aquatic Living Resources 17 : 379-387

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