INtegrating SEA-level Projections in climate services for coastal adaptatTION
- Coordinator : Gonéri Le Cozannet, BRGM Orléans, Division Risques
- LIENSs’ researchers involved:
Virginie DUVAT, Professor in geography, coordinator of the project for LIENSs
Médéric GRAVELLE, Research engineer in geosciences
Heitea TEROROTUA, , PhD candidate in geography (collaboration between University of la Rochelle and Créocéan)
Guy WÖPPELMANN, Professor in geosciences
- External partnership:
Scientific partners: BRGM Orléans, France (porteur) ; Global Climate Forum (GCF), Berlin, Germany ; Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), University of the Balearic Islands, Spain ; Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (IMAU), Utrecht, Netherlands ; Créocéan, La Rochelle, France.
Users involved: international and national organizations concerned by coastal climate services; representatives of the governments of French Polynesia and the Maldives (case studies of the project)
- Funding:
European Union, through the European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS)
- Keywords : Climate services, adaptation to climate change, sea-level rise, tropical islands, Maldives, French Polynesia

Presentation and objectives of the project
INSeaPTION addresses the urgent need to co-develop coastal climate services tailored to the needs and practices of coastal users. It will develop innovative methodologies that integrate sea-level projections, information on biophysical and socio-economic impacts, and adaptation options with decision-making and governance frameworks. Specifically, the project will co-design and co-develop the following coastal climate services with several groups of diverse users:
– Global to regional coastal climate service (S.1, WP-1), addressing the needs of major companies, international organizations and governments to have globally consistent information on sea-level rise, its impacts and adaptation pathways for long-term locational planning, climate policy making and financing adaptation and loss & damages.
– Regional to local coastal climate services addressing the needs of planners and policy makers for local tailored sea-level projections, impact and adaptation information useful for long-term development, infrastructure and land-use planning for two high impact territories: the Maldives (S.2, WP-2) and French Polynesia (S.3, WP-3).
LIENSs is mainly involved in WP 2 (Maldives) et WP 3 (French Polynesia). In WP2, LIENSs contributes to assessing climate change biophysical impacts. Additionally, LIENSs coordinates WP3, in close collaboration with BRGM and Créocéan (PhD thesis of Heitea TEROROTUA).
Expected results
LIENSs will more specifically generate the following results:
Work Package 2 - Assessment of multi-decadal island and shoreline change in the inhabited islands of the Maldives
- Assessment of changes in island land area and shoreline position
- Determination of the drivers of island and shoreline change
– > Results relating to this task are provided in the following paper: Duvat V.K.E., Magnan A.K., 2019. Rapid human-driven undermining of atoll island capacity to adjust to ocean climate-related pressures. Nature Scientific Reports, 9, 15129.
Work Package 3 - French Polynesia
1.Co-building of tailored coastal climate services
- Coastal climate service Risk of physical destabilisation of beaches and atoll islands (coastal erosion issue)
- Coastal climate service Adaptation pathways in atolls (link with the STORISK project)
- Coastal climate service Nature-based solutions (investigation of the role of the indigenous vegetation in island and shoreline stabilization)
– > These Coastal climate services are currently being designed.
2. Assessment of adaptation to climate change in French Polynesia (link with the STORISK project)
- Development of a methodology of evaluation of the adaptation to the climate change on a specific territory
– > This task has been realised with the support of Toanui VIRIAMU (research assistant) in 2019 (paper in prep.)
Scientific papers, book chapters, etc. :
- Duvat V.K.E., 2020. Human-driven atoll island expansion in the Maldives. Anthropocene 32, 100265.
- Magnan A.K., Duvat V.K.E., 2020.Towards adaptation pathways for atoll islands. Insights from the Maldives. Regional Environmental Change, 20, 119.
- Terorotua H., Duvat V., Maspataud A., Ouriqua J., 2020. Assessing perception of climate change by decision-makers and designing coastal climate services: lessons learnt from French Polynesia. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 160.
- Magnan A.K., Schipper, L.E.F., Duvat V.K.E., 2020. Frontiers in climate change adaptation science: advancing guidelines to design adaptation pathways. Current Climate Change Reports. - Duvat V.K.E., Magnan A., 2019. Contrasting potential for nature-based solutions to enhance coastal protection services in atoll islands. In: C. Klöck & M. Fink (Eds.) Dealing with climate change in small islands: towards effective and sustainable adaptation? Göttingen University Press, Göttingen, pp. 45-75.
- Duvat V.K.E., Magnan A.K., 2019. Rapid human-driven undermining of atoll island capacity to adjust to ocean climate-related pressures. Nature Scientific Reports, 9, 15129.
- Hay J.E., Duvat V.K.E., Magnan A., 2019. Trends in vulnerability to climate-related hazards in the Pacific: research, understanding and implications. In: W.T. Pfeffer, J.B. Smith & K.L. Ebi (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Planning for Climate Change Hazards, Oxford University Press.
Oral presentations:
- Duvat V.K.E., 2021 (invited conference). Solutions d’adaptation au risque de submersion marine : état des lieux, risque résiduel, sentier de dépendance. Webinaire interdisciplinaire du GIS d’Histoire & Sciences de la mer, 28 mai 2021.
- Duvat V.K.E., Stahl, L., 2021 (invited conference). L’intérêt du principe de solidarité écologique pour l’adaptation au changement climatique dans les atolls : application à la Polynésie française. Journées d’Études La solidarité écologique en question(s) : Enjeux et perspectives pour la biodiversité et le climat. La Rochelle, 17-18 mai 2021.
- Duvat V.K.E.,2021 (invited conference). Les Solutions fondées sur la Nature sont-elles de bonnes solutions pour les territoires littoraux face au changement climatique ? COP 2 étudiante, 10-11 avril 2021.
- Duvat V.K.E.,2020 (invited conference). Changement climatique et risques côtiers dans les Outre-mer français. Forum Littoral 2020 du Conservatoire du Littoral. En ligne. Keynote invitée.
- Duvat V.K.E.,2020 (invited conference). Les solutions fondées sur la nature au service de la réduction des risques côtiers dans les Outre-mer. Forum Littoral 2020 du Conservatoire du Littoral, Atelier 1. Intervention invitée, en visio-conférence, 05 Octobre 2020.
- Duvat V.K.E., 2019 (invited conference). Societal vulnerability and climate change impacts: insights from Indian Ocean islands. Implications of climate change on defence and security in the Indian Ocean. Observatory of Defence and Climate Seminar, Paris, 28 June 2019.
- Duvat V.K.E., 2019 (invited conference). Solutions fondées sur la nature : quelle contribution à l’adaptation au changement climatique ? Enseignements du projet RESCCUE dans le Pacifique insulaire. Agence Française de Développement, Paris, 25 juin 2019, discutante.
- Duvat V.K.E., 2018 (invited conference). Does nature still and always work? Exploring the potential for nature-based solutions to climate change in atoll countries and territories. International Conference "Dealing with climate change on small islands: toward effective and sustainable adaptation", 25-27 July 2018, Hannover, Germany.
- Terorotua H., Duvat V., Le Cozannet G., 2018 (poster). Assessing adaptation to climate change needs in French Polynesia. Workshop Dealing with climate change on small islands: toward effective and sustainable adaptation? Hannover, Germany, 25-27 July 2018.
See the e-training completed in 2021 at: []
- Duvat V.K.E., 2019. Le service de protection côtière rendu par les écosystèmes tropicaux face au changement climatique. Audition au Sénat, Délégation aux outre-mer, 25/06/2019.
Link to the project’s website :