Laboratories and equipments

Laboratories and Equipments

The SIF is housed in three rooms : one is dedicated to analyses on the IRMSs, two are used for to sample preparation. Two other rooms are shared for common activities (freeze-drying, centrifugation).
The SIF can be used by any personnel of LIENSs or other organization, provided that SIF functioning rules are agreed by signing its policy document.

The following preparation equipments are available to SIF users :

• -20°C freezer
• -80°C freezer Cryonext
• Weighing balance (± 0,01 mg)
• Microbalance Sartorius M5 (± 1 μg)
• Ball mill Retsch M400
• Muffle furnace
• Drying ovens
• Freeze-dryer Christ Alpha 1-4
• Rotary agitators
• Centrifuge Thermo CR4i
• Dry baths

All of these equipments, as the work stations, must first be booked using the online system.

Sophisticated equipments (IRMSs and their peripherals) can only be used by qualified persons, after training by the SIF personnel.
These equipments include :

An IRMS Thermo Scientific Delta V Advantage

with a ConFlo IV interface, and to diverse peripherals :

- Elemental Analyzer Flash EA 1112

with a Costech Zero Blank autosampler and automatic individual sample dilution SmartEA

- GC Thermo Scientific Trace Ultra / Isolink

with a TriPlus autosampler

- Thermochemical Analyzer Thermo Scientific TC/EA

with autosamplers for solid and liquid samples

- Micro extraction line for carbonates,

An IRMS Thermo Scientific Delta V Plus

fitted with a ConFlo IV interface hooked to an

Analyzer Flash 2000.

A detailled description of these equipments can be downloaded here.

publie le Monday 22 August 2022